International Simulation Football League
(S36) PT 5 - Election Season - Printable Version

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RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - negs - 07-25-2022

I believe that I should remain GM because it is in the best interest maybe not for my team, but for the other teams in the league. With my player's time on Philly and my time as general manager, we have been consistently cursed by the sim and other teams have greatly benefited off of it. While dissappointing for the city of Phialdelphia, I am an asset to the league. I can always be counted on to provide drama filled games, I can always be counted on to lose a must win game, and I am a consistent source of comedy for the league. Also, I really like trading so that brings a fun element as well. My players have tried to overthrow me many times, and they have yet to be successful. I am a good general manager because I get the most out of the team and of my players while being fun.

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - Arctic - 07-25-2022

There are many reasons why Grayson Yates should be elected as the next general manager of the buccaneers. The first would be Yates would appease the #FireGlims crowd and end the tyrannical reign of Glims! Once he has made himself the only one in power, Yates will start to work his magic and make Bondi Beach unbeatable! Yates is one of the only people who knows the truth about the ISFL, that both the ISFL and the DSFL are scripted! The head office are the script writers and Yates will bribe them with his stash of unused gift cards relatives give him during christmas. With his bribes he will make sure that Bondi Beach never loses and wins the Ultimi each year. Yates also promises to ban anyone who messes up the counting bot in the server, counting will be taken very seriously. With all these great reasons, Yates hopes to have your vote in the upcoming election for Bondi Beach GM!

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - RockbotRockbo - 07-25-2022

I would convince the people of Minnesota to VOTE FOR ROCKBOT! Rockbot Rockbo is the best GM candidate for many reasons. Firstly, Rockbot was a 10th round DSFL draft selection, and rose to become the captain of the team. Because of this, I know how to turn inactive players into active players. Having more inactive players turn into active players would greatly improve the performance of the Minnesota Grey Ducks into Ultimiti contenders.

Secondly, I would make sure that everyone in Minnesota is having fun and is respectable to each other. Even though this is already the case, ensuring on maintaining a happy locker room will make the wins sweeter and the losses easier to handle. It can also help people that have issues in real life reach out to the people in the locker room for help. All of this would provide a greater sense of community that can impact people’s lives on and off the field.

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - Vaxlare - 07-25-2022

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - gucci - 07-25-2022

I would be a good GM (in the DSFL) because I've already done it at a higher level than that. In the DSFL, I go out of my way to keep all of the players feel involved, and it led to me drafting and developing the single greatest DSFL draft class of all time. The S20 Dallas Birddogs were a juggernaut. The draft allowed us to build an active culture of participation in no time in Dallas, and passing it off to Kyle and Steg extended that for seasons to come. Until recently when core locker room member recreates weren't taken by Dallas, the alumni network was second to none in the DSFL. It's starting to hurt a bit now, but we will build back better than ever with the group we have now. As far as why I'd be a good ISFL GM, I don't know that I will. It's a different game of politics and popularity contests at that level. Simping for strangers because their contract ran out and other things that I have very little interest in doing. While I won an Ultimus as a GM in Arizona once upon a time, the league has changed too much since then and I have neither the time nor commitment to GM again unfortunately.

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - AnUnoriginalGuy - 07-25-2022

As much as we make fun of them, @GlimsTC and @Chucky are amazing GMs. However, I believe I’m the best option for being the Bondi Beach GM. Having taken up plenty of jobs within Bondi, becoming a GM would probably be the next logical step. I have something that’s very necessary with a job like this: people power. I’m easygoing and I can be the player GM that would easily talk to people and make sure everyone is comfortable where they are. I can also try to help make sure the team wins - I know Bondi like the back of my hand, so I’d know where to put everyone on the depth chart. I feel fine with being a model for the Bondi Beach brand, and a job such as GM would allow me to get the word of the Buccs out more. Lastly, my ability to withstand change and pressure would be a major green flag with a HO position.

(god that was so much jargon it hurt. fire glims)

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - Jangorhino - 07-25-2022

[Image: pt4.png]

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - Kyamprac - 07-25-2022

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - BOOM™ - 07-25-2022

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S36) PT 5 - Election Season - Matty86 - 07-25-2022

SHL Affiliate