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(S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - Printable Version

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RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - Triceracop - 09-10-2023

For some reason that has not been supplied to the press or even the Sydney city government, the Bondi Beach Buccaneers have completed construction on a space program quality launch pad addition to their stadium. Built beneath the actual football field, the artificial turf actually separates at the fifty yard line and raises an enormous concrete pad. Consulting with structural engineers and material scientists, it was estimated that the pad can support up to four thousand metric tons. Or, as one engineer put it, "A space craft that looks like a pirate ship." This aligns with some leaked promotional material for next season that states "BUCS TO THE MOON!" In huge neon letters. Perhaps this is all part of an incredible publicity stunt to launch a pirate ship to the moon? The possibility is certainly there and will definitely create a substantial amount of buzz around the organization. Perhaps enough to deflect from the allegations that they will be integrating dinosaurs into their offensive line.

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - bowl0 - 09-10-2023

The stadium/facilities for Orange County could definitely use a refresh. To upgrade the fan experience, we are adding a museum for the history of the Orange County Otters so everyone can see the star struck history of the Otters. We are also upgrading the concessions of the stadium, widely expanding the variety of beer as well as just overall upgrading the experience with better quality food. In the home locker room, we are going to add a statue of an otter to remind the team of why we are here every day. as well as more of a focus on recovery for the team, adding ice baths, as well as a number of masseuses to help relax the team. We are also upgrading the weight room, getting new machines and weights just to keep everything updated and looking fresh.
For sustainability, we are adding solar panels and also plan on creating a recycling program to try to lessen the impact of the facilities every day.

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - Jumbo - 09-10-2023

Written option:
While New York's Concrete Jungle stadium is top of the line, there is always run for some improvements or enhancements. The first thing that would be added is a massive gaming theater center. It would have 20 TVs installed and each one would have 2 luxury gaming chairs with them. It would also come stocked with popcorn machines and soda fountains. It would give fans the ultimate gaming experience. It also would encourage fans to come early and stay late at the stadium. The thought would be to give fans the chance to bond over gaming. Another addition would be a live Gorilla enclosure. Fans would be able to interact with the teams mascot by just getting a live close up view of the animals through glass. Or they could purchase tickets to participate in feeding or bathing times. This would prevent any mistreatment of the animals as well. Both of these additions would bring a new and exciting aspect to New York games. 
-164 words

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - MobiausGrander - 09-10-2023

Aight so boom. NOLA just got approval for stadium renovations and as the GM, i've got some great ideas on how to spice up the stadium and locker room too! For the stadium, I want to expand seating by ten percent and allow more local businesses to be able to conduct businesses here as I believe it will benefit the community interaction and it will help to improve business relations between us and the local area as well! For the locker room, I want to expand its size as well and generally get larger amenities such as larger lockers, larger showers, and a larger lounge area. All these amenities would be great to help further relax during the season! The biggest change I do want to put in is a pool within the lounge area. In his humid climate, a pool would be the perfect way to relax, cool off, and get some good exercise in!

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - toofpete - 09-10-2023

We'll be adding two VERY important components to the seats to increase our fan experience in New Orleans. In-Seat Headphone Jacks and Interactive Touchscreens. Think of it like being on a plan or in a sci-fi movie. Everyone who attends the game in the mid and lower levels will be able to browse the web, keep up with their fantasy teams, and listen to the game broadcasts while they're at the game with our new touchscreen fan experience.

Because of the expenses of adding the touchscreens, they will only be offered in the mid and lower levels, so the poor will just have to whine to someone else about it. 

There’s all kinds of content that could be displayed. A television broadcast of the game would be amazing, especially to fans in the lower tiers. Keep the commercials as an added bonus. Real-time weather information at the stadium could be cool, and so could updated traffic information at the end of the game. 

This is going to be amazing.

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - Gordon Bombay - 09-10-2023


Les outlaws jouent en Arizona et cela donne beaucoup d’idées de rénovation  à Louis Blondin. Premièrement il aimerait changer la pelouse du terrain. Il voudrait la remplacer par du sable. Cela donne une meilleur impression de désert. Il aimerait remplacer les poteau de field goals par des cactus. Cela metterait les joueurs sur leur gardes. De plus Louis enleverait toutes les boissons des stands de concession.  Par contre Louis a un bon coeur, il ajouterait l’air climatisé dans le stade et ce même si c’est un stade a toit ouvert. Le vestiaire des outlaws va être renové pour devenir un saloon. Les joueurs vont maintenant arrivé sur le terrain en traversant des portes de saloon. Louis a aussi prévu un station de duel pour les fans. Cela va servir a réduire le nombre de conflit. Louis prévoit remplacer les stationnement par des écruries et des trains. Personne va être en mesure de venir au joutes en voiture.

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - shadyshoelace - 09-10-2023

The Kansas City Coyotes obviously have a gleaming jewel of a stadium in the heart of the City of Fountains, but when tasked with the job of making the stadium even more iconic the solution was obvious: more fountains! Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals, currently has the largest privately-funded fountains in the world; well, not any more. The Coyotes are going to steal that title as the kings of fountains. And of course in order to advance the cause of sustainability in design and architecture, the fountains will be fed with water taken from the restrooms in the stadium (filtered, obviously) to ensure circularity and prevent waste. With these fountains in place, millions of water feature fans will flock to Kansas City from all across the world to gaze in awe at their creation and tremble before the might of the Coyote's architectural prowess. The fountains will shoot fun water displays when the Coyotes score, which is obviously very frequently.

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - IHateBobNutting - 09-10-2023

The first thing that I would use the money for is massage chairs for each player in the locker room. It's the greatest invention since heated toilet seats. I would also hire a gourmet chef for the team because I love food. I guess it would be necessary to add some things for the fans. I think that if we added an area for vr football that it would attract fans. Another idea would be to have a mini football field somewhere for people to play on. I would add a dome to the stadium because no one wants to play in the rain. I would add AC and heating to each locker because sometimes it's too hot and sometimes it's too cold in the locker room. I would definitely repaint the stadium so that it looks like the exterior is made of brick because that's cool. Finally, I would add a giant slide that people could enjoy once the game becomes a blowout.

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - Chicken Lips - 09-10-2023

The New Orleans state government finally approved 50 million dollars in renovations for the soon to renamed Second Line stadium. Last revamped in 2045 the stadium is starting to show signs of age. Additi9nally since the team is rounding out its rebuilding phase general consensus is the get the stadium freshened up to be in line with the teams return to greatness. 1st on the gaenda is a major bathroom overhaul. The maintenance crew is tired of having to clean out the urinal troughs so they have ordered individual urinals to be installed in all mems restrooms. This should drastically cut down on the stadiums ice bill every season and provide a more enjoyable experience for all fans. Though no privacy walls will be installed between urinals to keep that sense of community that the troughs provided alive. Secondly cups big enough to actually hold guests beers will be installed on all premium seating. Current cupholders were sized too small and have been useless since they were first introduced. Unfortubately those are the only renovations 50 million will pay for, so hopefully patrons are excited.

RE: (S43) PT #5 - Stadium Renovations - aeonsjenni - 09-10-2023

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