International Simulation Football League
(S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Printable Version

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RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - IR15H0000000000 - 10-07-2024

When looking for an unusual surface to play on, the Coyotes have a unique advantage when playing in an underwater lagoon. Our defensive line would thrive as Paulie Wag, who has already been a beast on land, is a literal water type Pokemon and would swim around any lethargic offensive line and sack the quarterback. Brick Wall would not have any negative effects as he is a literal brick wall and would block all swims up the middle. There would be a slight worry about erosion, but the bricks can be replaced as needed. On offense, we would have more of the same as our number one wide out, Jeff Land Shark, is amphibious. He has incredible land speed already, but once Jeff Land Shark returns to his home domain, he will evolve to a whole new level.. A Jeff Land Shark jet sweep out to the wide side of the hashes would be unstoppable.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - JJ5 - 10-07-2024

Honolulu plays their games on the beach. Half of the field is the sandy part, and then the west sideline is the water. The east sideline has grass. The endzones have rocks in them. The good thing is we have Brad woof, a WR who is also a dog. He is a receiver/retriever. He can swim and paddle and grab the ball with his mouth so he doesn't have to worry about not having an extra hand to swim. Our cornerback is a mouse. So he can scurry really quickly on the sand and burrow underneath it and pop up and get some crazy interceptions. Baymax, our OL, is a giant puffy robot so he can float on the water and swim really easily. His legs turn into a boat so he can just move and push people with ease. He is also good at planting his robot legs in the sand to push the DL back.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Cuffy - 10-07-2024

If it were up to me I think I’d make everyone lace up their skates and get ready for ice football. All the rules are the same but instead of playing on turf your playing on the ice like Hockey. This will make the game of football much more fast pace and I think it would work out great. With everyone on skates I feel like the quarterbacks would be even more creative with their plays. Maybe the guys running for the touchdowns would have to be careful not to completely smoke the boards at the end of the end zone. The only tricky thing would be field goals and kicking the ball for the kicker. This would be the most challenging part of the game. I think they would be able to do it but what if we gave them a hockey stick and they smack the ball with the stick for field goals instead the options are endless!

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - bjkman - 10-07-2024

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - GrimmCrackers - 10-07-2024

If we were going to have a game played in a unique or alternate environment, I feel like I would just want to embrace the ultimate snow game. Everybody loves when teams in the North get the perfect timed snowstorm and players are forced to play a game of football in a whiteout where you can't even see the green or any of the field markings. Why not take a couple of teams up to Canada or somewhere in Alaska and make a snow field on a frozen lake, I mean who says hockey is the only sport that gets to enjoy winter and be played on a frozen lake. Football is a tough game so a tough environment just feels apropos. Sure the kickers might fall down every time they try and kick it off or kick a field goal, but what goes harder than a snow angel TD celebration.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - speculadora - 10-07-2024

In my opinion the most fun place to play baseball would be in the middle of outer space, away from the gravitational pull of any planets or stars. Why? It would be the most difficult and high stakes game of football ever played. You hit someone? Better hope their teammates are ready to change the direction of their momentum, otherwise that guy is going to go forever and ever. You jump up to catch the ball or bat down a pass? See ya later! Of course there probably would be no point to jumping up to catch the football because it would be impossible to pass, because any amount of vertical release angle means the ball would just soar out of the field of play never to be seen again. Actually, can the play technically be over without any kind of dead ball? I guess once it goes out of bounds, maybe. Now that I think of it you can't even run without gravity so forget this idea.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - .Laser - 10-07-2024

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - scamps - 10-07-2024

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Bigred1580 - 10-07-2024

[Image: hB0X7Jg.png]

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - BOOM™ - 10-07-2024

VHL Affiliate(BOOM)