International Simulation Football League
(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Printable Version

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RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - furiousPanda - 09-26-2021

Panda McKyle’s contract is coming up next season, who is excited to sign his second contract. And speaking of contracts, in the International Simulation Football League, the general managers tend to under pay their players, especially the veterans. Some of the bonus structures are a joke. The general managers do this because they can’t manage their cap space very well. So after signing this new contract - and McKyle got an extra four million! He would initially think it is a bonus. It is time to party. First off, players are underpaid and there is no way he will tell management, bankers or head office. This is a “bank error to your favor” type of deal, like the one from Monopoly. So there is zero chance the team would see this money ever again. The first thing that McKyle would spend it on is going to the casino and gamble. He is an addicted gambler and loves playing roulette and blackjack. Definitely, he would lose some money but also make some money in the process. He might even visit certain clubs for men of his caliber.  Another expense that would get covered is a whole year's worth of cigarettes. Lastly, Panda would go out and buy himself another car for his collection. Something expensive and ridiculously fast.

216 words

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - mithrandir - 09-26-2021

If I was mistakenly given four million extra dollars from the team, I would certainly tell my GM. Andrew Witten has always had a strong internal sense of justice and always strives to do the right and ethical thing in every situation. However, after bringing it up with the team, Witten was told that it was a bonus paid to him for his excellent representation of the New Orleans Second Line both on and off the field. Witten was incredibly grateful for the gift, as it allowed him to donate his customary 25% (one million dollars in this case) to charity. Throughout his career, Witten has donated 25% of his gross earnings to various charitable groups in the greater New Orleans area. He also sets 5% aside for “fun purchases,” pays his bills, and invests the rest of the money. The Witten family live a thrifty lifestyle, and hope that their saving and investing their money wisely will allow them to give generously to their children and to their community for the rest of their lives. That 5% of fun money that Witten set aside usually goes to recreational equipment like golf discs and jet skis, or to vacations for his family. Recently, the Wittens took a vacation up north to upstate New York to visit Niagara Falls.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - iStegosauruz - 09-26-2021

I'm not sure that I'd even notice an additional $4 million in my account. I fluctuate back and forth around the $310 to $315 million mark most of the time and never really know where my money is coming from or where its going. With the Tier 6 competition sucking money out of my account randomly since I sponsor it at certain points I never know consistently how much I have or don't have. If I actually noticed having additional money I'd give it back - there's no reason to keep it even though it would be nice in my question to remain around the top 5 wealthiest. I've basically surpassed BR at this point since he doesn't consistently earn money anymore so it would be helpful in catching Laser who passed me in the top 5 a while ago - I think he's just printing money in the casino. The $4 million could definitely be helpful for other players on the team - I know there are multiple guys who struggle to afford equipment and all the trainings each season and boosting them up when I don't need additional money would make the team better in the long run and feels philanthropic which is also a plus.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Kotasa - 09-26-2021

Rich Triplet as a member of LSG, a sports group for elite athletes in the league not an agency like many assume, would of course let his GMs know of the additional money that he found, he however would of course not return it. Triplet would look at this money as money he deserves, it is common in the ISFL to take minimum contracts but having an extra four million to his name wouldn’t hurt. He of course would spend it not on himself, but on private coaching for his younger teammates to assist them in fitting the current AZ window. With the extra cash he holds he would throw the biggest banger that Arizona has ever seen. Private yacht, famous artists, open bar the entire works. Triplet has already gotten ahead of the curve if the GMs would demand the money back as he has been letting big plays happen against him again and again before this mystery four million appeared in his account. He would let big plays happen more frequently if they were to demand this money back, Triplet takes care of those who take care of him, weather by mistake or intentional he would help the team both on and off the field with training and a party.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Daybe - 09-26-2021

okay so this point task is quite literally very interesting to me because it proposes a premise in which my player, Jackson Kingston, a wide receiver in the International Simulation Football League currently a member of the National Simulation Football Conference squad Sarasota Sailfish, who were an expansion franchise in season twenty two, and coming off an Ultimus championship in season 30 which was just last season, receives an amount of money in his bank account that is unexpected because it is above the contract pay originally agreed upon between myself and the general manager who at the time went by the name of @Frostbite but now it is a new set of GMs as Frostbite and sakrosankt have both stepped down since I signed my free agency contract which was in the season 30 offseason. Now naturally, I assume the extra money in my bank account is due to some sort of clerical error, since Frostbite is not the brightest bulb in the circuit, or the sharpest tool in the shed, or the smartest general manager in the simulation football league. However, in my opinion, I have earned this money through hard work, blood, sweat and tears, so I will keep it and spend it on myself. I will buy Frostbite some deodorant because he is generally a musty individual.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - The_Kidd - 09-26-2021

In real life, if I ended up with 4 million extra dollars, I'm definitely returning 3 million and hoping the IRS and a bunch of the owner's black suits aren't trying to hunt me down like I hit on Carmella Soprano. But since we aren't talking reality, I get to blur as many lines of ethics, code, and morality as I wish to please. The obvious choice is to take the playboy route --- take that 4 million dollars and hit all the hottest clubs, flood the dm's of the best models, procure the premium paraphenalia, and recreate my own Hangover x Party X crossover. This is known as the Ryan Leaf route, and I'm not a real fan of it.

Another route would be the gaudy spender. The 10 cars, the 6000 square foot mansion, the yacht, the endless stream of clothes, sneakers, and jewelry. The Jesse Pinkman, the Terrell Owens lifestyle. Now this lifestyle is also horrendous BUT there are some elements I would borrow for myself.

I would not return the money, right away. I would instead invest it and pay back everyone double since THEY made a mistake and I am a nice guy. I would buy antique automobiles that would be restored. Some I would keep, others I would sell off. I would use that money to open my own garage where I build performance-modified cars which I would then street race for more money. I'd then deliver the money back in a brand new supercar, similar to the scene from Better Call Saul when Tio and his Lalo visit the Cartagena boss.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - TheCC - 09-26-2021

I’m kind of conflicted with this question. On the one hand, I’m absolutely loaded. I have over 100 million dollars. So that extra 4 million isn’t really doing much for me. On the other hand, I’d love to be able to rub it in @Muford and @Vorshayla's faces that I’m making more money than them. Realistically though, I’d have to give it back. I’m the general manager of the Butchers, so I would actually be hurting the team. I’d much rather be able to spend that money on someone else, whether that’s attracting a new free agent to the team, or just rewarding our great players with a little bit of extra cash, or saving the money to hand out to our players at the end of the season as surprise bonuses. There’s a whole lot of options that are a whole lot better for the team rather than me keeping the money! If I did take the money though, like I said, the first thing I would do is make fun of the poor peasants Muford and Vorsh. The next thing I’d do is make sure I have my weekly training and equipment fully up to date. After that though, it’s time to head to Vegas. I’m going to turn this 4 million (or whatever is left of it) into 8 million. And then 16 million.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - LimJahey - 09-26-2021

Getting an extra 4m in my bank account wouldn't be too much of a difference to me, but because of how much I love and hate theCC, I would hold that information away from them. With the extra 4 mil, I would do a couple of things to burn through the money. First things first, I would buy as many Dotts packs as I legally can, since I am addicted to the doots. Since that would only be 100k, I would then go and start making random bets with users. I would bet HEOB that there will never be a class as hyped as ours, I would bet Frost that he would forever suc lmap. Making all of these goofy bets is something I'm hesitant to do cause I don't want to throwaway my hard earned money and need it for my training and equipment. Honestly, 4m isn't that much in the league. Being able to buy four weeks of training, 40 dotts packs, or around 1/3 of t6 equipment, you would need a much more substantial amount deposited to really have fun with it. I can only imagine what the superrich in this league are doing with their money, wouldn't surprise me if Infinite buys out space x or something with his rediculous bank account.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - J0EB - 09-26-2021

Written option: You have just signed a contract with your new ISFL team, you check your bank balance and find out there is an extra 4 million in your bank account from that same contract. What do you do? Do you tell your GM, or do you go and spend the money? Why? If you keep the money what do you spend it on?

If I wound up with an extra four million in my bank account, I would let my general managers know right away. As a part of the war room, I am well aware of how tight our budget was this season. If this money somehow ended up in my account, it’s a good possibility that someone on our team isn’t getting paid. God forbid someone like Jimi Desoto not get his rightful check. But it’d be a shame if anyone didn’t get their cash for the effort they put in week in and week out. Another reason I wouldn’t keep the money is because honestly I’m not in a huge need of cash. I’ve already purchased my 13.5 million dollar pair of cleats for the season, so really I’m cruising till the end of the year again. But then again, I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to play another year for the Liberty, who knows when they’ll finally kick this old washed up Safety off the team. I mean especially with the youthful Roman Twins, the “Son of Havoc” is old news. So that extra 4 mil might’ve been my last check… damn maybe I would take it. Could you blame me? If I’m forced into retirement I need every dime I can get my hands on.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Luciddreams702 - 09-26-2021

After signing my contract extension with the Philadelphia Liberty I noticed a little something extra had been added to my bank account. That something extra would total four million dollars. Definitely a huge chunk of change also definitely very clearly a mistake. Some people might push the issue or try to see what they could keep or get away with. Not me though I learned a long time ago when it comes to situations like these being upfront and honest tends to lead to a better outcome or conclusion to the situation. As with this one, would that extra four million in my account be worth the career that I could be jeopardizing? Would the extra money help make up for the fact that not only did I break the trust of my team but I would be allowing myself to act in a way that I know goes against my character? The answer to that question is no, being deceptive or deceitful towards my team goes against everything I stand for and the brand I’ve worked hard to build around myself. After finding the money in my account the decision was simple report it to the team and work to resolve the issue. That evening I was on the phone with my GM’s to correct the mistake and continue to build our relationship.