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(S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Air Crou - 06-23-2024

Interviewer: We are here with Guess Who, DSFL prospect and ISFL hopeful. Dub, I will completely skip the red tape and ask, why the fake football instead of the real one?

GW: Easy. Less amount of games for the same amount of money. Aand a longer off-season without any national team or whatever bulljive.

I: Has the move to the United States been easy for you so far?

GW: Oh hell no. I got picked up by KC as a waiver, and brother oh brother is it freezing here. I went from wearing a t-shirt during December to below freezing temperatures. Let's hope I get drafted by a team in a warmer city. I will probably die inside if I end up in Yellowknife. (laughter)

I: What are you expecting from GMs looking your way in the draft?

GW: Just reach out to me and let me know you are interested. I will not play for your team if you draft me without reaching out to me first. I will hold out till I am out. Or even retire on you.

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Muddym13 - 06-23-2024

Reporter: Today, we’re excited to sit down with Rex Havoc, the promising new defensive lineman for the Honolulu Hahalua. Rex, thanks for joining us.

Rex Havoc: Thanks for having me, it’s great to be here!

Reporter: Rex, it's your first season in the ISFL. How has the transition been from college and the DSFL to now the top level in simulation football?

Rex Havoc: It’s been a big step up, no doubt. The speed of the game, the strength of the competition, and the overall intensity are on a whole different level. There have been many days after games that my whole body doesn't want to move haha, but I’ve embraced the challenge and I’m learning every day. Thankfully I have been with a great team and surrounded by amazing users that push me to continue to be the best I can.

Reporter: You’ve had some struggles this season with your stats being lower than expected. How have you been handling that?

Rex Havoc: It's definitely been tough at times. I came in with high expectations for myself, and not hitting those marks has been frustrating. But like I’ve said earlier, I got a great support system here in Honolulu. My teammates have been incredible, helping me stay focused and positive and just taking it one week at a time. Plus seeing the potential of this team and all the young players improving kept my morale very high as there will be championships coming in our near future.

Reporter: We’ve seen your performance improve as the season progressed. What do you attribute that improvement to?

Rex Havoc: A lot of it comes down to hard work and adapting to the professional game. I’ve been putting in extra hours studying film, working on my technique, and learning from the veterans on the team. Also, our defensive line coach has been fantastic in helping me refine my skills and understand my role better.

Reporter: What has been the most rewarding moment for you this season?

Rex Havoc: I’d say putting on the blue and gold for the first time and walking out on the field against Colorado was a pretty big highlight. It was a relief to finally get on the board, and it felt like a culmination of all the hard work and perseverance. Add on that I got my first tackle of my professional career that game makes it even greater.

Reporter: Looking ahead, what are your goals for the next season?

Rex Havoc: I’m focused on continuing to improve and becoming a more consistent player. I want to contribute more to our defense and help the team win games. I know I have the potential to make a significant impact, and that’s what I’m working towards. I also would love to get my first sack haha but can't rush things like that.

Reporter: Rex, it’s been great chatting with you. Best of luck with the rest of your season and your career with the Honolulu Hahalua.

Rex Havoc: Thanks, I appreciate it!

483 Words

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - ZodiacEXE - 06-23-2024

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RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Z-Whiz - 06-23-2024

Interviewer: So, coming off last seasons MVP, there was a lot of hype in how you’d build on that success. How has this season been difficult?

Puddles: Well, it’s definitely been a let down season. I am still putting up good yardage numbers, but I’ve been making too many mistakes. Bad throws are leading to too many incompletions and interceptions. Teams have more film on me and the MVP put a target on my back so I get everyone’s best.

Interview: Will we see something different? How do you change things up to get back the magic of last season?

Puddles: I don’t think the team needs to change much. We have a great scheme with awesome players. I just need to be smarter pre and post snap when reading defenses. We’ve got one more game to tune up before the playoffs.

Interviewer: So what’s the goal?

Puddles: Win the Ultimini. That’s always been the goal this and previous seasons. Sure, personal accolades are nice, but I’d trade it all for an Ultimini.

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - J0EB - 06-23-2024

Interviewer: Johnny Jones (JJ)
Interviewee: Klaus von Reinherz (K)

JJ: What are your thoughts on your Season 48 performance?
K: Well frankly I had the worst season of my career in terms of Pancakes, only 113. I expected better from myself and will commit this offseason to more intensive training with Berlin.

JJ: You just signed a lifetime deal with the Fire Salamanders, tells us more about the considerations you made during that process.
K: My time in Berlin thus far has been quite enjoyable. The team is dependable and enthusiastic. The shenanigans we get into is always a blast, but at the end of the day we all have the same goals and mindset that unites us.

JJ: I've heard across the league some whisperings of the catchphrase, "Berlin Fire Salamanders S50 Ultimus Champs."  Is this legit or wishful thinking?
K: I think it's safe to say the entire team has bought in to the S50 phrase. We are still a young team now, but even then we pulled together some impressive wins this season. After just one more season of growth, we have strong confidence that we'll be atop the league.

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - hotdog - 06-23-2024


RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - ForSucksFake - 06-23-2024

Interviewer: It’s nice to finally get a chance to sit down with you!

AS: Thanks, it’s nice to have some down time to get to share some of my thoughts with you. I think the fans will really enjoy this. I’m normally a pretty private person, so this is a good chance to loosen up a bit. 

I: First things first, congrats on a great regular season. You barely missed hitting that 1,000/1,000 yards milestone. How does that sit with you?

AS: Well, obviously it’s disappointing but even though I didn’t get it, I had a great season and I’m really happy with our team making yet another playoff appearance. 

I: Offensively, this is one of the best teams you’ve had in Baltimore in years. Do you think it’ll be enough to make a title run?

AS: I hope so. We have a great quarterback and sharing a backfield with Reginald Shrubbery makes my job easier. He’s such a beast. We have a rising receiving core as well. I think we have a good chance. We just have to do our best. 

I: Good luck in the playoffs! Thanks for your time. 

AS: it was a pleasure.

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - DigDoug11 - 06-23-2024


RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - oknom - 06-23-2024

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RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Dindog - 06-23-2024

Well first off, Krusty Krab pizza isn’t a big interview pizza. They get a bit camera shy and just a bit awkward I guess a little bit awkward when they get asked a ton of questions So I guess if they were made editor or something and hat to reach out to a player for an interview they’d pick some kickers to reach out to because most of them seem like the chillest players on most teams. The questions would mainly consist of pizzza related topics because that is what Krusty Krab pizza knows the best out of anything in the whole world. Questions would be asked like what your favorite toppings are, should pineapple go on pizza why or why not, and if you can only eat one pizza for the rest of your life what would it be and would you eat it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And each issue would come with a coupon for half off a pizza so you can eat and read it.