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S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - TubbyTim69 - 11-13-2019

#7 Next year:

2 seasons ago theiverty made it to the final of the Ultimus. Since then they have finished last in the NSFC for the last 2 seasons. It has been disappointing, but if you take a look at the roster you cam tell it's only going up from here. Offensively you have the very safe yet efficient QB in Adriana Falconi. She has been a fixture for the Liberty for quit some time now. Joining her are weapons Nacho Varga and Farley Hank. Both players had huge seasons and it even made Jordan Von Matt expendable and helped land them Thudd Kassel. Torrenson is an animal at the RB position. Now on the Defense, 2 top defensive players from the S18 class with Thudd and Zach Hall. The secondary is going to be one of the best in the league next year. Richard D'Attoria V, Lennox Garnnet, Edmondov Emoji and Julian McMorris. A very young yet still very skillful Secondary. The Liberty are young and next year is the year we win it all.

#17 Robbed:

Looking at the Liberty schedule you can see we were obviously screwed by the sim. 6 games that we lost were decided by a touchdown or less. We could have easily been 10-3. Our game against Arizona shows what's wrong with the sim, it was 4th and 12 and it decided to run a draw play while we were in th Arizona redzone. Absolutley ludacris, we had also had numerous maxed out speed player get out ran or beat deep. Torenson finished the league 2nd in rushing and only had 8 TD's. It shows the sim being stupid and not running the ball more in the redzone. No team lost more close games this year than the Liberty. Stat wise there was no way we shouldve been beat deep that many times this year. Every game there seemed to be at least 2-3 long bombs. Of our secondary we have 3 guys maxed out speed. There is no way we should be getting beat that deep. Other than Zach Hall, our pass rush all season was non existent either. Finished last in the league. The defensive stats this season doesnt reflect how good of a Defense this Liberty team has either.

#1: Playoff Prediction / review

It has all come down to the top 2 teams to battle it out for the Ultimus. You have last years UnderDog Champions Orange County Otters against the Yellowknife Wraiths. The Wraiths had the #1 ranked offense during the regular season finishing number 1 in Points for, Total Yards, and in Passing. Cooter Bigsby has had a phenomenal MVP type season. Throwing for 4398 Yards and 31 TD's, he has led the league in both categories. Morgan Marshall burst onto the scene with 893 yards and a whopping 14 TD's which lead the League. Keeping Bisgby at Bay and Marshall out the endzone is the Otters #1 focus. Now, The Otters are lead by dual threat QB Franklin Armstrong who was the Otters offence this season. Leading them in not only Passing but also in Rushing, Armstrong is the key component for the Wraiths to Stop. PREDICTION: YKW 35 OCO 10
MVP: Cooter Bigsby 350 Yards + 4 TD'S

#8: Draft Focus

Liberty are currently in what is hopefully the final stages of its rebuild phase. Last year saw the Liberty taking Zach Hall in the first round to help solidify the Liberty D. This year though I think we should make our Offense a priority. We gave up our 1st rounder for Thudd Kassel who was a s19 1st round pick to go along with Zach Hall. Falconi is a Liberty legend, but unfortunately she is getting older and what would a rebuild be without getting a franchise QB. One of the top QB prospects is Avon Blocksdale Jr who would be a perfect pick for Philly. Without a first round pick I would like us to address this in the second round if possible. Philly is in one of those spots where they have the luxury of picking best available instead of needs. A strong draft class from last season has made the Liberty draft picks expendable. However, Adding new offensive weapons would be great. Varga and Farley had great seasons but adding another depth Reciever or TE would be beneficial to the offense. Defensively we seem pretty set however every team can use another D-Lineman or Linebacker. The secondary is already set and we are about to add Stuart Little to the secondary as well.

S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - StevenOSullivan - 11-13-2019

1) Playoff Predictions, Reviews:

In the first round of the DSFL playoffs, the 6 win Marshall played against the 13 win Luchadores. The Luchadores had only lost one game all season long, while the Marshalls were under .500 on the season. It was a lopsided game on paper. And the game started that way too. The Luchadores took an early lead with a 3 yard touchdown run by Fuzzy Dotson. After a field goal in the 2nd quarter, the lead was 10-0 and it looked like the Luchadores would go on to dominate this game as they should have. Just before the half, the Marshals finally got a drive going and managed to get a field goal before the half. My player got a 40 yard field goal and went to the half with 10-3. Then the game was suddenly a crazy moment and at the end of the third quarter, this game was suddenly popped open and went crazy. Mathias Hanyadi broke free and ran 78 yards for a long touchdown for the Marshals and the game was tied 10-10. Now anything could happen. After the defense got another stop, the Marshals got another good drive and Ruff Ruff ran it in from one yard to give the Marshalls the 17-10 lead and then that game was over. The Marshals won 17-10 and brought up the huge upset in the first round by defeating the clear favorites to win the title.

2) Underdog

In the final game of the DSFL playoffs, the surprising team, the Marshals will play against the Pythons, who are the clear favorites. The Pythons were 11-3 while the Marshals were 6-8. But the Marshals shocked the 13-1 Luchadores in the first round of the playoffs and will now look to make the second upset win happen and win the title. The favorites are obviously the Pythons, but you never how games can go. While the Pythons won the game fairly easily in the first round against the Coyotes, it seems less dominant when you look closer. The Coyotes had more first downs and scored more points in the second half. The Coyotes managed to run a lot, so maybe the Marshals can do the same thing and get a lot of rushing yards like in the first game and maybe they can pull off another upset in this exciting underdog game. It would be one of the most improbable championships I have ever seen in any sport, if a team under .500 could beat the two best teams on the road to win a title. This championship game will be much anticipated and I hope that the Marshals can somehow pull this off and win this game. I would be super excited if that happened.

6) Our Time

It is the Marshals time. I mean think about how great this season has been for us. We won a whole six games! We are basically unbeatable, except for in most games. I think us beating the Luchadores though shows that we are a team that is on a crazy run for destiny. Why else would we beat an almost unbeaten team? We have to win the finals now. Otherwise it would just be a silly reminder for the rest of time, but if we actually win, that would be such an amazing memory and success story. We can do this, we can win one of the most improbable championships in the history of sports, as a 6-8 team on a path to victory, destroying the big giant teams who are way more favorites and get to play at home. We have to win now, we have to get the championship, it is clearly our time to shine and our time to do it. We can do this boys, let's win this title, let's win a championship and etch our names into the history books forever. I think it will be an incredible game and I think our run game can lead us to this insanely unlikely victory tonight.

14) That Magic Moment

In the first round of the DSFL playoffs, the Marshals were playing the Luchadores. The Luchadores were the heavy favorites as one of the best teams in the league and they were destined to go on and win a title. But then, in the third quarter, a magic moment happened and the game turned on it's head and the momuntum shift was insane. The Marshals had the ball on their own 22 yard line and were trying to get a drive going. The Run game had worked pretty well in this game, especially with Ruff Ruff, but then we decided that our backup was playing pretty well too and decided to feed him the ball. Mathias Hanyadi got the ball and he burst through a hole in the offensive line. He made a couple of tacklers miss right away and suddenly he seemed to be breaking free. He was past the safety already and there was nothing but field in front fo him. Can he go all the way? He can! A 78 yard touchdown run, one of the longest ones ever and he managed to tie the game up in what would become a shocking underdog win a bit later as the Marshals defeated the Luchadores.

S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - Jonny2x - 11-13-2019

3) All about the QB
This year’s Ultimus features two amazing quarterbacks, that should make for an electrifying game. Cooter Bigsby leads the all season favorites, Yellowknife Wraiths, against the the Orange County Otters. The Otters are once again lead by Franklin Armstrong, who was absolutely amazing in the Otter’s run to the title last season. Showing the run was no fluke, Franklin has them back for a second season in a row. Statistically these two barely compare due to two very different styles. Cooter will kill you all game with his arm and his stable of ultra-fast skill players running up and down the field. Franklin will kill you with dink and dunk efficiency and super timely runs. Bigsby led the league in passing yards with a cool 4,398 yards. He also tied for the lead in passing touchdowns with 31. Franklin had less than 3,000 yards passing and only 18 passing touchdowns. However if we add in rushing, Franklin had over 750 yards rushing and 9 rushing touchdowns while Bigsby only had 61 yards rushing and zero touchdowns. This gives a clear picture of strengths of each quarterback and also shows just how closely mated these two are, even though they approach the game very differently. I think it is Bigsby’s time this year and he leads the Wraiths to a 29-22 victory.

9) Enemies
Not enemies per say but Forrest Gump and Sam Torenson look to have a long fierce rivalry ahead of them in this league. I was openly rooting for him to slow down so Torenson could catch up to him in rushing yards. Torenson came into this league like a house on fire and only showed small signs of slowing down last season. I think much of that can be equated to the change of city and living conditions for the small farm town kid and the new offensive coordinator running way more sweeps than Sam is accustomed to. He can handle sweeps just fine but they take a lot more timing and learning of your teammates blocking tendencies and reads. Sam was toting the rock straight up the gut most of the time in Chicago. He used his strength to force his way through holes and agility and speed once he broke through the line. Gump figures to be in the rushing conversation for the next few seasons alongside Torenson and for that reason he will be looked at as an enemy of the Bell! He looks to have won this latest round with a running back of the year award going to him almost assuredly this season but Sam will be back and more in shape than ever.

11) Trades
Well, duh! This is an easy one. My player Sam Torenson was traded this past offseason to the Philadelphia Liberty. He was traded from the Chicago Butchers in exchange for Marquise Brown, his boyhood idol and a 5th round pick. A few things jump out here. First off there was a general consensus around the league it could have been the worst trade ever. The way the Chicago locker room was going and sitting back and watching the near firesale with very uncertain leadership, I said to the GM that they should think about trading me to at least get something in return since it seemed they were hitting a rebuild. I had stated all along I was very happy in Chicago and it would definitely be a possibility to return as a free agent anyway. The thing is, trading me for a 5th rounder and retiring player does not set the team up long term in anyway shape or form. If Chicago had made a great move like getting 2 firsts and a second for me, it would have made it much easier to go back to. Plus Philly is awesome and I has a super active locker room of great people.

17) Robbed
I don’t think you can point to any one thing as to why the Philadelphia Liberty was robbed last season but damn if the sim wasn’t evil to us. We lost so many close games, time and time again. We had multiple big leads slip away and we had many players in the prime of their careers have just plain bad years. Adriana Falconi was still a superstar TPE wise last season and had plenty of weapons at her disposal with offensive players like Sam Torenson and Nacho Varga, yet she managed to finish with the 8th best QB rating and ninth best completion percentage. That is not just a bad season, with her TPE that is a horrendous season, totally outside of our control. There is nothing more frustrating than someone earning and not being rewarded for it. Watching a max earner put up less than pedestrian numbers is a terrible case for a good sim. The sim crushed us with Torenson’s season as well. He was coming off leading the league in yards rushing two seasons in a row and still managed to look very average despite a huge TPE gain throughout the season. As a team we were robbed in so many ways.

S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - iamslm22 - 11-13-2019

12) Sit-down with a star

Shouts to @Beaver

1 - How has it been being on an expansion team
2- There's rumors that you're a human surrounded by robots on the field - how does that feel?
3- Who's the best player you've played with?
4- What do you expect out of Austin in s19 and the seasons to come

1. it has been pretty much the same I mean my first player was the las vegas legion so I joined that like 1 or 2 or maybe 3 I am not sure after expansion so it is basically the same you know a core of players having fun and memeing and apparently winning somehow it is pretty cool but I do not think it is all that different from being on a different non expansion team like philadelphia or baltimore or orange county or yellowknife or san jose or arizona or colorado or new orleans

2. it is pretty sweet because human are pretty awful and annoying so robots are way better friends so I like being surrounded by them

3. I am not sure who the best player I have played with is but I can tell you who the worst is and that is bum ulysses who is really bad like a seriously bad offensive lineman it was a real struggle playing on the same line as him for so long because I had to pick up his slack

4. I expect us to win every game and rack up tons of pancakes and beat a lot of teams and have incredible success because that is all I know so I can not really expect anything else you know it is a foreign concept

13) Sit-down with a fan:

Shouts to @Beaver for the questions

1. how does it feel to betray baltimore by joining the hated liberty

Joining the Liberty at first after being a member of the Hawks for so long was definitely tough at first, and its it not something that I ever would have expected. Obviously dumbo numbers @125714 is here still but he was the only one who we really had a rivalry with that is still around – so it really isn’t that bad since most of those guys are gone. Plus the Hawks dominated Philly for so long, now that I’m over here it will feel good to return the favor.

2. there has been much talk about building walls in nsfl recently, if you could pick one team/city to build a wall around which one would you pick

This is the easiest question I have ever received – I would 100% build a wall around Boston. I guess the only issue with that is the other Massholes and masshole adjacent people from like new Hampshire and Connecticut will still be around – so maybe we just build a wall around all of new England – keep them in there and get people away from them.

3. who would say was the best player in the season 4 draft

If I have to think about the number 1 player in the S4 draft and try and think who that is I definitely would say blackford Oaks – but remember S4 was such a bad draft class it’s a bit like being the tallest midget

4. who do you think will win and what do you predict will happen in the championship game (do this after the championship game)

I think the Wraiths are going to win. They are home. Home field is king.


S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - Tomasnz - 11-13-2019

6) Our Time
Written: Why should your team be looked at the favorite to win the Ultimus or Ultimini this season.

Austin is about to hit peak offsense. glimpses were seen every now and then during the s18 season, that the offensive players from Austin are already able to go blow for blow with the best of the league. However, they are going to get better. This season's their skills were shown by their high TD rate. Next season with two amazing running backs in Ashley Owens and Macko Macedonia, two top level wide receivers now that rod tidwell had his breakout season, and their fifth piece of the offense Peter Larson at TE is quietly poised to challenge for the TEotY in 19. but last but certainly not least, our captain on the field, oh captain my captain, Euston Cole, quarterback who now with five full seasons of proball under his belt is ready to shake the occasional Fitzpatrick esque facepalm moments and embrace his own version of fitzmagic, but turning it all the way up to 11! As a group they have now also experienced the pain of playoff football and are ready to take another shot at glory, and will be for many seasons to come.

And by the way, why no mention of our Defensive talent, honestly. They are already there. We have stars in the secondary, on the Dline and even pair of excellent Line backers. Now the offense is on their level Austin is ready to rock.

10) Rivalies


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S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - pazuzu - 11-13-2019


1) Playoff Predictions, Reviews:

Well there was one game that stood out in the first round, and it was the Outlaws facing off against the Copperheads. Many thought the Outlaws would win, as they did, but it was a close and entertaining game from the first snap of the ball. At the end of the first quarter the Outlaws were up by 2, off the back of a 10-yard rushing touchdown from Slim Shay just under 5 minutes into the game. The second quarter not much happened scoring wise besides the 1 touchdown Reese threw to Oles. Heading into halftime, with the Outlaws leading 16-7.

And, they continued to increase their lead starting the 2nd half by another touchdown as the Copperheads looked all but out as Oles celebrated his second touchdown today now leading 26-10. However, something turned around at the start of the fourth quarter. Less than a minute in Tidwell caught a touchdown pass from Cole to narrow the lead a bit. But it was a little to late to make the comeback for the Copperheads. Down by a touchdown with just under 4 minutes left, they were 46 yards away from the end zone. In the fourth quarter alone, there was 24 points scored between both teams. Too bad Oles showed up to play for Arizona he finished the game with over 100 yards receiving and 3 touchdowns.

6) Our Time:

For us in New Orleans our season ended bittersweet. Making the playoffs is always an amazing feat, but we unfortunately lost to the Ultimus Champions, the Orange County Otters in the first round. But New Orleans is looking to do even better next year, and think we can have a good shot at winning the Ultimus.

First off, we have to talk about the machine himself, Ironside. Dude earns TPE like a manic, and with him on defense and only getting better. Last season we finished 5th in points allowed with 327, with we can improve on the defensive side of the ball. We also got a good friend of mine, Johnny Slothface, who is going to be breaking 900 TPE before next season starts, and inching close to the thousand mark too.

Yeah, the defense was not the best, but our offense was even worse. New Orleans had the 3rd worst offense based on points scored last season. Thankfully, Gump was able to carry most of the offensive work, but we need a more balanced approach since teams caught on to our game plan. Next season, we need to have a better passing attack. This is where Bender needs to step up and show why he was worth the 2nd round pick he was taken at.

8) Draft Focus:

After the disappointing exit New Orleans had in the playoffs this past season it is important to keep our heads held high, and look forward to next season. However, before next season starts, we have free agency and the draft coming up. Since I am not personally involved in the war room here in New Orleans, anything I say will probably be very inaccurate but here we go anyway.

First, I do not think we need anymore wide receivers on the team because Bender is the best, and needs as much stats as he can get. I know it is selfish but why do u need more receiver when you have the best. I would say the same thing about Gump as well, the dude is an absolute animal, but I guess having a capable back up can never hurt. One position we should target would be tight end since we currently have a both playing there, and having a nice presence in the receiving and blocking game can open up a lot more space on the field.

Lastly, on the defensive side of the flied I think we need improvement through the draft. We finished tied for 8th in sacks, so we need to get some pressure on the quarterback. So I think the right move for New Orleans would be to go a Defensive linemen.

So to wrap up Defensive linemen in the first round and a tight end in the second is what I’m saying.

S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - JuOSu - 11-14-2019

1) Playoff Predictions, Reviews:

The Ultimus game this season was held between the Orange County Otters and the Yellowknife Wraiths. The Wraiths went into the game as the favorites, having been the dominant team all season long and being a team that is far ahead in TPE. They are a really dominant team. But that was not really how the game went. The otherwise stout Wraiths defense immediatley gave up a touchdown on the first drive, a 31 yard pass from Frnaklin Armstrong to Johnny Blaze. At the end of the first quarter, the backup running back Charles Allan added another score, a 3 yard run to make it 13-0 just like that. The Wraiths didn't really recover from this for a long time. Donaldson made it 13-3 before the half, but otherwise they couldn't get anything going. The defense did finally play better on the Wraiths side and held the Otters to 3 points after the first quarter but it was too late. The Nate Swift touchdown in the fourth quarter made the game exciting again, but it was too little too late and the Otters won the game 16-10. Even just one more touchdown would have been enough for YKW but the offense was not capable in this game and ended up turning the ball over too much to win.

7) Next year

The New Orleans Second Line have built a very exciting roster in the last few seasons and are entering a time where they should be contending for championships for a few seasons to come. We have a great active roster with a lot of great players and people. At QB you have myself who is now maxed in the three important categories. At RB you have the best RB in the league in Forrest Gump. WR we have very solid guys in Jones, Bender, Fyodo and Von Matt. We have the best OL guy in the league in Ulysses. On defense, we might be even better. Isa and Faux at DT. Sloth and Bode at LB. Taylor, Andrews, Swift, Rector and Ridley in the backfield. We have a great roster that is only going to get better and we should be ready to be a playoff team next season and compete for a title. We have created a really amazing atmosphere on the team where we can really compete and be active, improve every week. We have actives on most positions of the team, to the point where we almost have no more places to upgrade anymore. We can be really proud of what we have built here.

8) Draft Focus

As detailed above, our roster is already fantastic and doesn't have a lot of holes. If you think about the positions where we struggle, Defensive End comes to mind first and foremost. We had Stokeley playing there this season who obviously retired and so we need to find a replacement there. On top of it, our other Defensive End is Lo Rax, who is deep in regression and might not be great for much longer anymore. We will need to see how we can replace these two guys going forward as they are quite important. On offense, a top WR might not be a bad idea, as Fyodo and Von Matt are both regressing. Though we have Bender and Jones still who are getting better. We don't really have a tight end, so that is another area of need for our team going forward. These are the main spots of where we can improve our team. I think it is obvious that we will try to address some of these issues in the draft now and immediately look for upgrades on these positions. We have three picks in the first round and will be able to also pick two of the top three players so we have a lot of chanceto upgrade in this draft and get some new weapons for the team.

17) Robbed

Where do I even start? The New Orleans Second Line were on a great path towards the playoffs. We started off the year strong, even in first place at times in the division. We were playing really well. Gump looked like the obvious MVP candidate, we were simply crushing it all over the place. But then the sim luck turned. Every 50-50 game, where tests showed that we were in a coin flip type game, we ended up losing. Every game where we were the underdog, whether it was close or not, we also ended up losing. Some of them in really close and excrutiating games. Sometimes the offense worked, sometimes the defense. We had great games, even against YKW but no luck in wins. I think our record was worse than what our team is really capable of. I think next season we will be a much tougher candidate and we won't have insanely bad luck again hopefully and win some closer games. I also think we will be favorites more often and get to dominate some games again. This season was sadly dispapointing in the end, we were on such a good run and then the sim just decided it didn't like us anymore. Next season will be better!

S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - Bwestfield - 11-14-2019

Playoff review:

Colorado Yeti @ Baltimore Hawks
This was a blowout. It was not even close. The Hawks came in knowing what they needed to do in order to advance. The Yeti were just so happy about making the playoffs that they forgot to train or practice for the game. Colorado was simply dominated on both sides of the field. Baltimore owned the game clock and was able to pick off Wolfie McDummy twice. There were some positives for the Yeti in this game though. They made the playoffs. James Bishop was able to set a new Colorado Yeti franchise playoff record with 133 receiving yards. While Harris had to punt the ball 8 times, Baltimore was only able to get a total of 1 yard from those punts. Harris and the special teams unit were able to do their job quite effectively. The Hawks defense was able to grab 5 sacks and defend 8 pass attempts. The Hawks moved on after this game and were then removed from the playoffs by the Yellowknife Wraiths. It may have been the cold weather or perhaps they were high from just destroying the Yeti, but they were not able to get the job done. Next year, both teams will try to prove their worth again.

All about the QBs:

Franklin Armstrong vs. Cooter Bigsby
Both quarterbacks have been great this year. I will start with Franklin first. Armstrong really showed off his legs this season running for 754 yards and 9 touchdowns. He lead all quarterbacks in both categories. On the passing side of things he was not as prolific. He finished in the bottom 3 in passing yards and had an 88.6 rating. He threw 18 touchdowns and 9 interceptions. Franklin did enough to get his team to the Ultimus and that is what counts the most. Cooter was also able to get his team to the Ultimus but quite differently. Cooter lead the league in passing yards with 4398 yards and tied for the league lead in passing touchdowns with 31. He also had 4 more interceptions that Armstrong but also threw almost 200 more passes. His passing game was prolific and I’m sure his receivers are very happy with his abilities too. Bigsby, not being a runner, was only able to garner 61 yards and 0 touchdowns. But when it came to the Ultimus game when they faced each other it was Cooter who was unable to pass the ball effectively. Franklin, despite only 220+ yards, was very efficient and precise with his throws. This could be a rivalry that goes on for a long time.

Next year:

I always write about the Yeti here and I think it is well deserved. Last year I wrote about how season 18 we would make the playoffs and then in season 19 we would make our push to the Ultimus. The Yeti have an amazing core of young players. Regression shouldn’t hurt them for the next few seasons either. They just need to gameplan for that and keep focused on the youth, retaining the great players they have, and bringing in more talent from free agency. Wolfie McDummy is just about to start hitting his prime years with Laszlo Forty-Two following in toe. Laszlo will likely be making the leap in the 19th season and the whole team will benefit. The defense is just stacked with great players. There is always room for more though. Bubba Thumper is one of the best players on the team and will wreak havoc on the opposing teams’ backfield. Colorado is making all the right moves lately and it is starting to show. They now need to gameplan like a winning team instead of a team looking to slow down their opponents and win the war of attrition. Play hard, fast, and strong. It is time to dominate. Season 19 will be the year Colorado takes that step.

Draft focus:

There are always going to be holes on any team. On the Yeti a very common hole is kicker. Harris is a good interim kicker until we find a permanent solution. The Yeti draft a kicker every year in hopes that they will stay active and continue to grow. That is not the case for the last few years. Free agency is usually not filled with kickers looking for a fresh start either. So when you find one, you better hold on. A kicker can make or break a team. You never want to lose a game because your kicker could not hit a 40 yard field goal. Kickers have to deal with pressures of game winning kicks all the time. They also often double as the team’s punter. Pinning the opposing team deep in their own territory is huge and often will help a defense put on the pressure. The more yards they have to drive, the more opportunities your defense has to make good plays. Also, when you are playing from behind you want a kicker that can make the onsides kick easier to get. If your team has struggled or had some bad bounces, you’re going to need someone to pick up the slack. A kicker can assist with that tremendously.

S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - PigSnout - 11-14-2019

PT Pass

S18 ULTIMUS WEEK!!! - Mavfatha - 11-14-2019

SHL CW for one task

7) Next year
Written: If your team has been eliminated, why will the next year, or the year after that, be the year that your team is going to win the Ultimus or Ultimini.

It wasn't a particularly pretty season for the Sabercats. Joliet Christ had retired, and despite the bold effort made by one of the large lads to take over his QB spot, he has not been able to fully transfer his athletic capabilities into the needs of the position. Combined with the aging or departure of a large part of our previously championship winning core, this pretty much ensured that S19 would be one of transition for the team, and indeed it was. My own player (Freezer Riposte) as well as Trey Staley can play several more seasons, while the rest of our key players currently are a few years away from their peaks still. If us two vets can hold the fort down on defense while the offense grows up together and our young safeties continue to progress as well, this could be a very dangerous team once again by S21 after another couple of influxes of talent through the draft. We do have some pending free agents or otherwise folks that have talked about leaving, which would of course damage our chances. On the flip side, if those folks stick around and we're able to bring in a few choice free agents of our own, the outlook could look brighter much sooner.

8) Draft Focus
Written: What areas of your team has the biggest holes that you are hoping get filled in the upcoming S19 draft? What round are you hoping it’s filled?

Well I see now that some of my previous comments about when we can contend are already dated - Toriki has left us in free agency which certainly hurt our young core on offense that I was hoping to build around. On the flip side though, we've already brought in Ennis to join myself on the D-Line and solidify the defense in general, plus Action Jackson out at WR offsets the loss of Toriki quite well. Anyways, all that is to say that our needs have changed going into the draft. I'm generally pretty happy with our defense at this point - we could probably use a linebacker or defensive end so fewer folks need to play out of position, but otherwise we have a strong group of largely younger players and us geezers that do not need immediate replacement. One fairly big issue is the lack of true cornerbacks. That could be a position worth addressing with our first round pick. On the offensive side of the ball, our biggest hole at this point in time would certainly be the one left by Toriki. Fast Boija and Chris Orosz are capable enough as backups, but are probably not who we really want to count on as starters at this point in time, or at least not for very long. Then again, it's not actually that demanding of a position TPE wise, so maybe not a necessary target in the first round. Hopefully we can snag one in the second or third rounds at least to give us some hope for the future of the position.