International Simulation Football League
(S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Printable Version

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RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - kenvald - 12-27-2022

The goals for Jamdrian LeBayers are to simply perform to expectations. As a first overall draft pick he has a lot to live up to. Main goal is to become more comfortable on the outside cornerback position again. Jamdrian has mostly been playing in the slot and that is where he shines. But the Bondi Beach Buccaneers need him on the outside so that is where he will be for now.

Secondary goal is to help build a great culture in the locker room. Jamdrian was assigned the defensive captain role this rookie season of his. Bondi Beach had a less than great season the previous year, and a rebuild always tears on players' moral and motivation. They don't know yet how long his time will be on the Buccaneers as defensive players are usually called up to the ISFL pretty quickly. But he is hoping to, if nothing else, give the Buccaneers a solid start as they look for their next window of contention.

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Dip - 12-27-2022

Dip Dhillon slacked off a lot during his rookie year. He wouldn't train for weeks on end and even when he did show up to training, he would do so begrudgingly. During games, his physical talent allowed him to put up decent numbers as a blitzing CB but there was much left to be desired. He knows this and so his main goal for this upcoming year is to give his team his all. He's gonna train every week without fail and convert that into big plays on the field. His secondary goal, assuming the first is being held up, is to help Sarasota win it all. Dhillon watched from home as the team that held his draft rights fell short in the Ultimus 2 seasons ago. He is determined to not let that happen again. Many people have written off Dip but he is more driven and tapped in than ever before. He has goals and he is going to achieve them. Count on it.

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Cincyfan96 - 12-27-2022

This year Really Creative-Name is making the jump into the ISFL. While I don't believe I'll be a hall of fame player without some serious sim luck, I hope to be a very serious contender on the field and someone who plays at a high level for a long time. My uncle, Adam Schell, set many of the defensive records for Berlin and I hope to follow in his footsteps on the offensive side of things by having a long and productive career. I look forward to getting to know my teammates better and practicing my German so that I can become a fan favorite for years to come. All in all, I want to make a difference on and off the field as I acclimate to a new environment, a new difficulty level, and a new mastery of the game that I grew up playing and continue to love playing every day. May we all have a great new year!

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - bjkman - 12-27-2022

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RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Beta - 12-27-2022

Iosefa Ma'afala-Fuamata is a extremly vicious player. Therefore I have very vicious hopes for him. This season I would like for him to get at least 5-10 sacks in the regular season and be in the ROTY voting. Although this is a very ambitious goal I believe that with dedication he will achieve this. I also hope for him to tweet a bit more consistently. The tweets come every 1-2 days.
As for his career? I want him to bathe in the glory. DPOTY DEOTY any award he can possibly win I want him to win. In his future I see a Tom Brady like 3 peat in championships. 1000+ TPE is also a big goal for Iosefa.
On the stats side I would like to have 200+ sacks and maybe break the top 10 sack record for Defensive Linemen. A top 10 in any stat would be great. Post career if Iosefa could make HOF, I'll call my ISFL career complete. Overall I have really high hopes for Iosefa and myself this upcoming year.

173 Words

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - AJW - 12-27-2022

Here are my goals for my player Jimmy Ryder this upcoming season:

Lead Kansas City

Jimmy Ryder was just recently announced captain for the Kansas City Coyotes this season. Ryder is the S39 1st round pick for Kansas and obviously has made a good enough impression on the team to be their leader. I am excited for Ryder to grow this season and put in work for the Coyotes to make a good playoff run.

Win an Ultimini Trophy

Kansas City were the S38 Ultimini winners and I would love for Ryder to hoist another one with the team for back to back seasons. It would be cool to be apart of with my first player.

Get Drafted

The ISFL draft will be exciting and my biggest goal is to get drafted there and start really playing professionally with my player. This means I'll be doing my best to earn maximum TPE each week to be draft ready.

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - TheHammer43 - 12-28-2022

Finally, all that Christmas stuff is over! Now for some of the fun stuff! I plan on having the best new Year I can possibly think of. After I intend on going on intensive training, mixed with a few new habits to hopefully enhance my playing ability. My days of eating unhealthy and slacking on my gym sessions are over. I know a couple of months ago I would have said I'm giving one hundred and ten percent but now I truly believe I will be giving everything I have in the tank. I got a lot to look forward to this season, I finally feel like I'm able to show off my true form at linebacker and the Silverbacks are in a strong position this season, hopefully, we can rock out this season and hopefully with all these new habits I can help bring another Ultimus to New york.

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Opera_Phantom - 12-28-2022

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RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - KenitohMenara - 12-28-2022

With the Christmas festivities now behind us, Walter Gunther headed back to Minnesota from Vienna to start his training again. During the christmas period, he once again met up with the coach that had previously instilled him his philosophy, Das Feld ist Hellig (The Field is Sacred). They revisited the football museum in Vienna together like they had done so many years ago and the coach, now retired, remarked that out of the people he had trained, Walter was the one who now carried the torch of their philosophy into the future.

Walter returned to Minnesota with renewed vigour and desire to uphold his values. He has his eyes firmly placed on two things, the Ultimini trophy and the Defensive player of the year title. He had won such a title before in Vienna but this was a whole new level to reach. As the newly minted stalwart of the Minnesota Linebacker core, it was his mission to show what it meant to play with honour and respect as your defining principals. He is training harder than ever to bring the Grey Ducks a title that has alluded them for a decade

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - voxaroth - 12-28-2022

Seth Leavitt's goal has always been very simply to win championships.  Now that the new year is upon us, he will further his agenda by continuing to earn TPE in copious amounts and cement his legacy as the greatest cornerback of all time.  This will begin with improvements to agility, and follow suit with intelligence.  He will also work very hard on his hands in order to pursuit the his goal in gaining the trait that defines him as a true shut down corner.  Thanks to a surrounding cast of young talent on defense, Seth has no doubt that within the next two seasons Honolulu will be back in the playoffs making a push for greatness.  So for the time being, Seth will continue to hit the gym, check in actively, gamble on game outcomes, and run the numbers to become the very best ISFL player one can possibly be.  Happy New Year!