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*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - Printable Version

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*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - Jiggly_333 - 05-29-2018

So I've just been told recently that there have been Hall of Fame votes already and no one got anything out of it. But that's just first ballot players. Those who've been retired for five seasons already have been looked at and no one has ever received votes. I think that it's probably the right thing, seeing as most NSFL legends are still playing, but I want to look at who's already retired (or announced retirement) and see who of them stands out, at least within those in that group. Also, in the tradition of baseball, I'm putting them in the team that I feel most exemplifies where they were best in their career (if on multiple teams).

While looking, I found a few different tiers and the first tier is the DSFL Legends. These guys spent the best years of their career downstairs and I think that it's honestly commendable. I don't think that they'll actually make the full Hall of Fame, but I feel like there should be a special one just for them.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]DSFL LEGENDS[/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]DE - Big Bot - TIJ - @loco[/div]
I don't like saying this often, but Loco has had a pretty effect on this league. You're probably gonna see it as a theme with who I'm picking out that it's not just about what their play on the field, but their influence off of it. He built up a good and active DSFL team, something I could never figure out. From what I hear, he keeps a great locker room presence. I don't remember if he recreated and honestly, I couldn't care less; but I think Big Bot is a first ballot DSFL star.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]QB - Mark Strike - CHI_Blues - @OwlStrike13[/div]
Although it may not seem like it, I do remember my days as Blues GM fondly. It was a difficult time for me personally and it was clear that I wasn't really paying attention to the team. The locker room was a wasteland (and still is for those of you who have access to it; untouched for a while). But there was one man who stuck around through it all (okay, two men; we'll talk about the other later): Mark Fucking Strike. Originally drafted by the Outlaws, when the creation of the DSFL came around he fell into our laps. I don't remember what came over me to pick him, but I kind of just said fuck it. He was active for a bit, then went away. At some point, he came back and I kept insisting he stay inactive so I didn't have to pay him (shady business, I know; but you need some sort of corruption in Chicago). In his first season, he led us on the most improbably run in NSFL/DSFL history to the playoffs. After the team folded, I made certain to bring him over to "Los Lobos", where I almost instantly was forced to resigned. But he stayed and became a driving force for the team, ACTUALLY UPDATING AND WINNING AN MVP AWARD! But life is tough for a career minor leaguer and he hung up the cleats. But I think that his perseverance deserves recognition. Get this man a plaque.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]RB - Shawn Ariel - NOR - @Luminous[/div]
How can I get through a conversation about the greatest in DSFL history without talking about this mother fucker! I may not have given a shit throughout my time in management, but I knew who this guy was. He gets in from sheer performances, still holding a single-game DSFL record for TDs. Apparently I was once given the chance to pick him up and I didn't (oops), but he continued to perform for the Pythons when he got there. I don't really have much info on whether or not he was active and I'm not going to look for it, but just know that he's first ballot DSFL.

Now to the next tier, the guys who I think are pretty okay and should at least get a solid mention. Like, they're never even going to get a whiff of the Hall, but I'm sure a few ears will perk up at the names

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]They A'ight[/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]QB/WR - Ethan Hunt/Gosh Jarden - SJS - @daBenchwarmer[/div]
I remember the first time I had to deal with him. Back when I was actually a good GM, I was the Otters GM and we had a dilemma. The previous GM had drafted 3 QBs and we had no true number one. So we decided to do some tests. when put up head to head against the other two, he dominated in all the stats. Well, not DOMINATED, but he did pretty damn well (those of you still in the OCO LR can actually see the original post that Shaka relayed the info in). Basically, this man was supposed to be better than three-time MVP Mike Boss. That didn't happen. His activity waxed and waned like the moon. A trade to the Sabrecats, fighting for a starting spot there, a move to WR, and finally a retirement in YKW. He could've been one of the greats. Hell, he was destined to be one of the greats. But we all know that computers have no sense of destiny. Neither do humans.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]QB - Josh Bercovici - LVL - @Merica[/div]
The other QB in that Triple QB draft class in OCO. When it came to that test, Berc came dead last behind Boss and Hunt. But he persisted. So much so, that he probably has the second most QB starts in OCO history. When we told everyone that we were going with Boss as our QB, he refused to back down. He went on to sign what was the biggest contract in NSFL history that ended up totaling $23M over 3 seasons. Nowadays we have players who are getting thrown that money because they show up, this was just out of the blue. And it didn't pay off at all as Bercovici went down in history as one of the most sacked QBs in history, wasting away as Merica left the site until he was mercifully retired. Again, he could've been great and had high expectations. It's just that none of them panned out.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]WR - Kendrick Hendrix - COL - @deadendpath27[/div]
His career was a short, but violent one. Mostly here for his amazing first season. Then Logan got caught for "juicing" and his numbers plummeted. Really, a sad casualty of a tumultuous time for the Yeti that they're still struggling to come back from. Not really much else to say here.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]K/P - Archibald Booter - YKW - @PoloPro[/div]
When it comes to kickers, only three names come to mind for me in this league: Turk Turkleton, Christiano Ronaldo, and Archibald Booter. It's not a glorified position and honestly I don't remember him doing much, but he was an OG member of the Wraiths and helped them with HIS boot to bring them up to the heights that they're currently at (since they haven't really come down yet). Yes, he was also a former Co-GM of mine, but that was during his time with "Fresh Booter" so it doesn't count here. I just think that when it comes to kickers, he's a name that I think could've had a chance in the hall if he continued playing.

Here comes my list of players who I think actually should've been given an honest chance in the Hall, or maybe will be strongly considered.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]THE BEST OF THE BUNCH[/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]WR/DB - Lincoln Jefferson - PHI - @adam2552[/div]
So, he was originally in the "A'ight" bunch until I found out about him winning the DB award. I think that with that award he was the first to position change and excel in that position. That's points for being an innovator. While that isn't quite enough of a performance to make the hall, I think that his work as a GM in that time really pushes him in for me. He laid the groundwork for a team that would go on to be a force in the NSFC and is now the first team in that conference to have an Ultimus. It all stems from him.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]OL/DT - Arbin Asipi - ARI - @DeathOnReddit[/div]
Once again, it gives me no pleasure to give credit to a guy like this. Asipi and I have clashed heads many times since he first joined the league. The moment he joined, he began pissing people off by being the most annoying member of the Arizona Outlaws. To be honest, I never cared about his player. If he ever won any awards that I announced, I wasn't paying attention. But I can't deny that the man has three rings (as many as me). He's also an integral part of the league and I really don't know what this league would be like without him (probably a lot more peaceful). He managed to find a way to keep the Outlaws from completely going under after the multi scandal. Yeah, this is another "person behind the player" award from me, but he deserves it, whether I like it or not.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]QB - Chris Orosz - YKW - @Aenir[/div]
What do I say about this guy? Well, this whole article started from an idea involving him and whether I think he'll make the Hall or not. He won't. I don't think anyone in this article will actually make the Hall except for maybe a couple. But dammit, I can't diminish what he did. You may have questions about why I put him in with the Wraiths. That's because the best seasons of his career came in YKW. Thanks to @bovovovo, we actually have his career stats right in front of me and, to be honest it's really good. Unfortunately, he was in an era where only two QBs dominated the landscape. That being said, I expect him to get votes. And he will then make a bunch of bad puns and throw in a random Simpsons .gif.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]LB/S - Ian Bavitz - OCO - @Molarpistols[/div]
The consensus first Hall of Famer, Bavitz was named for the rapper Aesop Rock, who's known for his proficiency in wordsmithing. This Bavitz... well I don't really know a good comparison. I don't think that Bavitz ever won any awards other than his three Ultimus', but he always stayed up as one of the best in the league. Well, maybe not the best either. BUT DAMMIT, HE WON! And his behind the scenes work with the Otters is incredible. There's some rumors as to whether he's planning on stepping down at some point soon, but I don't think it matters right now. He stepped in after I left the team and took what was there and built a dynasty (without multis). I would put him in the hall as a GM any day.

Here comes the fun part. I'm going to try to sell you guys on considering a couple of random guys and give you reason for why to keep them in mind whenever the Hall of Fame is brought up.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]OUTSIDERS[/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]THE LAS VEGAS SEVEN - LVL [/div]
I mean, what they did was legendary. And while stupid, some of the players that left in it were actually pretty good. Wyatt Fulton (@`incitehysteria`) and Phillipe Carter (@enigmatic) were two league founders who were major assets to any team that could afford them (hell, they were major assets to the league). I think that individually I could make a case for either of them, but the big idea here is that the only person to be condemned in this group is @Keyg_an. Together, let us boo him, but totally find some way to officially recognize and immortalize this moment in league history.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]RB - Omar Wright - OCO - @`xdave2456`[/div]
This is complete bias. I know it is and it's only going to get worse from here. The S1 Otters were probably the only team I've ever seen in the NSFL who were able to run a running back committee to near perfection. I think that if they got past the Outlaws, they'd have beaten the Yeti too. That's right, the S1 Otters ARE THE BEST TEAM IN NSFL HISTORY TO HAVE NOT WON A CHAMPIONSHIP. Now that that's out of the way, he was a pro-bowler as well. The unfortunate thing is that when he was traded away to the Liberty (by me; sorry), he lost interest and went inactive. I would put him in the same category as Hendrix where he had a great first season, but I wasn't going to put him anywhere. I need to put him right where he belongs. Next to:

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]RB - Leroy Jenkins - OCO - @Jiggly_333[/div]
THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S ME, BITCHES! As I said with Omar and keep saying whenever anyone brings him up to me, Leroy was a part of early innovation in the league. One of the few Power Backs in the league, the man was able to punch in TDs. He was never meant to start and never did. But there was something enough about him to get him in the Pro-Bowl in his first season. He spent most of his career being the perfect supplement to a speed back that was always ahead of him. Maybe that was his downfall. But late in his career he began catching the ball, becoming a part of the tactical revolution in OC that would lead to three Ultimus'. He ended his career on a high, winning the Ultimus in his last season. He even made some very clutch plays throughout the playoffs to get them there. If there's anyone who did so little but deserves so much, it's this guy.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]RB - Ezekiel Bishop - BAL - @WiSeIVIaN[/div]
He's a meme. He's a legacy. Honestly, I shouldn't even be putting a logo next to his name. He belongs to everyone. The first player to retire, but the last to leave our hearts. I don't think he should just be in the Hall of Fame. We should name trophies after him. That is all.

So that's it. I just wrote a shit ton about the league and while most of it was just reminiscing, I think it's a good refresher for a lot of this league going into the one year anniversary of the start of the first season. Even though a lot of players here haven't even considered retirement yet, it's nice to look at those who've chosen it. Now for an obligatory .gif and then to sleep.

[Image: dy2ea6747qm01.gif]

2,378 words. Thx Toasty. Knew something was up. I read it wrong.

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - Toasty - 05-29-2018

(05-29-2018, 01:07 AM)Jiggly_333 Wrote:
13,842 words. Holy shit. Pls double check.

I check it is 2378 words

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - 37thchamber - 05-29-2018

Ezekiel Bishop exposed the league-wide TPE epidemic and is the reason Antoine Delacour developed into the elite player he is today. Facts. Put some respek on my man name.

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - Jiggly_333 - 05-29-2018

(05-29-2018, 12:29 AM)Fire-Bred Wrote:I check it is 2378 words
Thx Toasty.

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - dropbear - 05-29-2018

@Jiggly_333 came in expecting this to be excessive gifs and was delighted to read an interesting, insightful article. Loved it!

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - Molarpistols - 05-29-2018

So warm, so fuzzy

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - Jiggly_333 - 05-29-2018

(05-29-2018, 03:33 AM)BenLongshaw Wrote:@Jiggly_333 came in expecting this to be excessive gifs and was delighted to read an interesting, insightful article. Loved it!
I was considering adding Longshaw, but really there's only one OL that matters and he hasn't retired yet.

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - iamslm22 - 05-29-2018

(05-29-2018, 10:20 AM)Jiggly_333 Wrote:I was considering adding Longshaw, but really there's only one OL that matters and he hasn't retired yet.

Tim Pest and Pat Pancake are also retired hahaha

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - Jiggly_333 - 05-29-2018

(05-29-2018, 10:03 AM)iamslm22 Wrote:Tim Pest and Pat Pancake are also retired hahaha
They get their own Hall.

*Hall of Jiggly's Hall of Famers - timeconsumer - 05-29-2018

(05-29-2018, 11:20 AM)Jiggly_333 Wrote:I was considering adding Longshaw, but really there's only one OL that matters and he hasn't retired yet.

Matt James?