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Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-31-2017

(05-30-2017, 10:22 PM)Kendrick Wrote:1. Where do you believe you will fall in the draft?
2. Are you a fan of NCAA or Madden video games?
3. Would you rather jump off a cliff to your death or drown in shark infested waters?
4. Do you have a celebrity athlete crush on someone?
5. Did you grow up in a large household?

1. I've been hearing a lot of Round One rumors but I'm not glued (heh) to that as a personal goal or anything. My draft position isn't honestly a major concern for me because I know how talented I am.

2. Absolutely to both. I wish they came out with NCAA games again, recruiting for and building a lesser known school up in prestige was honestly the best part of it. I never really played the games to an online extent, I more so enjoyed playing solo dynasties and seeing 'what if' situations play out.

3. Jump off a cliff, much faster death. I feel like drowning or wondering if a shark would eat you first would be a much slower death and wouldn't be as enjoyable. At least jumping off a cliff would be an exhilarating last few seconds of your life. That being said, I don't want to die yet.

4. I wouldn't say any one in particular. There's a lot of celebrities I do fancy but nobody I would obsess over more than anyone else.

5. Semi-large. Had both my parents and an older brother and younger sister. A lot of times our grandparents would be over and cousins. On an average day it wouldn't be that large but on weekends sometimes our house was the place to be and was packed.

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - Saliva^ - 05-31-2017

Are you honored to respresent the well known GLU agency?
How it was to skip the college?
How's Detroit? Still going down?
Have you ever seen Eminem?
Do you drive car? If so, Ford; Chrysler or Chevrolet?

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-31-2017

(05-31-2017, 04:53 PM)Tomen Wrote::interview: 1. Who do you think will win game 1 of the NBA finals ?

:interview: 2. Preferred TD celebration?

:interview: 3. What seperates you from the other Wide Receivers in this class?

:interview: 4. How much more TD's will you have than Garden?

:interview: 5. Any hard hitting safeties or Linebackers that you would like to avoid?

1. Tough - I think Golden State takes the series but I think Game One could go either way. I'm going to say Golden State.

2. The Gronk! Nothing puts more of an exclamation mark on domination then slamming the ball into the ground and letting out a man-cry!

3. I think I've said this before but it has to be my knowledge of playbooks and perfection when it comes to route running. The fact that I can run faster than most receivers at the same time in conjunction with that really helps.

4. Too many.

5. Hard to say right now since I haven't really been tested yet. There's a couple mean looking dudes out there but they'll have to catch me first for me to worry about them.

Damian West Takes Questions from Media - GoodLeftUndone - 05-31-2017

(05-31-2017, 05:05 PM)Saliva^ Wrote:Are you honored to respresent the well known GLU agency?
How it was to skip the college?
How's Detroit? Still going down?
Have you ever seen Eminem?
Do you drive car? If so, Ford; Chrysler or Chevrolet?

1. Absolutely. They approached me saying that they'd like to represent me as they see me as a perfect fit for the type of clientele they like to work with. I already started to hit it off with former WFL Cornerback Vontae Peterson.

2. It's nice to get to play pro ball so early but to miss out on the college days that every teenager dreams of is disappointing a bit.

3. It's a shit-hole but it's my shit-hole.

4. Nah not on the streets. Went to a concert once though and that was AMAZEBALLS.

5. A piece of shit Ford Focus. Can't wait to sign a contract and buy something fancy.