International Simulation Football League
(S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - hihihi_62 - 06-18-2024

Interviewer: Martavius, huge thank you for meeting with me today as part of the London Times deep dive into American Football. First and foremost, how have you been enjoying your time with the London Royals?
Spencer: It's been a "Jolly good time"!! The people have been friendly and the scenery is incredible.
Interviewer: Glad to hear it! Now what do you think the average Londoner who has never seen American Football before needs to know?
Spencer: Well, it's fast, it's physical and in my humble opinion the greatest sport in the world. I greatly encourage anyone who hasn't been to a game to come on down and I promise you they'll be hooked.
Interviewer: I had a chance to catch a game for the first time last week and I must say I was taken aback by how violent it was!
Spencer: Haha, that's football baby. Smash mouth, put your opponent in the dirt entertainment!

To catch the rest of the interview check out the full London Times article in Monday's edition!

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Rusfan - 06-18-2024

Caleb: It’s an honor to finally sit down and talk with you Mr Janus.

Interviewer: Please, call me Hugh.

Caleb: Alright Hugh, what have you got for me?

Interviewer: It’s no secret that you’ve had an incredible rookie season with the Honolulu Hahalua, 5 interceptions and 4 fumbles forced and recovered in your first year in the ISFL and as a safety at the same time. What effect has these changes had on your play?

Caleb: Well it’s funny you mention the position change. Normally I think if I’d have changed after a year or two at the pro level it would’ve been a bigger issue, since I would have had some experience and some expectations from that experience. Since I changed right away though it was almost like a clean slate type of thing.

Interviewer: Even then you didn’t have anywhere near this year in your time with Minnesota.

Caleb: Look, that Grey Ducks team is probably the most talented team I’ve ever been a part of, I’m still a little salty about how we blew that chance for a trophy if I’m honest. What comes with having such a good team is that each person has less chance to make his own play. As the third corner on that squad my job was mostly to be ready to fill in for one of our top 2 guys if they went down.

Interviewer: So you’re saying that team was better than this Honolulu team?

Caleb: (laughs) Come on Hugh, you know very well that’s not what I’m saying.

Interviewer: Thank you for taking time to sit down with me Mr Camel.

Caleb: Thank you for having me!

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Brad Woof - 06-18-2024

ISFL NEWS: Hey there Brad, thanks for coming.

Brad Woof: Thanks for having me, Anderson Cooper. Congrats on the promotion by the way.

ISFLN: Thanks, it's a real step up for me. Now you've been having an excellent end to your sophomore season, with 320 yards and 4 touchdowns over your last three games. What's changed for you and your team?

BW: Honestly, we're just going out there and playing exactly like we planned to play. The team is really growing together, we've got a great locker room rapport, and we're going out there just trusting each other to make the plays. 

ISFLN: So you're saying this is engineered? Should we expect to see more games like this from Brad Woof and the Hahalua?

BW: Oh for sure. This is just the beginning Anderson. You've got to remember that we're one of the youngest teams in the league, so we're going out there, training hard, practicing hard, and getting better every single week. If we can go out and beat Arizona right now, imagine what we'll be able to do with even just one more offseason under our belts.

ISFLN: Well thank you for your time Brad, I'm both awestruck and terrified by you, your team, and the idea that Honolulu will become an unstoppable powerhouse the likes of which will freeze the hearts of mere mortals like myself in spirit-shredding terror.

BW: Thanks Anderson, I get that a lot.

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - slothfacekilla - 06-18-2024

Graphic option: create a graphic of your player being interviewed by a Reporter from the Newspaper

[Image: rQ5xRio.png]

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - papalinator - 06-18-2024


This is the ISFL League Newspaper.  How are you doing this fine afternoon?


Fine.  I'm a little hungover, so could you keep it down?

A Voice from off-screen:

He didn't mean that, please ignore that last statement.


What are you talking about, Phil?  I'm totally hungover.  I drank like 2 bottles of tequila last night and I haven't eaten in 24 hours.

Phil, apparently:

You're in an interview, stupid.  The newspaper is recording this.


Oh shit.  Oops.  Shoot.  Sorry.  Can we restart?


No can do, Kronk.  We've had a hot microphone the whole time.  Do you want to get to our real interview now?


Yes, please.  Sorry again.


So you seem to be one of the most prolific TE's in the league.  Why are you still at Tijuana?  Couldn't Yellowknife have used you this season?


Well.  I wanted to win the ring, of course.  Yellowknife is a fantastic team, but so is Tijuana.  We got so close in Tijuana last year to winning the whole thing, so this year was definitely our time.


I apologize, Kronk, but your introduction seems to have left us out of time.  Sorry for the limited amount of questions.


That's ok.  I just need to sleep this hangover off anyway.

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - captainsb - 06-18-2024

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - br0_0ker - 06-18-2024

Interviewer: how do you feel after your your first games in the DSFL are a doubleheader?

pizza: I feel pretty good, I think I provided a lot of morale uplifting during our games. Yeah, I know I got a sack in my first game. And I won't forget I got a pick in the very next game. But I think just being available and ready to play on short notice, since I just declared for the league and got on the team in this last week, that was really the most important thing I could do for my team. I mean, without me, they are all still a championship caliber unit, I am really coming on late and providing that little extra to get us over the hump. Fresh legs, so to speak (even though I do not have any legs). Coach was pretty impressed overall, but I know there is still a lot of work to do in the film room, there was a play or two I could have had but I hesitated, and when I get into the ISFL the players are another level and will take advantage of that, ya know?

Interviewer: thanks for the great answer

pizza: you are very welcome!

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - bjkman - 06-18-2024

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Bigred1580 - 06-18-2024

[Image: 7ycYFD0.png]

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - nunccoepi - 06-19-2024

Reporter: So how did you come to play the game of football?

Marshall von Hildebrand: I didn't think I'd be playing football actually. Most of my life I played soccer (typically for a kicker, I know). I couldn't quite make the cut as a D1 athlete for soccer, though, and I think that's something I saw coming early on. But in high school I was introduced to the game of Ultimate Frisbee which was becoming popular at the time. In some ways it is a cross between soccer and football and that's really what opened me up to the game.

Reporter: So you just decided to try out for the team?

Marshall: Yeah, a couple of friends were on the football team and they encouraged me to try out. I was always a bit smaller, but thankfully the coaches knew what to look for in a former soccer player and I was quickly made at home in front of the kicking tee.