International Simulation Football League
(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Printable Version

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Kyle - 01-20-2020

Listen closely young buck, if you want to be the best in your draft class and first overall in the NSFL draft like I did you will have to do everything I say, It doesn't matter if you think it will help or not, all that matters is that you listen and do. I know everyone will tell you how fun this league is and how wonderful all the people involved are and that may be true but it will not matter for you. Oh no you will be busy evry waking second of your life. The whole league knows I am your mentor and you WILL not embarrass me. You may not like it but you will have to write words all the time, sometimes aimlessly. worse yet you will have to write your own name don for two lousy TPE. But it will all pay off with a little bit of blind luck on your side if the sim decides it likes you regardless of any work put in or TPE earned. That's not enough, you will have to be highly active in the locker room so that people know you're serious about being the best in your unexpectedly large class. make jokes, hype the team up, that sort of stuff, be presence and perhaps a leader if need be. Now go get better

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - scorycory - 01-20-2020

Well here in Myrtle Beach we have many fine traditions and trainings that we put our rookies through. And we had so many this year that I wasn't able to spend as much time as I normally would with all of them. So I chose to focus on a few select rooks and I will be specifically focusing on the hazing, I mean training of our own Jeffrey LaVert. First things first, as soon as he gets about the good ship Myrtle Beach we make him walk the plank. We dock the ship and have the plank over a pit of coyotes, pythons, grey ducks and luchadores. He has to be able to prove that he can survive the worst that our enemies throw at him and this is his first test, after he managed to crawl his way out of the pit of death we immediately make Jeffrey drink a handle of rum to himself. Warren Stephens was practically forcing it down Jeffrey's throat and the boy could hardly maintain consciousness when he was done. But there will be no sleep on this day as we will now send him to go practice his pilaging and plundering in the city of Norfolk. Since none of us could really tell what in the name of Davy Jones the Norfolk mascot is, they were not represented in the pit of death and instead we would have Jeffrey attack the city itself. Have you heard the expression paint the town red? Well Jeffrey certainly did this with a mixture of the blood of his enemies and his own vomit as I'm pretty sure he was internally bleeding from a bad case of alcohol poisoning. No rest for the wicked though as we had him move on to our final test after he was done wrecking Norfolk. Finally we had him swab the entire deck in the middle of a storm that we sailed out to find. Oh it was great fun watching the poor lad clean the deck, then vomit all over the deck from a mixture of sea sickness and alcohol posioning, and then have to clean the deck again. Finally he passed out and was heaved overboard into the gale. We took pity on the boy and hauled him in with a fishing net. He was out cold but still breathing so we put him down in a berth belowdeck.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Leafs4ever - 01-20-2020

PBE affiliate PT

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - goodfortunecoffee - 01-21-2020

Well, seeing as I am the GM of the Tijuana Luchadores, of course I gotta mentor these dudes. My draftees. So the one I wanna focus on is none other than Nick Nation. He's an alum of the University of Arizona, which is where I, Fuzzy Dotson, went to school as well. I think that's great. That would make him a freshman when I was a senior I believe. I don't remember Nick Nation at all in the locker room or at campus or anything. My guess is he was a transfer. Probably from some Division II school.

Anywho, first what were gonna do is dig deep into Tijuana and find some tasty tortas. By deep, I mean we gotta avoid the coast and all the touristy places. Once we sit and have our tortas, we can talk about what it means to be a Luchadore, and also how to properly update your player page. Gotta teach em how to link to your exact post, not just the thread. That will really grind an updater's gears, you know. Then I gotta tell him to put most of his tpe towards speed, although really it's his tpe an dhe can do whatever he likes. Maybe he wants to be a speed back with exceptional kicking strength. Hey whatever floats your boat, I'm not gonna judge.

After that I'll teach him how to play running back for the Luchadores. And in order to learn about these sorts of things, I gotta take him to the beach and have him chase dolphins. It's the only real way to connect with mother nature and improve your stamina. Then you gotta jump on a dolphin and let him take you for a ride. No matter how much he "eeeeee eee eeee"s. Just pretend like those are sounds of joy.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - UpperNet - 01-21-2020

Another big rookie class comes by and it my responsibility to show them the ins and puts and the Do's and Donts if a fresh rookie! Let's see where do I begin first I talk to them about what positions they play and of course I explain the tougher positions that will take more time to learn and warm them that they need to be a but more dedicated for look QB fir example which is probably a one alot of rookies want to go for because of course QBs are popular. Next I will guide them on how to earn TPE and guide them to the rookie point tasks as the very first task to do since you can learn a little from it plus earn TPE at the same time. Next I will explain how to earn TPE weekly for example the points tasks and trivia will give you a decent amount if earning per week and then I will explain to them how the weekly training works and how to write media for all that sweet money. And then when the drafts comes around I'll root for them and hopefully some of those rookies will become apart if the future power house team which is the Kansas City Coyotes.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - CalvinP - 01-21-2020


(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - C9Van - 01-21-2020

Oh god! Why did you leave Laszlo Forty-Two in charge of the younglings! This'll end up like what Anakin did!

Well, the day itself went well. Lazzy truly decided to show them what it was like being a player in this league buuut it was at the expense of most of the rookies' bodies. He was pretty much like a drill sergeant in the army if I had to describe it. He pushed them like they had never been pushed before and that was the workout he made them do with media and interview training!

No the real training was more of a test of will. He pushed and pushed until they barely had anything left to be able to walk or even stand up afterwards. The only issue is no-one told Lazzy that this was just a 1 day thing so he personally woke them all up at 4AM to start the day and forced them at Laszlo point (Think gun point but scarier) to do it all over again. God help these rookies.

The benefits of this training are that they will be easily ready for a simple game like this, the issue is that he may have broken them into marine mentality players so they might be a little too ready if anything.

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Muford - 01-21-2020

One thing that I would tell these new rookies are and have already started to share with some in the Locker Room of Myrtle Beach since they’ve drafted me is this. Be who you are. Don’t try to fit in with everyone, because no matter what, people are going to complain, fight you at every angle, and just try to shit on your parade. You’ve come to this league to have fun, shoot the shit, potentially meet some new great friends to play video games with, or whatever, and do just that. Don’t let the league get into your head, don’t let the drama from the league, whom some people like to make bigger than it really is, affect you. Be you, have fun with the league, and don’t EVER feel guilty if you can no longer do what you want to do in the league. If the league is taking its toll on you, take that step back, and leave. Take a break, enjoy the league and have a great time. I’m telling you now, it’s very easy to get burnt out of leagues, especially when they come with all the fun filled drama. It’s bound to happen, so don’t let it beat you.

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - mcast55 - 01-21-2020

Rookie Mentor: Mentoring Christopher Prince

Naki is new to the league and was just picking up by the Kansas City Coyotes, when Christopher Prince made his way to the locker room this big 340 pound offensive lineman he had no clue of anyone's name or where he needed to go to get training, actiticy check, or even make season prediction on the NSFL. While I am still a rookie myself I have been here in the Kansas City locker room to know where he must go, so I introduce myself to Christopher and tell him to follow me as I have a few things to show him if he wants to make it big in this league

I lead Prince to the Coyotes bank transactions where I show him this is where you buy your weekly practice and that your first on is free I then lead him to the computers where I instruct him to fill out this survey if he hasnt already done so.

After Prince fills out the survey I take him to our training camp coordinator and have him sign up for it

Now that Prince has built up some TPE I show him how to update his character to make sure he is at his peak performance for week 1. I take Prince to the Coyotes update page where he can submit updates and increase his pass and run blocking to help the team succeed.

While its near the end of the day I let Prince know of some other ways to make TPE and how to make easy money in the league. I show him how to productively tweet everyday to make $800,000 a week, and that he must enter his name in the activity checks to earn another 2 TPE. On top of this the NSFL does weekly trivia and weekly predictions which can grant you a total of 7 TPE if you get everything right.

After Prince’s first day he seems to have gotten the hang of how the league works and is ready to help the Coyotes win the DSFL.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Perry87 - 01-21-2020

Being an NSFL rookie sucks, but being the son of a NSFL player who played in the league 10 years gives me an idea of what to do to help out the grass green rookies coming in. I'd first get a feel of what the rookie wants to get out of the league. If this is just a sometimes hobby for them they'll pick up once every couple week or two or if they're gonna be on every day. I would get the rookie on discord interacting with the rest of the active members of the league and encourage them to start talking smack about whatever teams that passed up on him. I feel like if a rookie feels engaged with the rest of the community they'll be more likely to stick around for a while.

After that its time to tell them about the most important thing in the NSFL...TPE (and tangentially money). I'd drill into their soft, freshly formed scull the importance of earning TPE regularly and getting that money in to buy their fancy 30 TPE equipment. They've also gotta know their ways to make money as well as how they feel comfortable making money. Not everyone feels good about writing several hundred words so they can start writing 140 characters on twitter every week or start finger painting player cards.

Lastly I'd tell the rookie to find what makes them have fun in the NSFL, be it trash talking in the discord, making signatures for their teammates, or yell about cheating in the thunderdome.

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