International Simulation Football League
Heading to Paradise: Hudz Answers All Your Questions Pre Retirement! PART 3 - Printable Version

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Heading to Paradise: Hudz Answers All Your Questions Pre Retirement! PART 3 - LtHudz - 03-08-2024

Part III of the presser continues now!

@CROney3: Who are you going to blame when this presser DOESN'T win a Gemini?

@ForSucksFake: How many games will the Cleveland Browns of the National Fictional League win?
All of them. GO SPACE BROWNS!

1) Give me a rookie mentor tier list
I refuse to play favorites and piss off my favorite rookie mentor @thor.
2) Additionally who’s the best rookie mentor and why is it @Chicken Lips
Remember when @ChickenLips was a rookie mentor? Man, that feels like ages ago.

1) @baz1757 @wizard_literal @UptownCord haha get pinged bozos
@aeonsjenni @baz1757 @UptownCord @wizard_literal haha get pinged bozos
2) @LtHudz what are your three favorite things about the league? least favorite?
First, the community. It's the only reason I’ve become this obsessed with the league. I love everything this community offers, stands for, and brings to my life. Scouting new people, getting them hooked, meeting that cool new person, it’s a wonderful experience.
Second, watching the games with my team and in ISFL gameday chat. It’s a ton of fun and anyone who has not had the chance to watch the games live with their team or in gen chat, I highly recommend it. I do feel for the international users for this, but if you can, try to stay up one Friday night and be a part of it. It is worth it.
Third, getting to be creative in new ways. I am self taught in graphic design for work and getting to make graphics and snails for fun has been a blast. 
Least favorite things in the league would be realizing how much time I have spent on sim testing, the lack of time I wish I could dedicate to the league, the look I get from my wife when I am spending so much time here.
3) So far, what contributions to the league have you made that you feel proud of?
There are two things I am most proud of. First are the rookie tutorial videos. I am overjoyed at the amount of positive feedback I have heard from new users during scouting. Maybe the most proud I have ever felt was when a new user told me they were ready to give up on the league but my videos helped them figure things out and stick it out. That was always the goal. Initial user retention. Second is my time as Minnesota’s DSFL GM. I’ve always taken great pride in putting user involvement and Locker Room identity paramount to everything else. Although I never won an Ultimini, I step down knowing I am leaving one hell of a culture behind.
4) Also: during the lead up to the S41 draft, at what point did you realize how highly-valued you were by teams in the draft?
When @”zayn” told me New York was considering me at 1oa. That blew my mind. I thought I would fall out of the first round when scouting was starting. Probably go somewhere in the early second.

1) Who was the best pick from each draft in league history?
Nooooooooo… Nope. No thank you. That’s for a full length media piece. Something Gemini worthy. Not this.
2) Does this presser deserve a Gemini?
See above..

@baz1757: Who is your pick to win the NFL this year and why?
The Chiefs just won again, so I will pick for the 2024 season. This is before free agency and the draft, so I have zero real idea. So I’ll be a homer. Let’s go Browns!

@aeonsjenni: Use a simplified version of UK Baudot code to encode letters in the form of a 5-bit binary integer, as shown below:

_=00010 (blank space)

Then, let a @baz1757 ping represent a 1 in the 10000s place, a @UptownCord ping represent a 1 in the 1000s place, a @wizard_literal ping represent a 1 in the 100s place, a @aeonsjenni ping represent a 1 in the 10s place, and a @LtHudz ping represent a 1 in the 1s place. For each character, use a new line. For example, to write the word "sevem", you would write:

S = 00101 = @wizard_literal @LtHudz
E = 01000 = @UptownCord
V = 11101 = @baz1757 @UptownCord @wizard_literal @LtHudz
E = 01000 = @UptownCord
M = 01011 = @UptownCord @aeonsjenni @LtHudz

Using this code, please rank all the defensive positions according to how likely you are to swap to it on your recreate. Do not include the letters or binary numbers in your answer, I have only included them for demonstrative purposes.

@wizard_literal @LtHudz
@UptownCord @wizard_literal @aeonsjenni
@baz1757 @wizard_literal @LtHudz

@baz1757 @UptownCord @aeonsjenni @LtHudz
@wizard_literal @aeonsjenni

@baz1757 @wizard_literal @aeonsjenni
@wizard_literal @aeonsjenni

@baz1757 @UptownCord @wizard_literal @aeonsjenni
@baz1757 @wizard_literal @LtHudz

@baz1757 @UptownCord @wizard_literal @aeonsjenni

@UptownCord: How should I prepare for oldness?
Stretch every morning. Seriously, get a good routine started for stretching so it becomes second nature.

@Raven: Why?
Because I can, that’s why.

@aeonsjenni: why is baz bad?
It would be easier to list why baz isn’t bad.

@110radio: Which teams win the Ultimini/Ultimus this year? S46 at the time of this posting.
Insert image of Zen laughing

Have you been participating in the writer's strike? Is that why this hasn't been published yet?
Uhhh… Yes. That’s why. Totally not planning on using this presser for something else. Definitely because I’m participating in the writer’s strike. For sure.
Give your early S47 ISFL Draft mock for the first round (and why!)
Since I am answering this so close to the draft, I can’t in good conscience do so, especially as the new HON GM.

1) How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
2) What are your thoughts on the Palaiologos dynasty?
I have none.
3) Who has the most legitimate claim to roman succession in your opinion?
No clue.
4) What is your favorite roman city name?
Constantinople. I like the song.
5) Best/favorite roman emperor?
I have zero Roman history knowledge. Why do you keep asking these questions?
6) What Empire do you find most interesting: Ottoman (1583), Qing (1760), Mughal (1700), Roman (117), HRE (1200), Umayyad (720), Mongol (1270), Inca (1525), Mali (1350), Phoenician, Carthaginian, Achaemenid, New Kingdom of Egypt, Babylonian, Assyrian, Austrian, Mexican, or Napoleonic?
I’m going to out myself here even more. It’s been 20 years since I took a history class, and it was one of my worst subjects. So the answer is none.
7) What historic battle/war do you find interesting and underappreciated?
What is with this guy? Seriously, can someone step in or something? This seems highly unprofessional for a reporter…
8) What are your thoughts on nuclear energy?
I run a trophy shop. Want to ask me something business related?
9) Would you support peruvian claims as the successor state to the Viceroyalty of Perú?
10) Favorite/most interesting trade route? (Suez Canal, ancient Indian spice trade, Straits of Malacca, Ivory trade, Silk road, etc.)
Spice trade. I like spices.
11) What is the powerhouse of the cell?
12) Who is the worst DSFL GM not named Thomas Passarelli?
13) Better river: Danube, Rhine, Nile, Amazon, Indus, Yangtze, Mississippi, Tigris and Eufrates, Ural?
Not the Mississippi River. It’s super shallow in a lot of areas around St. Louis and always crazy muddy looking. Interesting fact, along the Mississippi River around St. Louis, there are times during the year where the river can be less than 2 feet deep, so boats would need to be rather flat when bringing goods down river so as not to get stuck.
14) Should players be allowed back into the DSFL for their final season(s) before retirement?
No. It’s the Developmental Simulation Football League, not the Dying-Player Simulation Football League
15) Best coastal capital city?
Geography was my second worst subject in school. Rote memorization is not my thing.
16) Best racing game?
Snail racing in ISFL discord.
17) Worst ISFL player name of all time?
Billy Jor-El.
18) Who is more fireable: baz, ice, Gadget, Beck, TMoney?

@agorka: Why do you think Mo Money is the best rookie prospect since the start of the league? Do you wish the Ducks traded up to get him?
Mo Money is a fantastic prospect and will do incredible in the league. That being said, Minnesota was able to get our top guy in @oknom, and we were ecstatic to bring him home.

@JJ5: Thoughts on JJ What?
Great rookie, will do great as DSFL GM. Would have been a high pick in the DSFL draft and I am sad we could not get him to Minnesota on waivers.

1) What does +1in age bring in terms or ISFL and in life? New perspectives? Different mindset? Requirements of higher lung capacity for candle blowing? More brain age games?
It brings middle age and more joint pain, but I am forever young at heart and mind! For ISFL, it’s weird to be the guy people look at as being an older head, in rookie chat mostly, when I still feel like I entered the league yesterday.
2) Which of your many skills are transferable between Castle Crashers and ISFL? Or the other way around?
I have never missed a single speck of TPE throughout Billy Jor-El’s career, so my ability to grind levels and stats really transfers both ways.
3) Jor-El- fencer or industrialist?
Since Jor-El has gone home quite a while ago, I will take this question instead. Both are pretty equal stat wise, so based purely off aesthetics, I choose industrialist. I love the design.
4) Happy birthday! 
Thank you!

@Chicken Lips:
1) Is dindog your multi?
How can that be when you’re my multi? Wait, is this multi-ception? MIND FREAK!
2) Will this presser be your most important life acheivement
If I say yes, I think I’ll be sleeping on the couch for a looooooong time.

@Gadget: What town of salem role do you think is the most powerful. Please give one answer per faction.
Jailor for Town. Very powerful and most important town role. Coven Leader for Coven, for obvious reasons. Maybe surprisingly, I choose Framer for Mafia. Altering information in a game about information is a massive advantage. Lastly, Neutral is a very difficult choice but I have to go with Serial Killer. Mostly because the others are too weak to pick.

@Shylo_Moxii: Why are you the Greatest GM in Forum League History?
While I disagree with you, I think that is very sweet to say. Thank you.

1) How many times did you think that Cloud was the pick for you at 1.01?
As HON GM, I cannot divulge confidential information.
2) How many times did you think Cloud was the best player in the league?
As HON GM, I cannot divulge confidential information.
3) How many questions did Cloud leave for you, sorted by day of the week?
It’s well over 400. I am not doing that. That’s just torture.

@Cloud: when do you think the s47 class will get its first punishment?
(@”Gadget”: Yells from the back of the room: You have Apollo’s gift of prophecy. Be careful how you wield it.)
Scary my guy. Scary.

@TheNC206: rate ice bears mom on a scale of 1-1,000,000
At first I thought you said -1,000,000, and I got a good chuckle out of that.

@Cloud: How does your dementia affect you as a person?
… Who are you?

@swoosh: Can you confirm you're answering all the questions right now?
Yes. Next question.

@Gadget: Reflecting on your time in Minnesota, what would you do differently if you could go around again?
My first season as GM, I drafted position need over users. I have not done so since. That is the only thing I would change. Even if a safety or Kicker is less important in the grand scheme of the sim, the user is 1000% more important to the team in the long run.

1) how many questions have you received about other questions?
I am not counting. I will say you submitted the most questions for sure. You even get a special page, all for yourself!
2) how many questions have you received without the letter "e" in them?
All of them.

@JJ5: Pineapple or Pizza?
Pizza. Also If pineapple is on pizza, I’ll eat it. I don’t hate it, but also I wouldn’t order it myself. I don’t get the massive hatred for it online.

@Cloud: give us your early s55 isfl mock draft! With explanations, please.
I absolutely love you but I love sleep more.

@Chicken Lips: As you are wrapping this up, what has the journey taught you?
Turning this into a meme was fun, but my god, this has been a lot to take on between everything else I have going on. I had fun with it, and I thought I’d do this for every player I made, but now I don’t think I will. I’ve spent so much time and effort on this to get it done in time while stoking the flames of keeping it alive, I will just be happy with what we’ve all done here.

@aeonsjenni: looking back on some of the earlier questions you've answered, since I'm aware that answering all of this has probably taken a lot of time, are there any answers that you might now change, now that some time has passed?
Definitely a ton of them. One of the biggest changes I would make is to the best sim testers in the league. I knew so little at the time. There are so many awesome sim testers in this league, and most of them I do not know personally, but the one I’d want to give a special shout out to would be @Twenty6. I learned an absolute ton from him and he’s just a great person.

@UptownCord: What is your favorite question you've been asked in this presser?
There are a ton of great questions. Some have been easy to answer, some have been fun to mess around with, some required a ton of research, and others were straightforward, one word answers. I don’t want people to feel slighted because picking one question out of them all is very difficult. But I think @aeonsjenni’s question using a binary pinging system to write out what defensive positions I would rank as potential next create swaps was great. Really enjoyed writing that one up.

@Cloud: What's the question that took you the longest to answer?
Baron’s. When I say Baron’s, I don’t just mean one of them. I mean all of them. So much research time and reading was involved in figuring out the greatest draft picks, how to answer for the winter of discontent, etc.

I'm done asking questions.
That’s totally fair. I’m really tired. It’s really late too.
When are you going to finish this thing?
… Uh that’s a question?
Why is it taking you so long?
And another!
Do you have a total working word count?
And another one! Total working word count is: 11,065. Still not done.

Will this be published before Attack on Titan releases a trailer?
For the final episode? Oh no.
Will this be published before Arcane comes back for Season 2?
Oh my god, yes, yes it will!
Will this be published before The Winds of Winter is finished?
Will this be published before Star Citizen gets released?
Will this be published before the Electoral College is abolished?
Will this be published before the heat death of the universe?

@Dindog: Is it ready? Are we there yet?
Insert It is time GIF

1) Who is your favorite snail racer and how do you feel about the current state of snail racing?
Although there are some dominant snail racers on the main circuit right now, I have to say my favorite currently is @domffl. That racer has kept their nose to the grindstone and have surpassed omgitshim and @Moldycheez4 in a crazy change of events! Fascinating to watch.
2) How do you look to improve your snail which is currently not performing to expectations?
My snail is fine, thank you very much. He has performed admirably but the snail circuit seemingly has it out to get him. There have been many races where he has been proven to either tie or outperform the declared winner! It is a sham of the highest degree and I have brought my grievances to the highest of snauthorities.
3) What is the planned name for your next player?
Funny you should ask. At this point in time I would like to announce my retirement for Billy Jor-El and the start of my next chapter in this league, Leonardo DiPinchi.
4) What is the name for the player after that?
5) I heard from a private source that you are TheCCs alt! Is this true? We need answers ASAP.
I’m sorry this presser has gone on long enough. No more questions at this time.

@wizard_literal: For Jor-El's agent Mr Hudz, do you have any multis?

@TwoSocks: Will this ever be completed? If it does get completed can I get a special shoutout?
Hey @TwoSocks, you’re an awesome dude. Keep on being you.

Thank you to everyone who kept this thing alive for as long as it’s been around. This thing really took on a life of its own. A special shout out to @aeonsjenni, @baz1757, @UptownCord, and @wizard_literal for giving this thing legs in the early and middle stages. Another shout out to @lemonoppy for adding the Hudz presser tracker to his ISFL landing page for rookies. That was hilarious and great to get some new rookies to post in here. And just a special shout out to everyone who posted any questions in here. You’ve been a part of my ISFL life in some way or another, and I appreciate you. Thank you for being a part of this chapter of my ISFL experience and I look forward to the next one.