International Simulation Football League
*Who's Who: Quarterbacks - Printable Version

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*Who's Who: Quarterbacks - 124715 - 02-12-2018

(02-12-2018, 10:18 PM)ralz9 Wrote:None of the DSFL quarterbacks will ever play quarterback in the NSFL, though.

Fair enough.

*Who's Who: Quarterbacks - ItsJustBarry - 02-13-2018

NOLA NOSL just drafted GM/QB Borkus Maximus III so they're set through S16 at least.

*Who's Who: Quarterbacks - iamslm22 - 02-13-2018

(02-12-2018, 09:03 PM)ralz9 Wrote:I joined right before the draft so I didn't play a season of DSFL ball like Rove did which is a big part of why my TPE is low. 'Preciate the love, though, def on the come up! #ComebackSZN

What does how long you spend in DSFL have to do with your TPE? Like at all?

*Who's Who: Quarterbacks - tbone415 - 02-13-2018

Noble got in trouble MULTIple times