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(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Printable Version

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(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - trslick - 08-04-2018

I have had many close calls over the years, this one was 42 years ago with my
dad on one of our hunting adventures in Alaska! We followed another guy down
the Tanana river(dangerous river) about 8 miles, with a canoe and our hunting gear in the boat! Pulled in, unloaded and had to carry canoe a mile to this body of water to hunt ducks! Our guide told us to leave before dark to get up the river and avoid bears! The hunting was great and dad did not follow the guy in when he said to go. I told dad we needed to go as night was coming fast and freezing drizzle had started!
We get back to landing area cold as hell and almost dark, dad breaks into this old trappers cabin for stuff to make a fire! He leaves a note with some money, we cook a few ducks to eat and then start up the river that runs very fast! I'm in front of the boat looking for things not to run into and we run aground on a rock!
I push us off that go another mile where the river forks, we don't know what way to go! I thought I could see lights to the left, we went that way and the lights turned out to be the bridge we started from! Freezing to death we were glad to be about done when, 200 yards from the dock we run out of gas! The boat is floating back down river and I think we are done for when the guide pulled up beside us in his boat! He held us till dad changed tanks and we got off that damn river!

I never went on that river again!

Graphics- don't know how

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - mabb - 08-04-2018

When Xandra was a child, her parents enjoyed taking her hiking with them. They often went all over the Northeast - hiking VT, MA, NY & sometimes even returning to her dad’s old stomping grounds in Canada. It’s a great area to be in, with many 4000 ft mountains to test her cardio and give that calf burn from steady climbs. One hike, they went on a Saturday after a particularly rainy week, and while the trails were well maintained, it was pretty rocky. After a few hours, they were finally nearing the top of the mountain, and Xandra got distracted by the view through a break in the trees. She lost her footing and started sliding downhill, picking up speed. Her parents heard her shout, turned quickly, and were able to point out a tree she would pass in a couple seconds. Xandra grabbed the tree limb and luckily her parents were able to make it down to her before she lost her grip and slid farther, where they had noticed large patches of poison ivy.

Word count = 175

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Daybe - 08-04-2018

Applehort nearly played a good season once. His season started off strong in college, and he was one of the NCAA's best throwers. Everything was good for him. He had a good team with a lot of wins under their belt, he had a good wide receiver corps, he had good coaches, he had a good dorm, and he had a lot of other good stuff. But one day, his parrot started echoing, "The raisins, that make the raisin bran so great!" whenever he walked into the room. He tried to get away from the evil cries of "The raisins, that make the raisin bran so great!", but he found himself unable. Even when his girlfriend came over, he'd just hear the "The raisins, that make the raisin bran so great!" over and over again. Eventually, Applehort stopped inviting friends over because he knew the parrot would squawk the same thing over again. "The raisins, that make the raisin bran so great!" became a joke Ryan's roommate would constantly pull on him. Applehort eventually came to hate the saying "The raisins, that make the raisin bran so great!" with all his guts. One day, he punched the wall so hard because while he was eating raisin bran the parrot echoed, "The raisins, that make the raisin bran so great!" and broke his hand. Then he became a loser.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - majesiu - 08-04-2018

[Image: duXR7sR.png]

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Moosecop - 08-04-2018

The scariest close call Barnes has ever had was the time he was framed for the bombing of a building where the UN was assembling in Vienna. The bomb injured dozens and killed a handful, most notably the king of Wakanda. Unfortunately for Barnes, he was already a wanted man and it seemed he had been ID'd near the scene so tactical teams were going to come at him hard. Luckily, his old army pal Steve got to him just before the squad did, warned him of the incoming assault and together they fought their way out of the apartment building Barnes had been staying in. Eventually, they had made their way out the window onto the roof of a nearby building and were looking like they were going to make a temporary escape when a man dressed in all black panther armor confronted them and started a bigger, faster chase through the Austrian streets before being road blocked and captured by what seemed like every law enforcement officer in the country. The close call here being that Barnes didn't get absolutely murdered in what was a "dead or alive" situation and instead was only locked up.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 08-04-2018

Achilles Hondo recounts his near death encounter:
“Y'all ever see that movie Snakes on a Plane? Yeah? Well stop laughing cause that shit was real and I was there. Oh yeah and it wasn't ol Sammy Jackson saving the day, it was yours truly. Yeah I was fighting off them snakes left and right. Hit em with that karate chop kra-ka-kow. Oh then 180 spin into an uppercut boom that snake didn't know what hit him. Then like four snakes came charging at me so you know I had to do it to em, that's right quarter circle forward then puch, blew them away with my Hadouken…... alright alright so that didn't actually happen, I mean that movie is fake of course so ridiculous. But I did have to get this one snake out my Grandma's garden one time. That thing was like a foot long, my life was very much still in danger. It's a miracle I made it out alive.”

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - OBESE - 08-04-2018

It happened back in the UK where fines for throwing rubbish on the ground are really high, you can be fined around 400 pounds which is almost like 500 dollars. So what and how it happened. Me and some of my friends after a party decided that we need some food, as it often happens when you drunk and hungry because you have been drinking. Of course I did not drink and was sober, so I also was the driver. So we went to this local kebab shop to buy some kebabs. I parked right in front of the kebab shop and it just so happened that a police patrol were having their break lunch ( like at 2am). As I opened doors, my friends who was sitting behind me in the back, threw an empty can of beer out of my doors that I just opened. The two police officers that were standing outside the Kebab store waiting for their food to be prepared, saw that a can dropped out of my car as soon as I opened the doors. From their perspective it looked like I threw the can there fore I rubbished. They approached me and asked did I just dropped that can on the ground to which I said no and sadly explained what happened. I picked the can up and threw it back in the car. As I was doing it, you could hear my drunk friend, who threw the can, could be heard in the back shouting "I am really sorry, Mr. Officer!"
Thankfully the officers believed me and understood the situation so they did not fine, but that was close.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - ADwyer87 - 08-05-2018

Sunnycursed once had a very close call with a crazy old man who lived down the street. He was lonely growing up, so his father would often make him do catching practice out back to be a better receiver. One day his father threw the football too far and it landed in the neighbor's yard. His dad blamed him and made him go to get the ball from the yard. He went into the yard quickly, and found that it was really messy and unkempt. He searched for many minutes until he found the football. Once he did, he heard a loud shotgun blast in his general area. The neighbor was shooting at him! The neighbor shouted "I know yer in there, get off mah property!" Thankfully, the tall grass saved Sunnycursed, making it harder for him to be seen, or else he might not have made it here today. He made it back home safely and went back to catching practice

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - PigSnout - 08-05-2018

Boss Tweed had a near death experience a few years ago on Halloween night. He decided to have an adventure and went out exploring on the spookiest night of the year. Tweed went out into the nearby woods to look around for anything interesting. He arrived in a clearing in the woods that was draped in fog. As he explored further into the clearing, he saw an old shack in the distance. A figure walked out of the shack as he got closer. The person was clad in burlap from head to toe and held a chainsaw. As soon as he saw Tweed, the stranger turned on the chainsaw and began to run towards him. When Tweed saw this, he turned around and ran and didn't stop running until he was out of the woods. The stranger from the woods was no where to be seen as luckily Tweed was fast enough to outrun him. Was it just a Halloween prank or was it an actual crazed killer? Tweed never found out, but he hasn't gone anywhere near those woods ever since that night.

Quote:185 Words

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Raven - 08-05-2018

Quote:Written: Must Include 150 Words. Write about a time where you were almost in a bad situation. Whether it's close to being in a car accident, falling down stairs, or anything that could cause harm.

It is everyones fear to be in a bad situation. This also includes Turk Turkleton and through his life he has been in some almost disastrous situations. There was one time when during practise he kicked the ball over a fence and almost hit the car belonging to his high school principal. Which left Turk in a moment of shock as he saw the ball fly towards it, but barey missing it. Or the time he dropping his credit card and had not noticed, until a few hours later. Quickly tracking back his steps and luckily for him found it.

The biggest, almost oof moment was back when he was in highschool. Turk was home alone and was feeling the need to have a cheeky wank. As he gets really into it, his mom suddenly came home and noticed the dishes, which turk had promised to wash, had yet to be washed. As she stormed up the stairs to confront Turk. He had to pull all breaks and quickly cover up what he momentarily ago was doing.

Luckily for him he just got it all sorted in time for his mom to rush through his bedroom door.