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(S30) Offseason Point Task - Printable Version

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RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - fever95 - 07-10-2021

First of all, I would like to thank @TheSparkyDee for twisting my rubber arm and bringing me into the ISFL world. It has been a lot of fun thus far and they mentioned that trade deadline creates were opening up in the ISFL during that time in the SHL locker room that we are both a part of, where they are one of my GMs in the minor league there. I asked some questions and all and decided that the ISFL sounded like a great league and then I created as a trade deadline create that season.

When I first signed up for the forums, I was having some issues of not being able to post on the forums, because of not receiving an activation code and all and @SchwarzNarr helped me get that all sorted out. They told me that ISFL had manual verification and they reached out to head office for me and got me approved so that I was able to post on the forums and create my player.

Following creating at the trade deadline, I was picked up on the waiver system by the Minnesota Grey Ducks. I had a fun time in Minnesota and enjoyed their locker room in my time there and I suited up for my first two DSFL games with the Grey Ducks. I did not do all that much on the field but getting to know everyone in Minnesota was a good time and I would like to thank everyone involved there during that time for that.

When it was time for me to be drafted to the DSFL, I received an overwhelming amount of discord messages and locker room invites. It was nice getting to know all of the GMs, scouts and all that I had conversations with during that time. I ended up being drafted to the Portland Pythons and thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Pythons. We had a great team in my first season there and I seriously thought that we had a roster that could win the Ultimini or at least make it to the big game but it was not to be as we lost a heartbreaker in the playoffs and didn't make it there. The next season, we did not fare as well but it was still fun times with a lot of great teammates and we failed to qualify for the playoffs. I would like to thank the Portland management and all of my teammates who were there on those teams with me! @zeagle1 @LSUFAN101 @Hordle @xtitanxmvpx @Hummus God @C9Van @pauadrian @Unicorn @qWest @"KanakoTheSquirrel" @furiousPanda @Arkz @StadiumGambler and whoever else I missed haha.

Like my DSFL draft, during the ISFL draft scouting, I received numerous amounts of messages and locker room invites and I enjoyed all of those conversations. I was the highest TPE player going into that draft (and still am as far as I know) and I was lucky enough to be drafted with the third overall selection by the rebuilding Baltimore Hawks. I have yet to play a game with Baltimore but I am set to join the big club here in Season 30. Everyone in the locker room has been very helpful and enjoyable to be around. I am truly grateful that the Hawks selected me and couldn't be happier. I look forward to doing great things with my new Hawks teammates and GMs! @Frick_Nasty @golden_apricot @BigUnitBabs @goodfortunecoffee @Bauer @shadyshoelace @Shiny @TheDangaZone @allbetsonjames @Tomasnz @Alucas @Bigred1580 @infinitempg @Thiath and whoever else I am forgetting again haha.

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - Dallypole - 07-10-2021

At first I was lost quite a bit, not knowing what I'm doing (and messing up every update), but as time progressed so many amazing people have helped me along the way. Now I'm a bit less lost I think at least. First and foremost I would like to thank all the Birddogs I've had the pleasure of talking to. @r0tzbua is really a great person in this league. I don't know if I can ever repay him for the amount of times he had to help me with updating.

@yonggarius was the person who scouted me. I also have the pleasure of working with him in the War Room. @zaynzk (Rob Boberts) is one of the first people I talked to in the Dallas Prospect Zone, and just a fun guy to be around. @Asked Madden is one of my favorite people in the league. Having him in the War Room and now as Co-GM of Dallas is great for the team. @ZootTX has been such a big help. Great dude all around and is a great GM for Dallas. @Gumbaman is a fun guy to talk with and a great presence in the War Room. @Capt_Blitzkrieg is one of if not the nicest dude i've met in the ISFL and DSFL. Just a great dude. @ReverendOReily is a great dude. I've had the pleasure of talking with him in Dallas and now in OCO as my fellow Otter. One of the best people I've talked to in the league. 

@Kyamprac is one of the most genuine, kindest, and helpful people in this league. I can't say enough nice things. Might be the best person in this league. @hexify might be the funniest guy in the league. Thank you for the reminders to drink water as well as being the hype man the year we won it all. @enigmatic is one of the nicest people in the league, always great talking with her. @Blasoon is a great guy to talk with in the OCO locker room. @Kyle is a great person in the league. One of my favorite people to talk with in the Birddog server. 

I know I'm missing a ton of people. If I left you out, just know that I probably forgot your username on the sim. I can't wait to get to know more people in the ISFL as time progresses. Hope you all have a great rest of your day! -Dally
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RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - unconfident - 07-10-2021

I have not been here for that long and honestly I just don't know that many people to recognize for this, but I'll still try my best. I'll start with @DarknessRising, who first welcomed me to the league on the discord, and also helped me when I accidentally created 5 different player pages. I also now know there's a delete thread feature, although it probably would have looked weird to see that many deleted threads in the player section, lol. Moving on to Bondi Beach, shouts to @NicholasTheGreat and @UberBJ for picking me up off waivers mid-season last season and putting me at starting tight end right off the bat, and also having such an awesome and helpful LR environment (It's coming Rome). You guys are the best for real. Shoutout also to @"Mattblake12"for being a great guy in the LR, always a fun guy to talk with.

Kinda moving on to Austin now, first I'll start with @Rockiesfan4ever, who I'm teammates with both there and Bondi Beach, who suggested I should just pick the home teams in the discord server for predictions, which I decided to listen to because I really had no clue who to pick for predictions. It hasn't exactly worked, but it made my predictions easy to get in so thank you! Speaking of Austin, I've only been on the Copperheads for maximum like, 3 days now, but I'm still really happy with how things are going so far. @Mooty99 has really helped me out in the LR, whether it be with my build where I don't exactly know what I'm doing, or with other people and trying to help them get the most out of their builds, really appreciate it. @Amidships and @frazzle14 are the ones who took the chance on me in the third though, thank you guys so much, I promise to try my best not to disappoint you guys. And lastly, I want to thank @Kyamprac for the sick Austin graphic you made for me, it really is fire.

Apologies if I forgot anybody, I don't have the best of memories haha

346 words

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - GuitarMaster116 - 07-10-2021

So this will most likely be the easiest task and one of my favorite tasks I have ever done. Also it might be a bit long (although nowhere near as long as Tesla's.) A couple of days ago I retired as the Tijuana GM, in my GM retirement post I thanked so many people so this is going to be a bit redundant, but I will also go and shout out some other users that I was not able to shout out in my other post.

So just to get them out of the way, @mithrandir and @SwankyPants31 thank you so much for drafting me to the best team in the league and giving me a home, Calvin thank you for the amazing scouting convo that led to me being drafted, @Kotasa, @"Punter715" and @deadlunatic thank you all for being my teammates when I first joined and being the group of people that really pushed me to love this league and be active in it, then @Tonzy and Kotasa again thank you for GMing alongside me.

Okay those are the bigger ones I already thanked. Now some newer faces:

@slothfacekilla, you are one of my favorite people in all of the league that I have met. Hell I liked you so much that I drove all the way to California just to meet you! It totally wasn't because of my trip or anything. From chatting in Tijuana and NOLA, to playing games and DnD, to talking about football and shitting on the Lions, you have been an awesome friend since I have joined and are one of the most pleasant people I have talked too.

@Rufio_NZ, I miss you you kiwi, come back so I can hear your amazing accent when we play DnD.

@Bigred1580, you were the first ever person to talk to me when I first joined, and overtime I got to learn more about you, see cute pictures of your baby, and get to know that you are one of the nicest people I have ever met.

@JPach, you got really burnt out carrying the league for awhile, but you are one of my favorite people in the league as well and I enjoyed the times we would work on shit together and just hang out. I hope you are happier now that your entire life isn't dedicated to the league.

@Beaver You are the drama king and don't let anyone tell you differently.

@FunnyManLuke thank you for starting a band with me I promise we will have practice soon.

@Ben I am not sure if anyone loves Tijuana as much as you, and that makes you one of my favorite people.

@dude_man, you have been literally a GM's dream first pick. Like what don't you do in the league? I am extremely proud of seeing how far you have come in the league and to see you fall in love with the league the same way I did a long time ago.

@Skorch, I don't know if you are still around, but you were my favorite scouting convo I ever had personally, so even though we never ended up playing together I hope you are doing well and are killing it and loving the league!

All of my NOLA teammates, especially my fellow war room members, it is amazing having you all on the team with me and I am super happy to be in NOLA. Especially @MobiausGrander. you have really become the heart and soul of the team and I am super glad to share a locker room with you.

DSFL HO and ISFL HO, you don't get this enough but thank you all very much for everything you do. Being an DSFL HO Intern in the past, I know how stressful and demanding the job can be. I think you all are great people and although I dont always agree with some things, you all do a good job still imo. Also special shout out to @Ephenssta, @nunccoepi, and @TomHanks for being awesome mentors to me when I was an intern and for just being cool people.

@SchwarzNarr, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be on the rookie mentor team. You are such an awesome and sweet person and it has been a blast working for you and with the whole team in general.

@Tesla, you are literally the nicest human being ever. It is unfathomable how sweet and kind you are. I am sad we don't share a locker room together anymore but I am glad we still talk from time to time because it would be a shame not to be around someone as nice and friendly as you. I feel bad for all the people who haven't interacted with you yet and I feel lucky to be one of the people who have. I think many will agree with me when I say you are the best person in all of the sim leagues and to me its not even close. I mean who else would write a close to 7000 word PT just to thank other people. So thank you for everything you do and for just being you Tesla.

Then finally, if there is anyone I miss, I apologize but this is getting a tad long. If I have had a convo with you then most likely I have enjoyed those convos and I am thankful for them and for every person in this league that keeps it alive and running. This is one of the best communities and it makes me extremely happy to be apart of it. So thank you to everyone in the ISFL.

Word Count: 885

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - roastfuego - 07-11-2021

Wow so many wonderful people to speak about:

I would not be the man I am today without @Hallmonitor_20. This man not only gave me life advice but also gave me league advice as well. As well as bringing me under his wing to be a co-GM in the Philly LR, Hall was a great friend and easily my mentor throughout the league. Hall helped me be able to be a part of this league as well as help teach me the old sim and was a welcoming friend into this league.

@Frostbite is definitely the guy I talk to at least once a day. This mans is funny as hell and a great voice for newbies to listen to. This man helped me begin my reemergence back into the league as the dominant FB I am. Whether it was late night games of or just shooting the breeze in GM chat, Frost was always someone to chill with. Frost also is a gamer with the greatest Halo streams to ever exist. You should totally check him out here.

@Rusfan is and will always be my best friend in all of any sim leagues. We joined multiple leagues together, sometimes as a joke but always together. We watched Merlin together and even started 24 (now that I am back maybe we can actually finish the first season). Rus was the whole reason my first player even went to Colorado, because I wanted to have a season with my best friend. I missed you a lot and cant wait to reconnect now that I am back!

@Daybe Youre a cutie.

@jdourtled You were always one of the best people to play games with and a fantastic reason to come back. Love late night gaming.

Overall all of these people kept me coming back even after I went IA and so many others (@charlit) Also edd (no tag because no tag in retirement post), and so many others. Thanks for encouraging me to not only stay as long as I did but also to return again to continue the legacy that I started with the FB.

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - overdoo - 07-11-2021

@Blasoon is probably the first guy I would have to thank, he was the first to reach out to me as I was heading into the DSFL Draft, got me into Norfolk, and I really enjoyed my somewhat short time there. Great dude, he and @J0EB put a lot of work into getting me all set up when I first joined. Glad I was able to draft him myself, in the SMJHL. 

@Kyamprac and @Amidships are probably the next I would have to thank, Kya actually mentioned the ISFL first to me while I was first scouting her, I didn't join right away, but when I did head over, she did a lot for helping me set up my player, and making sure I knew what was going on. I've obviously got to know Amid through bringing him into Carolina, and then somehow New Orleans, and he's been a great guy to talk to and bounce stuff off of when I have to, much appreciated. 

@Arkz, first, for putting up with my original questions about Awards Committee, then my updates, and everything else in between. Another guy I'm lucky to have gotten to know through NOLA, great guy. 

Many of the old guys in Baltimore, @Shiny, @Bigred1580, @King Jellyfish, @TheDangaZone, @shadyshoelace, @UltimateYeehaw.. Even though things didn't end great y'all made Baltimore a fun place to be. All cool people, and hope we can stay in at least a little bit of contact!

@Frick_Nasty and @Hallmonitor_20, I said my thanks to you already, but for being generally great and determined when things were sketch, to say the least, at the start.

All the guys who have been more than welcoming in New York, it has been a super fun time so far, @TheRocheLimit, @zaynzk, @lespoils, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @dogwoodmaple, @TeyonSchavari, @TubbyTim69, and of course, my trade buddy, @StevenOSullivan. Really glad I got to be here, let's win an Ultimus with me around :eyes:

Then of course all of the others I've been lucky enough to talk to here, people like @Exilate, @negs, and all the Carolina Management guys that joined me when I came around to start.

Lastly, @r0tzbua, who I somehow got the chance to bring into Carolina, by some luck. He's been helping me with my behind the scenes projects, which I cannot say thanks enough for, but not only that, he's been a great guy to have in Carolina, and has helped the rookies we've brought in season after season. He did a lot for this league, and I, along with many, benefitted from that.

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - NicholasTheGreat - 07-11-2021

NTG's Thanks List

@bex Thanks for being the commisioner
@manicmav36 Thanks for being the owner
@Mooty99 Thanks for being in Head Office
@iStegosauruz Thanks for being in Head Office and giving me the opportunity to shine as an OL thanks to your early media
@Swanty Thanks for being in Head Office. You do not get a thanks for ruining my OL pro bowl. 
@DarknessRising Thanks for being in Head Office. You are stinky and officially known as worst brother, its in my contract. 
@abh89 Thanks for being in Head Office
@TomHanks Thanks for being the commisioner
@.simo Thanks for the activity tracker and being in head office
@nunccoepi Thanks for being in Head Office
@ . Thanks for being a DSFL intern. 
@Frostbite THank you for drafting me to Myrtle Beach
@scorycory Thank you for drafting me to Myrtle Beach
@flyeaglesfly29 THank you for trading for me and getting me yo Yellowknife
@caltroit_red_flames Thanks for being the insipration for all offensive lineman and leading the revolution
@Briedaqueduc Thanks for helping me out in my rookies seasons
@Memento Mori Thanks for being awesome. S22 Gang
@Colabear thanks for your HO service. S22 Gang
@Thor Thanks for picking me to be your co-gm for Myrtle Beach and as well as working together to move the team to Bondi, the trashiest beach in all of sydney. 
@UberBJ Thank you for being my co-gm these past few seasons. We've had a lot of fun.

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - Lukstins88 - 07-11-2021

This is pretty hard task to do because since I am not very talkative in locker room (mostly because time difference). But of course there are some guys out there who have deserved my thank you.

First of all shout out and thank you to @zaynzk Thanks to his post in Team Latvia SHL discord page I joined ISFL. It is a nice journey here. And yeah he drafted me for ISFL team New York Silverbacks too. So thanks for that too.

Massive, massive thanks to @RussDrivesTheBus and @DarknessRising for scouting me for Minnesota Grey Ducks. It was nice and small chat but something convinced them to draft me. I very appreciate @RussDrivesTheBus trust in me. He has a very big heart and without his support, his encouragement every week, his help for training I would not be where I am now - a DSFL champion. That is all thanks to you Heart  

Of course thanks to other managers who scouted me @ZootTX @124715 @GuitarMaster116 @NicholasTheGreat. Maybe I have forgot some if so sorry, but still thank you.

Of course massive shout out and thanks to all my Minnesota teammates. Thank you @pazuzu @jhatty8 @Oles @Dewalt27 @Fronk @.duckszy @Muford @Sloths1 @KenitohMenara @goodfortunecoffee @0range @Dukemarriot @NylarthePhoenix @Bauer @Adrest245 @Brian_Taylor. You guys are the best teammates out there, supportive. We are the DSFL champions and no one will take it away from us.

Of course many old Minnesota guys have been very supportive too. Thanks to them too. Team culture and environment has been great these two seasons I have been in Minnesota. Love you guys.

Thanks to New York Silverback guys too. I have not talked to them a lot but with that little talk it has been positive all around. That is very nice to hear supportive things from them.

And big thanks to all updaters too, who every week have updated my player.

**313 words**

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - HENDRIX 2.0 - 07-11-2021

I have been in this league for two different eras. For the beginning seven seasons or so and for the last ten seasons. There are many people to thank along the way. One bored day in 2017 I found a recruiting post about this league on reddit, after mulling it over for a bit I joined the next day. The amount of initial work that was put into making the general website functional must have been enormous. Almost all of the people who carried that workload are not active in the league anymore, but I am thankful for their efforts and vision. People who perform the most critical day to day tasks and even the less important tasks for the league have made a positive experience for us all. There are hundreds of users now and to me the league seems to be operating smoothly. We can transition to the offseason, to the regular season, to the playoffs and do it all over again seamlessly. The rulebook to this point is well established and a lot of the loop holes have been ironed out. It’s not a free for all and there are less people trying to game the system. When you think about it,  people in real life devote time to this league so we can all enjoy our fake football people on fake teams for enjoyment. Members who perform jobs, even the minor ones, have had a positive influence. Every active member has also had a positive effect on my time here. Without active people, there wouldn’t be a league. Lastly, but most importantly, my teammates through the years have had the biggest effect on my time. In my time with the Hawks and Wraiths over two different careers I have been able to interact with many good people. Teammates of mine have been located all over the globe and have many different outside of the league  experiences to talk about. It’s been a pleasure hearing from them all. (331 words)

RE: (S30) Offseason Point Task - Alucas - 07-11-2021

My ISFL career was encouraged by a couple of people over in the PBE and I thought I should give it a shot. So far I haven't made as much of a splash here as I could have but there have been a couple of people that have been good to me since I arrived.

A big contributor would be Tomasnz who is a fellow kiwi and also a linebacker with me at Baltimore. Tomasnz has been a constant presence in the locker room and is always chatting and keeping up with the team, unfortunately I have been crazy busy and pretty absent from the locker room of late due to life but it is what it is, I am sure if I was to drop back in he would be one of the first ones to welcome me back. To be honest our whole team is pretty welcoming and good to be a part of now, initially when I joined it wasn't so smooth sailing and obviously the Hawks have had a complete blow up and rebuild which made my experience a rather weird one. I think our GM's have done a good job at trying to rebuild a team and also provide a good locker room to be a part of.

When I started out I was lucky enough to be drafted by the Kansas City Coyotes and there were some pretty cool people in our locker room, a couple from PBE and just some new faces. There were too many to pick out any individuals but always there to help with questions about builds and making sure that we could remember to update, do point tasks etc. We have had Simo, Frazzle, Rigby and a ton of good ol users at the Coyotes and they have all in their own way impacted me as a player. Thanks to anyone that has had interactions with me in the league, it has helped me stay semi-active and might still make me recreate when the time comes!

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