International Simulation Football League
(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Printable Version

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Sleepy - 12-22-2017

I think it is pretty clear there are some glaring issues in the NSFL and DSFL. They both are far from the perfect sim league. I think both of these controversies are a direct result of lack luster efforts to make the leagues as bullet proof as possible. I know with so many moving parts this is a difficult task but there are on there, bigger sim leagues that do not have these issues with mass retirement or a dude running enough multis to basically roster an entire team.

As I said, I think both of these issues are symptoms of a larger problem. That problem being a lack of direction the owners and commissioners have and an overall lack of communication between forum officials in general. I know this sim is supposed to be all in good fun but If these issues are happening, is anyone really having fun? I’ve met a few great people in this league and they’re good people. I’d hate for their team to be hit with some sort of scandal like this as well.

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Supersquare04 - 12-22-2017

I came to the league after all of the controversy drama that surrounded the league had happened. I had heard about some guy who created a cloning machine and used it to fill the Outlaws with multiple versions of himself. I still am not completely sure how he did this and managed to pretend to be multiple different people...However I wonder if I can figure out how to create a cloning machine? Probably not, I'm a simple man. But I sure hope no one finds out how to clone ever again and ruin the league. The Outlaws championships will always be tainted now.

As for the mass retirement, I found that kind of shocking when I was in college. The legion were in the middle of a rebuild and all of a sudden a large portion of their players retiring...kind of rippled through the league. This might be the year the Legion goes winless...With the Yeti improving and the rest of the NSFL looking pretty good, it isn't a completely foreign possibility. I wish the legion all of the success in the world. Hopefully they can get their franchise back on track.

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - kckolbe - 12-22-2017

The Outlaws controversy was possibly the single most devastating event in league history, both for the team affected, and the league as a whole. The Outlaws lost offensive linemen Pat Pancake and Tim Pest (the latter of whom was the top blocker in the league), Christiano Ronaldo (the league’s best punter), Luke Luechly (the top LB from season two), and Jaxon Tuck, a powerhouse back who was a great goal line weapon. These losses did great damage to the Outlaws in every aspect of the game. The Arizona response to such a devastating loss of talent was to further explode, trading away a dedicated defensive lineman and role-filler safety for a downgrade on D line and a player that clearly didn’t want to play in Arizona and had an antagonistic relationship with most of the team. The player soon after announced his retirement, leaving Arizona even more fucked than they had been.

(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Evok - 12-22-2017

For me, the biggest controversy of the league was the puppet master. Not only did that guy had like 10 multies, but he was the commish and simmer for a while AND some of his puppets had other league jobs. The dude was either really crazy or really dedicated and though he couldn't get caught. The fact that many of his player also ended up in the same team will probably hurt their legacy for a while. The outlaws had three cups during that time. I'm not sure if he already had a multi in season one, but can we really consider the other cup theirs when one dude was in control of that many player in the team/league and could basically build them at the team's need ? I dont even want to know what he asked his player to be paid. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the minimum. I'm really glad he was caught before creating another 10 players.

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Chukka - 12-23-2017

The Arizona Outlaws have had a rough offseason to say the least. The mass disappearance of many of their players (due to what is believed to be a government robotic ai malfunction) was a huge shock to the team. With a lot of the teams core lost, something needed to be done. Trading away a couple of players and draft picks for young talent seemed like the best option. Lincoln Jefferson, Mark Ramrio, Wyatt Fulton and Andreas Waiters were among the pickups in this latest offseason.

I am only confident that in the near future this Outlaws franchise can turn around after such a devastating blow. The ownership and managing of the team is in great hands and the league can only assume that Arizona will be back contending soon enough.

Ignoring the football talk right now is what is important though. It is believed that many of the players that disappeared were part of some sort of experiment by the government. Is it really possible to make automated intelligence so good that it acts like a human (AND CAN EVEN PLAY FOOTBALL)? This is just leads to more questions. I hope we don't have to deal with events like these in the future because I am getting creeped the fuck out.


(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Leafer - 12-23-2017

When the mass retirement occured, things have changed. It was a big topic and affected the team. But what about the outlaws. There has been revealed that the outlaws star had 10 multis and illegally broke the law. He was the leader of this team and has embarrased and chated. They won cups and on pace to win more with the growth of those youth. Its such a shame something like this would happen. All those multis are gone and the star player is suspended. This will affect the outlaws legacy and the league on its responsiblities. It was great the league found out before it got even worse.

I have not been in this league around during these events but I did get info from. The outlaws had to make drastic changes to the team and fill in the spots before the season started making the offseason longer and suspecious.

(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - SwagSloth - 12-23-2017

The most recent controversy came when a large portion of the Las Vega Legion retired. Or, at least, a member of their team claimed to retire for everyone. Some accepted, but others did not do so cleanly, making it obvious that not everyone was committed to the cause. Rumors suggest that this was the work of Connor Tanner, who threatened their families and/or had other dirt on them. And he was ready to do the unthinkable if the rest of the team didn’t follow through. Tanner had seen enough. And, to paraphrase Luke Skywalker in the Last Jedi trailer, Tanner had decreed that it was “time for the Legion to die”.

The team reacted to this demand in different ways. Some truly followed suite, influenced by the Dark Side and, also likely, their general unhappiness with their team. Wyatt Fulton proudly embraced this fate, proving that, as his mother once suggested, he would indeed jump off a bridge if his friends did it, too. Jimmy Cox retired and then immediately un-tired in a random moment that was very typical for man that once claimed to be 700 years old. Then again, our inside sources tell us that Jimmy Cox retires and un-retires at least once a week, so this may not be particularly significant. Jon Ross also retired despite not being part of the first wave, which is noteworthy, but he wasn’t one of the first to do so, meaning that he’ll still lose all credibility with his friends that are into indie rock music. On the other hand, channeling the Luke Skywalker of a younger era, Philip Carter and Wallace Stone resisted the pull of the Dark Side, opting to stay unretired. Philip Carter wisely outsmarted Tanner’s plan by passive-aggressively commenting in the following discussion, but never actually “accepting” their retirement. Wallace Stone, on the other hand, took a more blunt approach and simply told him no. We have in good authority that Tanner had threatened to harm Stone’s grandmother if the retirement was not accepted, but we’ve also been made aware that Stone’s grandmother practices Krav Maga and that Tanner found it out the hard way.

Perhaps this wasn’t the conspiracy that so many made it out to be. Perhaps one man didn’t coerce 6 other people into walking away from the sport they once loved. Perhaps it’s possible that those 6 people were just unhappy. However, that wouldn’t be very fun to write about, would it? (In fact, it’s kind of depressing, so stop suggesting that. I’s bringing the rest of us down.)

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - timeconsumer - 12-23-2017

In four short seasons the NSFL has seen no less than five major controversies that have stunned the fans, players, and leadership. From Carmel Gibson to Multi-Er we continually find ourselves shaking our heads at the seemingly infinite amount of scandals unearthed before us. This offseason proved to be no different than those of the past as we watched the cult of Legion commit a mass retirement amid what can only be described as a mass tantrum. What was widely considered to be a team on a meteoric rise with a thriving locker room culture suddenly shot iself in the foot - with a howitzer. As the rest of the league looked on in disbelief the Legion hurled itself headlong into rock bottom - and started digging.

In a desperate scramble to right the ship the head office promoted a new GM to the Legion to hold what little was left together. However, the ill-suited management wasn't in the office for more than a few days before making a catastrophic miscalculation and alienating what was left of the team members. Shortly thereafter he stepped down from the role and was shipped off to Colorado. The shredded remains of the Legion still limp on under their new leadership, finding themselves once again at the bottom of the heap in the league and struggling to find a foothold.

(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - RedCydranth - 12-23-2017

The biggest controversy this past off season was the revelation that former respected member of the community, and out old head simulation expert, ErMurazor was a cheating douchebag. He was confirmed to have 7 other accounts, many of whom were key contributors to the Arizona Outlaws, who for the first 3 seasons of the NSFL were the premier team and easily the most dominant. Guys like Tim Pest, Jayce Tuck and Cristiano Ronoldo were pivotal in the sustained success of Arizona. Many people speculate that without the multis that were created, the Otters would be the 3 time champion instead of the Outlaws. There is no evidence to support the truth behind that speculation, however. Just hopes from the many people who watched the Outlaws be so dominant and wished they weren't.

But the findings itself wasn't what made it controversial. When a cheater is found, they should be removed. Sure, the obvious response is to remove all the multis and the Head Office did exactly that. But the rest of the punishment, on the man who perpetrated the heinous act, was pretty lax by many people's standards. Despite multiple pleas to increase the punishment the head office decided to keep their initial punishment. Rumors say that ErMurazor isn't likely to return anyhow, but if he does, it will be intriguing to see how the community reacts to him.

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - JKortesi81 - 12-23-2017

It was such a shame to see the drama unfold in the NSFL this offseason. A planned mass retirement that was based on things like “We need the league to be better for us.” and other assorted grievances ended up having the league as a worse place. It was a damn shame that so many good players in the league decided to essentially cripple the franchise they all worked hard for previously. It was good to see some members step up and do what they can to help the Legion, who will hopefully be rebranded and can get over the sins of the past. It’s a shame, but it may just bring the league a little closer together.

As for the unfortunate “cult” issue. It’s a shame to see how deep the rabbit hole went. I know our friend Er is a good person, and he did a stupid lie in the beginning of the league that lead to a lot of players being affected. He most likely got caught in the lies and couldn’t get out of it. There was only one way for that to end, and it finally came to a head. Hopefully, this also brings the league together, and when Tuck’s suspension as cult leader ends, he can come back and we can move on. (219)