International Simulation Football League
(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Printable Version

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(S5) - Special PT - Changes - The_Hero - 01-09-2018

I would like an extra season added to rookies in the Dsfl season added. I know some players get sent back down and that's fine and dandy and all but honestly I think both the Dsfl and the Nsfl would be better from it. Second year rookies can't really be competitive in their first year in the Nsfl and the Dsfl suffers from low player count. I think adding a second season in the Dsfl would not only help keep players competitive once they join the Nsfl but also help fill out the Dsfl even more. Maybe make it optional though? So after one year the person can decide if they want to just skip straight to the Nsfl.

119 words

I honestly don't know what I want removed from the league? Maybe and this is a hard maybe remove the rules about Alt accounts? We obviously have an issue with people creating Alt accounts so maybe we should consider changing the rules? Maybe allow each account two players or something? Make it so the players have to be drafted into the same team or something. That might curb the amount of people "cheating" and could even fill our league out with more players than bots. Of course each player would have to have two different accounts and PT's and such. Again this is a hard maybe.

106 words

This last one is a lot easier for me. One of my absolute favorite thing about this league is the live stream. I know sometimes we have problems with it but in the end that is totally OK. It is so much fun to not only watch the games live but to also be able to watch it live with other people. I think the live stream is something that really sets us apart from the other Sim leagues and honestly we should try to do our best to ensure we always have the best quality stream and consistent stream times.

101 words

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - White Cornerback - 01-09-2018

Written: Write 1 thing that you would like added to the league, 1 thing that you would like removed, and 1 thing that you currently like. Each part requires 100 words to be written to receive credit for it.

I've seen some great ideas so far in this PT, personally I want to remove the DSFL cap. I don't really see any point in it, if somebody wants to stay down and develop instead of hitting the NSFL as a raw talent then they should be allowed. The learning curve is there, and it's too steep with a cap. I will be pushing for this rule in the upcoming DSFL summit and I hope there are other like minded individuals who will also support it. Then again I've NEVER cared about the input of any user on this site ever so who knows?

Added: I'm pushing for the regression counter to not begin in a players career until theyve played a total of 14 NSFL games. Players shouldn't be punished for spending time in the developmental league, especially if they love their team and I feel this rule would lengthen DSFL careers and make it a tough choice of whether to go up or not. I'd also like to see free position changes for any DSFL player until they play their first NSFL game, at which point they are subject to the 1 switch. Finally I would like to see an added incentive for people with jobs, instead of adding a TPE incentive or more money. We would introduce a PT PASS or a PT TOKEN, everybody with a job is granted 2 tokens per season which can be used during a weekend PT or normal PT. This gives an added incentive for people to actually get jobs, help the site and not consistently bitch and moan. The tokens would stack meaning you get 2 per year, if you didnt use the 2, youd be onto 4 by next season etc. This idea was built off of swagsloths.

Currently Like: I love our new banners made my Drizzy, especially the team ones. Adding some color to the forums is always great. I enjoy the new PPT which has worked extensively and tirelessly at their job, with a workrate we all hope to emulate. I love the new streams but hate the workload involved, regardless I will continue to help the site grow in all possible ways. I can't wait for the moving to the new sim engine which hopefully prevents more headaches than it causes. I love the Wraiths new found success so far this season, 3-0 baby. I can't wait for more feedback on this great PT which in large was copied from the SBA.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - SwagSloth - 01-09-2018

1 Thing I Want to See Added - Better Connectivity / Easier Guidance:
Basing this on my initial experience here and my recent experiences trying my hands at a few similar leagues, I’m starting to realize just how importance connectivity is. We utilize a lot of outside resources like the Index and Twitch Streams. As a co-GM, I understand that it’s my responsibility to share these things with my players, but we want new players to be able to navigate the site with ease. I think adding a link to the index and twitch channel along with a game page schedule or calendar will be of great help to newer players. Accessibility means everything when it comes to growing the league’s userbase. As the person that redesigned the Rookie Welcome page, I am always looking for ways to lower the learning curve and will keep this in mind for my own work as well. (141 Words)

1 Thing I Want to See Removed - Update System:
This is not really a remove request, but more of an update / upgrade preference. I think one of the biggest challenges for new players is also the update system. It takes a lot of getting used to and can be confusing at first even with a guide. It’s one of the things that’s very unique to a sim league and is a necessary evil, but it can certainly be improved. Ultimately, I fully realize that improving it would take a lot of work from someone with programming skills. It’s not something I expect to be implemented easily. However, if there were an automated way to do it (or even a better way we just haven’t thought of), that would be nice. It would also ease the burden on the updaters, which is one of the least liked jobs in the league. (142 Words)

1 Thing I Like – Index & Stream:
For starters, I love the index / boxscores. When I first joined, I just thought it was the coolest thing. Being able to easily break down games stats and even season stats allows us to follow our own progress as players and easily keep track of what’s going on in the league. A lot of leagues do this and it’s a feature of the sim program, but it’s just something I really enjoy. I also enjoy the Game Streaming. It’s something that’s unique to us as far as I know and it really helps us stand out. Being able to root for your time as everyone sees the game unfold is amazing. Some leagues do play by play, but it’s hard to find the PBP and it’s not as fun to read line by line. In other leagues, I just check the boxscores. Here, I have a stronger connection with my team because I can see the games actually play in front of me. (164 Words)

Bonus Thing I Like – The Community:
Tossing this in because I know people are reading these posts and I think it’s worth saying. I love the community here. We’re not perfect. We’ve got our trolls and such. However, I also see the work that so many people put in just to keep the league running day to day and the comradery between teammates. And that makes the obstacles we face worthwhile. Any online community will face challenges. Many don’t last as long as we have. When we face difficulty, we need to focus on overcoming it and not let those challenges ruin the fun for us. Yes, the league can always get better and let’s never stop working to make it better. So many of us are attached to the players we’ve created and the friends that we’ve made here. Let’s continue to work together, so that the league can be around for a long time to come. (152 Words)

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - CDub2 - 01-09-2018

1. Addition. I believe adding an automated Weekly Prediction system would be useful. It would also cut the workload for all the progression team. I believe my man @PDXBaller made one for us to use. While not perfect, something like that would be nice. There are a couple things that could be automated that would help cut workload and hopefully not be abused. I've seen things like automated updates being thrown around, and while it is a good idea, we would still need many updaters to check if things are kosher. I admire the guys who keep this site functioning, so anything to decrease their payload should be investigated, no matter how small (Weekly Predictions). 116 Words

1.5. If HO reads this, I've had an issue with this ever since I got into the league: Team friendly contracts. I understand taking less to stay with the team who you like, but having the highest TPE earners in the league earn a million a year because they have other sources of income really breaks the idea of a salary cap. All of a sudden, signing a free agent isn't that appealing and it hurts the equality of the league. Most of the QBs in the league make 2 million or less. For the most important position on a team, they should be making a ton. All this does is that teams in power ask players to take pay cuts so they can pump more money into the OL, further increasing the disparity of the league. Las Vegas will never get out of the dumpster in this league. No player wants to be in LV unless they are paid a lot. If LV is pumping more money into active players than other teams, their OL suffers, continuing the cycle of suckiness.

2. Remove. As seen many times, CB blitzes are stupid and should be removed. Forever. But I'll harp on something bigger, and maybe less talked about. I would like to see the ban on multis removed. Now hear me out. They would have to be upfront about wanting 2 characters. They would have to do progression for each, and I'd even be in favor of having separate bank accounts. I'd also propose that no user with a multi is part of HO or a league owner in order to limit the mod abuse and whatnot. It's doable. If someone wants to play 2 characters and are willing to do twice the work, they should be able to as long as they are open and honest with the league. 130 Words

3. Like. Continue the progression structure how you have it. Having the Weekend and Weekly PTs is good. It rewards the people who want to work harder. I like that the professional equipment is expensive, so those who work hard and earn money get the best stuff. I would like to see the cheap stuff be a little more cost effective. Just so it's actually worth while to buy it if someone is a little short on cash flow. But that's just nitpicking. So far, in 5 seasons, we've seen some pretty steady progression and so far there hasn't been a way to abuse the system (unless you hold a overpaid league job or sign a 23 million dollar contract) so progressing your player has been mostly about effort. 130 Words

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Sleepy - 01-09-2018

One thing I would like added would be getting tpe for filling out team’s IP threads. I feel like it is not a players job to make them GMs familiar with themselves. Filling out an IP thread helps GMs in scouting, sure, but It does nothing for the player in the grand scheme of things. I have no motivation to do IP threads because personally, I do not care about my draft position and outside of that, IP threads serve no purpose for the players. I know I do not give this league as much attention as others, so that might not be an issue here. But that is just my opinion on the subject of IP threads.

The DSFL. Good lord what a bad idea that league is. Introduced too early, not enough players, too many teams. Whatever the reason. I think it should go. If this is supposed to be a simulation league in that it simulates the NFL, because what other league would it attempt to simulate, the NFL has no feeds league. Maybe instead replace the DSFL teams with college teams. Only 4 or something like that. I think it would be an interesting idea to do away with the draft here as well and let teams recruit players, much like in college. That and, players could declare for the NSFL draft when they chose and it would only be compulsory after their fourth year. Much like actual CFB.

This league is pretty easy to ignore, and I mean that in the best way possible. In that, it is a lot more laid back than some other leagues and I can still make a competitive player even if i do not participate in PTs every week because of my busy school and work schedule. I can just show up, do my AC. Do my Training. Do the odd pt. Claim my champ. Week stuff and predictions and be done with it and watch my player accell on the field. I think that is especially great for new players as it lets them into the scene early and it helps develop the league community.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Drizzy - 01-09-2018

One thing added: It's weird but I really can't think of anything that I'm like "this league needs", I think for a league in only it's fifth season it's got a lot to be proud of, particularly a good and dedicated membership core, good leadership (I'm really impressed by the encounters I've had so far with the HO in this league, especially with all the shit that's gone down lately) and a real potential to grow into something. I think the thing I could see being added is more teams, I feel like if the member retention is good and the league recruits well, there's definitely scope to add another team to each conference in the not too distant future.

One thing removed: I think for the time being, the DSFL isn't really working how a development league should and that's not great. To me it kinda just feels like I'm waiting to be drafted to the NSFL rather than actually having any investment in the junior league, which is kinda disappointing. Either put the league on hiatus for a couple seasons while the league grows or add a couple things to try and get some community feel going for the league and some tension, maybe the odd DSFL specific PT or event maybe.

One thing I like. I think the streams are a very good asset. It goes a step beyond what other leagues offer of just reading numbers from an index and it really helps you get into the game a bit more. I like how helpful everyone has been here and willing to give pointers, especially on builds, I like the activity and just the general feeling the league is. Sure it's in its infancy at this stage but I can really see this being the kind of league that grows really well going into the future. I also like the new site banner I think it's really cool gee I wonder who made that.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - ghostfacethrilla - 01-10-2018

1) I think it would be dope to have all the sims posted on Youtube and other places so that people can access them easier. It could also help get new players interested since they can watch the games anytime and it’s easier to post on other forums or reddit. I think getting sims posted and advertised is a good way to get more publicity for the league and would draw in lots of new people who would be interested in watching the dots. It seems really dumb, but I do like watching my dots play so I think other people would too.

2) I think the TPE cap should be removed for DSFL players. I get that you don’t want one guy to dominate the DSFL, but it’s a really dumb rule since it restricts players a lot. I saw this in SBA and I quit that league since it was frustrating to get up to the cap in the NCAA and then have to wait it out before earning more. I know you can bank points, but it really doesn’t motivate me to get TPE if I can’t really apply it until I get drafted to the NSFL. At that point, I’d rather just not do anything because fuck it you know?

3) The community here is pretty good and not as toxic as some of the other league’s I’ve been in like SHL. Everyone seems really awesome and fun to play with and I think the league does a good job with rookie mentors and overall helpful people without much trolling. I stopped doing discord stuff because of my bad experiences with other leagues’ but I pop in every now and then to check it out. Everyone’s been helpful right off the bat and I really like the people here. The rookie guide is super helpful too and I know I had that shit bookmarked for awhile since I was a newbie here.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - timeconsumer - 01-10-2018

1) Addition. Man I don't know. This is a weird thing to ask about. This whole PT is weird. I love this league, and I'm quite vocal about the fact that I do and I don't want much changed. How about I recommend that you add that more people listen to and respond to current timeconsumer feedback which the head office already gets a lot of outside of traditional league areas. I make a ton of suggestions so probably 90% of my ideas are not a secret at this point. So yeah, tell me if you like my idea you already know about or not. And engage with me in a discussion on the topic. And no I don't want to join the head office because I don't want to ban Noble every week.

2) Subtraction. What to remove? Again, I don't really know. I already asked for OL to be removed and you basically did that so I think my main suggestion has been resolved. How about you remove Dermot? That would be fun. I don't actually have an opinion on his job performance but it could be really funny. As I'm sure you are already aware I make it my life's goal to blame Dermot for everything possible. I'm not sure why either. He's just so.....Dermot. Even the name, "Dermot", just begs to get blame for stupid shit. Fire Dermot damnit! He is ruining this league.

3) Keep the same. Again, what the fuck? I don't fucking know. Keep everything the same. I spend more time with this game than I do many other areas of my life so obviously I enjoy the shit out of it. Keep doing NSFL things. Keep being really ridiculously fun and obnoxious with lots of stupid drama and scandals. Keep rotating through head office members. Keep taking community input. Keep trying to improve while still staying true to the roots of being a league based around a terribly flawed simulation and we're kosher. I love NSFL. Change nothing and change everything all at the same time.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - RavensFanFromOntario - 01-10-2018

Write 1 thing that you would like added to the league, 1 thing that you would like removed, and 1 thing that you currently like. Each part requires 100 words to be written to receive credit for it.

1) I would like to see the addition of a Head Office sponsored/written scouting rankings for both the DSFL and NSFL draft. I think it'd be an interesting piece of scouting that would carry more weight than average joe schmoe's scouting report. I also think it would provide an interesting perspective from some of our more cerebral members on how they view prospects as well as be a piece to show members who have recently joined how they're stacking up. There is also the option to hire a person to the position of league head scout or something similar of the nature to provide the same level of credence to the report itself.

2) I think the introduction of the Twitter is a huge time waste. I don't see the point of off-site activity earning you money. It's similar to spamming discord and saying, where's my money. I don't think you should be paid for activity or content that doesn't directly contribute to the site itself. I understand the argument that it's somehow an obscure recruitment tool but until I see that in action, I think it's pointless and drives up money of the haves versus the have nots. Unless you could somehow link twitter into the league via a sideboard, or sigs, or head office using it before announcements or something to make it actually relevant, I think it should be scrapped.

3) This league is fantastic, I'm a huge fan of the amount of voices that continually go through head office and people who don't hang on to positions past time they can give effort for. I find in a lot of leagues you'll find guys who clearly don't have time or aren't good at their positions hanging on to it for fear of never getting it back or some financial gain. In this league, there's a huge amount of turnover that's brought in lots of positive changes and many people getting experience in the management positions. I find it helps brings positive change to the league, and has an increased amount of knowledgeable people in every locker room that helps with individual member retention. I think while not necessarily an intentional approach by league positions, it's become more of a community accepted approach to allow people to take roles if you can't handle it. That's great.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - 37thchamber - 01-11-2018

Thing to add
Better integration and interactivity on the site. A lot of things could be automated, given enough time and effort -- which would also remove the need for so many people to be working on stuff that isn't grading (no shade). A news ticker is one great addition with low input costs. It could display the latest game results (or if a game is ongoing, a link to the stream or whatever), league announcements, major signings etc. A twitter widget to further integrate the growing NSFL twittersphere with the site for those who don't do twitter. A system that allows users to update with minimal effort (and provides a simpler audit path if mistakes are made). A stats engine on hand to crank out information from the sim to anyone who would want it, rather than just those of us with the time and knowledge to dig it up. Various things could improve this site if we took the time to develop them... which leads me to my "thing to remove".

Thing to remove
Jcink. Sure it's a great free host, and I'm not knocking it... but if you want to take this league to the next level you need to own the hosting space it's on. You need to have server level permissions to create scripts and such that would integrate with the forum. This would cost, true (though realistically it's cheap as fuck for what you'd actually need) but would keep everything in one place. That way we're not scrambling to catalog links, and keep track of multiple locations. It's all there, on one server. I think if we're serious about building something long-lasting and great here, you are going to need to cut away from the shackles of free hosting. Yes, SHL still uses free hosting, but have you seen how much of a sprawling mess that place is? There's too much going on for it to be truly welcoming to newcomers. It's confusing. It's not inviting. Then there's the issue of the player builder accidentally getting buggered recently. On a single server, a rollback to fix that is painfully simple. I could go on, but then I'm talking more about what we could add again. Heh.

Thing I like
The way Head Office is being run at the moment. Head Office is acting more proactively than in the past, I think. Which is a major improvement. There are a lot of things that could have been avoided if there had been more willingness to take action before things become problems. The communication with the user base and efforts being taken to promote transparency and keep everyone in the loop are things that should have been happening from the beginning, imo. Better late than never, though. I don't have the time for head office, so I appreciate that it's hard work and thankless. I do. But some of the issues here so far (and we're in what? season five?) could probably have been avoided if there had been more open discourse between administration and members. You need that on ANY sizeable online community (trust me, I admin'd a large forum before. It was rough) otherwise trust disappears and members become disillusions and quit (which we've seen here too).