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(S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Printable Version

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RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - mer - 10-15-2023

Carissa doesn't know if she'd describe them as besties, but Franz Udo Culman-Kaiser and she have crossed paths enough times to be friendly, and she makes a point to meet him for a meal when he's in town to play her, and he repays in kind when she's in Honolulu. Their first big tiff, when they were both on other teams, was during Carissa's first season. She lost her footing and went down hard while her arms were locked on Franz, and he stopped to help her up after the play had ended. She was incredibly embarrassed and her face must've been redder than a tomato, but he gave her a pat on the shoulder and then was off. She got his number from a friend on his team and texted her appreciation, he told her it was no big deal and if she really wanted, she could buy him a drink. So she did, and it became a ritual. That definitely doesn't mean they take it easy on each other, though.

172 words

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Jumbo - 10-15-2023

SHL Affiliate
Username: Jumbobone19

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Datboi69 - 10-15-2023

Words 155
Man oh man oh man. My friend on the ducks is my fellow defensive back red panda. Lemorse and I are a Richard Sherman and Kam chancellor type of secondary. He lays boom sticks i shut down the pass. We both came from humble beginnings and are veteran presences in the ducks locker room now. I think we both also have a mutual understanding that we are the heart and soul and play our hearts out every game. When we are on a team like the ducks were we often don't have  much to cheer for its very important to have a calm presence and us in the secondary often provide that for the rookies. The defense overall has been a solid unit in there time here and its hard to say they aren't a big reason why. Wayne was a young captain and lemorse was the rock solid safety they just paired so well.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Sebster - 10-15-2023

@Gordon Bombay :happy:
Gordo was one of my first draft picks as a GM in London and boy did that turn out great. Gordo quickly became known as a team player, swapping to WR for us and joining the war room to help with scouting before taking up his role as GM with me. Together we may not have had the best results on the field but I think we made the London locker room a fun place to be and brought some good into the league that way. Beyond that, we have been on teams in other sim leagues and will DM just about everyday still. He was even my GM in the PBE! Go raptors! He has shown his selflessness once again stepping up as London's GM in their time of need and I expected nothing less from him. I'm proud to call him my friend, and Gordo, I love you man.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Arkz - 10-15-2023

For Absolute UNIT, his best friend on the team is wide receiver Calvin Spiff. Calvin is one of the few players on the team who has been on the squad for as long or longer than Absolute, and is a certifiable Wraith legend at this point. Although he was WR2 for long stretches of his career, behind fellow legend Bernd D Brot, he's still had a great career and is a very popular player for the Yellowknife Faithful. Not to mention, Calvin is also the top receiver for the team and Absolute's favorite target out here. While he can't always get him the ball as much as he'd like, Absolute and Spiff try and hang out together often and build the chemistry necessary for a quarterback/wide receiver tandem. That includes sharing seats on the long plane flights between games, or grabbing dinner a night before the big game. While both players are still trying to make their hard work evident on the field, there's no question they are friends off of it.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Ultimatedestroye - 10-15-2023

Above all it’s always Dino Nuggets, I mean that piece of fried chicken can get it done on his side of the field, and I can take care of the ball on my side of the field. When we’re in NOLA, it’s always great to hangout with that Dino, and boy I tell you he has an appetite. You should see the hunter instinct that man has for Bruce White’s beignets, and the absolute ferocity when he finds them and scarfs them down. He’s also my fellow co GM in Tijuana, and he’s just a great man to work with. Whenever I have to work in the office to get a lot of paperwork done, that man is able to connect with the players on a level I could never dream to getting. When it comes to player development, that man always has a plan, no matter the player, no matter the archetype.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - ZodiacEXE - 10-15-2023

Crasher Wake and Josh Gibson met during the Prospect Bowl and instantly hit it off. Though there was a bit of a language barrier between them with Wake being from Japan and Gibson being from Australia, they bonded over having a second sport aside from football. Gibson was interested in how Wake's wrestling moves helped him get past offensive linemen, a skill he would put to use much later when he moved to LB. Wake, meanwhile, learned some of the key differences between Aussie rules football and typical gridiron football.

After Gibson made a move to LB this season, the two have had a friendly competition going for who can make the biggest impact on the field. They had a chance for a direct comparison when Austin and New Orleans met a few weeks ago. While the Copperheads would handle the Second Line with a decisive result, Wake couldn't put up the same stats as Gibson. Meeting at center field at the game's conclusion, they exchanged some banter about Gibson's stats being inflated due to how long NOLA's defense was left on the field.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - dogwoodmaple - 10-15-2023


RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - ScrambledEggs - 10-15-2023

If I were to choose King Dedede's best friend, I would say it would have to be Max Honestly. Both of them are linebackers on the Sarasota Sailfish who were drafted in the same draft class. Yeah, sure, King Dedede was stuck in the DSFL for I believe two seasons after being drafted, and this is only his second season in the ISFL, but I'd say they hit off once King Dedede got to Sarasota. Even though King Dedede has gotten less playtime due to Max, he still admires Max's way of playing. Dedede still prefers his playstyle, because of course he does, but he still really likes how Max plays. Sometimes the two are seen in the locker room just having a casual chat when Max isn't doing captain duties. Basically what I'm trying to say is that King Dedede and Max Honestly would be good friends, and that's only because they are linebackers in the same draft class.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - DL14 - 10-15-2023

Written option: In every sport, there's always a teammate (or even a player on another team) that always has your back and is considered a best friend. Who is that player? What made you become besties with them? What similarities do you have? Describe your friendship!
(48 words)
I would say that this player is probably Thomas Passarelli for me. Although he’s also now transitioned to being my GM at Norfolk, we have a bit of a  history together as members of the same draft class and both of us being on the receiving end of the ball. While we have never been direct competition due to me being a WR2 and him being a TE2 in teams that play in very different schemes and philosophies, ultimately we have somewhat bonded off the field as our personalities have somewhat matched together as well as being part of the somewhat tight knit  “core” group of the S44 class. Not only that, I’ve been sort of forced to interact more with him ever since he’s become my GM and as such I think that while I do like to clown him a lot (and it’s not entirely underserved ?), he’s still a good friend of mine. But don’t tell him, I don’t want his head to get too big ?