International Simulation Football League
Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Printable Version

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Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Forty Jordy - 03-22-2020

Why did I think Yellowknife was in Wyoming this entire time?

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - nunccoepi - 03-22-2020

I actually agree with this. I agree with the delicate balance thing that @Memento Mori mentioned (well put). I just think those specific locations mentioned (except maybe London, YKW, and Hawaii) upset that delicate balance.

Just an opinion though. Don’t think there’s a right or a wrong here. Although I feel like HO will take this conversation into account in their decision.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Raven - 03-22-2020

I`m going to disagree here.

I've talked about this subject before, but basicly, I think sim leagues allow us to do fun things. It allows us to put teams in places which wouldn't get a team in 'real life'. While I agree that we should stay away from actual tiny town. While Wabasha, MI might be a fun, unique location it truely doesnt make any sence. Where I think there is a lot of fun in using semi-large to mid large cities.

We don't need a New York team, we don't need a Boston or a Los Angeles team. Honestly those are boring locations which are overdone and have a million real life teams. Let us have some fun here.

This is a league wiht players such as, Alex Dasistwirklichseinnachname, Gary Lazer-Eyes, Awkward Sexjoke. With renders such as anime charachters, actual animals and what have you not. So let's not try and pretend we are all about 'reality' here.

A quick note for international teams, I would not mind having them, but only if we actually have a proper amount of international teams. Just having one team in Germany and one team in the UK is really fucking weird. Were we to add let's say 4 expansion teams and say hey this is going to be for an international division I think that opens up better to having international teams.

So final verdict: Fuck realism, but to a certain extent, where we don't have to use overly overused cities, but also not use 2K population cities jsut for variaty sake.

* edit: also Hawaii has a stadium you dingus. While it would be the smallest stadium in the NFL by 10K seats. Let's not pretend it's not something that can be done.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Raven - 03-22-2020

Quote:Realism in my opinion, is the single most important element for a sim league to have. It’s what makes sim leagues fun, and it’s also what attracts people to the league in the first place. The recruitment team pushes hard to relate the NSFL to the NFL as best as it can, and this is evident in their recruitment posts. Often, they bring up current NFL superstars in their posts as a hook to the league

Also I hate this take.

We are our own dimension. We are building our own story, our own teams, our own legacies. Sure we can relate the league for recruiting, because it wouldn't make much sence for us to say, 'hey come on over and be the next Borkus Maximus the Third, or be the next Trey Willie, Be the nexy dean jackson'. To the outsiders that shit means nothing, so ofcourse we`d use a real life mirror on it, but once they enter the league, learn the history, those names make sence.

That's what I like about the league, we are our own identifty. If we erally wanted NY, LA, Boston teams, then why didnt we just opt to create a NFL sim.

Because we the NSFL baby

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - 37thchamber - 03-22-2020

OK well let's look at this "realistically" then.

We have established that the NSFL and NFL exist in the same universe. So ... here is a list of current franchises that wouldn't exist because there are already NFL (and sometimes other major sports league) teams too close by, thereby diluting the market far too much:
Arizona Outlaws
Baltimore Hawks
Colorado Yeti
Philadelphia Liberty
New Orleans Second Line
Chicago Butchers
Minnesota Grey Ducks
Kansas City Coyotes (an assumption on location is being made here, tbf)
Dallas Birddogs

Also, franchises that probably wouldn't exist because of other major, non-NFL teams nearby:
San Jose Sabercats (Earthquake, Padres)
Portland Pythons (Trail Blazers, Timbers, Thorns; again, assuming location)

aaaand franchises that wouldn't exist for varying reasons:
London Royals (I really shouldn't have to explain why)
Yellowknife Wraiths (tiny population)
Myrtle Beach Buccaneers (tiny population) the vast majority of teams here are "unrealistic", no?

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - infinitempg - 03-22-2020

I for one like kind of obscure locations - though not Yellowknife obscure. Fun history fact, there were serious discussions around S9-11 to move the Yeti to New Jersey. Idk, the idea of bringing franchises to cities/areas that don't really have a lot of professional sports is also fun to me.

But that isn't impacting my decision on expansion at all.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Tesla - 03-22-2020

SwankyPants31 I love your bid and hope it goes well for you!

Honestly I love some of the more ridiculous occurrences in this league. One of my favorite media series at the moment is about a chaotic evil satanist who seems set on committing as many atrocities as possible. That said I have also greatly enjoyed some of the more realistic media pieces that relate prospects to NFL players. My stance is that just as both coexist in individual canon alright; that there is no reason they cannot coexist in the form of league canon.

That said I may not be the best judge here as while I am a giant football geek my coming here was predicated more on being a writer. I am far more tolerant towards absurdity it seems than some of the other users. Based on the overall conversation I would say I am in the minority given my support of things like the idea of a R'lyeh Great Old Ones team, or the above Moon Knights suggestion.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - run_CMC - 03-22-2020

(03-22-2020, 07:20 AM)Raven Wrote:Be the nexy dean jackson'.
I think this one might actually become LESS effective the more they learn abt the league

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - White Cornerback - 03-22-2020

(03-22-2020, 04:59 PM)run_CMC Wrote:I think this one might actually become LESS effective the more they learn abt the league
next Kulture Fulture, he mistyped

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - ADwyer87 - 03-22-2020

I think realism is importsnt in some ways, but not others.

For instance trying to get in-sim realism is very important. We want results to be as realistic to real football as we can, even tho this sim is a potato.

Locations i dont think it matters as much, as long as we are going for a place with actual interest i dont think travel should matter much. The only thing i ever think should be taken into account really with location is interest level there. I think everyone currently besides maybe Yellowknife would have that. Its an odd place with a very small population, but hey its all good fun in my opinion, and up to this point its basically "Canada's Team" until Vancouver shows up, so that market is big at least. I think Bavaria and Havana would probably fall out of this category, though i do obviously love my island expansion teams hehe.

I dont think having a team in a traditional market is bad. I mean just look at the DSFL where we added the Dallas AwfulBrandings. But i dont think we need to make those markets happen. If you want em, make a bid!