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(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Printable Version

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(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Titan127 - 08-05-2018

When I was a kid, my mom would make lasagna for us all the time. Well, to be frank, I say 'for us,' but everyone in our family hated the stuff, and I don't even really think she loved it, so why she made it is a complete mystery to me.

Well, anyways, one day, while the dreaded meal was in the oven, my mother walked outside to check on something or another, and we decided that the lasagna was going to 'disappear.' We had a hill near the back of our house, and with our mom in the front yard, my sister and I took the lasagna out of the oven with baking mits and rushed out to the top of the hill, where he threw the lasagna out down the hill.

Where does the danger come in, you might ask? Well, that happened when we came inside to our mother, who was glaring at us with rage in her eyes. The two of us quickly mumbled out our apologies, thinking that we were going to see the belt when our dad got home, which was coming any minute.

To our surprise, though, he came home with a couple boxes of pizza, and our mother laughed, explaining that she'd merely wanted to scare us with the lasagna, and that she didn't plan on cooking it anymore.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - timeconsumer - 08-05-2018

Angus Winchester is no stranger to close calls, he has a lot of very dangerous hobbies that he participates in during the offseason like bear wrestling in Siberia. However one moment that always sticks in his mind was the time he was caught off-guard back on his ranch. Angus was walking around his 800 acre property with a couple of his dogs and enjoying a nice day. He was pretty deep into the redwoods at this point and well away from the grazing pastures for his sheep. Suddenly both of Angus' dogs take off barking at something up ahead. He didn't think much off it, thinking maybe they were smelling a deer. But then he heard the characteristic growl of a mountain lion and knew that there was trouble.

Angus ran up ahead to see both his dogs had the cat cornered, but knew that they stood no chance against it if it pounced. So he ran right towards and pulled his bowie knife (because he stupidly didn't have a gun on him that morning) and stood in front of it. Such a large and imposing figure along with loud barking dogs should be enough to scare off a cat but this one wasn't having it, it leaped at Angus. But he was ready for this to happen and with lightning fast reflexes pulled his knife up and split the cat from neck to groin. Safe for a few scratches from the claws when the cat landed on him Angus and his dogs were unharmed from the encounter, but he now carries a firearm with him at all times on the ranch.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - enigmatic - 08-05-2018

After one of their many victories, the Tijuana Luchadores players went out in downtown Tijuana to drink to their greatness. Because they are basically a bunch of kids with very huge paychecks, they got extremely drunk extremely fast.

None of them remembered the night before when they woke up in the Tijuanan desert, a few kilometers from the bar where they started their night. Newcomer Kwame Abayomi Mbanefo found footage of team captain Xavier Flash wrestling, and finally knifing to death, a wild coyote, on his phone. He then howled at the moon to scare the other coyotes off. The video concluded when Mbanefo fell asleep on his feet and fell to the ground. It wasn't long before the team found the poor beast's body and buried it in a respectful manner.

Multiple players also found many selfies of themselves with known drug lords. "It could have be worse", they all thought. At least, they didn't get any face tattoos that night.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - AW13 - 08-05-2018

There have not been many close calls in the life of Joliet L. Christ. The closest call was back when he was just 7 years old, him and his uncle Abraham Christ were on the farm when Joliet fell off the tractor while they were working the farm. The tractor was moving at the time and if he fell closer to the machine, he could have been crushed by the big wheels of the tractor. Luckily, he fell further away from the tractor and only suffered a sprained left knee. Other than that he has not had any close calls. No car accidents, no other big falls, he has been lucky to stay pretty much injury free his whole life and whole playing career. Hopefully this will hold true in the NSFL!

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - bovovovo - 08-05-2018

There was this one time when I was a young little lad when we had show and tell for class and I almost forgot but I didn't so I brought in a sweet potato could you imagine if I had completely forgotten I wouldn't have had anything and we all know how mean those young kids can be if you make a mistake such as not bringing anything in for show and tell they would rip you to shreds to shreds you say yes to shreds but luckily I remembered just in time and this was a close call since I brought in a sweet potato I actually did have something for show and tell and nobody made fun of me like they did when I forgot to wear pants that one day man that was a bad day but this one was a close call becasue I actually did remember to bring in a sweet potato.

(157 words)

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - White Cornerback - 08-05-2018

Written: Must Include 150 Words. Write about a time where you were almost in a bad situation. Whether it's close to being in a car accident, falling down stairs, or anything that could cause harm.

Prior to the beginning of Lavelle's career in the NSFL, just weeks before he was due to declare for the Inaugural S1 NSFL Draft, Lavelle suffered a fractured clavicle (collarbone for those unaware of medical vernacular) which left his aims and dreams hanging in the balance.

On top of this Lavelle was amidst reports regarding an apparent failed drugs test from his time at NCAA giants, the Louisville Cardinals. Many had speculated if this would be a detriment to Lavelle's future NSFL or NFL career and have pointed fingers in the direction of the apparent "collarbone" injury as a way for Lavelle to avoid questioning and allow the heat to die down and instead joining the S2 NSFL Draft where he would later be picked 1st overall.

Lavelle has declined to comment on anything related to before his time with the Yellowknife Wraiths in S1, insisting that despite the lack of knowledge from medical sources outside of Lavelle's camp confirming the injury, he did in fact suffer it and all drug related issues were fabricated and in the past.

But the skeptic in me....

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Official DT - 08-05-2018

Let's see, I had a close encounter with retirement. Due to the dictatorship that is known around here, I was damn near forced to retire. Missing out on practice hours hurts more than you can imagine, but the fact you can't make any up? Come on now, that's just really petty. It sure would be nice to have been able to pay some sort of fee to be able to make up a week but it seems like that isn't an option and people are just meant to suffer. Things sure need to change around the league for the better because it seems like things are very limited. You need to adapt and evolve if you want to continue thriving. Make changes, listen to your community and do something that could benefit the league as a whole. Quite frankly I am still peeved as I had not missed practice hours so far for weekly training, but now I will have to miss out and it's very crucial training.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Tomen - 08-05-2018

Alex had a funny accident when he was just a teenager. As usual in Germany in the summer time he played soccer with his friends. Alex was in the goal as a goalie defending all kind of shots but then something unusal happened. One of his friends shot a rather hard shot but that shot didn't result in a goal because it deflected from the cross bar directly onto Alex's stretched out fingers. Immediately a huge amount of pain overwhelmed Alex's dominant left hand. A huge throbbing pain shot up his arm from his fingers. He was escorted home by his friends. A visit to the ER and after an hour the result was there: Broken pinky. He wasn't allowed to participate in summer training for his football team and was forced to watch from the sidelines. The team went on to lose quite a big amount of games until everything turned around when Alex finally returned to the field as the defensive anchor that was badly needed.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Molarpistols - 08-05-2018

Gus T.T. Showbiz is no stranger to close calls. Gus runs a psychic detective business with his best friend, Shawn Spencer, and many of the hijinks they get into are dangerous. Tracking down murderous criminals as a side-gig is an effective way to put yourself in danger.

A few moments come instantly to mind. After Gus and Shawn helped in capturing notorious Santa Barbara serial killer Yang, Yang's mentor took matters into his own hands and started hunting Gus and Shawn. Yin, the mentor, nearly succeeded, as his next murderous recruit was able to trick Shawn and Gus into a meeting with Yin, while Gus and Shawn were restrained. Luckily for the pair, the police department arrived in time to save them.

In another close call, Gus went to the bank to deposit Psych's contractor check for their previous case and ended up a hostage in a bank robbing! With the help of Shawn and the police, Gus was able to determine the robber was being blackmailed into the robbery, and everybody was able to leave with their lives.

Close calls? Gus lives through them nearly every day!

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Bzerkap - 08-05-2018

Bad situations? Bad situations!?!? Bro, bro, bro, bro let me just tell you about these bad situations. I mean I could tell you about the time I was with five girls and started seeing some creepy crawlies around there. Maybe the time I drank too much and just stumbled into the local non-denominational church. Nah, I guess I’ll tell you the story of the infestation.

So one time I was at my dad’s house and he had a big ol wasps nest in his backyard shed. I told him I’d take care of it. He offered me protection and spray and stuff, fuck that I ain’t no pussy. I marched back there and just tore that shit open with my bear hands and crushed it under my feet. These fuckers were biting but yea big whoop. I got em all. I mean I was having so much fun just smashing these fucks. I blacked out I was having so much fun. Woke up in the hospital, doctors and nurses telling me I was close to death, they had to bring me back twice. Nah, just too much adrenaline bro.