International Simulation Football League
Bring back top 50 players? - Printable Version

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Bring back top 50 players? - ADwyer87 - 04-11-2020

(04-11-2020, 04:47 PM)To12143 Wrote:I suggested it because i feel like the awards committee could have a little more to do, having been a part of it for dsfl it'd be cool to see another thing for them to do, an optional thing that doesn't have a bearing on the job they do, and doesn't happen till after they submit the final ballot for gms to decide from.
@speculadora what say you?

Bring back top 50 players? - speculadora - 04-11-2020

(04-11-2020, 06:57 PM)ADwyer87 Wrote:@speculadora what say you?

[Image: 688385958156042266.png]

Bring back top 50 players? - SouljaBoy2007 - 04-11-2020

In the NFL the top 100 is player voted so maybe every year like 1 user from each team NSFL and DSFL is picked to help form a top 50?

Bring back top 50 players? - Baron1898 - 04-12-2020

I think that sounds like a good idea.

Bring back top 50 players? - Memento Mori - 04-12-2020

(04-12-2020, 04:05 AM)SouljaBoy2007 Wrote:In the NFL the top 100 is player voted so maybe every year like 1 user from each team NSFL and DSFL is picked to help form a top 50?
I'd be so down for this.

Bring back top 50 players? - ADwyer87 - 04-12-2020

(04-11-2020, 10:05 PM)SouljaBoy2007 Wrote:In the NFL the top 100 is player voted so maybe every year like 1 user from each team NSFL and DSFL is picked to help form a top 50?
yeah thats what i was going for, if anyone is interested then let me know.

Bring back top 50 players? - adam2552 - 04-12-2020

I got this. Media post coming later...