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Damian West Takes Questions from Media - Jbearly - 05-29-2017

How do you feel about being ranked the second best wide reciever coming into this year? (In my media piece)

Do you feel your game is more unique than other recievers in the draft?

What part of your skill set do you think needs to be improved?

Which qb in the league do you want throwing you the ball?

How long before you are a house hold name in the nsfl?

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - RavensFanFromOntario - 05-29-2017

How do you respond to people calling you a one game phenom?
Some people say you don't even love football, thoughts?
Strippers or drugs?
Steak or Chicken?
Championship or individual awards?

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-30-2017

(05-29-2017, 04:44 PM)Ballerstorm Wrote::interview:
Why did you choose to wear #89?

What is your favorite route to run?

How would you describe your blocking?

Do you prefer to study the playbook or work out in the gym?

Who was the best corner you ever faced?

1. It was my older brothers number when he played in High School and I looked up to him, decided to honor him by keeping the number in the family and making a bigger name for us.

2. Any of them. I love to study them all and perfect them, but I won't lie when I say the deeper routes that allow me to more easily lose my defender are my favorites. Verticals.

3. Terrible. I don't have much size on me but usually I'm the one needing a block thrown my way to get space.

4. Study. I workout too but I'm far more fascinated with knowing everything. Perhaps I will coach one day.

5. Nobody, I haven't met anyone yet that can slow me down. Some of these guys in the NSFL show potential so we shall come back to that question later on down the road.

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-30-2017

(05-29-2017, 06:33 PM)Ghostspeed Wrote:Damien , Big fan and congrats on the All American Bowl performance.
Got Questions,

1. Does Damien West use a face shield or not? 

2. Any superstitious rituals when getting dressed for a game? always tieing right shoe first.

3. Favorite football related movie?...And ever considered acting after football is over?

4. Could Damien West survive in a  triple option based offense where pass plays are few but, potentially rewarding deep routes?

5. Is Damien West the next Madden Cover?

Thank you, thank you!

1. He does use a visor on the sunny days but not when there is precipitation.

2. Nothing superstitious, don't believe in that stuff. I do typically spend about 15-20 minutes quietly by myself with headphones on and my favorite pre-game tunes blaring. Helps psyche me up before the game.

3. I would never consider acting seriously, maybe small roles here and there when they need it. Favorite football movie has to be Remember The Titans - I was younger when it came out and it's full of so much inspiration

4. Yeah of course. I'm an excellent route-runner so I'm going to get my looks and opportunities regardless

5. That's not up to me man but I hope so! Usually you see Quarterbacks and Running Backs on it though.

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-30-2017

(05-29-2017, 08:16 PM)Jbearly Wrote:How do you feel about being ranked the second best wide reciever coming into this year? (In my media piece)

Do you feel your game is more unique than other recievers in the draft?

What part of your skill set do you think needs to be improved?

Which qb in the league do you want throwing you the ball?

How long before you are a house hold name in the nsfl?

1. Sorry man never read it, now I'm gonna have to. Means nothing. I know I'm the best and if people think otherwise that's too damn bad.

2. Hard to say. I think my attitude and studious approach to the game is different for sure. Everyone likes to think they're unique so I'll let the experts decide that and just focus on fine-tuning my game.

3. Strength. I spend most of time analyzing plays and routes. While I can be pretty elusive after the catch, it's hard for me to break tackles and get through contact.

4. Doesn't matter. As long as he knows to throw it at me and executes well enough I'm good with it.

5. I'd like to think I already am after the Showcase Game. Within the first couple seasons I'll show that I'm the best for sure.

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-30-2017

(05-29-2017, 09:28 PM)RavensFanFromOntario Wrote:How do you respond to people calling you a one game phenom?
Some people say you don't even love football, thoughts?
Strippers or drugs?
Steak or Chicken?
Championship or individual awards?

1. They can say what they want it don't bother me. They'll be eating their own words soon enough anyways.

2. Is this even a serious question? I love football man. Been a fan since I was old enough to walk. My dad watched every Sunday and I loved sitting with him and watching.

3. Strippers don't get you thrown out of professional sports man. They usually go hand in hand though, haha. I don't partake in drugs, I'd like to keep my job and money thanks.

4. Steak all day! Chicken is great but nothing hits the spot like a big juicy Sirloin or T-Bone.

5. Championship. Individual awards can come along with that too but the goal is to always do my thing and help the team win in the process.

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - Jogn - 05-30-2017

You and Jameis Christ clearly had a lot of synergy in the All American Bowl - are you hoping to go to San Jose and keep that going?

It looks like you don't have a college listed - did you go another route? Are you possibly coming straight out of high school?

You're one of the youngest people in this draft, are you concerned about your ability to perform under pressure?

For you, it seems like you're all speed and hands, and you didn't put that much work into game study, or the weight room. Are you concerned with that approach?

It's rare to see a Canadian regarded highly in draft discussions - do you want to go to Yellowknife, or support the rumored Baltimore to Toronto relocation rumors?

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - Kendrick - 05-30-2017

1. Where do you believe you will fall in the draft?
2. Are you a fan of NCAA or Madden video games?
3. Would you rather jump off a cliff to your death or drown in shark infested waters?
4. Do you have a celebrity athlete crush on someone?
5. Did you grow up in a large household?

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - Tomen - 05-31-2017

:interview: 1. Who do you think will win game 1 of the NBA finals ?

:interview: 2. Preferred TD celebration?

:interview: 3. What seperates you from the other Wide Receivers in this class?

:interview: 4. How much more TD's will you have than Garden?

:interview: 5. Any hard hitting safeties or Linebackers that you would like to avoid?

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-31-2017

(05-30-2017, 09:53 PM)Jogn Wrote:You and Jameis Christ clearly had a lot of synergy in the All American Bowl - are you hoping to go to San Jose and keep that going?

It looks like you don't have a college listed - did you go another route? Are you possibly coming straight out of high school?

You're one of the youngest people in this draft, are you concerned about your ability to perform under pressure?

For you, it seems like you're all speed and hands, and you didn't put that much work into game study, or the weight room. Are you concerned with that approach?

It's rare to see a Canadian regarded highly in draft discussions - do you want to go to Yellowknife, or support the rumored Baltimore to Toronto relocation rumors?

1. It's always nice having chemistry developed like that already. I'm not going to sweat it if I end up there or not playing alongside him. I run my routes accurately, so any good Quarterback is a good fit.

2. I took a year off after high school and never went to College. I still played in that year off and I'm confident enough in my abilities to skip college for the Pros. Getting to start in a brand new professional league versus attending college without a scholarship is much more enticing.

3. Not at all. I love pressure and played my best through the toughest games in High School. This won't be any different just tougher competition which fuels me even more.

4. While my on-field intelligence may not be up to standards I can assure you I am a student of the game and in the classroom. I may not be a stronger guy but I have a way of fighting through it. I know hitting the gym is going to be a main priority throughout these first few seasons.

5. Honestly I don't care where I go. I grew up in Detroit mostly but was born in Canada. I have no ties to being on a Canadian versus an American team at all.