International Simulation Football League
It’s about time I’ve done this - Printable Version

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It’s about time I’ve done this - iamslm22 - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 11:50 AM)Vander Jones Wrote:I said I wanted to be approved on the deadline? Please enlighten me and show me where I said that.

Making up things people say, much like this made up apology.

You made your player title S19

It’s about time I’ve done this - Dylandeluxe - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 09:37 AM)Vander Jones Wrote:Oh wait. The common theme in this thread is...all these people are the newbies lol. No wonder this thread is so laughable.

Learn the sim league ways boys before it hits you in the face.

Learn to be an adult that can function when he whines and cries and doesnt get his way.

Learn life before it hits you in the face.

It’s about time I’ve done this - Rise of Smitty - 09-17-2019

please stop with the personal attacks and being toxic. This does not feel like a welcoming community.

It’s about time I’ve done this - Dylandeluxe - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 09:57 AM)Vander Jones Wrote:please stop with the personal attacks and being toxic. This does not feel like a welcoming community.

Welcome can we help you create a new player?

It’s about time I’ve done this - IsaStarcrossed - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 09:50 AM)Vander Jones Wrote:I said I wanted to be approved on the deadline? Please enlighten me and show me where I said that.

We would love to except you deleted your creation page where you said it because you knew you were in the wrong. Smile More than half a dozen different people saw your "Do Not Approve until trade deadline" which is declared when you put S19 on the page. Sorry bro, its kind of hard to hide the cat when it is out of the bag.

It’s about time I’ve done this - Rise of Smitty - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 07:59 AM)IsaStarcrossed Wrote:We would love to except you deleted your creation page where you said it because you knew you were in the wrong. Smile More than half a dozen different people saw your "Do Not Approve until trade deadline" which is declared when you put S19 on the page. Sorry bro, its kind of hard to hide the cat when it is out of the bag.

eh I just copied Toasty because I was unaware of what season we were in cuz I cared very little about this league.

Please stop being toxic. Be welcoming for the communities best interest.

It’s about time I’ve done this - DeathOnReddit - 09-17-2019

Weird thread. I don't see the point of posting an apology thread in the first place, but I also don't get the point of shitting on someone because of it.

It's whatever though.

It’s about time I’ve done this - Baron1898 - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 11:37 AM)Vander Jones Wrote:Oh wait. The common theme in this thread is...all these people are the newbies lol. No wonder this thread is so laughable.

Learn the sim league ways boys before it hits you in the face.
What does them being newbies have anything to do with anything? Butter was being toxic by his own admission and he’s working to get better. There is nothing except unbridled cynicism that opposes second chances for people actively working on improving. He’s also a rookie, so I wonder who is likely to first show up and defend him when his motives are attacked by someone else. It’s a credit to this rookie class that they’ve come to defend their friend even after his transgressions - maybe you could take a page out of their book. Learn to live and let live, dude.

It’s about time I’ve done this - Rise of Smitty - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 08:17 AM)Baron1898 Wrote:What does them being newbies have anything to do with anything? Butter was being toxic by his own admission and he’s working to get better. There is nothing except unbridled cynicism that opposes second chances for people actively working on improving. He’s also a rookie, so I wonder who is likely to first show up and defend him when his motives are attacked by someone else. It’s a credit to this rookie class that they’ve come to defend their friend even after his transgressions - maybe you could take a page out of their book. Learn to live and let live, dude.

Please stop being toxic. This should be a welcoming community.

It’s about time I’ve done this - Buttersqauch101 - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 04:25 PM)Vander Jones Wrote:Please stop being toxic. This should be a welcoming community.
Look man, I understand you’re angry that you didn’t get the tpe and you’re retiring because of it and taking stuff out on everyone else. If you have to go out with a bang you’re doing it. Best of luck to you since you’re the Sim League Veteran