International Simulation Football League
*The Importance of Community - Printable Version

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*The Importance of Community - Thiath - 05-01-2020

Hello dear reader, welcome to the second installment of “How to (maybe) Save the NSFL”. I’ve been alluding to this post for some time now, and I think it’s finally time I share my thoughts regardless of how it affects my image. I would like to begin by prefacing, in no way do I condone or endorse any attacks on the character of anyone. I won’t be using any names, but I know you’re not stupid and can all figure out who the trouble makers are. This however in no way gives any of us the freedom to attack another member of this community, regardless of what they themselves may or may not be doing. Before we move on, I do understand the nature of competition. I know that, in any competitive environment there is a place for trash talk. Though there has to be a point in which it goes too far.

Now, let me get into my main point, I think the community is toxic. I also think it’s been designed to be that way, whether intentionally or not. I am of course in no way a saint. I have fallen into the same patterns of hatred for the sake of hatred. It wasn’t until I took a deep dive on the tragedy of the Chicago Butcher’s that I began to see the issue’s full extent.

I’ve debated on whether or not to make a separate article on the league’s role in what happened to Chicago. I personally believe that Steel, Jiggly, Valor, and the others involved did not deserve the amount of blind hatred they received for their poor management. I do think their moves should be criticised, but I think it is appalling that it got to a point where two long standing members of this community no longer felt welcomed. I’ve also thought long and hard about who is more at fault, the general community or HO for not intervening sooner. It was clear from the get go that the Chicago GM’s were well in over their heads. I personally believe HO should have stepped in and made changes as soon as S18. Given a proper response and situation management, I don’t think we would have the perception we have of the Butcher’s. This is one of several examples I can think of, but it’s certainly the largest and most recent.

The second issue I have is the NSFL Discord server. I’ve asked almost everyone I know personally in the league, and they’ve all told me similar things. “I always have general muted” It’s at least 80% of the people I talk to. How is this not an immediate concern for everyone involved? When you base your entire league so heavily around Discord, and the vast majority of your community ignores it entirely. I think that should be setting off alarm bells. As some of you may or may not care, I took a brief hiatus from the league back in March. I hadn’t even been part of the league for a month and I was already feeling strained and burnt out. Of course some of that is my own fault for naively trying so hard to win the expansion bid. I soon realized just how much better it felt to not be a part of the NSFL general server.

The biggest issue with it, at least in my own experience, and from other testimonies. It’s always the same four or five people that control the discussion. Alongside this, there are very few times that I’ve seen new players taking part in any discussions. Obviously this in no way applies to everyone, but it is still shocking to me just how little involvement I’ve seen from those looking to get started with the league.

The biggest attributing factor that I’ve been able to assign to the lack of rookie participation is the amount of bashing that’s done in NSFL general. As I stated before, I am guilty of this myself. Though it feels almost encouraged to some degree. I’ve popped into the general server twice since I left, and both times all I’ve seen is a new topic for everyone to pile onto. One day it’s Chicago, the next it’s someone who worked on Chicago, sometimes it’s specific players. Regardless of who or what it is, it very quickly spirals out of control.

I don’t know enough about Discord, but I personally would suggest a complete overhaul of the main NSFL server. I’d also highly suggest implementing a specific place for people to go if they want to argue about petty nonsense. I think general needs to be held to a much higher standard, it needs to be a more welcoming place for new players. The first step towards making that a reality is to reduce the amount of constant negativity. That same negativity has twice now nearly driven me away from the league. I think PBE is a good example of a place that, in my brief experience, felt much more inviting to new players.

In the process of writing this, I’ve discovered several other areas that I personally believe the league could improve upon. Though to close out the negative half of this article I’d like to address what was by far and away the most common complaint on the S21 End of Season Survey. Communication and transparency. Though I would like to commend Bex on her efforts to improve the communication between those in power and the general community. I personally don’t believe this should be something that falls solely on the shoulders of someone who already does so much for the league. (bex you’re finally getting my praise, how does it feel?) I personally believe in two possible options. The first of which, would be opening an anonymous feedback section on the forum, where you can put future end of season surveys, and players can voice their criticism without feeling demonized. The second thing I would highly implore HO to look into is a season GM Newsletter. Not only would this provide transparency to the general population, it would be any easy way for GM’s to more easily have their voices heard and build a rapport with players.

Now that I’ve gotten out my grievances, for now at least. I’d like to introduce those of you who care to some of my suggestions. The first thing I’d personally want changed in this league is a higher focus on community. Doing so would of course take time, but it’ll take much longer if nothing is done. I mentioned briefly in my last article on an idea for a “Community Events” section of the forums. While I am still in the early developmental stages of this idea, the basic premise is as follows.

The “Community Events” thread, would be a place for users to go if they want to organize any and all events, league related or not. As some of you may or may not care, I tried my hand in creating a book club in an effort to promote community growth. While personal developments have since caused me to suspend the book club indefinitely. I’m hopeful it was at least a good starting point to prove to everyone what this community can become. Some examples I can think of for events users may want to organize include, draft parties, movie nights, streams, and gaming groups. Like I said though, I’m still just spitballing here, look forward to a future post in the coming days when I have a more concrete idea finalized. Speaking of ideas I’ve been developing, I think NSFL free agency could use a total redesign, look for that post at some point as well.

Finally, the idea I want to see most, and which I am personally most proud of. The brand new “Pillars of Community” (working title) award. The basic premise should be easy enough to grasp. I want to have an award implemented that highlights one or two members of the community each season that go above and beyond. Someone who creates something incredible, or who makes the league a more enjoyable place for everyone involved. I think having something like this implemented would go a long way. The few stipulations though, GM’s and HO are exempt from being nominated, and nominations are decided by a poll sent out 3 days before awards voting opens. The top 15 candidates as decided by the community poll will then be submitted to the awards committee, who will select their top 5, and send it back to a community vote. Does this eliminate all forms of bias? No. Do I think it’s better than having such a prestigious award be decided by 20 people? Yes.

Even if this doesn’t become an official award, I’m going to begin doing it myself regardless. As such, I present to you, dear reader. The S21 Pillars of Community award winners. (as decided solely by Thiath as a proof of concept.) @HalfEatenOnionBagel and [@Tesla]. Yes, there are still some kinks to work out for this award, but this is my show.

Our first winner is someone who you can find on nearly every player creation post going as far back as you can possibly imagine. A user who is known around the league as an upstanding character and great team player, it’s no surprise to see that HalfEatenOnionBagel is the first inaugural recipient of the “Pillars of Community” award. What would the league be without our favorite local baked good?

Our second winner is the first ever rookie to win the award. In short order Tesla has quickly become a league favorite, and it’s not hard to see why. Rarely if ever will you find her not being the shining beacon of positivity. Being kind and friendly has allowed her to set an example of just what it means to be part of this community. We at the Generic Charity Foundation, look forward to seeing what her career has in store!

Congratulations to both winners, and to you, dear reader, be on the lookout for the third and final entry in “How to (maybe) save the NSFL” with in depth suggestions and improvements and a brand new NSFL team!


*The Importance of Community - ScorpXCracker - 05-01-2020

yea i thought Community was a good show but I dont know if I would say its important

*The Importance of Community - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 05-01-2020

Awww thanks, man!

*The Importance of Community - Thiath - 05-01-2020

(05-01-2020, 01:09 PM)ScorpXCracker Wrote:yea i thought Community was a good show but I dont know if I would say its important

This is by far the most heresy I have ever seen.

*The Importance of Community - PMoney - 05-01-2020

(05-01-2020, 07:09 PM)ScorpXCracker Wrote:yea i thought Community was a good show but I dont know if I would say its important
You take this back

*The Importance of Community - IsaStarcrossed - 05-01-2020

(05-01-2020, 01:09 PM)ScorpXCracker Wrote:yea i thought Community was a good show but I dont know if I would say its important

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Scorp here.

*The Importance of Community - Memento Mori - 05-01-2020

(05-01-2020, 07:13 PM)Thiath Wrote:The second issue I have is the NSFL Discord server. I’ve asked almost everyone I know personally in the league, and they’ve all told me similar things. “I always have general muted” It’s at least 80% of the people I talk to. How is this not an immediate concern for everyone involved? When you base your entire league so heavily around Discord, and the vast majority of your community ignores it entirely. I think that should be setting off alarm bells.
FWIW: I have general muted, but it's not because I think the place is excessively toxic. I feel compelled to check discord any time I see that I've unread messages so muting the more active servers stops me spending too much time on discord.

*The Importance of Community - ADwyer87 - 05-01-2020

i really agree with a lot you have to say here i think. not sure if restructuring the discord would help much in the end, though

*The Importance of Community - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 05-01-2020

(05-01-2020, 02:13 PM)Thiath Wrote:This is by far the most heresy I have ever seen.

*The Importance of Community - Rising Equinox - 05-01-2020

I muted every chat in the main discord, except for announcements. It immediately made me feel better about the league, so I eventually left the discord as a whole. I figured there was no point in taking up space on the side of my screen with the toxic environment. It has no use, considering team chats are much friendlier and also usually have announcements as well.