International Simulation Football League
(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Printable Version

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RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - shrub02 - 08-16-2021

I think that success in this league isn't based on any one particular category, its more of a blend of several. Its hard to deny the importance of winning. I mean that's what we all came here to do right? But it doesn't end with that. If that's the only thing we're judging success on, I would have to consider my time in the league as pretty unsuccessful as I am currently in my 4th season and have never been on a team with a winning (unless we happen to win 3 straight to end the season). All I can do to address that aspect is keep improving my player to be ready for when things come together. This leads me to my next sign of success: how well your player plays. I know you don't have a lot of control of how your player plays on the field, but you can definitely improve your chances of doing well by staying active, doing these PTs, media and such. Which leads me to my last point: I think engaging with the league in a meaningful way is the best mark of success. When I first joined the league, I found that researching and writing articles and creating graphics really helped me enjoy everything a lot more, even though my player and team were doing pretty poorly at the time. I guess what it comes down to is doing whatever works for you to have the most fun while in the league. Hopefully you  can help your team win in the process.

260 words

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - ztarwarz - 08-16-2021

It depends. Are you talking about success as a team? Success as a player? Or success as a person and user? The last one might be the only one that's really in your control. Just do your best not to piss people off, make friends maybe, and be a pleasant person to be around in the locker room. That's the only one that's really in your control, and it often will fly in the face of the other two. All three of the goals kind of work against each other, at least in some respect. Success as a player is maybe the most blatant, in that in order to be a successful player, at least in terms of the Heading for the Hall type, you're probably going to need to either leapfrog over a player who would perform better for a roster spot, or move to a team where a newbie would be one of the starters on a team (and thus hamper the success as a team in a completely different way) and, I'd argue, doing the former method would make you a worse user. And even if you are in the best possible situation for both success as a team, success as a player, or both, the sim as always can screw you over.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - WildfireMicro - 08-16-2021

Success in a simulation league like the ISFL is a funny thing because depending on who you ask the answer can be wildly different. For me, I used to associate success in these leagues as simply winning titles but now I think it is really different from that and it is a mindset I am trying to get over completely. Now I think that success can be better defined as making friends and relationships that will last a long time. I would personally now rather win a title later with a group of friends I have grown to love then with a bunch of people that are good but I have no true connection with.

 I personally do not like feeling lonely as it is a hard feeling to get over. I need a locker room that is always lively and friendly as I feel like a locker room like that is much more deserving of a title then any other. Plus I do not think that people would want to stick around in a dead locker room for long. In that field I think that the Philadelphia Liberty locker room has definitely succeeded. The Liberty locker room is a band of brothers and sisters and at least we have success in one field if nothing else

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Minnesotafine - 08-16-2021

I think the biggest indicator of success in sim leagues is that you have fun. This all is meant to be a break from real life, a bunch of people getting together and enjoying a sport they live, albeit in a somewhat unusual way. If I didn’t enjoy the locker room, I wouldn’t still be in the league. I’m incredibly lucky in the fact that Portland is a great locker room and I am incredibly glad they picked me up as a DFA. Of course, winning is always something that’s nice. Locker rooms tend to be better as teams have success. Any healthy locker room is not going to rely solely on winning to make the locker room enjoyable, but it certainly helps when you and all of your friends are able to win games and maybe even a championship. Also to touch on rivalries, those are always fun to have. It seems like Portland’s biggest rival is Kansas City, but I haven’t been around enough yet to tell. In the SHL, both of my teams have massive rivals, with Newfoundland having Maine as a rival and Edmonton having Calgary. It certainly adds to the fun when you see your next game is against your most hated team.

208 Words

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Jangorhino - 08-16-2021

[Image: PT5.png]

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - captjanko - 08-16-2021

(244 words)
Success for Morpheus Czargyros is rooted in the joy of pursuit of greatness. After all, whether a platitude or truism, there is value in remembering that the real treasure is the friends we make along the way. And friendships do not appear out of the woodworks but are instead cultivated with appreciating the qualities of others.

Winning is nice. Being second in the race for sack leader is wonderful. But game nights with the Minnesota Ducks, laughing over cards against humanity? Those are the moments that will be best remembered. Morpheus has missed many sacks and @Dukemarriot has been right behind him ready to clean up plays. Seeing the team come together with the chemistry developed from locker room fun is the real success.

More than anything, the DSFL is the DEVELOPMENTAL league. Winning is glorious but the unending pursuit of being ones' best self is where joy is found. What are we doing here if not trying to be happy? If each day, an activity only brings unhappiness, then greater value will be found in life by pruning such responsibilities.

If you can wake up, find joy in your activities, and find yourself improving at them daily without overwhelming frustrations, then you are a successful person. This season, Morpheus has been fortunate to be on a team where all players have improved across the board, had fun with one another, and built ties that will last for seasons to come. That is success.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - crazylemire - 08-16-2021

The meaning to success for Tony Demonson would be too conuteting adding on to stats he has put up this year he is amazed with home many touch downs he has got so far and wants too make the total even more he thinks that it is possible still too win rookie of the year if he can thrown down for the last of the games remaining in the season he also wants too make the playoffs but its a really far out for bondi beach at the moment look for him too put on a show with Quaterback Zarylien too try to push there way into these playoffs, he also is looking too make a name for himself and be drafted into the upcoming ISFL draft he wasnt selected in DFSL and this hurt him alot, i dont expect teams too pass up on this young player. Tony Demonson has impressed us this season and has came too the test as others more high profile namely there young running back leader of the offense Ken Oath has came up short in a drama Fiuld season with the 1st overall pick and the city of Bondi Beach. Tony hopes Ken Oath will start playing better or not take as many touches .


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - IsaStarcrossed - 08-16-2021

Affiliate: SHL/SMJHL Championship Week (WithTheMoose)

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - SecondSucks22 - 08-16-2021

There are a couple of ways to look at this. From a strictly ISFL standpoint, the meaning of success is winning obviously, but having fun doing so. At the end of the day everyone is here voluntarily, and we are all just here to have some fun. A GM at this level wont be judged strictly by "do you like being in the lr" however, its all about the hardware. Now from a DSFL standpoint, the name of the game is player retention. Im a juniors gm in the SHL, and as much as I would like to win things, my main goal is to keep people interested in the league, and as such, the biggest victory I can have is seeing my players go on to do great things, whether thats become the best player in a generation, or become the GM of a team, or even commissioner of the league. The meaning of success to me, at this level, is have fun. Not everyone will be able to stick around forever, but your job is to get them to stick around as long as they can. Who knows, maybe you even end up playing with, and or for them in the future, that, to me, is true success.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Accka - 08-16-2021
