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(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - adam2552 - 04-17-2018

Football wasn’t Carter Bush’s first love. Before Carter Bush became a promising National Simulation Football League rookie running back for the Philadelphia Liberty, he was a semi-professional NBA 2k player. Blessed with both amazing physical talents and natural video game skills, Carter Bush tore up both the real life football field and the digital hardwood. In NBA 2k, Carter Bush played as a dominant three and d SF. However, as the NBA 2k draft drew near, his NSFL commitments prevented him from putting in the practice required to be one of the top NBA 2k players. In the final combine event, Carter Bush failed miserably. On the night of the NBA 2k Draft, Carter Bush still had hope that his name would be called, however it was for naught. Carter Bush did not get drafted into the NBA 2k League, instead he is just a lowly National Simulation Football League backup running back. Carter Bush still plays NBA 2k and hopes to hone his skills enough to break into the league in the future. Meanwhile, he destroys all his teammates in the locker room in NBA 2k, and is running out of willing opponents. Football wasn’t Carter Bush’s first love, but it might be the only one he has….for now.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - kckolbe - 04-17-2018

Honestly, Kevin Cushing had originally wanted to play basketball. I think it was basketball. I had to do a PT on this many seasons ago, and I fear I will lose TPE if not consistent with my original story. He’d been a great rebounder in high school, but unfortunately a 6’1” player has no chance of making even a college team as a down low guy. After that he got heavily into League of Legends, but while being the asshole teammate on a team of 53 can be tolerated, being the asshole in a group of 5 that you work with every day gets a lot more frustrating. Also, following his indecent exposure charge in S4 (yeah, that was a thing), he wasn’t allowed on a lot of league social media, making networking for new teammates difficult. Also, he had this thing about playing a support role, but not playing the character as nothing but a totem bitch who sucked at everything else, and even though they would consistently win their lane, no team would try it because that wasn’t what the pros did. And it’s like “motherfucker,” they are the pros BECAUSE they do shit that people don’t expect, that’s the point.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - bovovovo - 04-17-2018

If Borkus Maximus III wasn't a football player he'd probably be a professional curler to be honest. Or at least an amateur one. Actually, he already is an amateur curler. He's in a beer curler league.

See here's the thing about curling that makes it so great. It's chill. It's easy on the body. There's no injuries. It's fun times. Good vibes all around. You can drink beer. It's a good sport, really. Borkus has put his body on the line for a long time for the sport that he loves, but sometimes its nice to just sit back and play some nice friendly curling. There's no stress on your muscles or tendons.Unless if you scrub the ice too vigorously. But Borkus isn't a scrubber, he's a thrower. His pinpoint accuracy serves him well as does his alcohol tolerance.

Look I know this seems like a meme PT but seriously curling is pretty sweet. They got this local place here where they do beer curling and it's great fun. Just hang out with buddies and scrub some ice and throw some ... curls? Is that what they're called? Anyways, curling is a great stress-free sport that Borkus Maximus III would greatly enjoy.

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(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Scootalicious - 04-17-2018

"I actually at first didn't want to be in the NSFL. I didn't even imagine being in it for most of my childhood. Rather, I tried out a lot of other sports instead, and every time I imagined I'd be a professional player in those leagues instead. I first started out trying for basketball, I tried point guard, then center, but I never had a good aim shooting baskets and I was never good at defense either. Eventually I gave up and looked to other sports, which is where I came across hockey. I saw pros skating across like it was the Olympics and I wanted to try myself. First time I strapped on some skates and tried to skate, I fell straight on my ass and it was bruised for a week. That's when I knew hockey wasn't for me. Then I decided to go after baseball. I always heard of the greats like Barry Bonds and Willie Mays, and I thought to myself, 'One day you'll be just like them'. Baseball actually stuck with me for a while. I knew how to hit balls and I could catch pretty good, so I was put at left fielder. I actually played pretty good on my high school team, but I eventually quit due to a lack of interest. Then, I found rugby. I played in a small community league and became a star for knocking others down and out. Eventually, a college coach stopping by found me and asked if I would tryout at his JuCo school for football to see if I knew my stuff. I loved rugby, but I knew becoming a pro was impossible, so I decided to go to the JuCo school in Mississippi. I did a Combine, including skill tests, and the coach assigned me to defensive tackle, where when I finally got a grip on rules and technique, I killed offensive lineman. Eventually, I found my calling and went on to play at N.C. State, where I broke records and found myself eligible to enter the DSFL draft. And now, here I am. But other sports were definitely something I'd be doing. Hell, I'd probably be playing rugby right now."

- James Brown, on the question "What would you do if you weren't in the DSFL?"

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(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Beaver - 04-17-2018

Despite having a rich, preppy, douche bag-sounding name Blackford Oakes grew up a little poor and so in order to earn a little spending money he got into underground giant beaver racing which of course is highly illegal but during his six year career he won nine titles of varying prestigiousness in fact when he was 13 he announced his retirement to focus on his football career and had one final race in order to win the undergound giant beaver grand prix and it was at this race where he met Connor Tanner who later became famous for forcing ~TOTALLY ACTIVE AND CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE~ into mass retiring against their will and it was a hard fought race between the two but in the end Oakes wound up winning as he always does against Tanner and took him the grand prix championship in his final race and so if he didn't have a promising career in pro football on the horizon Blackford Oakes probably would've gone pro in giant beaver racing and enjoyed a long, successful career there which would've been super fun and exhiliterating but in that timeline he probably never meets Borkus Maximus III and Terrell Brister and probably doesn't get an invite to their wedding which really would be a shame so everything worked out in the end and hey maybe he can talk Borkus and Brister into having some giant beaver racing at their wedding.

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(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Mongoose87 - 04-17-2018

Growing up in Canada, hockey was always king. You may love baseball, soccer or football, but you always knew that was going to take a back seat to the true national pastime.
Knowing that, it won't surprise you that Will picked up a hockey stick years before he wore a football helmet. Like most professional athletes, most sports come to him easily, and he was a natural on skates. If you've ever watched little league hockey, you'd know there's always one kid that stands out as head and shoulders above the rest. He scores all the goals, he skates circles around his peers. That was Will.
High school came around and Will tried football on for size and it turned out he was damn good at that, too. He appreciated the coordination and structure of a well executed football play.
The turning point was when evaluations began for junior hockey Will knew that there was a real chance he'd be sent far from home. That sucked. There was also a real chance he'd go there and never make it past the juniors. That would be worse.
Football, on the other hand, had a natural course through high school and then university. He wouldn't have to leave home until he was an adult. He'd get a degree. That was a good deal, by his standards.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - iamslm22 - 04-17-2018

Avon Blocksdale was made to be a football player obviously. The dude was born in Brooklyn (a place not exactly known for making amazing football players) and wound up being a Pro Bowler in the NSFL at two entirely different positions (offensive line and Quarterback). So clearly Avon would excel at other spots. Now it is unknown how good Avon would be at basketball, he would have to be a guard since he's clearly not THAT tall (only 6 foot 4 inches), but he is pretty athletic and obviously a great passer. Perhaps Avon would be a decent point guard? Now it may surprising to some, but the one sport that's not really a sport that Avon is really good at is darts. I mean it makes a little of sense right? It involves throwing an object with extraordinary accuracy. Plus the big advantage that Darts has over Football is you can play darts with a beer in your hand. If that doesn't sound like an amazing thing to be a professional at then I have no idea what is. Now if you would have to say a sport other than football, basketball or darts? I have zero idea. Avon is very good at football. That's his best sport. He likes it that way. 214

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Bzerkap - 04-17-2018

If Mat wasn't a professional football player he would definitely be a professional bow hunter with his own YouTube channel and website dedicated to the art of bow hunting.

Ever since growing up in rural Minnesota, hunting has really been a way of life for Mat. He loves to take to the land and survive off of it. He grew up mostly hunting deer and elk with his father and grandfather, while hunting grouse with his uncle. He had always hunted with rifles up until halfway through his college experience, when he saw people hunting online with compound bows.

He immediately went out and bought a compound bow and began practicing every chance he got. He has found that the skill with drawing back a bow, maintaining your breathing and steadying your heart beat really gives him a much more raw feeling. It's something that he has really enjoyed, and every offseason he goes out hunting. He really feels like the stalk and the need to get much closer to the prey is part of the primal feeling that he loves.

When he retires or if he never played football, Mat really wants to set up a channel that documents his hunting exploits, allowing people to get involved with the art. He also wants to set up some videos about archery in general. Share the sport he loves with the world.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - SwagSloth - 04-17-2018

The truth is that football is the only team sport that Eric Kennedy has ever loved. He grew up as a loyal fan and, despite being a smaller kid, he worked very hard early in his life to get to the point where he could participate in the sport that he loved. That said, it took a lot of things going right for him to get to where he was today and there could have easily been something that would have derailed his dream. Fortunately for him, that has not happened, but the thought has crossed his mind from time to time.

Often, in the circles he’s run in back home, Kennedy got to know athletes from many sports, baseball, basketball, etc. His heart isn’t in those sports, but it’s been said at times that his combination of speed and strength could make him versatile in many sports. He’s a bit short for basketball at 5’10”, but he could probably adapt to a sport like baseball or soccer if he put the time into it. He may not be able to play at the level he plays at in the NSFL, but it could be enough to pay the bills. Fortunately for Kennedy, he’s still going strong despite a recent concussion scare at the end of S6 and may be around for several more seasons if he could properly adapt to his new position at Wide Receiver.

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(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - BWIII - 04-17-2018

Despite growing up in a football dominate household, Brock Weathers III wasn't always a lock to play football. His parents agreed that pigeonholing him like that would be a disservice and they didn't want to force any single sport, or sports in general on him. Early on, Brock was playing soccer and baseball in the spring and summer and basketball and football in the fall. As he got older, baseball and basketball dropped off, but it was soccer that took priority. BWIII was actually a pretty talented soccer player, showing off a powerful leg playing striker for the city's select travel team. As he entered high school, his coaches shifted his focus to defense and on a number of occasions he bodied up opposing strikers knocked them to the ground. He was known for his physical style of play and good iq, but for some reason in the tryouts for the soccer team in his freshman and sophomore year he was passed on and didn't make any team. Some say there was a bribe made to steer him towards football, which ultimately worked as he would try out for the football team his junior year and easily make it. Had it not been for the alleged bribe it's quite possible that Brock would have gone to college on a soccer scholarship, or perhaps fizzle out and be nothing. Either way he's perfectly happy being a member of the San Antonio Marshals in the DSFL, but every once in a while he'll get that "what if" type moment