"...TheRake may be the most controversial new player of the S41 class. Notorious not only for shamelessly tampering but also for confidently arguing his broadly incorrect NFL opinions, TheRake has managed to navigate the dangerous waters of controversy fairly well—which is no small feat!" - aeonsjenni
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TheRake's Forum Info
Last Visit:
12-04-2024, 11:32 AM
Total Posts:
501 (0.74 posts per day | 0.06 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts)
Total Threads:
18 (0.03 threads per day | 0.04 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads)
"...TheRake may be the most controversial new player of the S41 class. Notorious not only for shamelessly tampering but also for confidently arguing his broadly incorrect NFL opinions, TheRake has managed to navigate the dangerous waters of controversy fairly well—which is no small feat!" - aeonsjenni