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(S48) Offseason Task - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) Offseason Task - BOOM™ - 05-06-2024

Task #25

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Task #26

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Task #31

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Task #36

VHL Affiliate PT(BOOM)

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - jadda123876 - 05-06-2024

They’ll tell you I did it by sheer luck. They’ll tell you I did it because I followed the AZ meta. They’ll tell you I did it because I had a near-capped-out team to begin with, so of course we had a good chance to win.

But I’ll tell you that we didn’t get here so easily.

No, Portland succeeded in reaching the Ultimini heights from a rather interesting position in the season. You see, my ISFL friends, we were thrashed thirty to sixteen by London right out the gate, followed by a modest victory of thirty-four to twenty-four against Norfolk.

Then Pythons six Minnesota thirty-eight. What a game for me to be hiding underneath a desk hoping my team doesn’t come to call for mutiny. Already into the season, we have handed Minnesota one of their first big wins to start off their stellar season, and already off to a bad start for Portland.

Twenty-three and seventeen against Tijuana is…unsurprising, followed by an unfortunately similarly unsurprising thirteen and nineteen against Bondi.

But wait, hold? Is that? A comeback?

Both home and away, playing Kansas City, and also Dallas, Portland walks home with four wins out of two separate games both home and away, respectively.

Pythons away at Bondi - Crushing defeat for Portland.

It is at this point, as the dust settled, that I was at something of an inflection point as a GM.

I could accept that cards might fall as they may for the rest of the season, and simply hope for playoffs. Simply hoping that we’d get to at least playoffs, especially considering the teams that had come forth to compete for the spot, it was worrying whether or not I would even be able to succeed at finding the right strats for us to even come close to winning.

I wasn’t expecting much, but our team was determined, Willeh was determined to sim test, and I was going to see things through for better or worse.

But with a touchdown and a two-point conversion doing nothing to help Tijuana stop Portland from walking the field with them, going forty-two and thirty-nine, eyes are on the Pythons as now they have toppled Tijuana, and at their own game, too.

Similarly, Minnesota are surprised and upset to find that their previously easy victory against Portland shook out to be instead a defeat, with twelve points in the 4th quarter to wrest the victory from Minnesota. (I wonder if this will be a recurring theme?)

Norfolk walks away having gone fourteen to the Pythons staggering fifty-five. Similarly, London goes twelve and twenty-six against the snakes, and loses out the playoffs spot.

Finally, we revisit the ensuing battle between Portland and Minnesota, the tie-breaking game to decide who will face Tijuana in the Ultimini.

When it seemed things were looking bleak for Portland, when it seemed like there was no chance that Minnesota could possibly lose the game, three touchdowns and completed field goals in the final quarter, leaving Modpro, and everyone in the gameday voice chat, with their jaws on the floor.

Win or lose the Ultimini, I could’ve gotten a noise complaint from how loudly I was shouting by the end of things. Sorry to those who were listening in to the stream.

But with one final mission, one final task to complete, Willeh and I went back to the drawing board one final time to uncover the strats that would give us the best chance to do one final thing, one final crazy attempt to take home the championships, and with a beautiful final pass to Tyler Higbee II for the game-winning touchdown, the dust had cleared, and Portland was your winners for this years’ Ultimini.

I remember being strangely calm at the end, almost shocked that we had actually done it. And it wasn’t until Twenty6 asked how I was being so chill about this right now that the reality hit me all at once, and we had done it.

My first season as co-GM for the Portland Pythons, and my first season sim testing, and we had done it.

If I do nothing else exciting in my ISFL career, I will merely point to that trophy.

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - bfan8475 - 05-06-2024

8. My experience in this league has been short but so far seems pretty good. I come from the PBE so everything is very similar so I'm glad I won't go through a large learning curve. I'm excited to see what the differences are though and see how the different leagues are ran. I also have no experience with Draft Day Sports: Pro Football so will be curious on how this sim engine works. I knew how OOTP plays so was comfortable making a player as I knew what worked and didn't. Excited to play around with this engine to find out what works. So far, William Lim has been very helpful and helping me get set up. He responds to messages very quickly so I'm not waiting a while for an answer which I appreciate. Looking forward to meeting many other people here as it seems like this is a great community. I haven't been drafted yet but am excited to be soon. No better feeling than hearing your name called out and being chosen by a team that wants you. I hope to get off to a fast start during the season, it seems like there are definitely less defensive ends which means my player has a better chance to stand out among his position. Since I'm just starting I haven't really gotten the full scope of what the league is like so it's hard for me to find things to be implemented. I was surprised by the lack of variety in point tasks on a week to week basis. Would love to see more ways to get TPE through fun, less writing intensive tasks. I know PBE has random questions they ask every week that take a couple minutes to write but are a good way to shake things up and think about a variety of topics. 

11. Slam Dunkinson started playing football at a young age thanks to his dad who also played professional football. His dad had one goal for him and that was to become a great player. At a young age, he threw him into organized football and began training him. His dad played cornerback in the league so he was unsure what he wanted his son to play. He decided to just have him play every position in order to figure out what stuck and where he excelled. As he grew up, his dad realized that Slam wasn't built to play in the secondary but to get down and dirty in the trenches. He grew much taller and bigger than his dad did as a teenager. So defensive line was where Slam would focus his time and talent on until he reached the pros. He dominated youth and high school football as his size and strength overpowered majority of kids he would face. He was highly recruited coming out of high school and had a wealth of top colleges to choose from to play football. His mom was never that big into sports but was more the brainiac of the family as she spent more of her time studying growing up. She supported Slam's aspiration to become a professional but wanted him to attend an academic focused college against Slam's dad wishes. So after much arguing, they came to the compromise of Slam's mother winning and them having Slam attend a school with good academics. Slam surprised the nation when he chose Cal over other top football programs. Initially, Slam struggled to adjust to collegiate level where everyone grew up just as talented as he did. A lot of experts began to write Slam off as they thought he wouldn't even be able to compete in a weaker conference. His freshman and sophomore years were nothing to write home about, and his aspirations of turning pro began to slip away. So Slam took the offseason to do a different type of training: he started gymnastics and meditation. Gymnastics allowed him to build his strength in different ways but also improve his flexibility which was important. Meditation allowed him to focus on his mental aspect of the game and totally change his mindset. These two unorthodox methods turned Slam into a brand new player and he dominated his junior and senior year. Now he's looking to enter the DSFL through the draft and is very excited to accomplish his dream.

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - Fangorn - 05-07-2024

10. Through a random lottery drawing, you have been named the league's new commissioner for a day. Congrats! What improvements would you make to the league if you had the power to do whatever you wanted?

I would restrict sim access and all forms of sim testing.

Whilst offering my opinion from a position of ignorance and no experience of sim testing whatsoever, I cannot help but feel that it takes away much of the charm of the league. Certain strategies will work better than others and it is currently open to individuals to discover those strategies through sim testing rather than through actual wins and losses as would be the case in live sport. RNG and guesswork may have more of an impact but that is very much the nature of sport. Banning access to the sim file would help combat over-optimisation. Once teams figure out what is good and what works, it becomes the only thing that teams will do. That lack of diversity of approach inevitably impacts players. I suggest it would be better for individuals to work out the best builds, attributes, approaches by teams etc rather than following a simple meta that is sim tested. Following changing metas that are based on flawed / changing human understanding would mean there is an ebb and flow to the league and evolutions may be more observable.

If there were more of a restrictive approach, in that there was less of an optimised understanding through sim testing, then the league may be far more diverse in terms of outcomes and approaches. Randomness is one of the biggest draws in sports, nobody knows who will win until the game is over. Knowing which teams are going to win the Ultimini and Ultimus on a pretty consistent basis is less of a draw (though I realise as I write this how dominant some teams are in real sports – often for differing reasons, such as increased financial resources etc). I would be interested to see how many people do sim testing and what the impact of such a ban would have.

#StopSimTesting #DiversityIsStrength

16. Describe your player and/or team’s journey through this latest season. What were the highlights? What were the lower points? What might you have done differently? What are your expectations for next season?

This latest season has been a rollercoaster ride like no other. From the highs of anticipation to the lows of disappointment, I've experienced it all. Let me lay it out for you.

The highlights? Well, there weren't many on the field for me personally. Being behind Shrubbery all season meant limited opportunities to showcase my skills. But there were glimmers of hope, moments where I felt the thunder coursing through my veins as I made those rare carries count. And let's not forget the news of Shrubbery's trade – finally, the chance to step into the spotlight as the lead running back for the Otters.

But with every high comes a low, brother. And the low points of this season were all too familiar – sitting on the sidelines, watching as my team fell short time and time again. The disappointment of our early exit in the ASFC Quarterfinals still stings a bitter reminder of what could have been.

Looking back, there are things I might have done differently. Maybe I could have pushed harder in practice, demanded more opportunities to prove myself on the field. But dwelling on the past won't get me anywhere, brother. It's all about looking forward, focusing on what's to come.

And what's to come? Well, next season is a blank canvas, waiting to be painted with the colours of victory. With Shrubbery gone and the lead role firmly in my grasp, I'm ready to show the world what I'm truly capable of. Sure, the Otters might be entering a complete rebuild, but that just means there's room for new stars to rise.

So mark my words, brother – next season, the Hammer is going to unleash a storm of thunder like never before. And when all is said and done, the Otters will rise from the ashes, stronger and fiercer than ever before. So watch out, league – because the Hammer is coming, and he's ready to take the world by storm!

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - Murtsi - 05-07-2024

My god, we are done with another season you say? Man do these go by fast! Well as the seasons are over then it is time to congratulate both the Portlan Pythons for their Ultimini title as well my team, the Arizona Outlaws for their Ultimus championship. As I have a much better grasp on the International Simulation Football League, I will take a look back at the season for the Arizona Outlaws and how they arrived in the playoffs and ended the season, hoisting the storied Ultimus trophy for their back to back championships baby!

This season was another red hot race in the American Simulation Football Conference, so let us see how it played out! The Arizona Outlaws started out the season very strong with a road win against the Orange County Otters who were one of the pre season favorites to go all the way. They then followed that up with a home win against the Austin Copperheads and a road win against the Cape Town Crash. They then took their first setback with a loss at home to the San Jose Sabercats who were looking to surprise everyone and both teams were sitting at 4-1 after this game and at the top of the American Simulation Football Conference. The loss stung a bit, but there would be ample time to get revenge on them, but more on that later! Through these four games, rookie Purdy Mediocre was starting to make a name for himself and have people think he had mispelled his name was it was more likely to be Purdy Awesome. After that the Outlaws made sure to not lose any ground to the Sabercats by going on a six game winning streak which involved a great win on the road to the resurgent New Orleas Secondline, a nailbiting one point victory over the New York Silverbacks and another win over the Orange County Otters to sweep the season series. Things started to get a bit hairy at the tail end of the season, with losses to the Baltimore Hawks, New Orleans Secondline and New York Silverbacks. Thankfully the Outlaws were still in control of their own destiny in terms of playoffs and they helped this caused with a road win over the San Jose Sabercats and taking revenge part one. In the end they ended up with a 12-4 record which was good enough for second place in the conference and a place in the playoffs! The American Simulation Football Conference was a bloodbath as the pre season darling Orange County Otters missed out with a 10-6 record and the San Jose Sabercats surprising many by winning the conference with 13-3 record

The first test of the playoffs would come in a home game against the Secondline in the wild card round. This was yet another hotly contested game with it coming right down to the wire. Arizona had a chance to almost win it, being at the one yard line, but Winters was sacked and fumbled the ball which was then recovered by the Secondline, but they could get nothing on their possession. Down 3 points, the Outlaws moved the ball far enough to kick a field goal with 28 seconds remaining to tie it (but could have gone further as it was a 3rd and 1). In overtime the Secondline fizzed out and after a great Aguilera punt return, a touchdown to BMP sealed the game for the Outlaws. In the conference championship game, the Outlaws were looking to gain full revenge on the Sabercats and after a very back and forth game, two touchdowns in the final 4 minutes helped pull the Outlaws to a 35-28 victory and take them to the Ultimus game. The Ultimus did not start well with the Outlaws down 17-10 at half time, but after that it was all Outlaws as they put up 23 unanswered points to take the game and the championship with a 33-17 victory of the Cape Town Crash! Yeah baby, yeah!

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - Figgy - 05-07-2024

1. The Season 47 Ultimus and Ultimini have officially come to an end. Congratulations to the the Portland Pythons and Arizona Outlaws for each winning their respective championships. How did each of the finalists in either the Ultimus or Ultimini arrive at the playoffs? Were there any teams that surprised or disappointed during the playoffs? Did the outcome of either championship game surprise you at all?

Well another season has come and gone and a big congratulations go out to Portland and Arizona on winning their respective championships. The Pythons winning came at a shock and with great pain to us members of the Minnesota Grey Ducks. Going into the playoffs the Ducks were definitely the favorites to win the whole shebang, especially coming in with the top record in the league at 11-3. They had the top defense in the league, in terms of points allowed and a pretty potent offence, with the second most points scored on the season. Going into their first round playoff matchup against the Portland Pythons, many expected the Grey Ducks to succeed. However the football God's had other plans. It was a tight battle and unfortunately for the flock the Pythons choked the Ducks out and scored with 51 seconds left in the game to take a 1 point lead. After coming up with a sack and then recovering a fumble on the next play they were able to run out the clock on the game and the Grey Ducks season, ending something promising in Minnesota. With the next series they had to go up against the ever strong Tijuana Luchadores, and that game also didn't disappoint. The Pythons scored around the 8 minute mark of the 4th quarter to take a small lead and then once again forced a fumble in the last minute of the game as the Pythons managed to choke that last remaining life out of the Luchadores and made them tap out to take home the S47 Ultimini. An amazing season all around and the Pythons take home their 7th Ultimini of all time. 

Now in the ISFl, we had the Arizona Outlaws winning their league leading 9th Ultimus, pulling one ahead of the Orange County Otters. The path to the Ultimus for the Outlaws. Now this really wasn't much of a shock as they were the second best team in the league and it was a close race at that. Now in saying that the true shock would come in who they had to beat in the Finals. At the beginning of the playoffs I would wager not many had the Cape Town Crash in the finals. To get their they had to go through two teams above them in the standings. In the first round they absolutely embarassed the Baltimore Hawks(pain) by a score of 35-7. Coming into the game looking at the stats, these teams looked extremely close and I would have assumed it would be a nail bitter of a game and instead they laid an beating on those Hawks that Mike Tyson would be proud of. Holding the Hawks to only 235 total yards, and most importantly keeping them out of the endzone, except for one small mistake early in the 4th they made it look easy. Now moving to the Semi-Finals, and the Crash had to go up against the strong Chicago Butchers. Once again most people betting would likely have favored the Butchers to dismantle the rhinos, but they would once again be wrong. The pride of South Africa managed to hold the Butchers to a measly 224 total yards, which makes it pretty hard to score if you can't move the ball. The Crash scored early and built up a lead and held off a Butchers charge late in the first half to go into halftime tied. Coming out of the half the Crash made a couple of field goals and made sure to Crash any hopes the Butchers had to get back into the game. Now unfortunately for the Crash thats where their luck ran out, as the Outlaws ran a complete second half comeback on the Crash and turned a 17-10 deficit into a 33-17 victory. 

So once again I say congrats to the underdog Pythons on their Ultimini victory and the Crash on the incredible run to the finals that unfortunately proved that not everytime does Cinderella make it to the ball and get the Prince.

668 words

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - nickWilliams - 05-07-2024

35. Create the front page of a newspaper celebrating the win or the Ultimus or Ultimini winner. (Graphic Option 2.5 TPE)
[Image: b6rerbs.png]

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - shahdude - 05-07-2024

OT Pass

(not included on original list was a mistake)

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - Muddym13 - 05-07-2024

14. Expansion Expansion Expansion! Tell us why you think the league should expand / not expand or include any ideas (in words) for team branding ideas you have or team locations. 

As the ISFL keeps growing, it is clear the league will need to add more teams soon. With the upcoming S50 class expected to be one of the largest ever with many new users and recreates, it would be the perfect time to introduce new teams to either the ISFL or DSFL. But adding teams isn't only about the number of new players; it is also about carefully planning their branding. Luckily, I have created two ideas for potential future teams to give some ideas of where the ISFL / DSFL can head. 

Team Idea #1: Tokyo Bullets 

Behind The Name 
Ever heard of the lightning-fast Shinkansen bullet trains in Tokyo? Well, imagine a team named after those speed demons! The Tokyo Bullets would represent the city's love for efficiency and power, just like its famous transportation system. With over 40 million passengers (about twice the population of New York) using the subway daily, Tokyo’s transit network is a symbol of what the Tokyo Bullets will strive to be: fast, effective, and powerful. 

Picture their mascot as a futuristic bullet train zooming around the field or the top of the stadium every time a touchdown is scored, or a huge play happens. With it decked out in sleek colors and some t-shirt cannons to shoot into the crowd, you have a fan-favorite mascot in the making (even if it is not a person in a costume). 

Color Scheme 
The color scheme for the Tokyo Bullets would draw inspiration from the sleek and modern design of the city's bullet trains, as well as the vibrant energy of Tokyo itself. The chosen colors would reflect the following symbolism: 

Crimson Red: Symbolizing the speed, power, and intensity of the bullet trains as they streak across Tokyo's landscape. 
Silver: Representing the futuristic and innovative technology that defines Tokyo's transit system. 
Team Idea #2: Vancouver Reel Blazers 

Behind The Name 
Moving over to the scenic city of Vancouver, known as "Hollywood North" for its booming film industry, we have the Vancouver Reel Blazers. This team would pay homage to the city's cinematic heritage, as many notable films have been filmed there including “Happy Gilmore,” “Final Destination” and everyone’s favorite “Twilight.”   
The mascot for the Vancouver Reel Blazers would be the leader of films: a director! Vancouver’s mascot would be dressed in classic director attire, complete with a beret, sunglasses, and a clapboard. This mascot would exude confidence and creativity, directing the crowd through the game with chants and other interactive moments. 

Color Scheme 
When it comes to the Vancouver Reel Blazers' color scheme, we are all about tapping into the city's vibrant film scene and its stunning natural backdrop:
Goldenrod Yellow: Picture those sun-kissed landscapes you see in Vancouver's films, radiating warmth and creativity. 
Slate Gray: Think of it as a nod to the city's modern film industry. 
Emerald Green: It is all about those lush forests and scenery that set the stage for Vancouver's movies. 

494 Words

33. When looking at the teams we have in the ISFL and DSFL, is there any team you believe is in need of a major rebranding or update to their current branding? Why or why not? 

Although most teams in the ISFL and DSFL have some great branding and created unique identities you don’t see often in sports teams, there are two teams that I believe could use some rebranding, one from each league. To start with the ISFL, I believe that Colorado Yeti could use a solid update to its logo. Now, the current branding isn’t horrible, I just find it a bit plain against some of the other teams in the league. Having the “C” from the Colorado flag and the color scheme is a nice touch, but just adding an outline of a Yeti feels a bit lazy. A quick Google search shows many interesting Yeti logo ideas that can be easily edited to still include the Colorado “C” and maybe some of the mountains for the Rocky Mountains. There are just a lot more interesting avenues to look down. 

For the DSFL logo, I feel that the Dallas Birddogs could use a bit of updating as well. Currently, it is just a dog going through a “D”. Again, the symbolism makes sense as some dogs are used to gather the birds hunted, but the lackluster “D” could just be better or removed entirely. Gimme something like Duck Hunt with the dog holding the birds, anything that is a touch more out-of-the-box would be awesome. On a positive note, I really like the color scheme so that would be staying. 
237 Words

34. New players join our teams every season, so which of those new players made the biggest impact on the field for your team? 

In the 2062 season, amidst a sea of new recruits, one player stood out for the London Royals and made an immediate impact on the defensive side of the ball: Adolin Collins (@“Infern8”). With 108 tackles, 9 tackles for loss, and 8 sacks, he was all over the field making many DSFL opponents fear him. In just his first-ever game of the season against future Ultimini winners the Portland Python, Collins led the team in tackles with 10 and recovered 2 fumbles. Pretty impressive debut if you ask me. Some other stand-out performances from the season include Week 7 (10 TCK, 1 FF/FR), Week 10 (11 TCK, 3 TFL), Week 11 (9 TCK, 1 Sack), Week 13 (8 TCK, 2 sacks) and a few more not mentioned. Even though Collins wasn’t a nominee this year for DPotY, he could’ve easily been chosen and put up a good chance of finishing in the top 3. Overall, Collins was one of the main leaders this year for the Royals defense and we could always count on him stepping up when it mattered.

180 Words

RE: (S48) Offseason Task - JuOSu - 05-08-2024

OT Pass