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The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - Printable Version

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The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - White Cornerback - 01-10-2019

(01-10-2019, 10:55 PM)YoungTB Wrote:NSFLPA


The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - ADwyer87 - 01-10-2019

(01-10-2019, 05:14 PM)White Cornerback Wrote:@Destroyer
rip the legend, too pure for this world

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - ADwyer87 - 01-10-2019

(01-10-2019, 04:31 PM)kckolbe Wrote:Even the appeals team is just appointed by them.  Could they really not tolerate ONE member of the appeals team being voted by the league?
HO actually havent appointed anyone to the appeals board, slm took care of that. Unless you're talking about slm himself.If he wants to appoint guys via public vote i dont think thats a terrible idea, its up to him tho. I would tag him but I see hes already looking at this topic haha

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - kckolbe - 01-10-2019

(01-10-2019, 05:46 PM)ADwyer87 Wrote:HO actually havent appointed anyone to the appeals board, slm took care of that. Unless you're talking about slm himself.If he wants to appoint guys via public vote i dont think thats a terrible idea, its up to him tho. I would tag him but I see hes already looking at this topic haha

I do that a lot. Even though slm technically isn't HO, I group him in with you as general league leadership.

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - 37thchamber - 01-11-2019

(01-10-2019, 11:31 PM)kckolbe Wrote:In short, HO expects trust they have never earned, and continues to offer nothing to garner goodwill.
Interesting point.

This is an observable phenomenon IRL. The reason certain demagogues gain support is that they generally don't appear to "conceal" things. Hiding anything (even if its perfectly reasonable to) will garner suspicion. It's why people always say shit like "only criminals have to worry about increased surveillance" (obviously bullshit, but it's what people genuinely believe).

Honesty, transparency etc are all valued traits ... even though Slavoj Žižek suggested that these things often hurt us more than our presumed knowledge (which is really a suspicion not yet proven).


The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - nunccoepi - 01-11-2019

(01-10-2019, 07:46 PM)ADwyer87 Wrote:HO actually havent appointed anyone to the appeals board, slm took care of that. Unless you're talking about slm himself.If he wants to appoint guys via public vote i dont think thats a terrible idea, its up to him tho. I would tag him but I see hes already looking at this topic haha
