International Simulation Football League
(S27) PT2 - Host City - Printable Version

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RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Jo3fish5 - 02-13-2021

Keeping it similar to the Super Bowl in real life, I would choose to have this season's Ultimus Bowl played in Honolulu at the Hahalua's stadium. This location is similar to Tampa when you take into account it's warm climate, but far enough away that it isn't an exact copy. If I wanted to do that I would've chosen Sarasota, which is literally right next to Tampa. Honolulu is full of hotels for tourists, and who doesn't want another excuse to fly to Hawaii for a weekend? There's plenty of things to do in Honolulu while waiting to watch the game, like surfing, snorkeling, or just relaxing poolside with a martini. Another thing that sets the Hahalua stadium apart from the rest is it's awesome blue field. Some people don't like it, but I like how unique and different it is. The blue turf would make sure no team feels a home field advantage, barring Honolulu makes it there this season, and will hopefully make it at least a little bit more enjoyable for the players playing in the big game and the fans watching it in person and at home. Good luck to all the teams contending for the Ultimus win this season, but sorry because if you aren't on Berlin it's just not going to happen for you.

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - StevenOSullivan - 02-13-2021


RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - TheRocheLimit - 02-13-2021

There is a very clear cut place to host the Ultimus. It's so obvious that it almost feels like cheating by bringing it up. The city I'm talking about, of course, New York City. What better place to host the biggest game of the year than the Big Apple itself? New York has it all. It's got arts and entertainment. World class food and major historical sites. It's a major metropolitan area and one of the biggest, most international cities in the world. People come from all over the world to visit New York and hosting the Ultimus would add another layer of excitement to the city that never sleeps.

Of course, another benefit of the Ultimus being hosted in New York is that the eventual #1 seed New York Silverbacks wouldn't have to travel far to play for the title. We just saw the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the inferior National Football League play the Super Bowl in their own backyard so why can't a better league like the ISFL do the same? The Silverbacks and the city of New York could put on a spectacle the likes of which the league has never seen. There's just really nothing like the glitz and glamour of New York City. And what a storybook ending it would be to have an expansion team win their first title in their hometown. It doesn't get any better than that.

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Legally_Blind_Gamer - 02-13-2021

Affiliate PBE Written Point Task

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Billybolo53 - 02-13-2021

For the ISFL, I think it would really cool to do neutral site games. For the first iteration of this, I would choose Mexico City. I think as the league goes more and more international, you would want to host games in prospective cities to help gauge interest.  Mexico City has a huge population and there is already a DSFL team in Mexico so it is a prime spot for expansion. The problem is making sure that there is a Stadium that is able to host the event. As we saw with the NFL, the stadium in Mexico city is not the most reliable and is constantly hosting soccer games or concerts. My other idea for a host city would be to do like the UFC and have a private island that you could have the game at. With Covid may be the only option for safe play. The downside is all the added money from tourism is out the window. This would be the coolest option for the players. Out of the actual cities that have an ISFL, I would choose the Sarasota Sailfish. The fish dome? stadium? I'm not sure what it is really but it the best one there ever was.

WC: 204

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Modern_Duke - 02-13-2021

Although HO was too cowardly to accept my Moon Knights bid during the last round of expansion, I still think the Moon would be the ideal host for the Ultimus. Think about it, you want the host city to be somewhere big, to make it a true note-worthy event. What better place could there possibly for that than the Moon. Now I understand that there could be logistical issues with playing a game on the moon. But I would first remind you that in our fiction it is currently 2042 or so. Think of the advancements in space travel and technology by then. So with that settled, I figure there would still be some difficulties, particularly relating to the lack of infrastructure, by which I mean a stadium. This means facilities may be sparse, but just imagine the demand - this will surely be the hottest ticket in town (the town in this case is Earth's orbit). Plus, the spectacle will be incredible. You think the sunset hitting the San Gabriel mountains at the Rose Bowl is the best visual in football? Just wait until you see the view of the Earth from the Sea of Tranquility. As for the festivities, the lack of atmosphere may not be ideal for a traditional concert at half-time, so instead I'm picturing a re-enactment of the Apollo 11 landing. Maybe with like lasers and fireworks.

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - GuitarMaster116 - 02-13-2021

I know most people in response to this question probably are going to pick some standard famous places that have good cultures, are beautiful places and just a fun time to go to. But you know what heck that, I wouldn't do that for this year's championship games. I am going to go incredibly off the wall with the championship, especially with the season being so weird and strange this year. I would pick one of two places, either Atlantis or the Moon. Now here me out, Atlantis would be my first choice, and I know all of you haters are probably like "wtf why Atlantis?" You know why? Cause for one, imagine a football game underwater, it would be extremely memorable, beautiful, and cool af. On top of that people always talk about making it a neutral field, well nothing is more neutral than everyone dealing with the massive amounts of pressure and freaking out that the stadium could have a leak and flood everyone one. It also will really for sure show which team is the best and most deserving of the Ultimus Trophy, as not only are they facing off against each other, but they are also facing off the environment. I for one think it would make for a hell of a game.

For the halftime show, obviously we would be getting the local mermaid involved doing flips and singing and stuff. We would also just have a scene from mermaid movies like the Little Mermaid, and the 3rd Task in the Goblet of Fire playing around the stadium. I don't know about all of you but I, for one, think it would be a good time.

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Evok - 02-13-2021

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - xenosthelegend - 02-13-2021

Because this is purely fictional, I believe an incredible location for the Ultimus and Ultimini games to take place would be the Petranaki Arena from Star Wars on Geonosis. The arena, usually used for public execution, will be the location for these games. The seating capacity is enormous, and it takes place at a neutral location where neither team (should) have anyone with home field advantage. Perhaps the most famous part of the arena's history is the time when 212 Jedi were heavily outnumbered against an army of droids, only 30 Jedi survived. If the Ultimus and Ultimini games were played here, the battle would be the second most famous in its history. The halftime show, considering this now takes place in the Star Wars universe, something involving the force would be used. Also if the band from the Mos Eisley Cantina aren't there at the halftime show we riot, the arena will not exist anymore. A planet will also be destroyed by the Death Star during the halftime show, probably. Transportation to get there will be difficult, ISFL and DSFL teams will travel in a single Star Destroyer through space. Spectators will also include those from the Star Wars universe, maybe we will get some new players.

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Quail - 02-13-2021

If I could pick any location for the next Ultimus or Ultimini, I would choose somewhere tropical. I’m from Minnesota so whenever possible I like to be in warm weather during the winter months. I think a great location would be Fiji, as I am a big fan of their water! The players would stay in those cool huts out in the water that are all connected! Vitamin D is very important for any athlete in the league, so why not have the championship games in a beautiful sunny location? This would also be one of the few outdoor games for the teams playing there! Fiji, to my knowledge, has no major sports organizations. That means they would not have any stadiums to play in, so for decorations it would be a beautiful tropical backdrop. For the halftime show, we should showcase the local culture of Fiji and have some performances by local dancers and musicians. I think that it is important that a halftime show that is not just cheerleaders performing dances, I want my halftime show to have a little more substance and honor the location that we are in! The athletes in the league work very hard and it would be nice to spend some relaxing time off of the field in such a beautiful location!