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PTs / TPE gains - Printable Version

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PTs / TPE gains - Bengals1Fan - 06-09-2017

I just want it to be known that overall, im not a fan of this system at all.

PTs / TPE gains - Jbearly - 06-09-2017

I feel like participation tpe should be a thing. It rewards people for doing the task but it doesn't take away from anyone else. The people who do good on the task get their tpe still but those who don't get something still

PTs / TPE gains - Stormblessed - 06-09-2017

And the media dollar payout scale makes absolutely NO sense. Look at this:

My first 1000 words is worth 750k. My next 1000 words is worth 950k. Why? What makes the first 1000 words worth less. What is the incentive for ANYONE to EVER post a single article if they have enough cash in the bank for a week or two of training? Just hold your media's and keep adding until you need the money, then dump a huge article. Get the extra 200k for doing the exact same work.

100 words- 50k
200 words- 100k
300 words- 150k
400 words- 200k
500 words- 250k
600 words- 350k
700 words- 450k
800 words- 550k
900 words- 650k
1000 words- 750k
1100 words- 850k
1200 words- 950k
1300 words- 1 mil
1400 words- 1.1 mil
1500 words- 1.2 mil
1600 words- 1.3 mil
1700 words- 1.4 mil
1800 words- 1.5 mil
1900 words- 1.6 mil
2000 words- 1.7 mil
2100 words- 1.8 mil
2200 words- 1.9 mil
2300 words- 2 mil

PTs / TPE gains - Admin - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 10:35 AM)Ephemeris Wrote:I know this might sound weird and out of place. But as a waiver player you can't really do anything to 'compete' and improve your player ahead of the draft without any form of training or actual waiver system. At least to my knowledge nobody publically made a formal announcement that I was acquired by the hawks, there wasn’t a waiver thread ect. Not to mention in the Bank ledger I’m not even listed as part of the team. It’s like I don’t exist until S2? If that’s the case what’s the point in sticking around? Am I angry – not really, but a little more organization is sorely needed.
You're right, there isn't anything in the public areas to see that you had been added, only in the GM only areas. I'll start posting waiver signings in the player transactions areas. Thanks for bringing this up.

In the bank area I'm not certain, @Grapehead would be able to better answer, but I think once a banker processes your contract you'll be added.

As a S2 player who joined so close after the draft you will notice a significant advantage for yourself versus other S2 players who join during the S2 recruiting drive. I know is right now it feels like you're behind the S1 guys, but within your draft class you'll be top notch.

PTs / TPE gains - Admin - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 10:37 AM)adam2552 Wrote:I have an idea to make certain media worth more.  Keep the current structure for "write about whatever you want" articles.  However, the media graders could introduce a "Requested Articles" or something similar.  Each week we at a set time we would post a list of articles we want to see.  The idea being that we won't get the same "Game X preview" article over and over again.  Some ideas off the top of my head:

"Interview with NSFL Referee Ted Mochuli" (min 500 words - $1,000,000)
"Otters QB Mike Boss caught with deflated footballs in preseason" (min 750 words - $1,500,000 bonus $500,000 for interview with Mike Boss)

Just other stories that could drive the league narrative beyond previews and recaps.  We make the post say every Friday at 9PM, and then whoever is the first to post and claim a story is the one who gets to write it.  Each story would have a deadline, and if the deadline is missed, the payout is cut in half or something.  Each of these articles would be worth either more money than the standard media rate or would come with a TPE payout instead of a money payout.
This is an excellent idea! @`incitehysteria` as media head what do you think?

PTs / TPE gains - adam2552 - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 01:44 PM)DillyDing Wrote:And the media dollar payout scale makes absolutely NO sense. Look at this:

My first 1000 words is worth 750k. My next 1000 words is worth 950k. Why? What makes the first 1000 words worth less. What is the incentive for ANYONE to EVER post a single article if they have enough cash in the bank for a week or two of training? Just hold your media's and keep adding until you need the money, then dump a huge article. Get the extra 200k for doing the exact same work.

100 words- 50k
200 words- 100k
300 words- 150k
400 words- 200k
500 words- 250k
600 words- 350k
700 words- 450k
800 words- 550k
900 words- 650k
1000 words- 750k
1100 words- 850k
1200 words- 950k
1300 words- 1 mil
1400 words- 1.1 mil
1500 words- 1.2 mil
1600 words- 1.3 mil
1700 words- 1.4 mil
1800 words- 1.5 mil
1900 words- 1.6 mil
2000 words- 1.7 mil
2100 words- 1.8 mil
2200 words- 1.9 mil
2300 words- 2 mil

Writing a well structured, compelling, coherent 1000 word article is significantly easier than a well structured, compelling, coherent 2000 word article.

PTs / TPE gains - Admin - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 10:38 AM)DillyDing Wrote:And the variance for the random predictions is so ridiculous.

Baller, you got 8 TPE from the mock draft. Many people got 0. There is nothing protecting players (like myself and others) who don't know much about the league from getting fucked.

Someone who has intimate knowledge of the league and it's workings CLEARLY benefited against those who don't have that same knowledge. What message does that send?
Moving forward there won't be any more 0s from PTs. Participation TPE will be handed out for everything. Things like mocks will get more than things like weekly predictions

PTs / TPE gains - Bengals1Fan - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 12:42 PM)Bengals1Fan Wrote:I just want it to be known that overall, im not a fan of this system at all.
I'll explain. The money aspect of the league is one of the most pointless things i've seen in a long time. I do a PT right? What do I want? TPE. So why in the flying fidoodle am I having to convert that PT to money in any shape of forum where 1 mil or 500K or whatever or 1 PT doesn't equal a set number of TPE.

1 Graphic or 1 Article should equal a certain number of TPE. Period.

Then paying the employees of this league in cash? That's a HUGE slap in the face.

Think about it this way. Do a lot of NFL players play 13 seasons? Fuck no they dont. Do they take 13 years to reach their peak? Fuck no they dont. So why are we having that happen here? NFL shelf life for a HB is like 5-8 seasons and a lot of them play their best football in seasons 1-7. The system currently has no arc, it's all just upward trajectory.

PTs / TPE gains - Stormblessed - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 10:48 AM)Ballerstorm Wrote:Moving forward there won't be any more 0s from PTs. Participation TPE will be handed out for everything. Things like mocks will get more than things like weekly predictions

Sure, but we're not getting back that 8 TPE lol

that is a HUGE variance. you're now a week and a half ahead of most of the league.

PTs / TPE gains - Stormblessed - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 10:47 AM)adam2552 Wrote:Writing a well structured, compelling, coherent 1000 word article is significantly easier than a well structured, compelling, coherent 2000 word article.

Well that's just flat out not true.