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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Printable Version

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - gucci - 01-20-2020

Brock Landers has been called on to aid the Baltimore rookies as he is now an experienced veteran in the league. The first thing he's planning to show the rookies is how to work out like a pro, not a DSFL trainee, but a player who plans to have a long NSFL career as he has. Next he plans to explain to the rookies that there will be many temptations when they're superstars, and he wants to impart his personal experiences and how they got in the way of what could've been a HoF career, a lecture they likely don't wont to hear, but they will surely need. After that he'll show them how to prepare for opponents, both in walk-throughs and in the film room.

After this, he plans to lighten up a bit and will take the rookies out to one of Baltimore's finest restaurants on his tab. At this point he'll share with them what it feels like to win a championship and what skills they will need to develop to get there themselves. He'll work in some stories of his time in Norfolk, Arizona, and his darkest moments after Season 16. After he will continue to act as a coach and mentor for these young players.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Drizzy - 01-20-2020

As a HoF calibre player who has been snubbed despite being top ten in all time tackles for losses, Cordell Joshua knows what it takes to mentor a young player to success in their rookie season. Cordell believes that discipline is key, and wakes up every day at 4:30am to hit the gym. The young rookie will join him at the gym session where they’ll be put through their paces in a NSFL calibre workout. After that it’s time for nutrition; discipline is important in all areas of life, and diet is definitely one of them. A healthy breakfast of turkey sausage, plain scrambled eggs and wheat toast, along with a protein shake. Then they’re hitting an NSFL calibre workout. That includes making tackles, catching passes and running circuits at a serious pace. By this point the rookie will be starting to flag, so Cordell allows them a break in the form of a half hour session at the whiteboard, learning to recognise plays, learning to adapt to different schemes and really challenging their football IQ. It’s then time for another gym session, running some more drills and then time to watch some tape to end the day. Cordell lived this life every day as an NSFL player and expects rookies to do the same. Finally, they hit the sauna to get a well deserved rest at the day’s end.

230 words

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Raven - 01-20-2020

Quote:Written Option: This past rookie class was large, and with more recruitment looming, another large class is possibly on the horizon. You’ve volunteered to mentor one of the rookies for a day to show them the ins and outs of being an NSFL player. Describe what you have planned for that day.

Show them the importance of twitter

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - PaytonM34 - 01-20-2020

I was assigned to be a rookie mentor for new Tijuana Luchadores Linebacker Ugarth the Dissector. Ugarth, being a linebacker just like Brave Ulysses old mentor Brian Mills, loved physicality , making Brave a perfect match for Ugarth the Dissector. Ugarth the Dissector followed alongside Brave as they went to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio to go observe all of the great linebackers in the history of the sport. There have been many linebackers who have come and gone through Tijuana to have great careers in the National Simulation Football League, but none who have gone on to play for the National Football League, so most of the linebacker inspiration has come from outside sources.For the second part of the day, Brave Ulysses and Ugarth the Dissector went to the National Simulation Football League's archive to watch film in an empty theatre of great NSFL linebackers such as Brian Mills and Angus Winchester. To end the day of inspiration, Brave Ulysses took Ugarth the Dissector to the Tijuana weight room, where Ulysses spent most of his days in the DSFL. They got a sick pump and went out to the town after hours to enjoy the great city of Tijuana

204 words

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - slothfacekilla - 01-20-2020

I am honestly not sure what the league was thinking when they asked me to show a rookie around, they must not have been paying attention to my career very closely. I can't say I have any sort of special knowledge of the league or the game, and I have been known to miss a training session here and there. I tried to bring this up to the league bosses but it got me nowhere, they yelled at me until I agreed to mentor a rookie. They said I had "volunteered."

I picked up my rookie at the New Orleans airport only a few hours after I was supposed to meet him. I think he may have told me his name, I can't remember it if he did. But I basically just let him shadow me to see how the day goes for a NSFL player. We drove through the nearest drive thru coffee shop so I could get some caffeine to help with my hangover. Taking care of your body after a long night out is very important. Then we arrived at the training facility. I showed the rookie the secret entrance to the parking lot so the head office can't see you coming in late. Then I showed the rookie where I usually stand in the weight room while I pretend to lift weights, and helped him pick out a perfect spot in the film room to fall asleep so the coach can't see you. Also if they do catch you sleeping and call on you just yell out "DOOT" when you wake up and that's usually okay.

Around that point I lost track of the rookie to be honest. I left to go get some snacks and realized a few hours later that the rookie wasn't with me. I was his ride to the airport I think so hopefully he's okay.

314 words

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - HENDRIX 2.0 - 01-20-2020

You are good kid, really good, and with some of my guidance you could be the best. The uniform on your back has a chance to be hanging in the hall of fame for eternity if you remember even just a small fraction of what I’m about to tell you. Update page, apply everything you do there. Some of it is easy such as weekly trainings, activity checks, predictions and trivia. The word count point tasks will require a bit of imagination and time. You don’t have to be Mark Twain, just bang out some words about the topic at hand. Money and equipment. This is the hardest part. Being able to buy equipment every season is the true separator in this league. Make a twitter for an easy 800k/week. Make a few league related articles to build that bank account up. Contracts, don’t think you have to accept the minimum, negotiate. Lastly, keep balanced. You want to find a happy medium. You should try to be completing all of your point tasks, but don’t overload yourself with other site responsibilities until you have mastered yourself. Be efficient. If not, you could tilt right the hell over, and that’s not a pretty sight. Don’t fumble, cover the corners and roll with it. You got it. (215)

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - br0_0ker - 01-20-2020

Weight room is first and foremost. When I came into the league, I had to put on about 15-30 pounds of muscle just to have a shot at cracking the lineup. And that's how it is for almost every new NSFL player. They just don't know how to work out and eat right. Too much of the greasy fast food during the season, these guys are used to their talent being enough to carry them through the season, and that's simply not how it is in the pros. Do I indulge in some deep dish in the offseason? Abso-fucking-lutely. But during the season it's lean time, packing on weight so that I can be the guy putting on the hits, not the guy getting hit. So we'd start there, with diet and weights. Once they've got that down, it'd just be about showing them the facilities, maybe taking them around the town to all the local spots, where they can get free stuff from the townspeople and not waste their valuable rookie contracts on anything but equipment purchases. We'd of course meet with the media, whose exposure is vital to selling enough merch to become an icon outside the NSFL. Because that's what it's all about, leveraging that NSFL fame into something bigger than the sport or the league, becoming a global brand has to be on the forefront of rookies' minds.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Voltaqe - 01-20-2020

As having just joined the league myself I would start off by trying to get to know them and the reason they joined the league. Next would be trying to figure out how they want to build their player and if they have any player they are trying to model their player after. I feel like my strongest asset to help them is knowing the NFL very well so I can probably find the best build to mimic a current player. I feel as a rookie helping them with all the thing I needed help on when I joined is the best route to go. One of the biggest things people can get confused on is where to place their starting TPE. I would tell then that for most skill positions speed is king and if they were a non skill position I would have to do some research myself in order to figure out what they should be placing their first 50 TPE in. Next thing on the list is to show them how to set up an update page. When I first joined I didn't realize your update page was something totally different from your regular page. After their update page is all set up the fun can begin and I would show them to the point task section. I would tell them doing your activity check every week is a must as it's the easiest way to earn TPE. Next tell them to do their free weekly training but also explain that after this week it cost 1mil for +5 or 500k for +3. I would advise to always have enough money to do the +5 as it's the best bang for your buck. I would show them the rest of the point task that are currently available and if they needed help with any of them then I would help. Next I would show them the media section. I would tell them that a good first media peice is to just interview yourself and why your excited to join the the league and your players goals. The last thing I would show tell them is to make a twitter and tell them that tweeting every day is the easiest way to make money. It is very important and almost pays for the highest weekly training each week. After that I would still keep in touch if they still need help or just to make conversation because I think the biggest thing a rookie needs is a friend in the league.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - caltroit_red_flames - 01-20-2020

My day is going to be all about two things. The first one is strength, the second one is speed. These are the two things you need to become an all pro player in the NSFL. Depending on your position you might only need one. Some positions will need both. I'll be breaking the rookies up into three groups, and because my regiment is much more fleshed out and suited to a larger group, forget only having a few rookies, I'm taking 30.

Group 1 will consist of the following positions: Offensive Lineman, Defensive Lineman, and Defensive Tackle. This group will be focusing on one thing. Strength. We'll be having them work on core strength, leg strength, arm strength, mental strength, feet strength, hand strength, neck strength, and most importantly butt strength.

[Image: tenor.gif]

Group 2 will consist of the following positions: Full Back, Tight End, Corner Back, Line Backer, and Safety. The group will be focusing on two things. Speed and strength. We'll be having them do HIIT workouts all day swapping between doing the strength training of group 1 and the speed training of group 3.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Group 3 will consist of the following positions: Running Back, Wide Receiver and Quarter Back. You know, the positions that think there's nothing to the game other than skill and speed. We're going to work them into the ground. Ever seen Miracle?

[Image: JBMJiK.gif]

You want to survive in the NSFL? This is the shit you need to do day in and day out. Finally, and say it with me: DON'T SMOKE CRACK.

[Image: UnripeMadFox-size_restricted.gif]

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Rising Equinox - 01-20-2020

This would definitely be an interesting scenario, because there's so many different things you could teach them, and even after playing for around five seasons now, I still feel like there's stuff that I'm learning everyday about the history of the league, past players, and the rules. The very first thing I would do is show them all of the championship banners, dating back to season one. I feel like a lot of new players jump on the "OCO is evil" bandwagon. It's obviously a joke, but after winning the Ultimus three consecutive seasons, that's all the newer players have really seen. It's important that they know about the past championships and specifically why the Otters are seen as such a dominant team in the NSFL. If you understand the success, you have a better chance of obtaining it yourself. The next thing I would do is basically just make sure they're 100% prepared for their first season. I want to make sure they understand point tasks, the bank, NSFL fantasy football, and even how to get the sim if they want it. If they actually understand how everything works, they'll have a much better chance of staying in the league for a much longer time and, eventually, maybe even playing on the same team as me.