International Simulation Football League
(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Printable Version

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RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - SchoolboyShue - 09-20-2021


RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Raven - 09-20-2021

Written option: You have just signed a contract with your new ISFL team, you check your bank balance and find out there is an extra 4 million in your bank account from that same contract. What do you do? Do you tell your GM, or do you go and spend the money? Why? If you keep the money what do you spend it on?

A free 4 mil? That saves me talking shit for an hour in a podcast no one will listen to. So I am absolutely keeping that 4 mil. Obviously I am not telling any one about my new found fortunes. Everyone else is basically a narc and would just ruin my fun. I have always wanted to upgrade to a nicer house. You would think an athelete would make hella bank, but you would be suprised how much our gym memberships cost. Also equipment, which you would think you would get for free from sponsors, costs way more than an average contract. I could be resposible and use that 4 mil to cover a part of the equipment. However you have to treat yourself from time to time, so a new house it is.

Like my old house has a pool, but it is not a very grand pool ya know. It is not the kind of pool you can really show off during a pool party. So that is something the new house will need. Also I need more rooms for all the dogs I have. I love my dogs and I want the very best for them, so a nice dog centric room with all their needs met is a goal.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Minnesotafine - 09-20-2021

SHL PT (Site name on SHL is Bfine)

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Michiganonymous - 09-20-2021

Affiliate Claim -- SHL

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - slothfacekilla - 09-20-2021


RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Tesla - 09-20-2021

I am going to preface this with the fact that all of this is in character and that the truth of the matter is that I quite like the idea behind this point task. That said it led me to an interesting place and I am going to run with it to get it done. Thank you for your understanding and I hope you have a lovely day.

Agent Tesla: So Magnus they have gifted us with another point task prompt, but I think this one is honestly too outrageous for us to answer successfully.

Magnus Rikiya: It seems pretty reasonable to me? An extra four million in the back could go a long way obviously, but it is interesting to see who would be honest about things or not.

Agent Tesla: Magnus have you seen our bank account? Any change of less than eight figures I don't even notice these days. An extra four million when we see routine deposits of double that won't even register as an abnormality in my bookkeeping. I would not have the ability to let the general managers know because I would fail to notice such a small amount of money.

Magnus Rikiya: Wait. You are saying this is an outrageous point task because we have so much money that the number they gave is too small to matter for you?

Agent Tesla: Exactly! Now do not get me wrong this would certainly raise a flag for a majority of members of the league, however the only person currently richer than us is a bird by the name of Infinite. I do not know them well, but I have to imagine they would agree with us that four million is a minor enough amount of money relative to our respective fortunes that it is worth ignoring. Not going to take the time to message him to find out though.

Magnus Rikiya: Well you heard it here first folks. Remember to eat the rich and tip your waiter!

Word Count: 333

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - shrub02 - 09-20-2021

Maybe an accounting error that give you an extra $4 mil would be a happy accident that happens to you mere organics, but to me - the great Bender - it was no accident. You see I used my super computer big brain to hack the system and add that money to my statement. Now I know that if the books are off they will eventually find out and come for that money, so I took a little bit of money from each of my teammates. Just enough to make me rich, but not enough from them to notice. Think of it as a Bender tax for me being so awesome and all. So no I most definitely do not tell my GMs about it. What do you think I am some kind of chump?? The question now is: how would I spend the money? First thing I do is head to the cino and bet on blackjack. I count cards using my extremely efficient robot brain and end up with $150 mil! On my way out, this lovely robette caught my eye and woo her with my classic Bender charm. Turns out she was the wife of the robot mafia Don bot. His goons promptly take me outside, beat me up, and take my money bag.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Opera_Phantom - 09-20-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Gwdjohnson - 09-20-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - CptGoosar - 09-20-2021

Well I say this is unexpected an extra $4,000,000 can't really beat that at all, I say. Then I remember the law and my heart sinks, from a great high of feeling like I won the lottery to the crash bang world of reality. It stink, though before I tell the HR department my mind wonders on the world of possibilities I could do with an extra $4,000,000. Firstly I would have to pay off the rest of my mortgage still left on the house for all my intimidate family, Mum & Dad, Sister etc. Releasing even if that is $2,000,000 gone i still have around half the money left. $2,000,000 is a lot of money to spend, I think Crypto could really take off, so I invest $1,000,000 into a range of Crypto coins, Bitcoin etc, hoping that in 5 or so years I'll have way over the $1,000,000 invested. And i don't well then I won't really have missed the money too much. The finial $1,000,000 is hard to decide, a new top of the range car $250k or so. I now have basically everything a person could want so charity is now the course of action for now and the rest of my life. And snap back to reality and so I call HR and inform them of their mistake.