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Dont stream preseason - Printable Version

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Dont stream preseason - Eco - 08-22-2019

While we are on the subject;

Can somebody explain to me why we had a short offseason this time around? Doesn't that make everyones jobs harder?

Dont stream preseason - BWIII - 08-22-2019

(08-21-2019, 09:53 PM)infinitempg Wrote:as someone who works behind the scenes (albeit in the first half) i can tell you we need all the time we can get. even with a whole team we get about a day or two to put together each presentation - which makes it hard if someone isn't free at the time.

i know sweetwater spends hours on hours in one weekend prepping the sim file for the regular season, so condensing that time even more would probably make his life a lot worse. if a way can be figured out to make all that easier time and effort wise i'm sure he'd be the first to sign up. the question is will others sign up to help him

maybe you shouldn't fire people from the team :shrug:

Dont stream preseason - Bigred1580 - 08-22-2019

(08-22-2019, 12:49 PM)BWIII Wrote:maybe you shouldn't fire people from the team :shrug:

As your replacement, and now going into the next mega draft, please come back.....

Dont stream preseason - Sweetwater - 08-22-2019

(08-22-2019, 11:42 AM)Eco Wrote:While we are on the subject;

Can somebody explain to me why we had a short offseason this time around? Doesn't that make everyones jobs harder?

No expansion is why this one is shorter than the last, but this is about the same as it normally is.

Yes, it does.

Dont stream preseason - Eco - 08-22-2019

(08-22-2019, 09:59 AM)Sweetwater Wrote:No expansion is why this one is shorter than the last, but this is about the same as it normally is.

Yes, it does.

For some reason I thought the last offseason was the standard. I am dumb.

Dont stream preseason - 37thchamber - 08-23-2019

(08-22-2019, 04:49 PM)timeconsumer Wrote:Really the hardest part of offseason file work is trying to get rosters correct.
What I'm hearing here is... if there was a way to automate roster transaction logging, we could potentially accelerate things?

Dont stream preseason - manicmav36 - 08-23-2019

(08-23-2019, 02:23 AM)37thchamber Wrote:What I'm hearing here is... if there was a way to automate roster transaction logging, we could potentially accelerate things?

At this point, I think it's safe to assume that we would happily accept anything becoming automated if it's a possibility.