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The Obligatory Press Conference - Ghostspeed - 05-28-2017

(05-28-2017, 04:46 AM)TheWoZy Wrote:Thanks for answering my questions. Good luck at the draft!!

You're welcome and best of luck to you Fuego.

Well Outback is closing and their kicking me out so. I will close this here.

Thanks to All :cheers:

[Image: woorivers.gif]

[Image: 4856192.gif]

The Obligatory Press Conference - ErMurazor - 05-29-2017

Do you have any game day superstitions?

What's your favorite curse word?

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

How often does your family watch you play?

What's your go-to social media platform?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Ghostspeed - 05-29-2017

[Image: sonic-at-night-640.jpg__640x360_q85_crop...ling-2.jpg]


Well, What the hell..Round Two of the Obligatory Press Conference from the Sonic two blocks north of the stadium. Let me drop the tailgate and get comfortable. Trying one of Sonic's frozen custard concretes..Yeah I know WTF ??
Hey, I been working hard it was Memorial Day/night, it's fucking hot, and It's a cheat day. So I got a small (checks the menu for nutritional info)'s like 800 calories..
(looks at the cup and does best shockface)....jjjeeessssus

Ok Fire away.

First up ErMurazor Thanks for the Q's and since your the first you get a slightly melted dark chocolate w/ Oreo pieces custard concrete

(05-30-2017, 03:35 AM)ErMurazor Wrote:Do you have any game day superstitions?

What's your favorite curse word?

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

How often does your family watch you play?

What's your go-to social media platform?

1. Got a simple thing I take a sharpie and write on the inside of my gloves 'Mom and Dad'

2.It's the F bomb cause it's a noun, a verb, an adjective, and just about the best general substitute/placeholder for any other word.

3. 37 hours

4.Thru high school every game. Lost my parents two years ago( drunk driver ) So now they watch every week from better seats.
Trying to put a brave face on a painful fact.

5. I have Facebook.. but, don't give a shit about it. I will probably get my agent to cover my social media.

Hey, thanks for the Questions and Good Luck this Season.

I know I gave it away BUT, I think this concrete is melting so I might just have to sample a little . Tongue

(05-30-2017, 11:35 AM)Esa77 Wrote:Do you have a favorite gif?

Is Rick Flair you're all time favorite wrestler?

What is your touchdown dance going to be?

How many times to expect to perform this dance in your rookie season?

Are you capable of making one handed catches?

Thanks for the Questions.

1. Not really. I try and stay away from using too many now days. There kinda overused.

2. He's one of my favorites for mic skill and ego attitude. He immediately recognizable , I do a decent impression of him. He's convenient to use to get heat. Favorite wrestler, that's another story.

3. I prefer 'the act like you been there' ball flip to the ref and a chest bump with my teammates. If it's been a hard game, double teamed all game, the team needs a little inspiration. Well then I might be a little more creative, we'll see.

4. That depends on a lot of factors the offensive coordinator calling the game and the offensive line protection ,and the willingness of the QB to read the defense and occasionally improvise. I can only play my position and let my QB know I'm Always Open. Hopefully double digits worth.

5. With either hand. Never been a problem. Part of the skill set and it's part of my regular practice schedule.

Thanks again .

(05-30-2017, 12:23 PM)Merica Wrote:1: all this talk about Ethan Hunt, Jamies Christ and other QB prospects, but let's be real, there's only one guy who can truly connect with Christmas, and that's Josh Bercovici. Thoughts?

2: Compare yourself to a current NFL wideout. Who's game do you most resemble?

3: will you tell your QB if he's fucking up?

4: M/F/K:  Angela Merkel, Lena Dunham or MCZ's mom

5: White Rice or Brown Rice?

Well it's the Berc. Thanks for the Questions.

1. I think there's things that I can control and things that are above my paygrade. Meaning I respect a lot of QB's in this draft. I'm not in awe of any of them, who I get as a teammate well that's a GM 's job..I believe based on the competitive nature alone Josh Bercovici is at the top of the QB list. I think that Josh has the potential to be a superstar in this league and that I could naturally benefit from that. But, I also feel that I can make ANY competent quarterback a better one. They just have to be as dedicated to this game as I am AND get me the ball.

2.In the NFL of 16-17, I'd have to say Mike Evans of Tampa same body shape little heavier ,little slower. I think his game is comparable. Go back couple seasons and the guy I watched/studied intently and copied was 'Megatron' Calvin Johnson, and I think my game is a mix of the two, with about a step and a 1/2 faster 40 time.

3. Depends on the QB and the place and time. Some QB's are a little delicate and they have to be 'managed' . Yeah, I know they say those things about WR's too. But, I believe in telling it as you see it and I'm going find a way to get the point across ,that doesn't mean I intend to throw some Dallas bitchfit on the field or the sideline. But, I might give my QB A LOok' if the game he's played for three quarters has been less than he usual Cowboy Up MFer!

4. K ....K.....Are we talking about SHL McZ?.....Kill and get the "Fargo" wood chipper. Never seen her, and she could be a MILF. But, still. K.

5. Based solely on P.F.Changs( restaurant chain ) Brown ,great with Beef w/ pea pods.

(05-30-2017, 03:21 PM)theFlock Wrote:Merry Christmas, Chris Jones from the Baltimore Sun, wanted to drop a few Questions on you before the draft. 

1.) Seeing as your a very large human, do you feel you will be double teamed when things start to go your way? 
2.) Do you welcome double teams as a challenge? 
3.) If you could line up against anybody in this draft, regardless of position, who would it be? 
4.) Somebody in this draft has the ability to cover you, again, regardless of position, who has the best chance of covering you? 
5.) Favorite restaurant you haven't held a presser at? 

Thanks for your time, can I get some of that custard?

Mr. Jones thanks for your Q's

1.& 2. Actually.
Yes, I expect to be a target of defensive game safety help, and linebackers shading to my side of the field and double teams. Schemes to limit the damage that a weapon (be that Me or Garden or Law or whoever) that is a focus point of an offense.
I know I will draw attention and that's fine that's a challenge I am looking forward to. I faced it in college and it'll be no different in the NSFL. The competition will be better and I'm prepared for it. Double teams are basicly the defense showing that they respect that players abilities and that's a compliment ..So when you burn the double coverage for that 20 yard TD you should say Why thank you..thank you very much.

3. I look around and I see a lot of guys claiming a lot in these pressers. I think I'll stick to my position and take the challenges as they come week by week. That's a good clap

4. It's still early there could be some defensive wunderkind making an arch enemy somewhere based off my build...never know.
I have just started to research some of my potential competition ( CB's and Safeties mostly) I like the kid from Navy ..Flock seems to have great potential.Wink

5. I'm a low key country kinda guy so, I got a lot of places round town I might check out. And some are more upscale than others.
Hey, who knows the next segment might just come from the car wash my old truck needs a bath.

Sorry Jonesy The custard concrete was not really that good and it was melting real bad. Don't recommend it. Shit ton of calories..not good. Tell Flock I said Wassup.

(05-30-2017, 07:25 PM)Lainncli Wrote:You're the tallest WR in the draft. What advantages or disadvantages does that give you?

Why are custard concretes so good?

Which QB in this class would you most like to catch passes from?

You say you're a country boy, born and raised in rural Idaho. How did your upbringing help you to become the football player you are today?

Deep-fried or barbequed?

Thank for the Q's nice rugby avatar. Smile

1. I see it as Advantages Only
Taller ~easier to be seen. In the heat of the game with linemen obscuring a quarterbacks vision I can be seen when a more diminutive wide out would get lost in the chaos.
Taller ~ easier to throw to just put it up there I'll get it. More room for error on those throws by a quarterback under pressure.
Taller ~so that I command attention therefore opening up other option in a team's offense. You get the point.

2. Actually this one from Sonic wasn't it's got shitload of Oreo pieces and a ton of calories..Besides I had one at a Freddy's that was better. It's like the smoothest ice cream you've ever had. But, not good if your dieting or concerned about sugars and shit.

3.The safe answer is whichever QB is on the field with me at the time. Sure I like you would love to see a Triple C TD= A Christ to Christmas Connection. Or a Josh Bercovici channeling of Doug Flutie and heave it long down field to Christmas for the last second score. Or Ethan Hunt or Noble or Boss let's face it I just want to play for a team and with a QB that understands I can help them.

4. I wouldn't call Coeur d'Alene rural so much as a resort summer town. It's really got one of the larger and deeper lakes in the country and its less than an hour to Spokane Washington....Anyway , I AM a little country , and I get that whole Friday night lights inference and it is definitely that here. This is America and this is Idaho so football is still a major factor to people around here. And I had the opportunity to see that focus on football and sports in general could be a way to get a better level of living me to college and got me this opportunity here. Football is a way for some people to benefit themselves with opportunities they might not have been able to reach wether that be here in the Coeur or L.A. or Dallas or N.Y. But, like anything you gotta work at it and that's what coming from here helped me understand. I realized that hard work is a Damn Good Thing.

5. Both but, with moderation, meaning no deep fried twinkies or Crazy Carnival food. Gotta stay below 230lbs. That's my playing max as suggested by the trainers my agent hired.

(05-31-2017, 01:00 AM)Grapehead Wrote:What's your favourite colour?

Would you rather have to build a pizza-sized house or have to eat a whole house-sized pizza?

Who is your oldest friend?

When was your favourite holiday?

Where was your first vacation to?

Thanks for your Questions.

1. RED...

[Image: ewu-field.jpg]

Like this. Wink

2. Honestly, I like pizza but, I don't love pizza. Haven't found a place that I can say I am amazed by their pizza.
So neither really.

3. Cooper's oldest friends are the Cornelious brothers Matt and Kevin.

4. I enjoy Halloween...Arbor I remember It's 4th of July in the Coeur.

5. As a little kid my parents took me to Disneyland in Anaheim and Seaworld in San Diego was pretty great memory.

The Obligatory Press Conference - Esa77 - 05-30-2017

Do you have a favorite gif?

Is Rick Flair you're all time favorite wrestler?

What is your touchdown dance going to be?

How many times to expect to perform this dance in your rookie season?

Are you capable of making one handed catches?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Merica - 05-30-2017

1: all this talk about Ethan Hunt, Jamies Christ and other QB prospects, but let's be real, there's only one guy who can truly connect with Christmas, and that's Josh Bercovici. Thoughts?

2: Compare yourself to a current NFL wideout. Who's game do you most resemble?

3: will you tell your QB if he's fucking up?

4: M/F/K: Angela Merkel, Lena Dunham or MCZ's mom

5: White Rice or Brown Rice?

The Obligatory Press Conference - theFlock - 05-30-2017

Merry Christmas, Chris Jones from the Baltimore Sun, wanted to drop a few Questions on you before the draft.

1.) Seeing as your a very large human, do you feel you will be double teamed when things start to go your way?
2.) Do you welcome double teams as a challenge?
3.) If you could line up against anybody in this draft, regardless of position, who would it be?
4.) Somebody in this draft has the ability to cover you, again, regardless of position, who has the best chance of covering you?
5.) Favorite restaurant you haven't held a presser at?

Thanks for your time, can I get some of that custard?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Ghostspeed - 05-30-2017

Answered all to this point
You'll find Round 2. Answers under the Sonic pic. Mid page 1.

[Image: giphy.gif]

If you need $¥£€....Ask Away. Nothing like wasting time fidget spinning.

[Image: 2962af2cb0180def6907352380a8d26d.jpg]

Fidget spinner bottle opener....Smile

The Obligatory Press Conference - Lainncli - 05-30-2017

You're the tallest WR in the draft. What advantages or disadvantages does that give you?

Why are custard concretes so good?

Which QB in this class would you most like to catch passes from?

You say you're a country boy, born and raised in rural Idaho. How did your upbringing help you to become the football player you are today?

Deep-fried or barbequed?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Ghostspeed - 05-30-2017

Updated to here

This portion of the Obligatory Press Conference is brought to you by ..

Miller High Life

[Image: 51cCjD7WVNL._SX300_.jpg]

Favored by Carl the Jugs passing machine operator.

[Image: jugs-m1700-football-passing-machine-80a.jpg]

The Obligatory Press Conference - Grapehead - 05-30-2017

What's your favourite colour?

Would you rather have to build a pizza-sized house or have to eat a whole house-sized pizza?

Who is your oldest friend?

When was your favourite holiday?

Where was your first vacation to?