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(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - PigSnout - 04-18-2018

When he was younger, Boss Tweed also spent a lot of time playing basketball. The speed and athleticism that helped him succeed as a running back made him a shifty player on the basketball court who was hard to guard. He excelled as a scorer as he would blow past his receiver and finish at the rim for easy points. However, he never really pursued it at a higher level due to his height. At 6'2", he was able to dominate at the high school level, but it would be harder for him to succeed with the same play style at the college level. He focused his play on scoring from the inside and finishing at the rim, which would be harder to do against taller competition in college. He never developed a strong enough outside shot to force defenders to cover him on the perimeter. He didn't have the passing skills to play as a point guard so he would have to focus his game more as a scorer and while his athleticism made him an intriguing prospect, scouts doubted his game would translate to the next level. He received better offers as a football player than as a basketball player, so he ultimately decided to focus solely on football once he got to college and ended up pursuing his career in the NSFL, though he does still play basketball for fun sometimes.

Quote:234 Words

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - AdamS - 04-19-2018

Charlie Law was an absolute monster on the curling ice. He did the sweep thing. He did the one kneed sliding forward push thing, steady holding his hand in the same position for like 15 seconds after he let go of the...whatever it's called as if his hands were affecting it's aura or something. He did the thing where they scream at the mutant puck thing to let it know who's boss and cower it into submission. He wrote letters to that Canadian curling MILF form the 2010 Olympics to improve his form and abilities. He was really good, though. Plus, the team loved having him around so that no one would make fun of them for curling. You can still some some of the balance and attention to detail that served him well there on the football field. Do the New Orleans Second Line thank their lucky stars that he once engaged in such sport? Probably not. They're a football team. They mostly don't give a shit about curling. But deep in his heart, Law still loves his days as a curler and thinks that he'll get back into it full time when his football career ends. He's had several curling pitches for kids built..or painted on ice, I guess. He wants them to learn the game. He's romantic as fuck that way. And he still gets out there and sweep/stalks the old knobbly paper weight around whenever he gets the chance.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - TheMemeMaestro - 04-19-2018

Antonio Sandoval has been blessed with a very large frame and incredible athletic ability. He seems built for football, to be a defensive or offensive lineman as he has been throughout his career, but football was not his first true love. Instead, Antonio was originally a star basketball player in his youth before finding the sport of football. In high school he became a two-sport athlete and the rest is history, but for a bit, scouts were talking about how this big kid out of San Diego could re-revolutionize the center position, bringing back a post style of game that no one had ever seen before. Instead he decided to follow his true passion of football, and that has led him to the NSFL and the Colorado Yeti. But in an alternate timeline, Sandoval might be destroying the NBA, and everyone would know his name in the same way they know all time greats like Hakeem Olajuwon or Shaquille O'Neal. Amazing players who used their size, strength, and footwork to absolutely work around other opponents and get the ball in the basket, get rebounds, and get blocks. That sure would be a sight to see, but unfortunately for basketball fans, its not what we get.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - White Cornerback - 04-19-2018

Written: Must include 200 words. Was your original goal to be a football star? Well some people have other goals, and they don't always pan out the same way, some wanted to play in other sports. Write about what sport your player would be playing if you weren't in the NSFL

As all of you obviously already know is that Lavelle originally was accepted to the University of Arizona to play for their soccer team, not their american football team. Lavelle excelled either wide out on the right/left for taking players on but also possessing stout defensive abilities. Comfortable playing as a left right back , left mid or right midfielder, Lavelle could also play the hybrid position of wingback particularly in a 3-2-3-2 formation. Excelling in going forward down either flanks, Lavelle was feared by the opposition. On the very same pitches he laid waste to the opposing left and right backs, was the same one he was spotted on by Head coach of the Wildcats at that time, Rich Rodriguez. While Lavelle was not harassed or molested by this sick fuck, he did get his first start under Rodriguez's highly successful spread options. While others were harassed by this system off of the field, Lavelle thrived under it, doubling up as both a wide out and a corner back before finally opting to play the last 4 games of the season strictly as a cornerback before playing in the NSFL during his waiver season way back in S1. That's the story of Lavelle's collegiate career and possibly could've been his professional career had NSFL not panned out.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Toasty - 04-19-2018

If Mason Brown was not destroying offense on the field, I believe know that he would be destoring shuttle-cocks on the court. Yep, that is right Mason Brown was a world class Badminton player. In high school they always had a Badminton section where they would play Badminton. Well Mason Brown LOVED the game so much that he started a Badminton league in Rural Minnesota. It was not a big hit at all he got three people to join so that put his hopes of becoming a world class Badminton player.Mason Brown still plays the game alot. He gots a court in the backyard where him and his wife play all the time. Badminton is a little more popular in Portland than in rural Minnesota so Mason can play destory all of the Badminton players in Portland. Mason Brown has beaten the all of the national badmiton players in Portland and is really running out of people to play. He does not know how popular it is in Orange County California, but he hops that it is pretty popular so he can have an endless stream and fans and players to play Badminton with. Mason Brown probably has a carrer in Badminton if/when he retires from the NSFL, but right now his main focus is to help lead the Pythons to glory. POR OCO

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - PaytonM34 - 04-19-2018

There are two sports that Brian Mills would be playing if he had not gotten into the NSFL. The first of the two sports would be competitive Rocket League. From the first time he played rocket league online and someone spammed "What a Save!" "What a Save!" "What a Save!" when he missed an easy save, he fell in love with the game and most of all, fell in love with the community. Brian Mills spends his off-time playing Rocket League with random scrubs who are obviously so much worse at the game than he is. Whenever he puts the ball in even the general proximity of the other teams net, he will spam "Nice Shot!" "Nice Shot!" "Nice Shot!" to the teammate to let him know that he could've taken that easy wide open shot and scored. Sometimes, he even likes to take the game into his own hands, and dribbles the ball all the way down the ... pitch? field? whatever, and after he scored, spams "Great Pass!" to his teammates to let him know that they had no contribution in that goal whatsoever. And finally, whenever his teammate makes even the most common mistake, he will type in chat "new tm8 pls" or "tm8 trash" to assert his dominance over the other online strangers.

The other sport he would play is flonkerton because thats the greatest sport to ever have existed ever of all time in all of history
235 words

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - ExemplaryChad - 04-19-2018

I actually didn’t grow up playing football. It’s not because I was in Japan; I actually spent most of my childhood here in the states. It’s actually because my dad was a decent athlete, and his sport of choice was not football. It was volleyball. He played on a semi-pro level at his best, and I grew up watching him and his friends. They would even let me help them warm up sometimes. I would bump the ball around the circle with them, but I would have to stop when they got to hitting drills. Occasionally, I would be in the wrong place during those, and I would get pelted in the face. Still, that didn’t turn me away from the sport.

During the offseason, I still use volleyball to help keep me limber and active. I’ll never be good enough at the sport to get to the level my father did. I’m too small to be a hitter, and I’m not skilled enough to be a setter. Still, I enjoy it, and any time I can get a group of friends together to go play, I take the opportunity. If I were going to play a sport other than football, volleyball would definitely be it.

Haruki Ishigawa

Word count: 206

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - 124715 - 04-19-2018

Like every TE nowadays, Paul DiMirio played basketball. He didn't ever really love the sport though, despite having played it, with moderate success, since the age of 4. When he was 7 years old, he experimented with flag football. He immediately tore up the field, scoring 26 TDs over the 8-game season. It was around that time that Paul got into football. He gravitated towards the RB position, since he was so athletic. However, his receiving, route-running, and blocking prowess was noted by the coaches as he aged, who suggested he switch to TE.

Meanwhile he was still playing basketball. Whenever Paul stepped on the court, he was the best player. But he still couldn't get into the sport. He trained more and more for football as time went on, and made varsity in his freshman year at high school. However, he was no longer the best player on the field. This merely encouraged Paul to train harder. Get faster. Stronger. He still played basketball, but he was just going through the motions. He eventually was recruited to Wisconsin for football, but the school also made an offer for him to walk on to the basketball team, which he respectfully declined. Paul's basketball career was over.

But if he had chosen to go to basketball at Wisconsin, he may have been a great basketball player. Who knows?


(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Jiggly_333 - 04-19-2018

[Image: Atwell.jpg]

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - majesiu - 04-19-2018

I had in mind two positions in other sport I love - baseball - Right Field become closest to my heart in the relatively short span of the year in which I started to follow this sport. One is my current in the corner field, second being third base, thanks to favorite current player Josh "Bringer of Rain" Donaldson. Vladimirs Guerreroes connection would be neat too with the new player name being Paulo Di Stephano Jr. Although I'm not sure if at the time of creation young Blue Jays prospect is not going to be moved to 1st base. If that would be the case then I think I may end up there too. As for archetypes, I'd stay with almost the same one with only changing strong arm from outfield to infield, while remaining power hitter. Who knows also when this recreation might happen, if some opportunity would arise, I'd definitely consider retiring to chase it. Another position that I'm fond of is starting pitcher that is best described as balanced one using an arsenal of Fastball, Changeup and Slider, that being my first created baseball player ever. All of this, of course, is just fluid and because I plan to start my carer in the Road to the Show soon for the first time - I might get inspired by it and change everything!