International Simulation Football League
(S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Printable Version

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(S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - wizard_literal - 10-07-2024

(S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory

Complete the weekly Point Task to earn 3 TPE! All written responses must be at least 150 words, if you are unsure about your word count, you can use this tool to confirm PPT Word Counter Verification Tool. PT's may be submitted in another language, if you mention what language you are translating into, to make the job of the grader easier.

Do not claim this TPE until it has been graded and posted to the S50 claim thread. This task is due next Sunday, October 13th, 2024 at 11:59 EDT. Have fun and get writing!

Written option: Football is typically played on a standard Grass or Turf field in a stadium, but what if by some set of circumstances a game had to played somewhere else like say Underwater, in a Volcano, or maybe on the Moon? Pick one of these places or a another unfamiliar territory and explain how your player and/or team would have to adapt to the unique environment! 

Graphic option: Graphic option create a Graphic showing your player or team playing in a unique unfamiliar environment like Underwater, in a Volcano, on the Moon, or somewhere else!  Note that due to Discord image links breaking after 24-48 hours please do not use the platform as a image host for your Point Task or your submission may be ineligible for TPE.

Affiliate claims from SHL, SSL, PBE, and VHL are accepted; link directly to your post and add a note if your username is different there. Make sure the week of the affiliate PT matches with the week of this point task.

Written and graphic responses must be posted solely in this thread and not for additional media credit. Also, if you try to build your word count by being super repetitive and rambling on, you will not get full credit. If you are caught plagiarizing/stealing someone else’s work, you will be punished as HO sees fit, including the potential loss of TPE or money. Do your own work please. If you have a non-full PT pass and would like to use it this week, make sure to post in the thread. No need to post in the thread if you have a full PT Pass.

If you have ideas for future PTs, visit the link below, and your idea may be used next week! - Submit prompt ideas here!

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Wiggli - 10-07-2024

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - kdr - 10-07-2024

PBE affiliate PT

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - jacobcarson877 - 10-07-2024

I think football would be pretty crazy on a sheet of ice. Maybe some large plexiglass boards rimming the edges, and there is no out of bounds, except over the glass, but that’s a delay of game call!
Quarterbacks are launching balls down the ice, players sliding everywhere, slamming into each other, there’s no jumping, so catches are all made on the ground, the running game is all about agility and slipping down the boards. Oandon would be a big hulking presence, tasked with essentially learning to skate in a straight line and have the balance to stay upright, the ice does the rest of the work. There’s no way to dig in, so it’s all about getting those pancakes. British Bulldog style charging at each other and then whoever stays up is ready to hunt down the ball carrier. The boards are my friend and pushing and tying people’s body up to the boards would be my best way of locking the game down.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Rydel439 - 10-07-2024

Imagine the Arizona Copperheads playing in a massive (you guessed it) desert-themed stadium where the field isn’t covered in grass or turf, but in actual sand.

Players known for their brute force and physical play would have to rely more on balance and agility. Running in the sand is drastically different from playing on grass, requiring more energy and concentration to avoid slipping or getting bogged down in loose areas. Quick changes of direction would become more difficult, forcing players who rely on explosive speed to adjust their running style and adopt shorter, more controlled strides.

Teams would face slower gameplay, with sand making every step more laborious. Players would need to conserve energy while finding new ways to create momentum. Offenses would need to modify their playcalling, emphasizing short, quick passes over long, deep throws, as the pace of the game would slow significantly.

In the desert setting, teams would face extreme heat, which could lead to dehydration and exhaustion. Players would have to rotate more frequently, especially linemen, whose size and physicality would diminish faster under the harsh conditions.

Coaches would shift the game plan to emphasize time-of-possession strategies, using longer, sustained drives to avoid turnovers and minimize unnecessary running. Teams would have to rely on ground-and-pound tactics to grind through the sand and maintain ball possession.

Defensively, players would need to adjust their tackling techniques. The soft sand would make it easier to miss tackles, so the defense would focus on wrapping up ball carriers instead of delivering big hits. For defensive backs, covering deep threats would be less of a concern because the slower conditions would neutralize fast receivers.

The trenches would become a true test of endurance, with the offensive and defensive lines digging into the sand to gain leverage.

Sand would make kicking the football a challenge. Field goal attempts and punts would be significantly affected by the uneven terrain, and the ball wouldn’t bounce or roll like it does on turf, so every kick would need to be more precise to account for the lack of follow-through on the ground.

Playing in a desert-themed stadium filled with sand would force the Arizona Copperheads to adjust every aspect of their game. From strategic playcalling to endurance management and tackling techniques, the team would need to embrace adaptability. This kind of environment would test their toughness, but it would also highlight their resilience and camaraderie as a team.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - ZootTX - 10-07-2024

SHL affiliate

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Aleris - 10-07-2024

SHL Affil

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Baron1898 - 10-07-2024

Ok, big brain pitch. So imagine if there was football not on a grass field but in the Battle Room from Ender's Game. Adding the zero gravity and the complication of freezing your opponent makes it a whole new ball game, so to speak, and creates strategic complications that will spice up the gameplans on both offense and defense. You could even adapt the normal rules and make entering the enemy door a touchdown instead of a game over. Now, how would the Hawks be particularly well suited for this? Stupid question. We can fucking FLY. No other team possesses aerial capabilities, unless the Kaiju decide to emulate Rodan more than Godzilla. And sure, maybe the Wraiths can float around, but that's still a max of two teams that can hope to challenge Baltimore. De la Rosa won't need to struggle to catch Wolfie's terrible passes if the cornerbacks can't even cover her. So move the field to space if you dare – the Hawks will be ready and waiting.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - WALDO - 10-07-2024

Well let me just say, if we decided to play games underwater or on the water in general, I think the Orange County Otters would easily have the best advantage in the entire league. We are literally amphibious creatures! We would be able to swim around all of our opponents, scoring so many touchdowns and winning so many games that we'd set records, and the entire league would either decide to join our team or just straight up quit the entire ISFL! In terms of the Dallas Birddogs, my other team, I think the best field for our team would easily be the regular field style, but we could also make our stadium covered in hills. This would be benefical because we are birddogs, we can easily fly over the hills and manuver anywhere we needed to go, while the other team has to keep running up hills and tiring themselves out. This would give us a bunch of easy wins.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - BlitzAce71 - 10-07-2024
