International Simulation Football League
(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Printable Version

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Huskies311 - 01-20-2020

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor

Complete the weekly Point Task to earn 3 TPE! All written responses must be at least 200 words. All graphic responses must show at least some effort. Do not claim this TPE until it has been graded and posted to the S20 claim thread. Also, if you try to build your word count by being super repetitive and rambling on, you will not get full credit.

This task is due next Sunday, January 26th, at 11:59 EST. Have fun and get writing!

Written Option: This past rookie class was large, and with more recruitment looming, another large class is possibly on the horizon. You’ve volunteered to mentor one of the rookies for a day to show them the ins and outs of being an NSFL player. Describe what you have planned for that day.


Graphic Option: Provide a graphic of the rookie performing your planned activity

As always, you can link your affiliate PT:

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Revolution5 - 01-20-2020

PT Pass

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Buttersqauch101 - 01-20-2020

Well as a former Rookie Mentor I think for this specific point task I’d have some good insight. For S18 every time a new meme er would join we would tag, or dm them asking if they needed help or if they had already gotten some from somebody, rookie mentor or not. If they hadn’t created yet we’d take it to DMs and see what info they had on their player already (name, position, college, etc) and we would help them with their build or help them get that meta skill build. If we had anymore issues with creating a player we’d most likely have to go over the uodate scale and get them approved. The next thing that we’d be asked right away which is imo the hardest thing to explain in dms to someone is how to update. Explaining them how to link everything and make sure you claim things correctly with training and other PTs like the rookie task so they can uodate can be tough. After you get that all done with multiple people you really just see if they need anymore help and if not we tell them to dm us if they want to ask anything at all

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - IsaStarcrossed - 01-20-2020

Let me tell you, being a rookie mentor is tough and at times is chaos. Much like this last recruiting push, the next massive class will see a giant influx of players falling in with no one but their mentors to help. Fortunately, this time it is different. Fortunately we don't have seven guys helping 110. Everyone gets one rookie to help and show the in and outs, so you can take your time and get to know your rookie. I'd start off by figuring out exactly what got them interested in the league. What drove them to sign up for our community? Once that was figured out, I'd begin highlighting all of the incredible things this league has to offer that really caters to that interest. As a big media guy myself, I would be quick to point them to the media section. Show them how much fun it can be to write about their own or even other players. I'd do this so they'd have a chance to get a character personality in mind for any future media they may write. I'd then walk them through creating their player and update, guiding them through any questions or difficulties they may have. With that done, I'd get them involved in twitter. With twitter you can not only expand on your player personality, but also make some quick and easy money. Finally I'd walk them through earning their TPE and leave them knowing that they'd have a solid grasp on how to succeed in this league. Media, updates, TPE. All the essentials in a single introduction!

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Murtsi - 01-20-2020

Well luckily for me I already have some experience in this with my short rookie mentor career already in full swing. I remember when I first came into the NSFL back in season 17 and everything seemed really scary and intimidating. I had never been a part of these new age sim leagues that are currently all the hot buzz (and now I am in three different ones, go figure). Anyway I have quickly learned the ropes and understood what needs to be done. With a day to show a rookie around I think the most important part is for them to understand is what is the name of the game, the general rhythm and how to earn TPE. First thing is getting down your rhythm. The NSFL week is from Monday to Sunday and you want to get all your updates in before Saturday. I would tell them to tweet each day so they have their trainings covered because that is the most efficient way to earn TPE: Completing that and the weekly tasks and checks will have just about everyone (not counting quarterbacks) earning at a decent enough pace. It is also good to get them to understand that the most important thing in the league is enjoyment and that real life always comes first. Do everything you can but remember that the league will not fold because of you

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Jiggly_333 - 01-20-2020

Life sucks and it's not getting any better for you, kid. The NSFL is filled with people who will not care about you. That sucks. I'm sorry. By joining this league you've made a commitment to being the best. You've made a commitment to making this league a better place. Or maybe you're one of the ones who're looking to make it worse. I don't know. I just hope you aren't going to actively try to make it worse. I'm not sure what to tell you for what to expect from the fans. I've only been on teams that have ended in disappointment. I've only heard the booing and the insults. It all depends on your position, your importance, your reputation. If you're viewed a certain way, it's hard to shake that.
In my own experience, I came into the league as a high profile. When people saw my name, they though of my father. They thought of a man who was one of the first and the last of his kind in this league. An early retirement. A failed coaching career. I was handed his legacy.
You are different. You are free to create who will be. Who you will become. You are unburdened from the past. So no matter how much it sucks, just know that you can still change it yourself.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - ddrector - 01-20-2020

Wow, where to begin? Well, as a member of PPT, I would first walk my rookie through all the possible ways to get TPE. We would travel from the land of Trivia to the ever important home of Predictions and hit up all the other possible TPE earning points that come about each season so he or she has a full understanding of how to become a top earner if they so desire. We would then travel to the ever elusive Bank and go through the myriad options for earning money in the league, which of course is mostly a means to gain even more of the precious TPE. Then I would make sure to spend a decent amount of time going over Update pages and the proper way to update, so they don't go through the same issues as I did as a rookie. After all this setup we would start working on his or her wiki page and make sure they understand how to update it when time comes to do that. Also, I would encourage my rookie to create a twitter to earn some easy money early on, which will help with being able to afford training during their first season. Hopefully this crash course in how to NSFL will put them on a path to succeed in the league.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - KoltClassic - 01-20-2020

As a player going into their first full DSFL season this year, the primary point of focus that I would have in mentoring a rookie for a day would be patience. I started in the league just before the playoffs began, being on a team that would eventually make it to the Ultimini. This beginning is arguably the most exciting way to enter the league, as I was instantly put onto a team and into a locker room that was full of energy and movement. The impending offseason was very different from that. There were periods of waiting for new tasks and refreshing pages hoping that some updates would show up. I would make sure that the rookie understands that all of this is normal, and to see this time as a blessing. There is a lot to dig into as a rookie, and I could see all of the opportunities for activity to be pretty overwhelming at first. I would let them know that the people in charge of making sure that things like their bank or stats will be updated eventually, and to just be patient that the things that need to happen will happen. Curiosity is encouraged, but starting your career off as a person notorious for pestering folks isn’t the way to go.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - MasterCashier - 01-20-2020

Being a fresh rookie myself, I think I have a some good experience here. I think the best thing that could be done for the rookies would be to show them around the forum and give them a tour around the different sub-forums and show them how basic tasks are done. Then I would move to the discord and give a basic outline there. After that it's just going to be getting them acquainted with everyone and get them into the discussion. Half of the battle is done on their own in getting involved and meeting the GM's and other players in their class.

One of the things I went through and something I would try and help the new rookies with is building out their player and just giving advice on where to put TPE and how to earn TPE. The league does a great job at giving the opportunities and it’s imperative as a new player to make sure that you take advantage of everything you can as it shows you are committed and gives you an advantage over other players.

In short, I would just prepare them as best as possible for the forums and how they are organized, and get them as prepared as possible for TPE opportunities as they arise.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - nunccoepi - 01-20-2020

Well this is a good PT in my opinion because it gives people the opportunity to think about what it would be like to hold one of the most important jobs in the league. And, as someone who (in my opinion) redfined the position as rookie mentor head, I don't say this lightly. Rookie Mentor used to be an absolute joke of a job in which people got paid to do nothing. Now, we have people popping in an proving instant help. That's the most important job of a rookie mentor, in my opinion. Because, believe it or not, most people don't want to be held around by the hand for an entire day learning the ins and outs of the league. People want to learn at their own pace, and most people come into the league thinking they're pretty savvy at football or at the internet in general and so they think they can figure it out on their own. So I find that most people just prefer you to be ready at a minute's notice to help them. That's how I'd go about it. But otherwise, I would focus on the tasks that are set up in the rookie PT. I would teach them how to find everything on the site, how to update, how to watch games, and how to check stats. These are the biggest barriers to entry, in my opinion, and frankly, it makes sense because its not necessarily user friendly--but its what we have right now.
