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(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Printable Version

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RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Bauer - 08-22-2021


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Sonaclov - 08-22-2021

French - 219 words

Le succès, un bien vaste sujet qui diffère selon chaque individu. Rentrons dans le vif du sujet. J’ai plusieurs succès que je souhaiterai atteindre, aussi bien collectivement qu’individuellement.
Dans un premier temps et de loin le plus important, un succès qui est déjà atteint : Le plaisir de jouer à une ligue de simulation. Cela a été rendu possible par le process global ainsi que l’ensemble des personnes qui sont présentes dans le Locker room de Norfolk. Une dédicace spéciale à @negs qui a joué un rôle principal la-dedans. Venant compléter ce premier succès, je dois admettre que malgré notre contre-performance du début de saison de par la jeunesse de notre équipe, j’ai foi en l’avenir, en notre collectif et aux rookies à venir afin de nous aider à décrocher un titre l’an prochain.
Ensuite, pour ne rien cacher il est évident que je vise le succès individuel. Je dois avouer que je n’y pensais pas jusqu’en milieu de saison mais être leader pour l’Offensive rookie of the year, ca nous donne envie de nous dépasser pour aller chercher le titre. Donc bien entendu, à titre personnel, je souhaite décrocher le titre d’offensive rookie of the year. Je souhaite compléter cette première saison par une sélection au premier tour de draft. Cela serait vraiment exceptionnel et inatendu.

Croisons les doigts.


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - allbetsonjames - 08-22-2021

The meaning of success is a tough one to talk about as everyone as different opinions on what success is since it can be from a solo perspective or as a team. For me I always see championships as a bonus to success and for me my definition of success would be consistency. If I can consistently go out on the field each week and do my job as I am supposed to do on a constant basis, that to me I am successful of doing what I need to do, and that anything else brought about because of it can lead to things being turned better for us as a team. Championships are nice but at the same time what can be said if I was just a bench player who got carried by my team, I would rather out their and have it happening based on my contributions. So to me it is all about being consistent going out there and getting the job done. As long as every other player on the offense and defense can go out there and do the same then there should be no way why the team could not be successful as a unit. Thus reaping all the benefits of success.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - visceralpotamus - 08-22-2021

Certainly hard to argue against the idea that team success is paramount, even in a developmental league. No amount of pancakes in a game would replace the value of winning on the scoreboard. Even if you are considering that your individual career has value over team success in a developmental league, I would suggest that scouting teams will see through the stats and notice your overall influence on creating a winning culture. This will surely have greater influence over your on-field statistics. Pasta has always been a team-first turtle. This has manifested in taking on roles that are detrimental to individual accolades but result in team success. Although the season with the royals has not been what was expected, there appear to be the foundations being laid out for future success, including a tight knit group in the locker room. This is very important because team cohesion not only makes the game more fun and fulfilling, but a tight locker room is highly correlated to on field success. This is particularly true in the ultimate team sport of football. 11 bodies on the field operating as an efficient machine need to be friends both on and off the field. There are multiple ways to consider ta season a success

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Air Crou - 08-22-2021

Success is the fine line between fame and infamy. An everlasting legacy. Whether glorious or hellbound. But what do we define as legacy? What do we use to determine one's legacy? Is it titles? Is it awards? Is it effecting and affecting those around us? Well, every little thing defines one's legacy. From the title victories, to the personal awards. From who one has shown to be as a person, to how one is perceived by their peers. It gets really philosophical, but that is the nature of the question. We cannot define success by checking boxes, hence why everyone responds differently to the question. To me, success is having one's name remembered till the end of the time for the good reasons. Not the titles and the awards. Those are for the shelf to get dusty. Those are for the people to talk about. Success means bringing change. And in this toxic league, success will be changing the sewer-like, hellish norm to a prosperous and blossoming heaven.That is exactly what our legacy should be in here. I do not want to be remembered as a guy that had a Hall of Fame player or two. I want to be remembered as a guy that tried to make this place better for everyone. I want to be known as one of those that strived to make this place more welcoming and less chaotic. I have had my fair share of failure in the past, just for being a jerk, and I know it will be a part of my legacy, but I want my legacy to include the effort to change myself, and inspire others to do the same. So success is leadership and inspiration for others.

Air Crou

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - krazko - 08-22-2021

The meaning of success in any online sim league would to me be a combination of multiple different things. Of course winning championships with your player is one of the things that will be defining a successful career and the achievment of doing that together with the team. That brings me to the next point for me, making my own player as good as I can make him by completing all the tasks I can to get as much TPE as possible. By being among the top earners in the class and league for TPE you/I can ensure to increase the possibility of my team succeeding in the team goals. Following on from that, winning awards to showcase the work and dedication put into the player is a nice bonus and while a career without personal awards can't be deemed unsuccesful, having some definitely increases the drive to continue improving and working on earning as much TPE as possible.
But to me, the biggest measure of success is having a great time while playing this game, having a fun locker room to be part of and spend some time chatting to people from all over the world while we enjoy this game together. By ensuring everyone has a pleasent and fun time, we can all succeed together by having a fun time and enjoying the time we spend and dedicate to the league!

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Lowlycrib - 08-22-2021

Success is often thought about in different ways for people and in my opinion it is multifaceted. One of the obvious ways that success can be measured is through championships which myself have been able to win two myself with Tyron Brackenridge and the San Jose Sabercats. While championship success is a part of it, there is also statistical success with a player that comes with their stats because while everyone wants to win championships, the stats are an important part of anyone's success in the league. Andy Fantuz has started his short career thus far with fairly decent numbers and I would consider him somewhat successful but he hasn't really been a dominant force in the league just quite yet and with a possible quarterback change coming in San Jose that might make matters worse. One last way that I think an individual can be successful is with off the sim kind of stuff through media, management, and league admin stuff because I have seen people like CK run San Jose for such a long time and kept the team both competitive and fun atmosphere or I hate to say it a person like Bex who has kept the league both active and growing which I commend. So success can be and should be looked at in a number of different ways for however a person wants to.


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - DELIRIVM - 08-22-2021

PBE Affiliate

My name is diddlydiddly on the PBE.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - TheRocheLimit - 08-22-2021

There are many ways to define success. I've been fortunate enough to experience many different highs here in the ISFL. I was selected first overall in the expansion draft. I was picked as Defensive Breakout Player of the Year. I've been voted into many Pro Bowls. I've got a good shot at finishing in the top ten all time in sacks (something I never thought would happen in a million years). And hell, last season we won the Ultimus (and that was amazing!). All of these things help to define success but none of them are the most important thing.

I think, at the end of the day, what success means to me is the journey you go on with your teammates. Banding together and working toward a common goal. Fighting for the same things. The struggle of each and every season. When I think of what it truly means to be successful I think about the road myself and every one of my teammates travel together. The work we put in. The camaraderie in the locker room. When all of that is done together, as a group, it makes the victory that much sweeter. Being a good teammate, and being surrounded by good teammates, is what truly makes me feel successful.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - MrStennett - 08-22-2021

Truly, there are many ways that I define success in ISFL. First off would be literal in-league success, from both a personal and team standpoint. I have experienced both of these in my time here, over the course of two players. I was with the Otters to win four Ultimus trophies and the Royals to win one Ultimini, and I also have a number of awards to my name, including Defensive Player of the Year, Offensive Rookie of the Year, and multiple Pro-Bowls. You can also take a more emotional definition of success, and say that you're successful here if you just find your niche in the community and find a way to enjoy yourself. I have also found this type of success, for even though I have been too busy to be overly active for awhile now, I have made some great friends here and worked with a lot of amazing people. I would call both of those major wins, and winning is success. No matter how you want to define it, or if you want to define it multiple ways, success in this league can sometimes be challenging to find, but it is totally worth it once you find it. To anyone still searching for this success, I hope that you too can one day experience this league as I have.

223 words