International Simulation Football League
(S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Printable Version

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RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Memento Mori - 06-26-2021

SHL Affiliate PT

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Vaelynn - 06-26-2021

I overheard a few guys in the locker room getting into it. It had been a tough season at that point in time, the locker room is full of passionate individuals that are at the top of their game so everyone has an opinion on how to improve. I remember one of the veterans getting upset with a rookie over a blown assignment on defense that led to a first down on what would have been a drive ending stop for the opposing team. In the end, it led to a touchdown, pretty much sealing our fate for the game.

After the game I approached the vet - I told him that he needs to show some leadership and some class, avoid psyching out the younger players still learning the game. I wanted to make sure that he understood that his actions had consequences, and that a large portion of the defense looked to him as an example. Luckily, he quickly got the message, apologized to me and the rookie he yelled at.

Second, I spoke with the rookie in question - made sure that he understood that emotions were high, and that, though the outburst took place, we needed him and respected him as a teammate. At the end of the day, our vet knew to handle anger and in-game intensity a bit better. As we all know, New Orleans is in the playoffs after a rough start to the season, so something went right after that game!

247 words

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - 37thchamber - 06-26-2021

If a fight broke out between two of my teammates, honestly, I'd encourage them to settle it... IN THE RING! Seriously, give them both a set of 12 oz gloves, some headgear, and gumshields and let them duke it out.

Hear me out. This is positive because it gives the conflict a definitive conclusion. In addition, as Seraph once so wisely said, "you do not truly know someone until you fight them". What this really means is that, in a combat scenario, our true selves are revealed. Bruce Lee once said that "a good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously". This might be confusing, but consider this: if one is to play seriously, one must mean it. If one means what they do in a fight, is that not a projection of your true character? Lee went on to elaborate on this mentality, stating that a martial artist (or in our example, one taking part in a fight) should not become tense, but ready... and that when there is an opportunity, one does not hit, but rather it hits all by itself. This is an extension of Lee's philosophy on what it means to fight. By emptying the mind of all thoughts related to ego and self, a fighter becomes immersed in the now. Nothing else matters.

With all this in mind, encouraging teammates to settle their differences in the boxing ring could be an effective means to foster closer relations, while settling any disputes naturally. Consider that it is normal for combatants to embrace one another at the end of a fight. Think about that. They just spent 25-30 minutes trying to knock each other out in some cases, and yet, at the end of it all, they embrace. A show of love and respect. This is just proof of Seraph's theory that you only know someone once you fight them. And when you truly know someone, love and respect comes easily.

SHL: academydropout

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - toivo - 06-26-2021


RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - AL_GRINGO - 06-27-2021

PBE Welfare

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Dextaria - 06-27-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Kyle - 06-27-2021

SHl linky

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Sopath - 06-27-2021

Conflict is a natural part of group dynamics. No matter what you do, you can't keep the band together forever without some sort of disagreement arising. The thing that I would do to help would be to start a book club. Everyone is going to get together once a week and discuss the book that we are reading. Now will all my teammates want to do this? No of course not. Most would rather go home and play video games. But this has the chance at two outcomes. Number one, the whole team can get on board with the plan and perhaps opens the group up to a new age of dynamics. Maybe teammates will greet each other before training by discussing the passage of Infinite Jest they read before, or maybe what their favorite chapter of the Wheel of Time book they are reading is. Number two, the group unites in hating me. I mean what a fucking nerd to come up with such a fucking idea. This is not middle school. People did not go through so many years of education to have to keep reading shit that they don't want to read into their adulthood. So the whole team will unite against me and thus making everyone get along better.

Word count: 213

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Southie - 06-27-2021

So I arrived in Bondi Beach and entered the locker room just in time to hear a  heated  argument about who the greatest running back in ISFL history was. Domino Pizzaman had  Reg Mackworthy and Rodka Raskolnikov went Darren Smallwood. I also went with Smallwood. My arguement was based around the fact that  Mackworthy had a much better team around him. And while Smallwood has considerably less yards then  Mackworthy, he also has an MVP award which Mackworthy does not. Of course this led to  Ken Oath bringing up Owen Taylor. Now this was a much better arguement then Mackworthy for me.  It's interesting because Taylor has  a lot more awards then Smallwood and an ISFL championship which Smallwood also doesn't have. However Smallwood does have an MVP award while Taylor does not. Wether or not a single great season outweights a career of dominance is a topic of much debate in the sports world so it was obvious at this point that this arguement was going to go on for  a while. We ended up spending the next four and a half hours debating everything from whether or not William Lim was better then Bradley Westfield or Dan Miller vs Bubba Thumper.  It was a good debate and helped get  connect with my new teammates.

Quote:216 Words

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - kingtag1999 - 06-27-2021

Well, if I were to help my teammates get over an argument, I'd show them tough love. I imagine my speech would go something like this:
"What. The. Hell. Was. That? Fighting? Really? How would you like it if someone randomly picked a fight with you, huh? This is exactly what our opponents want! They want us to not be ready to face them! Do you want to give them what you want? Then sit down, shut the hell up, and get along. Whoever doesn't, I will personally drag to Coach and Skipper, and sit there and watch as you get punished? Do I make myself CLEAR?!" I'd imagine that, with a bit of convincing bordering on coercion, that London would shape up, or otherwise, the fighting teammates would ship out. While I can't guarantee it would solve all the problems, hopefully it would solve at least the arguing, since no one wants to see me when I am well and truly pissed off at then. I highly doubt it would happen though, as the guys with London are some of the nicest, most caring people you will ever meet, and I cannot fathom *any* of us getting into any fights or arguments.

203 words