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(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - Printable Version

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(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - Bigred1580 - 09-03-2019

Complete the weekly Point Task to earn 3 TPE! All written responses must be at least 200 words. All graphic responses must show at least some effort. Do not claim this TPE until it has been graded and posted to the S17 claim thread. Also, if you try to build your word count by being super repetitive and rambling on, you will not get full credit.

This task is due next Monday, September 9th, at 11:59 EST. This is due to the holiday delay in me getting it out. Have fun and get writing!

Written Option: Let’s set some records! If your player could set one NSFL or DSFL record, what would it be? It can be career, seasonal, or single game records. Write about what it would be, why you want to beat it, how you would beat it, and the feeling you would have with this feat!


Graphic Option: Create a Graphic showing your player accomplishing this feat with a statistical breakdown of the performance.

As always, you can link your affiliate PT:

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - karl - 09-03-2019

shl s49 pt5 claim

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - Dylandeluxe - 09-03-2019

Thudd Kassel's career goal is to eventually break the NSFL all-time tackle record. I think breaking this record would put me in the discussion for greatest Linebackers to play in the NSFL. The tackle record is as holy as any defensive record for a linebacker to have. I plan to play until a team doesn't deem me fit to man the middle of their defense. If I manage to accomplish this feat, I could retire with satisfaction knowing I left my mark on the game. I'd be the one that the next "Thudd" would be chasing. Some say Roenick's record is untouchable. I don't believe that for a second. With my tenacity for getting to the ball and my potential longevity it's only a matter of time before I get it. I'll go down as the best 3-down linebacker to suit up in the NSFL. In addition of my pursuit I would pass my idol J.Lee in the process which is going to be the cherry on top. The only thing to accomplish after that will be championships and hopefully putting on that NSFL HOF jacket one day. The Texas Law Hawk, aka the Thuddinator is coming for that record.

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - lamp_wizard - 09-03-2019

As an OL player, the only records that I can definitively point to would be my pancake and sacks allowed record. Right now, I'm #2 in the DSFL as far as pancakes : sacks allowed ratios go, but I think I can honestly break both. At the speed I'm going currently, and with the assumption that I don't train at all going forward or just develop as fast as whoever is opposite of me on the line, I'll be able to reach ~50 pancakes by the end of this regular season. I think being able to reach 61 is a reasonable achievement, given that I am active and soaking up as much TPE as I can, and am visibly improving my stats and results every game and week that passes by.

I think if I am a little more active, grab a little more money so as to facilitate training, and focus on grabbing more of the smaller (but consistent) TPE opportunities like that which is offered in this thread, I'll be able to easily reach and/or surpass the current regular season record of 67 pancakes.

Realistically speaking, however, I think it'll be much easier for me to break the sacks allowed record. Having faced the powerhouses defenses in the DSFL already and being able to not only score pancakes but get clean, no sacks allowed sheets, I can confidently say that it is very possibly for me to end this season with no sacks allowed in the regular season. This, coupled with an average pancake result (50 by end of season), will basically guarantee me winning this award.

My ideal goal would be to break both of these records, and ultimately land myself a very, very high draft pick once the NSFL draft comes along. I'm not sure what's the earliest an OL has gone in the NSFL draft, but I think I am perfectly capable of breaking that record too! Unless they have already drafted an OL at the first pick haha.

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - slothfacekilla - 09-03-2019


(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - ValorX77 - 09-03-2019

As a defensive tackle for the Yellowknife Wraiths, I want to break the Career record for sacks, the current record is 132 sacks by Colorado Yeti/ San Jose Sabercats Legend, Dan Miller, (Sadly he did not get the Ultimus he deserved). It’s probably gonna take a few seasons, and a lot of sim god luck, praying and a crap ton of patience. First off, as of the day I’m writing this, I am only at 2 sacks after 3 games and a resim a while back, I see myself with 8, 9, 10, or maybe 11 sacks this season, I also do not expect myself to win defensive lineman of the year, (I expect Skarsgard to repeat, he’s probably the best in the game right now). Season 18 is where I see the beginning of my prime, I’ll have max tackling, hands, and intelligence at that point, and I’m predicting at least 11 sacks, maybe even 15 if the sim gods like my player, and probably I’ll finally get my defensive lineman of the year award, and hopefully a defensive player of the year, and about 5-6 seasons down the line, I’ll be knocking on Dan Miller’s door for the career record of sacks, it’ll be a hard task, but I’ll do it.

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - .Laser - 09-03-2019

As the leading top-TPE CB in the DSFL right now, my goals are lofty, to say the least. Firstly, I want to be a first-round pick in the S18 NSFL draft following this season. I feel that this is a realistic goal for me, as it has been said by multiple leading personalities throughout the league that cornerbacks are always in high demand. I hope to have earned more than 200 TPE by the time I enter ths draft, and have used it wisely in a way that will help my achieve my second goal.

My second goal is to become the DSFL's all-time interception leader, passing Dermot Lavelle, who currently leads the list with 57 over 13 seasons. Second place, Blackford Oakes, racked up 46 picks over a ten-year career, and I feel that reaching 46 interceptions will be a walk in the park for me. Therefore, I want to set my goal high and shoot for the stars. I have no expectation to make an immediate dent in the record, but as I continue to gain TPE, I can add more and more points into the most important aspects of my game. I can't give away what they are, or I'd be giving away my trade secrets, but rest assured I will continue to get better and taking calculated risks that pay off in the long run and help me claim that interceptions crown.

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - CalvinP - 09-03-2019

Imagine if you will as he's being fitted for his gold jacket Logan Uchiha..... all time leader and tackles for loss. I know it's not as sexy as interceptions or fumbles or sex defensively but really think about that. Hall of Fame safety Has led the league and the most tackles in the backfield ever seen. I feel like that will show how Dynamic of a player that Logan is all around the field. Naturally, the interceptions will come occasionally. The sacks will come from time to time and fumbles will occur. But consistently getting past the line of scrimmage and tackling a man with the ball as a safety would be something we have never ever seen and it would definitely Put him in the category of one of the greatest of all time. Is it trending that way right now? Not at all unfortunately.... It's a pipe dream right now. In his current position Logan isn't being utilized to rush the Quarterback But if he can be moved to his natural strong safety position and play In The Box how he was Originally supposed to be played, There's an opportunity that he'll be one of the best tackling safety is of all time. To me, be effective all around the field and grabbing people up and bringing them down is more important than sexy stats. I'll take 14 tackles on you any day. Now imagine if those tackles were behind the line and it's consistent. It doesn't have to be the quarterback every time soon as you do a screen pass He's already down... soon as you hand the ball off he's already tackled. That can swing the momentum and it seems favor just as quickly as a turnover and can really deflate the other side. Because how on Earth is a safety getting past your protection constantly throughout the entire game. It's just as mentally Important as it is physically impressive.


324 words

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - IsaStarcrossed - 09-03-2019

If I could have Bjørn Ironside break a single record, it would absolutely be the career record for tackles for a loss. There are a lot of flashy stats out there you can get and while sacks are fun, nothing screams impact more that stopping a runner in his tracks in the backfield. Sacks are the kind of stat that are a team effort. Usually the secondary is doing their job, the quarterback can't find an opening, then down he goes because he holds the ball too long. Tackles for a loss are a stat of physical dominance at the line. The offensive lineman already has an upper hand on you because he knows that he's going to be going forward. For you to fire off the line, beat them to their spot, and get into the backfield on a consistent basis is a feat not often seen in this sport. The current record for a career is an impressive 113 backfield tackles. To do that in a career seems a bit crazy, but across a seven year campaign that is only 16 a season and I feel like that is something achievable. I never like to aim small though and achievable isn't something I like to aim for. So I'd rather blow it out of the water. In my ideal world, Bjørn would stay loyal to the team that drafted him and repay their trust by shattering that record. 140 tackles for a loss before he hangs it up would be an awesome goal to aim for. Perhaps a little unrealistic and pushing it too far, but I like a challenge and breaking it in such convincing fashion would be absolutely incredible.

(S17) - PT2 - Record breaking - Leafs4ever - 09-03-2019

There are a couple of records you want to break as a wide receiver. Most catches, most touchdowns, and most receiving yards. For me, I want them all, but if I had to choose just one, I'd want to be the receiving king and hold the most receiving yards in a career. The current holder is Trey Willie with 14,421 yards.

The issue with obtaining this record is the wide receiver is really at the whim of his team. There are a lot of mouths to feed on offense and you will not get the ball on most plays. You really need to become a deep threat for your quarterback in order to rack up the yards. I would need to talk with my quarterback about tendencies, mindset, and how he wants me to run my routes. I have to build that trust so that he's looking at me to make the plays. I would work to be a volume receiver and catch everything that is thrown to me. If I ever did break that record, I would be over the moon. Being alone at the top of that list and being able to call yourself the receiving king would be a feeling I couldn't describe. Realistically though, I won't reach that goal, but a man can dream.

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