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(S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - araa - 06-16-2024

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Seymour - 06-16-2024

[Image: W5lhaWK.png]

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - J0EB - 06-16-2024

With a 4-9 record, the Berlin Fire Salamanders haven't had much cause for post-game celebrations in the typical regards. The team understands that they need to acknowledge and celebrate the little victories, such as continual improvement in each skill group. Recently after games, the team will gather and rewatch some game tape to point out the highlights of the game. This helps the team keep a positive mindset and allows for some fun times to be had as well as they cheer on the top performers each week. The team understands that their youth is their biggest strength, and that while continuing to grow together, they'll be a serious force to be reckoned with. So with each of their 4 wins this season, they've toasted to the future where winning becomes a regular occurrence, and the time where Berlin will sit atop the NSFC. Personally, Klaus cherishes these moments of growth and strengthening knowing that if the team can be so united while currently at 4-9, then the future of this team is incredibly bright.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Number 82 - 06-16-2024

Getting a win is always nice but it's important to keep things in perspective. The end goal is the Ultimus and that requires executing the game plan week in and week out. So with that in mind, celebrations after victories isn't a really a major celebration where everyone goes overboard, but more so a quiet acknowledgement of getting things done before turning our attention to the next game. By no means does mean that victories aren't appreciated or celebrated, far from it, a win after all moves us closer to a playoff berth and a set closer to chasing the Ultimus. A team dinner to celebrate as a group, a lighter day of practice during to start the week or some team songs after the game are just a few of the things that happen after a win. Champagne is very much kept on ice and reserved for the big game with celebrations very much kept in check during the regular season.

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Raven - 06-16-2024

Written option: Your team just won! How do you celebrate? Explain how you want to spend the after game corralling your comrades in sim football arms to perpetuating further victory! Do you throw a pizza party? Pop a bottle of champagne? Or something else?

There's a couple of ways the Chicago Butchers keep their players motivated and push them to continue winning. The first one is an extra day off after every win. This is a big one, because as much as we all love working out and training, getting to relax an extra day, spending time with family and kids is great. If the win is not that convincing the coach might opt for the training to go through as planned, but unless it was a horrible display, the coaches also appreciate an extra day off.

Another reward for winning comes at the end of the season when the team decides what to do for a big team activity with friends and family. With how the Chicago Butchers have been playing rumours have been trickling down that the team can expect some kind of all inclusive resort vacation in the offseason. Apparently somewhere in the Caribbeans and it's going to be very nice, with a ton of fun activities planned.

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Crunk - 06-16-2024

Kim Yeon-Seok doesn't believe you should celebrate every win. Winning is your job as a sportsman, you shouldn't be celebrating doing your job. When his teammates go out and party after a routine DSFL win, he likes to go home and watch his new favourite TV show. He has just found it since he arrived in London - it's called Coronation Street. It's just a bunch of people in England living, and nothing really happens. Yeon-Seok enjoys that, and he finds it relaxing.

If there's a big win to celebrate though, Kim is all over it. He's out hitting the clubs with everyone else, with the magnums of champagne, dancers, partying, all of it. Kim doesn't react particularly well to alcohol but he tried to drink through it, and mostly succeeds. He gets it all out of his system in one night, though. He makes sure he is up the next day and ready to go again, ready to prepare for the next win.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - ajtigger - 06-16-2024

After a win Booter McGavin celebrates by acknowledging how he is the sole reason the team won. This starts with a post game look in the locker room mirror. Here Booter starts by looking into his own eyes and confirming his awesomeness. He the proceeds to lift this legs up flexing his calves and staring at the hulking muscle he has accumulated to boom balls. After he is done with his mirror ritual, Booter goes and watches film by himself in the team film room. He only focuses on the plays he is involved with. He is particularly in love with is kickoff firm. Seeing himself run up and boot the ball out of the endzone is an example of perfection in Booter's eyes. After watching the kickoffs, Booter will crack open a bottle of red wine and watch his punts and field goals. He pays special attention to the punts that go over 60 yards. After the film session booter goes back to the mirror looks right in his own eyes and says "time to boom the ball again next week"

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - .HoshinoIchika - 06-16-2024

In the upside down bizarro world where the Colorado Yeti have actually won a game, SkibidiGyat OhioRizzler would be ecstatic. The Colorado Yeti have already clinched the first overall pick, so the win wouldn't actually hinder the team's plans at all, and he could enjoy the win without restraints. The team would probably dump water on the coach, the fans would be roaring, and Colorado would be excited and all hullabaloo for the next week. It would basically be Colorado's own Ultimus for the year. Most teams have won at least one game every year, but Colorado is currently 0-13 and could be one of the only teams to go winless. They will have 3 more chances to get a win this year, but most people predict that their best chance is at Yellowknife in week 16. Yellowknife has a penchant for playing down to their competition, and Colorado is about as low as you can get.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - TomHanks - 06-16-2024

Prior to last season, victories were pretty hard to come by for the New Orleans Second Line roster. So, the victory celebrations are still pretty new to a lot of the roster who have fought and struggled to help build the team into the powerhouse it is now. Naturally, we get pretty excited and rowdy in the locker following every win as a result. Particularly those close back and forth games we find ourselves in often. Since those last moments are so tense, the feeling of a huge victory really gets amplified. After rocking out in the locker room, however, it's important not to get too focused on the individual victory we just shared. It's a long season and, hopefully, a long post-season. After a win, like Bill Belichick says, we're on to Cincinnati. Every win counts in the one seed race for the ASFC, so to give ourselves the best chances in the playoffs, we have to look forward and treat every game as must win.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Argonisi - 06-16-2024

Kurt Wagner is seen as a bit of a precocious young lad about the locker room, although he is consistently one of, if not the, youngest players on the team, he is usually one of the most mature athletes on the pitch. That does not preclude him from cutting loose once the season is over, however, and especially not in the case where his own team has ended the season in triumph! He will be popping bubbly wine with everybody else, and dancing on top of floats when they roll through their host city. A perfect mardi gras affair, even if he isn’t in New Orleans when it happens. I do think that Kurt’s full-bodied celebration wouldn’t last as long as everyone else’s though, because after the initial euphoria had passed, he would want to get right back to work so he could relax after another super bowl won, the following season. And only after he is retired, would he look back on all the effort with a sense of pride, regardless if he had gotten any silverware.

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