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*Noble makes statement following suspension - Printable Version

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*Noble makes statement following suspension - kckolbe - 09-29-2017

How do you plan to stay involved for the rest of this season without being able to do PTs and such?

How many times did you say that you had more class than us and did it ever occur to you what a hypocrite you were on those occasions?

You hosted the 4 hour draft live stream for pennies, constantly stepped up when league work needed to be done, yet couldn't find time for PTs? Integrity aside, why didn't you just say "sorry man, don't have time for that?"

*Noble makes statement following suspension - adam2552 - 09-29-2017

"Noble makes statement...."

Hmm...No statement just Noble asking for questions...

*Noble makes statement following suspension - kckolbe - 09-29-2017

I have another question. Since Daybe and Meme were royally fucked by you, could you give them the payout for this presser?

*Noble makes statement following suspension - ADwyer87 - 09-29-2017

moved to the presser section, ya bum

*Noble makes statement following suspension - 124715 - 09-29-2017

What is your role going forward in Colorado now that they have selected PIerno as the QB of the future?

*Noble makes statement following suspension - JuOSu - 09-29-2017

These are some of the most awesome and deservedly brutal questions ever.

I will add some of my own:

Why are you back when you said you would not come back?
What has kept the Yeti from releasing your player?
Writing PTs literally takes five minutes, what the fuck?
Did you think your punishment was harsh enough?
Do you realize you are not welcome back here yet?

*Noble makes statement following suspension - RedCydranth - 09-30-2017

What did you do during your suspension?

A lot of people are visibly upset with you. What do you think you can do to show that you can someday be forgiven?

If you do plan on returning to the NSFL, will you be as active as you were prior to your suspension, or will you be more passive?

What is your favorite type of pizza?

Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle?

Finally, It might be difficult to persuade any team's front office to take a chance you after what transpired. If you are boycotted by the entire NSFL, what is next for Logan Noble?

*Noble makes statement following suspension - Perry87 - 09-30-2017

Does ketchup belong on a hotdog?

*Noble makes statement following suspension - Deusolis - 09-30-2017

What are your thoughts on the Yeti rebuild process?
What steps are you taking to rehab your image in the NSFL (both in character and out)
Do you think the marginal improvements on the field were worth the risk you took?
When is the full Worth It album releasing?