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(S6) - Ultimus Week - Printable Version

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(S6) - Ultimus Week - JuOSu - 03-22-2018


The Baltimore Hawks were robbed of a playoff spot. Going 7-7 they only missed the playoffs by half a game to the Yellowknife Wraiths who went 7-6-1. With a 397-351 run differential, it showed that they were better than their 7-7 record indicates. The team is stacked with superstars, from quarterback Avon Blocksdale, to Running Back Owen Taylor, to Wide Receiver Trey Willie, to cornerback Austin Delacour and many others who provide a great service like kicker Turk Turkleton. Their unsung hero might be Noah Goodson, the linebacker who anchors that defense. This team had a ton of talent and had some great wins. The Hawks had some incredibly under-rated wins like beating the later Champions Orange County Otters in Orange County on the road, which is an incredible win that happens very rarely. Beating the future champions on the road is a huge accomplishment. They also beat the Otters at home, which I believe makes them the only team who was undefeated against the Orange County Otters all year. They have a claim to the title this way! Basically they were better than the future champions in a head-to-head way. I wonder if they could have won the third game between these two teams as well!

Playoff Series MVP:

Bradley Madlad was the game-winner for the Otters in the Conference Championship game. With three field goals and three extra points, he was very successful and didn't miss a thing. He also had eleven punts so he was successful in that area too. More importantly, his final field goal was the game-winner with less than a minute to go to send the Otters to yet another Ultimus Title Game. He scored field goals from 22, 32 and 34 yards, with the 34 yarder being the game-winner. The pressure in that situation must have been so high but he made it anyway. What is most shocking is that Madlad has not always been the most consistent but this playoff run showed just how clutch he is, and especially in this game he was the true hero of the Otters. One of his punts also ended up within the opponents 20 yard line and his average per punt was also excellent with 54 yards per punt. He was a man who was active in different aspects of the game and really helped his team win this game, also by setting up the defense with a good field position. What an amazing game from Bradley Madlad!

Championship Game Recap:

All eyes were on the Championship game between the Orange County Otters and the Philadelphia Liberty. The Otters coming in as the heavy favorite, the Liberty actually started out better and had the early 3-0 lead. The Otters responded quickly though and took the lead after a Bradley Westfield touchdown. The Liberty were not done yet though and took the lead again with a Paul DiMirio touchdown. Two field goals, both right before the half within a minute of halftime gave the Otters the slim lead at the half. The third quarter saw no scores, before Robert Phelps gave the Otters what appeared to be the deciding touchdown, putting them up by 10 points in the 4th but Josh Garden returned the ensuing kick-off 102 yards for a touchdown to make the game close again. What an amazing moment, where Garden gave hope to Philadelphia again out of nowhere. Another field goal and no more points after that and the Otters were Champions again. This field goal was a huge deciding factor though, as it meant that the Liberty needed a touchdown to win it, not just a field goal to tie the game. It was a fantastic game from both teams but sadly only one can win.

Unsung Hero:

Bradley Madlad was the unsung hero for the Otters on their championship run. Madlad was flawless in the playoffs with field-goals and extra points, going 6 for 6 on field goals and 5 for 5 on extra points. In the first game he scored the game-winning field goal late, while in the Championship game he turned the tides with two field-goals within the last minute of the first half, bringing the Otters the lead, one of which was a 50+ yarder. He also scored a field goal late to give the Otters a 6 point lead and guarantee that the Liberty needed a touchdown to win, not just a field goal to tie the game up. Bradley Madlad had a flawless playoff run with the Otters, and gave so much value to the team with his field goals. His punting cannot be underrated either, as he also is the team's punter. He had 18 punts in two games, which kept the team in good field position and put the defense in a good spot. His excellent foot work helped this team and sadly often times the kickers are unsung heroes, especially on a team as stacked with superstars like Orange County is. But Madlad was the Adam Vinatieri of this Championship run!

(S6) - Ultimus Week - Bwestfield - 03-22-2018

Robbed: Write about why a team that failed to make the playoffs should have over somebody else. Can be completed at any point

I will be talking about a team that failed to make the playoffs but probably should have. The Baltimore Hawks. The Hawks seem to find a way to hurt themselves late in the season every year. They are an amazing team with lots of talent and could and should be reaching the playoffs every year. This year the lost their last two games and the wraiths won their last two which gave the wraiths a half game advantage and a playoff berth. The competition in the NSFC is fierce and any team could make it at any given point. The last few years the Yeti have imploded. But after a good draft and some good free agent acquisitions they could be primed to make a run to the playoffs as well. The Hawks in my opinion missed out on the playoffs by a single point during the season. Their last matchup with the Liberty. The lost by 1 single point and that could have not only given them a playoff berth but also the number 1 seed in the division. With great weapons in Trey Willie, Avon Blocksdale, and Owen taylor on offense they can turn that around in a hurry. I think just one or two more playmakers on this team make them a playoff contender year after year despite the competitiveness of the division.

Championship Game Recap: Do a recap of the best play from the championship game. Must be completed after the Championship Game

How could any other play other than the play by Josh Garden be the play of the game. This guy ran 102 yards passed all of the otters special teams players, running left, dodging right, shedding tackles all the way for a touchdown which brought them within 3 points of a tie. The crowd instantly jumps up with such enthusiasm. The Liberty are now a single touchdown away and it really would have made the difference. The Liberty were rolling there at the end as well. They made it all the way down to the 1 yard line. It was a drop by Josh Garden that sealed their fate. The guy who brought them so close and within a couple feet of Ultimus victory and ultimate dethronement of the Orange County Otters. So for the Liberty and other teams it was the 102 kickoff return touchdown that was just so beautiful to see, but for the Orange County Otters and their fans it was the endzone drop by the same player who gave them a victory and a real rolling dynasty in the NSFL. Either way all fans are looking at Josh Garden either with joy or scorn. Josh Garden may not be the MVP of the game but he is the MVP of our hearts.

Unsung Hero:Who was the unsung hero of the playoffs, convince us. (Can be completed after the Ultimus game)

Bradley Madlad. He hit every single one of his extra points and field goals. In the first playoff game he was able to kick 3 extra points and all 3 of his field goals. If any of those fields goals were missed you would be looking at overtime. The cats played an excellent game and could easily have come away with an overtime win had it come to that. Madlad had also punted 11 times pinning them back into their own 20 only once. While punting is not his strong suit you can see that he is easily a remarkable player kicking the ball. In the Ultimus game he made both of his 2 extra points and all 3 of his field goals. He was even able to hit a 55 yard field goal with 10 seconds left in the second quarter. The pressure was on but it did not affect him whatsoever. He also punted 7 times that game with one falling inside the 20 again. He did everything he could have. He may need to work on his punting a bit but as long as he keeps putting those field goals in like he has he will always have a job.

Sit-down with a fan:Answer questions for an interview from a player that is not your own. You must answer at least four questions and at least three must relate to the league in some way. Link to the interviewers PT to receive credit. NOTE: THEY MUST POST THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR YOU TO GET CREDIT. (Can be completed at any point)

1. Yes or No. Bradley Westfield has played his entire career as a member of the Orange County Otters. During that time, you has amassed 455 receptions, 8413 receiving yards, an 18.49 yard per reception average, and 63 touchdowns. All of these are impressive numbers especially coming from a player that was drafted in the 13th round of the inaugural S1 draft. During your career, you have been the top 10 in receiving yards every single season and have led all receivers twice. There’s no arguing that any team would be ecstatic to add you to their roster. Would you ever consider playing for another team in the NSFL?

I think about it all the time. I am a huge fan of parity within the league. I can't say for certain that it will ever happen but the idea is there.

2. Obviously, you are going to put your team mates first. That’s just the type of player you seem to be. Let’s forget about Orange County for just a minute here. If you had to pick, who would say is your favorite offensive and defensive players in the National Simulation Football league are?

Offensive player would be Damian Kroetch, the dude is a monster
Defensive players would be Antoine Delacour, he can do anything on the field

3. With your 3rd consecutive championship in the books and looking ahead and seeing no real threat in the ASFC next season, do you ever think to yourself that it’s just too easy?

It's never easy. Every year is just as hard as the last. It is really nice to have those championships but we worked hard for every single one.

4. Can you suggest a local beer in your area that you think everyone should try at least once?

Ellicottville brewing company makes an excellent oatmeal stout.

(S6) - Ultimus Week - keanex - 03-22-2018

New Talent

I've gotta toot my own horn here for a minute, biggest new addition to the Pythons may be me. In 11 tracked games I managed to lead, via tie, the DSFL in receiving touchdowns. I may have not been the largest contributor to overall yards or even efficiency metrics, but touchdowns are how you win games and I was a huge contributor to that.

I know that sounds big-headed, but I'm moreso proud of myself as a smaller receiver coming in fresh later in the year. I can't imagine what I'll do next year.

But, I don't throw it to myself, my boy Cole McCoy was hitting his stride later in the year as he took over sole QB from Christ. He really stepped up as a leader on this team and will light it up in the NSFL when he decides to finally step up.

We've both decided we'd like to stay in the DSFL for one more year though, we want to win back to back championships. We know we can do it. I foresee me and McCoy, along with the rest of our team, hoisting up the trophy at the end of the year and sending our GM pdxballer to the NSFL with a smile on his face.


That Magic Moment

Even though the Portland Pythons lost in the first round of the DSFL, despite being number one seed, there was something magical about the game. We ran away with home-field advantage, but nothing is guaranteed in football. The Coyotes are the team I strongly felt was the top contender if we were out of the playoffs and they were also the team I wanted us to face the least and yet as fate has it they were the team that we had to play.

They're one of the most complete teams in the DSFL, and their stud receiver Miller has been unstoppable all year. He proved to be a force of nature putting up 114 yards and a touchdown. Incredible.

But I'm not here to talk about the outcome of the game or go through it play by play, that may be a story for another day. For me the magic moment was the entire game. I felt like my dream was coming true. It all felt surreal. You ever hear people talking about their body going on auto-pilot? Instinct kicking and feeling like they're not in control of their body? That was this. I felt like I hit a dream state and it felt natural. Did I feel nervous? Nope, not one bit. This is what I'm meant to do and I look forward to coming back next year to win the Championship with my buddy Cole.


(S6) - Ultimus Week - timeconsumer - 03-22-2018

Playoff Series MVP: Choose an MVP for one of the playoff series and write about why you chose them. Must be completed after the playoff series you write about

San Jose vs Orange County for the ASFC championship was decided by only three points with a last minute kick to give the Otters the win near the end of the game. However, this was a game that was a defensive battle all the way through the game. And the MVP of this was none other than Linebacker turned Safety Ian Bavitz. Bavitz played lights out at the free safety position this game but looking suspiciously more like himself during his linebacker days.

Head coach Timeconsumer obviously had big plans for Bavitz this game, sending him on blitz after blitz at Chris Orosz. Bavitz took Orosz to the dirt three times during that game, and one at the very end following two other sacks to take Orosz down in the endzone, giving OCO the ball back. They weren't able to put up more points after that safety but did eat up more clock before San Jose's final scoring drive.

This marks the second time Bavitz has been named playoff series MVP as he has been a dominant force on the Orange County defense for several seasons. Although often not popular enough to be named to the probowl he is absolutely a critical piece of the OCO defense and one who helped take them to their third Ultimus trip in so many years.

Championship Game Recap: Do a recap of the best play from the championship game. Must be completed after the Championship Game

5 minutes left in the 4th quarter, down by 6, and the Liberty have the ball on their own 28. The Liberty drive down the field in short order, setting up for a 3rd and goal pass from the 5 yard line with the endzone in their sights, only 1:47 left in the game. The Liberty are about to tie it up and kick the XP for the win. The Otters need a stop here if they want to take home their third trophy.

The Liberty line up in the I-Formation, the playcall is an RB Post to Damien Krotech, but he's well covered up the middle by Elvin Enchant. Rove looks to his second read and sees Garden on a left out route just infront of the goal line, he has a step on CB Marc Spector. Oles sees this as their best shot and unleashes a pass just out of the reach of Spector and Garden secures it, he reaches for the goal line, but Spector wraps up and with deceptive strength brings Garden down fast and hard on the 1 yard line.

Oles never got to his third read to see Paul Dimirio wide open in the endzone. The next play on fourth down Josh Garden drops the game winning TD in the endzone. Otters win 23-17. Marc Spector saved the day.

That Magic Moment: Pick one moment from a playoff game and describe what made it so amazing to watch. (Must be completed after the game you write about)

Going to Disneyland!:Who was the Ultimus MVP? Give us a rundown of their celebratory trip to Disneyland. (Can be completed after the Ultimus game)

Ultimus MVP is difficult to decide this season. Nobody on the Orange County team really stood out as the biggest playmaker during the game. Rather the whole team seemed to play as one cohesive unit and help each other find success. Given that one person has to be selected I think it is fair to say that Bradley Westfield is the MVP of this Ultimus game.

Having been an all-star player since season one Westfield is constantly on the top of the league in stats season after season. Although recently taking a backseat to the renaissance that Jordan Yatesa is experiencing Westfield is still a dominant force on the team and the best in the league when it comes to gaining yards after the catch. Westfield is so good at outrunning and dodging defenders that he has the most efficient yards per reception in the league while also showing soft hands that never drop balls.

In the Ultimus game Westfield demanded respect from the defenses to always account for him, allowing the field to open up for the rest of his team. He caught 7 balls for 130 yards averaging 18.6 yards per reception and found the endzone once as well. His longest reception was for 49 yards as he outran the Liberty defense. Westfield may have to share the ball more than he had in the past, but he is still the greatest offensive weapon in the NSFL.

Unsung Hero:Who was the unsung hero of the playoffs, convince us. (Can be completed after the Ultimus game)

Can you be a hero if you still lose? Hard to say one way or the other but if I had to choose someone who stepped up to give his team a chance it would be Clifford Rove. The quarterback turned cornerback played some of his best football of his career during the playoffs this season and almost took home the trophy because of it.

In the NSFC Championship vs Yellowknife Clifford Rove had 5 tackles, 4 PDs, and 1 interception that he took to the house. He did better than Kevin Cushing the team's #1 corner, and he was asked to cover some challenging receivers while also facing dual threat Matt Akselsen. Even though it was his first year at the position he stepped up and thrived in the spotlight.

When the Ultimus game came a few days later he was called on again, this time he had to face the combo of Jordan Yates and Bradley Westfield, the two most prolific touchdown scoring receivers in the league. This was going to be no easy feat. Yet Rove did not succumb to the pressure and he again showed that he can play with the best of them as he tallied 6 tackles, 2 PDs and one interception. His team wasn't able to capitalize on the opportunity he gave them, but unfortunately he can't control that. Rove played like a superstar out there and was the unsung hero of Philly.

(S6) - Ultimus Week - ExemplaryChad - 03-22-2018

Hate the Player or the Game
I think it’s obvious to anyone who watches the NSFL which team was robbed of the playoffs. I mean, we’re talking about a perfect season here, and no one is even batting an eyelash that the Colorado Yeti didn’t make it into the playoffs. A perfect season! No one has ever accomplished that feat before in this league, ever. We were truly an exemplary team this year. With a point differential well over 300 (some would say in the wrong direction; I say we’re just unorthodox), no one was even close to us in that department.

On the other hand, can you imagine if we had made the playoffs? When teams were actually trying against us? Setting gameplans and lineups as if we were an actual threat? We would have lost every game 66-6, not just the one near the end of the season. Our defense gave up tons of yards and points, and our offense was historically bad. We couldn’t get into the end zone even though our defense forced turnovers at a higher rate than lots of other teams. We’re young, and we’re not going to be competitive yet. But hopefully, it’s not too long until we get there.

Playoff Series MVP
The Divisional Championship round of the playoffs had two games that looked to be pretty evenly matched. The Otters and Sabercats game looked like it would be extremely close, and it didn’t disappoint. A three-point game that came down to a last minute goal line stand; it doesn’t get much closer than that. That game had plenty of MVP candidates throwing everything at one another, ultimately to the Sabercats’ disappointment. But the game with the clearer MVP candidate, and really the only one to stand out far and away from his team, in my estimation, was the Wraiths versus the Liberty.

The player who really shined in that matchup -- that was not as close to the other one, thanks in part to my MVP -- was Clifford Rove. The former quarterback turned defensive back showed where all those years of studying the game have gotten him. He ended the game with tons of passes deflected (4), a handful of tackles (5), an interception, and a touchdown. Considering that this was a ten-point game when all was said and done, this touchdown was clearly one of the difference-making plays in the game. An interception is a very exciting play in football, and this one being returned for a touchdown was no exception.

Going to Disneyland!
The Ultimus MVP has to go to none other than Bradley Westfield, wide receiver for the three-time champion Orange County Otters. While Boss certainly had an excellent game throwing to the veteran wideout (while also throwing 2 picks), and Jordan Yates amassed a couple more catches and a few more yards, it was Westfield who had the better yards per catch average, and the all-important touchdown that contributed to the six-point win over the worthy Philadelphia Liberty.

So what did Westfield decide to do with that coveted MVP Award? He did, in fact, decide to go to Disneyland, even though it is the older and, ultimately inferior, alternative to Disney World. When asked why he chose Disneyland instead of another vacation in a farther and more exotic location, Westfield responded, “I wanted to go somewhere close to home. That way, all my millions of fans here in California would have a chance to come see the phenomenon that is Bradley Westfield in person. I imagine it will be a truly magical experience for them.” He winked as he said the word “magical.” It was a lame joke. Still, the man deserved the award, and as a winner and MVP, he’s allowed to go do whatever he wants.

Sit-down with a Star
I sat down with Dan Miller, star defensive tackle for the almost-ASFC-champion San Jose Sabercats.

How does it feel to finally make the playoffs?
Feels amazing, We really showed that we deserve to make the playoffs. For the longest time, our division has been the strongest and I feel like that statement still stands. We also lost to the Ultimus champions and it was incredibly close, as every game the sabercats and otters have played.

What do you think pushed you over the top this year, as opposed to former years?
Honestly this year, I think i'm pretty much hitting my peak. I think I was hungrier in seasons past but I was having to do so much heavy lifting by myself. Now the entire sabercat team is firing on all cylinders, so even if I'm not hitting my absolute best, I can shine so much better than I was before.

How was it playing in the Ultimus divisional round, only to lose by such a small margin, almost knocking off the Otters dynasty hopes?
During the season we had gone back and forth, and it was always a razor tight game. I think if the game would have gone a little longer than we would have gotten ahead in points. They just happened to have the point lead when the game ended. They are a great team and deserved to win; it's always fun playing such tight rivalries regardless of the outcome. It's also hard to be sad on losing against the Ultimus winner when we've missed out on playoffs so many times due to tiebreakers.

What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment OFF the football field?
Getting rich off of bitcoin was pretty cool, but more importantly choosing to let my brother manage our wealth and utilize that to make positive changes in the world. He hasn't set up any non-profits but works closely with a lot of important charities. I've worked more closely with animal charities but he hits a wide range from medical to housing. When blessed with wealth, it's good to find meaning by helping others. #HashTagBlessed

(S6) - Ultimus Week - Bayley - 03-22-2018

Playoff Series MVP: Choose an MVP for one of the playoff series and write about why you chose them. Must be completed after the playoff series you write about

In the first game between the Yellowknife Wraiths and Philadelphia Liberty, there was one player in which stood out for the Philadelphia Liberty. That was none other than Clifford Rove. Clifford Rove had a huge game against the top wide receivers that had a fantastic year this past season for the Wraiths. In this game, Clifford Rove had 5 tackles, as well as 4 pass deflections, 1 interception, and that interception was turned around for 6 points. That touchdown put the Liberty up 24-0 at he time which ended up being the winning touchdown for the Liberty. That was a huge play in the game as well as Clifford Rove always seems to be in the right spot. 4 pass deflections is an absolutely phenomenal game as well. For a sim that hates CBs, Clifford Rove was someone that defied the odds and made a huge impact. There were some other huge performers in this game as Josh Garden had 4 catches, 113 yards, which averaged just over 28 yards per catch. V Marmeladov also had a huge game with 6 tackles and 2 sacks. E Kamaka also had a forced fumble which was a turning point in the game. For the Wraiths, C Hardrool, D Lavelle, and P Carter were the standouts.
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Going to Disneyland!:Who was the Ultimus MVP? Give us a rundown of their celebratory trip to Disneyland. (Can be completed after the Ultimus game)

In the Ultimas Game, it was the likes of the usual suspects that would definitely get the nod for MVP in this one. Jordan Yates was the first guy that should be looked at for MVP as he had 9 catches, 156 yards with an average of 17 yards. He even had a 48 yard catch in which put him at the second longest catch in the game. He had huge catches to continue his huge season of work. Jordan Yates would be the one that would be going to Disneyland as a happy camper. Other than Jordan Yates, we would be looking at Bradley Westfield who had a good game himself. He had 7 catches for 130 yards and a touchdown. He averaged 18.6 yards per catch and the longest catch of 49 yards. Westifeld was able to make a play when the Orange County Otters needed it most. He also was able to have huge kick returns as well as he had a 39 yard kick return. Other than him, Marc Spector had the save of the game to win the game which can be looked as a MVP catch. Angus Winchester also had a fantastic game for the Otters.
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Unsung Hero:Who was the unsung hero of the playoffs, convince us. (Can be completed after the Ultimus game)

I am going to say that the unsung hero of the playoffs is going to be Angus Winchester. In the game against the Sabercats, Winchester had 5 tackles, 1 sack, and 3 pass deflections. For the Cats who wanted to utilize the same plan as the Otters to give Yates the ball as much as possible, he was able to neutralize that to a great extent. He was making big plays when the team needed him, there is no doubt about that. In the big game, Winchester continued his big performance with 7 tackles, 1 sack, and keeping the Liberty grounded without being able to sustain any crazy drives. I think that is a player that deserves a little more credit than he is getting. He came up big against San Jose which is something that people overlook. People wrote off San Jose, but they gave the Otters everything they could handle until Winchester was able to take over the game. I absolutely see him as the hero of the playoffs. I mean, you obviously could look at Bradley Westfield, Mike Boss, Marc Spector, and many of the other Otters players, but I look at Winchester first, no doubt. Angus Winchester, MVP.
Quote:Words: 202

Sit-down with a star:Interview a player from a team that is not your own that is in the playoffs. You must ask them four questions and at least three must relate to the league in some way. YOU MUST POST THE QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS FOR CREDIT.
Interview done with Iamslm

(S6) - Ultimus Week - PDXBaller - 03-22-2018

Playoff Series MVP: Choose an MVP for one of the playoff series and write about why you chose them. Must be completed after the playoff series you write about

Darren Smallwood (@tlk742) of the San Jose vs. Orange County playoff series is the Playoff Series MVP for me. The former receiver showed that he didn’t miss a step and had 7 receptions for 45 yards and 1 touchdown in the fourth quarter that was clutch and gave the Sabercats hope as it tied the score 29-29. Despite dropping a few passes early on in the game, Smallwood found his rhythm by the second quarter and Orosz was finding him on short routes inside and within the seams. Smallwood also rushed for 10 carries and 37 yards throughout the game and show cased his versatility on offense as a threat in almost all formations. It’s impressive to see a player of his caliber whenever he hits the field. His clutch catch in the end of the fourth quarter was stellar and his previous 11 yard catch drove the Sabercats up the field and into position for a field goal at the very least. He’s one of the fastest players in the NSFL as a whole and extremely adaptable to many situations. As a key piece of the San Jose offense, I think he’ll continue to have MVP-esque performances for many seasons to come despite potential regression in the future.

Playoff Review: Write a short review of the playoffs and each of the matchups. Must be completed after the Championship Game

Yellowknife Wraiths at Philadelphia Liberty
As a Liberty member, this is one of my favorite division rivalries along with the Baltimore Hawks. The Wraiths were a formidable force going into the NSFC Playoffs as last season’s NSFC champions, but the Liberty had home field advantage and a newly formed offense that absolutely dominated this game from start to finish. Despite a late 4th quarter resurgence by Yellowknife, the Liberty were able to fend off the spooky boys to win 31-21.

San Jose Sabercats at Orange County Otters
The Sabercats finally made the playoffs for the first time and emerged as one of the league’s premier powerhouse teams tying the Otters for a league best 11-3 record. This is the first time we’ve seen 2 teams with such stellar season records and it was a competitive game from start to finish. Otters took an early lead and held it 20-12 going into the half, but the Sabercats came out of the locker room with catlike fury to score quickly in the third quarter and the defense stepped up to get a safety tackle in the fourth quarter. In the end, the defending champions held off the Sabercats enough to get up the field for a 34 yard field goal to win the game.

Philadelphia Liberty at Orange County Otters
Another close game with a close finish that saw the Liberty make their first Ultimus appearance in team history. This was an extremely tight game that saw both teams jockeying for position on the field and their defenses performing well in the second half. With a chance to score a touchdown in the fourth quarter and potentially tie the score with a successful field goal, the Liberty were on the Otters 1 yard line, but a dropped pass to Garden sunk all of Philadelphia’s Ultimus dreams. The defending Otters would go on to win another Ultimus championship.

Sit-down with a star:Interview a player from a team that is not your own that is in the playoffs. You must ask them four questions and at least three must relate to the league in some way. YOU MUST POST THE QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS FOR CREDIT. (Can be completed at any point)

Interview w/ Glenn McPoyal (@Alfredo_Pasta)

1) How do you feel your rookie season went as a member of the Wraiths?
This is a very tough question to answer. The season was full of ups and downs. With the team and my own personal performance. I started out the season very strong. Being involved with the offense and catching everything. My production ended up going down towards the end of the year. As for the team it we started of a little slow. We had the tough tie against the second line but finished strong enough to make it into the playoffs.

2) How did you feel about your performance in the playoffs?
I had not a very good play off performance. By this time in the season I wasn't really our quarterbacks favorite target. I believe I only had one or two catches for maybe ten yards. Definitely maybe one of my worst games.

3) Do you think you’ll be starting over Franklin Harris Jr. next season?
This is also another tough question to answer. Franklin Harris Jr. Is a great player but I think I have a chance to at least compete and try to be the Wraiths starting tight end. I guess in the beginning of the season I won't start but very possible if I stay productive and active I will be the number one tight end by the end of the season.

4) What are you looking forward to for next season?
I'm looking forward to everything. Being able to be with my teammates again, practicing, working out. I'm ready to go out there and be the best tight end in the league. I want everyone to know who Glenn Mcpoyal is.

Sit-down with a fan:Answer questions for an interview from a player that is not your own. You must answer at least four questions and at least three must relate to the league in some way. Link to the interviewers PT to receive credit. NOTE: THEY MUST POST THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR YOU TO GET CREDIT. (Can be completed at any point)

Answered questions for Alfredo_Pasta:

1) How do you feel about losing the ultimus against the otters?
They are an amazing team with great leadership and an excellent organization overall. It’s not fun to lose in the Ultimus, but I feel fortunate that we had the guts and determination this season to not quit and our hard work paid off. This was our first Ultimus appearance and we knew that the Otters wouldn’t be easy on the road.

2) Do you think the liberty will continue to build on their success and be even more competitive next year?
I believe so. There will be a change in leadership soon and we’ve got the pieces in place to make another big run at the Ultimus trophy for next season. I don’t see us letting off the gas pedal and we’ll be gearing up for another strong season soon.

3) What was your toughest obstacle going into the post season?
Our biggest obstacle was probably our run game going into the post season. We excelled in passing and defense overall, but our offensive rushing was second to last in the league going into the post season. Kroetch has been a great runningback for us, but we knew we lacked the depth to truly become a well-rounded offensive threat. I think this weakness was tough to overcome and other teams knew that they could rely on their defensive backs to disrupt our passing game without giving up much in the run.

4) Since liberty had a great season, did your impact and stats as a player increase compared to last year?
My tackles went down a lot, but that was expected since we had better linebacker coverage and my job with King was to create passing pressure and stuffing the run. I did increase my forced fumbles to 4 and tied the league for 1st in forced fumbles as a DT.

(S6) - Ultimus Week - Alfredo_Pasta - 03-22-2018

Sit down with a star:
Interview with Eli Kamaka (@PDXBaller)
1) How do you feel about losing the ultimus against the otters?
They are an amazing team with great leadership and an excellent organization overall. It’s not fun to lose in the Ultimus, but I feel fortunate that we had the guts and determination this season to not quit and our hard work paid off. This was our first Ultimus appearance and we knew that the Otters wouldn’t be easy on the road.

2) Do you think the liberty will continue to build on their success and be even more competitive next year?
I believe so. There will be a change in leadership soon and we’ve got the pieces in place to make another big run at the Ultimus trophy for next season. I don’t see us letting off the gas pedal and we’ll be gearing up for another strong season soon.

3) What was your toughest obstacle going into the post season?
Our biggest obstacle was probably our run game going into the post season. We excelled in passing and defense overall, but our offensive rushing was second to last in the league going into the post season. Kroetch has been a great runningback for us, but we knew we lacked the depth to truly become a well-rounded offensive threat. I think this weakness was tough to overcome and other teams knew that they could rely on their defensive backs to disrupt our passing game without giving up much in the run.

4) Since liberty had a great season, did your impact and stats as a player increase compared to last year?
My tackles went down a lot, but that was expected since we had better linebacker coverage and my job with King was to create passing pressure and stuffing the run. I did increase my forced fumbles to 4 and tied the league for 1st in forced fumbles as a DT.


Sit down with a fan:
Answered questions for PDXballer
1) How do you feel your rookie season went as a member of the Wraiths?
This is a very tough question to answer. The season was full of ups and downs. With the team and my own personal performance. I started out the season very strong. Being involved with the offense and catching everything. My production ended up going down towards the end of the year. As for the team it we started of a little slow. We had the tough tie against the second line but finished strong enough to make it into the playoffs.

2) How did you feel about your performance in the playoffs?
I had not a very good play off performance. By this time in the season I wasn't really our quarterbacks favorite target. I believe I only had one or two catches for maybe ten yards. Definitely maybe one of my worst games.

3) Do you think you’ll be starting over Franklin Harris Jr. next season?
This is also another tough question to answer. Franklin Harris Jr. Is a great player but I think I have a chance to at least compete and try to be the Wraiths starting tight end. I guess in the beginning of the season I won't start but very possible if I stay productive and active I will be the number one tight end by the end of the season.

4) What are you looking forward to for next season?
I'm looking forward to everything. Being able to be with my teammates again, practicing, working out. I'm ready to go out there and be the best tight end in the league. I want everyone to know who Glenn Mcpoyal is.


This little article may or may not be surprising to some. The team I believe got robbed not making the playoffs in the Baltimore Hawks. Now you could say I'm writing this just to write something. And you may or may not be right. But there Is apart of me that believes the Baltimore Hawks should of made the playoffs and the Yellowknife Wraiths should not of. The Wraiths got in only because they didn't lose to the new Orleans second line team. Instead they tied them. And then it all came down to the final game of the season between the Hawks and the Wraiths. Some may say the better team won the game. Some may say one team just had an off day and should never of lost against the Yellowknife Wraiths. I say they should of won against Yellowknife Wraiths but unfortunately Yellowknife was just too good for them. I guess what I am trying to say is the reason they got robbed is because that game shouldn't of mattered for the Hawks anyways. They had a better season and when they lost it was close. When the Wraiths lost they usually lost by a lot. And that is why I think the Baltimore Hawks got Robbed


Playoff review:
I'm here to write a short review of the playoffs. First match up we have is the Yellowknife Wraiths at the philadelphia liberty. As a member of the Wraiths it was not a fun game to watch it started out back and forth and a very defensive game. But it didn't take liberty long to pull ahead. Once they got ahead of Yellowknife a few scores it was impossible for the Wraiths to come back and win. The Philadelphia liberty ended up winning the conference playoff game by ten points.

The next game was the San Jose sabercats vs the orange county otters. This game was a toss up for me I didn't know who was going to come out victorious on this game. Unfortunately for pretty much everyone the orange county otters pulled off a win.

Not it's time to do a little review of the ultimus. It was the philadelphia liberty at the orange county otters. No one really thought that philadelphia could go in and win the ultimus but they proved us wrong. It was a close game the entire time. With seconds left on the clock it was fourth and goal on the one yard line. Liberty is down by six points. So they absolutely had to get a touchdowns. They drop back to pass it and it is incomplete. They turn it over on downs and orange county just runs the clock out to win the ultimus. What a great game.


(S6) - Ultimus Week - Leafer - 03-22-2018

Robbed: Write about why a team that failed to make the playoffs should have over somebody else.

We all know for a fact that the Baltimore Hawks should have made the playoffs. This was their season because they got a better legit team and had their chances of getting that ultimus. I mean they are super legit and if they did make it, they would have better chance than other teams because they beat the Otters twice. Instead, the Yellowknife Wraith had to fuck it up and beat up the Hawks at the end of the season. Its rigged. The refs were paid. If it were not for the tie, they would be busted. I think. The hawks have a fantastic offensive team with Blocksdale as their super QB, Willie, Leclair, Wachter, and Taylor. Only the Liberty and Otters have more points scored than the Hawks. Plus defense win championship? How about that elite LB duo of Goodson and Roenick as they dominated and exceeded their expectation. LB was the team's issue but now it is their strength. They did lose some obvious games which really hurt them such as games against the outlaws. The hawks ended their season losing 2 in a row which is painful. But then there is a say, there is always next year.

Playoff Series MVP: Choose an MVP for one of the playoff series and write about why you chose them.

Who would not wanna enjoy that fantastic game between the Otters and Sabercats. It was so close and so tight. It was an offensive game but also very close like I mentioned. Questions are like if San Jose were the home team, they would have won the game and advance passed the Otters finally. It is very tough to see who the MVP of this game is because really everyone is for all their effort they have done in this game. My MVP choice is actually from the losing team and that is the man that has been the reason the sabercats are in it. QB star Chris Orosz. Orosz actually played better than Mike Boss and Boss played bad this game. He was 22/45 passing and that is really good. 309 yards passed and 3 touchdown passes. 93.7 rating which is way good and no interceptions which is the big part of the game. The Sabercats defense were not the strength this game but Orosz made this a close game and maybe could have won the game. But the fairytale is over and it ends with the Otters. It was pretty comeback game these two are still a rival.

Championship Game Recap: Do a recap of the best play from the championship game.

Who does not love the Ultimus Game? Everyone does. Million and millions of people watching around the world the biggest game of the year. We kick off the battle for the Ultimus between the Liberty and the reigning defending champions, the Otters. Otters start the game down 3-0 but guess what, the duo is back. Mike Boss passes the ball to Westfield to complete the pass and a touchdown to have a 7-3 lead. Liberty ain't giving up. Oles searching for someone in the 2nd quarter and he finds Paul DiMirio to have his team have a lead. Otters got back the lead with 13 straight points scored. Pretty big moment. Liberty down in the 4th down with more than 100 yards and they decide to kick! But its impossible. But Josh Garden made it success! That was a huge field goal making his team down by 7. With under 2 minutes to go, the liberty must do something. They are in the red zone and they need a touchdown. But its 4th goal. They go in for it and guess what, it was unsuccessful! Oles to Garden did not work out right and that was the moment when the Otters three-peat actually happened.

Going to Disneyland!:Who was the Ultimus MVP? Give us a rundown of their celebratory trip to Disneyland.

We all know Mike Boss played a great season and postseason once again and obviously an MVP candidate for both. But can we give the MVP to someone else who did not get a chance because really, they did not get a chance. Boss might be tired of winning so much of the MVPs which makes him a legend. But my MVP choice for the this postseason is from the Otters of course, the wide receiver who is the best player, Westfield. He played 2 great games against the sabercats and liberty. 107 yards and 7 reception in the first game. And the 2nd game, 130 yards and 7 reception. It is pretty questionable decision but fuck it, whatever I say goes because I am always right. He also got a touchdown passes which is pretty unbelievable to do. He was the best player last season, he should be in this postseason. You wanna talk about disneyland, well there it is. He can enjoy the rest of the offseason chilling out with his family and heading to disneyland and having the fun. Like I said, it is pretty close and not that easy like last season but Westfield is my MVP.

(S6) - Ultimus Week - CDub2 - 03-22-2018

1) Robbed: Write about why a team that failed to make the playoffs should have over somebody else. Can be completed at any point

Well I hate to say it, but the Baltimore Hawks we once again robbed of their playoff dreams. It seems to be a current trend. I'm not complaining, as the Wraiths were on the receiving end of the Hawks regular season misfortunes, but I still feel bad for that great franchise. They played great all year but just couldn't close it out down the stretch. It came down to a win and in game against the Wraiths and they couldn't pull it out at home. That's the kind of sim luck that just has never been on the Hawks' side. That being said, the Wraiths tied the frickin Second Line so it shouldn't have been as big of an issue as it was in the first place. Either way, a well respected organization got screwed out of a playoff spot and I feel bad. They have great players at every position. A dominant QB, a game changing RB, great WRs, a fantastic LB core. A solid secondary. There's no real weakness to this squad aside from a poor relation with the sim gods. slm needs to start praying and sacrificing some goats to get on the good side of the sim gods.

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2) Playoff Series MVP: Choose an MVP for one of the playoff series and write about why you chose them. Must be completed after the playoff series you write about

Well, I'll write about the Wraiths Liberty match up for the NSFC crown. First off, the Liberty had home field, so we knew we were in trouble. But we have the most dynamic RB/slot WR in the league and one of the highest TPE QBs, so I felt we had a good chance. And we did. We played with them the entire game. Unfortunately, the game MVP stepped in and changed the game at half time. As the Wraiths were driving down the field, in position to make the game closer, MVP Clifford Rove had a huge pick 6 on Akselsen. All of a sudden, 59 yards later, the Liberty were now up 24-0. Pretty huge lead instead of a possible 17-7 Wraiths score. Aside from the pick 6, Rove had a huge day, amassing 5 tackles and 4 pass deflections. For the former starting QB, to make that big of an impact in the first season after a position switch is huge. I'm happy that the Liberty, who made huge off season changes, were able to succeed after taking such a huge risk in team building. I'm a little bitter they beat my team, but there's always next year to dethrone the new NSFC champs.

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3)Root for the Underdog: Pick an away team in an upcoming game and try to convince yourself (and us) why they can win. (Must be completed before the playoff series you write about)

You know. I have to root for the Liberty in this one. Two main reasons. If they win, it makes the Wraiths look better. We would lose to the eventual champs, so our tie to the Second Line might seem less of a shit show. It pains me to root for our division rival, but I know it's the right thing to do. Also, I'm just waiting for an away team to win the Ultimus. It'll happen eventually. This could be the season. The Wraiths couldn't do it the previous two years, so maybe the Liberty have the magic touch. Secondly, I'm growing tired of the Otters. I'm glad they took over for the Outlaws. I'm not saying they don't have their flaws in terms of league fairness, but man, at least there's not scandal after scandal with these guys. They've played the system to their advantage and they're reaping the rewards. That being said, it doesn't make the league any less boring now that there's a new head honcho group on top. A three peat by the Outlaws followed by a three peat by the Otters would just kind of suck. No to mention that no team will ever be in cap trouble in this league, I don't see the Otters ever losing again. That is, until the Liberty come in to Orange County and take it to these dinks.

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4) Unsung Hero:Who was the unsung hero of the playoffs, convince us. (Can be completed after the Ultimus game)

I know it seems stupid to write about again, But I believe Clifford Rove is the unsung hero of the playoffs. Now there's two things wrong with this. One, he played for the losing team. Usually heroes play for winners. Well, I think the only reason the Liberty made it to the Ultimus and kept it close was because of the defence contributions from their secondary. Second reason why picking Rove is wrong is because the Otters had a ton of heroes. They had over 500 yards in the Ultimus game. Tons of heroes on offense. But I'm going to stick with Rove. First off, as mentioned above, this is his first year playing defence. Having the humility to give up the starting QB job and switch to a less popular position is tough to do. But Rove did it and he thrived. In two playoff games, he has 11 tackles, 6 pass deflections, 2 interceptions, and a touchdown. That is a ridiculous stat line for either a winner or a loser. It's a pity they lost, because if they had won, Rove probably would have went down as one of the greatest playoff performances since the start of the league. Instead, he'll have to settle for being my unsung hero.

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