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(S32) PT 1 - Mentor - Printable Version

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RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - Nhamlet - 11-14-2021

SHL affiliate

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - SouljaBoy2007 - 11-14-2021

Harper steps out of his Mercedes in front of the house and checks his phone, making sure he got the address right. He walks to the front door and knocks in the pattern he remembered from his childhood. His cousin answers and daps him up. "Aaron says you're his favorite player, but he can't play football right now because his grades are in the trash." Harper chuckles for a seconds before a stern look from his cousin shuts him up. "Can you talk to him?" Harper nods. He walks into the kitchen where a tall, dejected looking kid sits slumped over a bowl of cereal. When he looks at Harper he perks up. "I heard your grades aren't looking too hot", Harper opens. The kid shakes his head, too starstruck to speak. "You know in my freshman year I had straight Ds for the first quarter of the year since I wanted to be cool and show off how little homework I did.", Harper continues "I damn near got kicked off the team before I started locking in and doing work." The kid smiles and asks, "Really?". "Yes, really. I ended up being an A/B student the rest of high school. If you really love football you'll care enough to pick those grades up." The kid smiled and reached out his hand, Harper dapped him up and asked if he wanted to play some madden. "I lost my Xbox because of my grades," the kid said. "I'll talk to your dad", Harper said with a laugh.

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - Vaelynn - 11-14-2021

This actually happened to Romulus once – his grades were slipping and things weren’t looking great for the both of us. It is a difficult trap that some promising players fall into… it is easy to stop doing what you need to do to be successful, easy to go out on Saturday night when you should be staying in to study or do homework. It is especially easy to coast and be happy with just being good at something. If it were to happen to my nephew or niece, I would say this: “What you are asked to do is not easy. Nothing comes easy to those that pursue greatness. If you want to be great, to perform at the highest level and do what I do, you are going to need to make the tough decisions. You’ll need to say no a lot, and you will most definitely need to work your ass off to get where you want to be… except now you will have me to help you.”

- 170 words

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - Birdman - 11-14-2021

SHL Affiliate - LordBirdman

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - Accka - 11-14-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - JBLAZE_THE_BOSS - 11-14-2021

If any young relative of mine came to me and asked me for advice like this, I would tell them the truth. They need to do the bare minimum to be acceptable and put everything they have into being a professional athlete. The entire premise of this that anyone related to me would be at a disadvantage or have the odds stacked against them simply isn’t true. My father is a Hall of Famer. My uncle is a Hall of Famer. I am a two-time Ultimus champion and a one-time UItimini Champion. The next player to come from this bloodline is going to have a silver spoon in their mouth. No matter what sport they want to play, there are going to be scouts at their middle school games. I tell my relative that we need their grades to be at least a C. C’s get degrees. The skills pay the bills, and anyone related to me is going to have the skills to be a winner no matter the sport they choose to dedicate their lives to.

178 words

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - mango8154 - 11-14-2021

Well considering how Daniel O’Leary did at school his relative might not listen to him at all, first of all he would spend a day with them (presumably a cousin as he does not have any siblings), going out to town, having dinner etc, he would then bring up there grades in a place they can not escape, like in the car or somewhere where they can’t go home, then he would drill into their skull how important grades are, telling them how much he had to improve in school and how much cramming he had to do to get into uni to play football, if they listen great if not he will start to be more aggressive (shouting etc), he would then bring up his own accomplishments and try to be a good impression trying to make them look up to them, all of this probably wouldn’t work anyway, as Daniel is awful at this sort of thing.

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - KoltClassic - 11-14-2021

The following is a voicemail from Otis Allen to his oldest nephew, Kerry.

“Hey big man, it’s your uncle O. Just calling to see how school’s been going for you. You’re not partying too much right? Listen man, your mother reached out to me to talk to you. As I’m sure you know, one of your coaches reached out to her to let her know about your grades. And before you get all high and mighty about things, just hear me out. Listen man, trust and believe I’ve been there. Being the big man on campus is great in the moment, but you’ve gotta stay focused on the long-term. I know you’ve always said you’re gonna be just like your big uncle O and go to the league, but you’ve gotta be honest with yourself my guy. I worked hard for what I got, but at the end of the day a lot of guys who worked just as hard as me never got the shot that I did. And even when I did get my shot I always made sure that I kept up my grade and my resume to make sure I could put food on the table. One day my time in the league is going to end, and I know that I’ll have my education to fall back on. You’re a smart man; make the right decision. Love you man, call me back.”

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - MrStennett - 11-14-2021

Being an incredibly inspiring individual, all Charlemagne Cortez would have to tell his younger cousin or whatever impressionable relative this is, is that he won't be able to be one awesome football player like the Triple C himself. I mean, wouldn't that be enough. I'm pretty sure everyone would want to be like former Most Valuable Player of the league, Charlemagne Cortez, if given half the chance. That's just simple logic right there. I mean, who else would you want to be? Deadly Memes? Don't get me wrong; he's a really nice guy but he can't even outrush his practically elderly backfield partner. No one is going to wish to be a mediocre running back. I'll tell you who anyone and everyone would want to be, and that is an all-star quarterback who just happens to be one of the most handsome guys in the league. This one simple threat, not getting to be Charlemagne Cortez, is all you need to make this wayward youth change their ways.

168 words

RE: (S32) PT 1 - Mentor - r0tzbua - 11-14-2021

First of all I am going to tell them that going into sports is a great plan, I would lie if I would say I would not enjoy my job. But it comes with an expiry date. You can be a successful lawyer, investment banker, Twitch Streamer until you are old and grey (or young and grey) but this is not possible when playing sports. Other than maybe Tom Brady who will play forever probably we all have a time when we will be done. And we need a plan for after that. You can not build a post sports career on failed grades and by fluking out of college. You need a Plan B even if it works out for you. The chances for it to work out are slim, I am going to be very transparent here, but even if it does you will be done at some point. You may have earned enough money to live comfortably, but you still have to have a different career after that.