International Simulation Football League
(S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - Printable Version

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RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - Liter - 05-30-2022

Last Tuesday we were getting ready for the game, getting our gear on, stuff like that, when these two kids come barging in. They started speaking and revealed that they were selling some ice cold lemonade. These kids were around 9 or 10 years old so when one of the backups power-bombed one of the kids we all sorta started freaking out. The kid didn't move after that, just loud moans. The other kid started to bolt, and we all panicked and me and the other players on our defensive just instinctively went after them. We caught up pretty quickly since we're pro athletes and the kid, well, is a kid. Once we got there we started pummeling the kid, I'm talking like, full on beat down. I'm not sure why, but one of us grabbed the lemons they brought in to make lemonade, and just squeezed them into the child's eyes. It wasn't pretty but I'm glad we got it out of our system. We somehow avoided the police getting involved although the parents did try calling and asking to find out what happened. We told them the truth and threatened to do it again if they told anyone.

RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - AW13 - 05-30-2022


RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - BOOM™ - 05-30-2022

I'll need to rewind to Season Thirty in order to find the first real instance of Locker Room friction for Buffalo Hunter. It was a tough season for the San Jose Sabercats and tensions were running high between the Sabercats' two Tight Ends, veteran James Lewandowski and rookie Hunter. Believing that a more equitable split of plays would benefit both the team and the players concerned, Hunter was quoted in an ISFL media article that was taken out of context by Lewandowski and the team demanded that Hunter should apologize and be happy to be on the roster, albeit as the clear backup while the team chased records for the more senior TE. 
Hunter didn't feel that an apology was warranted, so none was forthcoming and the situation deteriorated from that point. He left the Locker room, never to return and was eventually allowed to walk via Free Agency to the Yeti. Was in regrettable, yes, but while maintaining that he'd done nothing wrong, the team demanding an apology was the final straw and ended the up until them amicable relationship between Hunter and SJS.

RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - crazylemire - 05-31-2022

+ TPE - SHL affiliate

RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - Opera_Phantom - 05-31-2022

A fight? One you mean? Every single time the team gets together, fights break out. The last one just happened, with Jay Cue Jr. and Wendell Sailor going into it after the last game against the Orange County Otters. But if you go and check, you might say "hey, they won the game and they got a playoff berth, why on earth are they fighting?" Well, Cue Jr. had exactly zero touchdowns against OCO, so he is a bit pissed that Sailor, as he threw the ball 34 times, and the running back thinks that number should be a lot closer to zero. Makes total sense they got into a fight. The end result of this is that Sailor now has 2 broken hands and both his eyes shut due to the swelling, while Cue broke 5 ribs and 7 fingers, 3 of those on his right foot.
This bodes extremely well for tomorrows game against the San Jose Sabercats.

(160 words)

RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - .emfaith - 05-31-2022

Its been a while since I've done a written PT for ISFL so here we go. Chances are the huge fight that occurs in the locker room would be between the duo of Wendell Sailor and Kotoni Staggs - the two Aussies that know how to get into a tumble with the roos and come out the other end - well maybe that's a little extreme - but two kids, both Aussies, growing up in the same sport in the same state know how to fight it out. I think by now the locker room knows to just them go at it, it turns out best for everyone - best of friends, minimal enemies when they disagree on something and ace team members on the field. So let them fight over the correct way Aussies do or don't do something. And Just remember, if your resident Aussie teammate calls you 'champ' its not a good thing, and 'mate' is so so.


RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - qWest - 05-31-2022

Perhaps it should've been more expected by Rocky to see the amount of contention and conflict in the Bondi Beach headquarters when he discovered that he was being picked up to contend for playing time down under for the last three weeks of S35. The Buccaneers have already matched their loss total from last season and haven't been able to make the playoffs in a largely Tijuana and Norfolk dominated South Conference since S28, when they still held a losing record. It doesn't matter in what league at what level in whatever team, losing football games is always going to produce negativity and breed conflict. Still Rocky was surprised to see star rookie linebacker Kevin McThumper trying to throw down on Buccaneers QB Bageshwari Singh after picking him off for the third time that practice. McThumper had to be held back and practice was cancelled for the day. While Rocky stayed around to work on technique with fellow receiver Derrick Prince, he discovered early that it wasn't going to be sunshine and rainbows in the DSFL, especially on an underperforming team.

RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - Jaywe88 - 05-31-2022

The rumors that the TIJ locker room engages in fights with each other are unsubstantiated. Neither Don Dobbler nor any of the above-commented members of the Tijuana Luchadores have ever engaged in a violent manner in any times other than on the dot field.

Now is there a full-scale wrestling ring in the Locker Room? Yeah.

Is there a rumored fight ritual before every game? I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of that.

Does the Dobble’s elbow exist and cause long-term psychological damage in any person who experiences it in flight? That’s just a rumor.

As told again and again, there is never a spot of negative energy in the locker room nor are there “victory tussles” after the game in an unmarked warehouse. If Don T. Dobbler himself had to step up and stop a fight with the dreaded never-been-seen Dobble’s Elbow, it would be a dark day for the fighters.

151 words.

RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - ctots - 05-31-2022

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S35) PT 5 - Locker Room Incident - Eldorian - 05-31-2022

First of all I am not really sure what kind of fight is really breaking out in our locker room because as far as I know no one really has any beef with each other. So instead I'm just going to pretend it's some stupid fight on whether or not pineapple goes on pizza or some stupid crap like that. In that case Goat Tank is literally just going to tell people he can eat what he wants and if he wants pineapple on his pizza then he's going to get pineapple on his pizza and he doesn't really care what anyone thinks. Furthermore if he wants to put ketchup on a well done steak, then that is his preference. No one else has to eat this stuff so why does it matter? 

Then everyone will be like, oh yeah, I guess you're right. Doesn't matter what you eat because it doesn't affect me at all - and if everyone just kind of did that in their life then you wouldn't have this dumb flair ups.

175 words