International Simulation Football League
(S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - AustinP0027 - 06-10-2024

Be gracious in victory, that's what they say right? When walking off the field or talking to reporters, Alexander Rockstone makes sure to be cordial and humble. There isn't any need to rub it in the opponents faces that they lost, they already know that. But once everyone gets to the locker room, it's a different story. Alexander likes to make sure his teammates are soaking in their win by blasting music, lots of yelling, and of course, bringing in the spread of food.

Athletes train hard and that usually means they have to watch their diet, but Rockstone knows that a little bit if extra motivation can make the difference out on the field, so he has quietly had some of the training staff gather information on what all his teammates favorite foods are. With a victory comes a victory celebration, so he makes sure the next day after the film session is done, he has catered food brought in with everyone's favorite guilty foods, wings, candy, nachos, all those things that people love to eat and know are just terrible for them. The group knows they have to run it all off the next day, but for that moment, they can all enjoy the sweet taste of victory paired with the sweet or salty taste of their favorite food.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Brad Woof - 06-10-2024

Winning? Is that allowed?

I think winning it all would send Brad Woof into a kind of catatonic shock. Hopefully the comatose Brad would be hoisted up by his teammates and carried, like a hero, into the raucous, celebrating locker room. Hopefully, he would be showered in champagne and confetti and handed the coveted Ultimus MVP trophy as the gathered crowds of Honolulu fans chant "Woof! Woof! Woof!". Hopefully he'd be given the key to the city and the team would erect a trophy of him outside the stadium so every fan in perpetuity could come and take a picture with the Hahalua legend Brad Woof.

But in reality Brad would always be on that field. Always be living a single play, or maybe just a small handful. Over and over he'd see them in slow motion - maybe a contested catch or the exact moment he juked a CB out of his shoes. Those small moments of electricity would be the things that stuck with him.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Bayley - 06-10-2024


RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - goodvsevil1275 - 06-10-2024

Victory is a feeling that the S49 London Royals have felt quite often. Dating back to the preseason, London is 11-0 so far. This means that they have a lot of practice with celebrating victories, and Dexter Morgan is certainly one to celebrate. Before every game, Dexter goes to his favorite printing store and prints a large, full body poster of every single defender he will face. After winning, he hangs them up on a clothesline and, starting with the defensive back's posters, takes a knife and stabs the poster in the heart. He then cuts away at the poster, cutting off every limb from the photo. He then puts the pieces into a garbage bag. He does this for every opposing defender after every win and takes the cut-up posters and goes for a boat ride with them. When he returns, the garbage bags are no longer with him. No one really knows what he does with them or why. Needless to say, Dexter really, really loves to win. It remains to be seen what Dexter will do after a loss, but I bet we do not want to find out.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - bfry - 06-10-2024

We won another!  In Bondi Beach, we plunder and ransack and have some generally anti-social behavior when it comes to celebrating.  Especially after a win in an away stadium, we tend to find things that might serve to remind us of the win that would be specific to the stadium that we are at.  Some people call this stealing, but that feels very one sided.  We look at it as looting the things that we rightfully won from the far less scary conquered team in this instance.  We sing some sea shanties and generally get very very loud just for the fun of it and want the other team to hear our chorus of jubilation.  So yes you could say we are a bit over the top in our celebration but what is the point of going out and competing at the highest level of a sport if you can not turn around and celebrate it at the end of a hard fought victory.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Tylertokesome04 - 06-10-2024

After a hard fought win against a daunting opponent, Josh Patterson always treats his teammates to a nice steak dinner at the finest Steakhouse in San Jose, Sundance the Steakhouse. After making sure his offensive line is well fed and his teammates have finished their dessert, Patterson usually plans a team building outing for after dinner, this activity and it's grandiose scale depends on the win and what it means for the teams season, first win of the year, we go out bowling, 10th win of the season, we rent a private yacht for an evening, clinch the playoffs, off to vegas, win the Ultimini, boy you better believe that's a trip to Disney World, after clinching his first MVP in the ISFL of his career, which seemed like a win in it's own right to Patterson, he made sure to gift his entire offense new Rolex watches, for the defense, Corvettes. Patterson loves to win, here's to a few more before he rides off into the sunset.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - ValorX77 - 06-10-2024

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - ZootTX - 06-10-2024

This season has been up and down for the Yellowknife Wraiths. While they sit at a 6-4 record currently, that still leaves them out of the playoffs in the NSFC. They also suffered a super embarrassing near blowout to the Arizona Outlaws. That said, the Wraiths do have plenty to celebrate about in the 6 wins they do have, including wins over Cape Town and Sarasota. As quarterback, Maximus Boudreaux is expected to be a team leader in the locker room and on the field, so he feels that any win celebration should be sure to include to recognize those who contributed to wins. While football is certainly a team game, there are usually 2 or 3 players that deserve recognition for their outstanding play. Outside of that, Max is usually happy to let the others celebrate the hardest, and is generally more reserved. Most of the younger players can more than make up with their excitement in a win! (160 words)

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Wiggli - 06-10-2024

Quote:Written option: Your team just won! How do you celebrate? Explain how you want to spend the after game corralling your comrades in sim football arms to perpetuating further victory! Do you throw a pizza party? Pop a bottle of champagne? Or something else?

Juan knows how to party, even after he’s become a teetotaler.  You’ve got to keep things in check to a certain degree, stay focused on the task and all that, but it is important to celebrate your victories and have fun, it is just a game after all. Right off the rip in the locker room after a win Juan will often be leading (or attempting to lead) his teammates in song. You might expect a glorious tenor or even a baritone from the big man, but Juan prides himself on being able to hit all the high notes.

In this world, we're just beginnin'
To understand the miracle of livin'
Baby, I was afraid before
But I'm not afraid anymore

Belinda Carlisle is one of his faves. He’s got all the dance moves too, or at least he thinks he does. And does his best to put on a good show, holding an imaginary microphone in his hideously disfigured hands and pulling in teammates to sing the chorus. Some enjoy his antics more than others, but its hard not to smile at the big galoot as he makes a fool out of himself.

172 words (238 total -44 quote-22 lyrics)

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - elixir - 06-10-2024

After our team wins, we kick off the celebration with cheers and high-fives in the locker room, followed by a quick, inspiring speech from our coach or captain. Then we pop a bottle of champagne (or sparkling cider for the young ones) for a toast to our hard work. Next, we head to a local pizzeria and order a bunch of pizzas to share. We hand out some fun awards for standout performances, watch game highlights on a big screen in the film room, and even have mini-tournaments of other games to keep feeling in the air. We'll take plenty of team photos to capture the moment and prepare some thank you notes for our supporters. As the night starts winding down, we relax around a bonfire or in a cozy lounge area, sharing stories and dreams about future wins. The next day, we regroup to reflect on the celebration, gather feedback, and start planning our next moves to keep the momentum going. It's all about enjoying the win, bonding as a team, and staying focused on future goals.