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(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - Printable Version

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(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - Bubba Twatford - 02-06-2020

Well since I’m only playing at the collegiate level at the moment, I can definitely fantasize what my win would reward me with. I think the first step in celebrating would hopefully entail my team and I going out for all you can eat steak. I want that premium triple A grade steak that melts when sliced. Give me some of that wagyu beef steak that melts in your mouth like butter. No sauce, no veggies, just meat.

Secondly, I’d imagine celebrating with my fans would be the next thing I do. Turn on that Instagram live feed and just be thankful for all the fans and those who buy my jersey. Probably do a give away with a jersey or some nice UNIQLO socks because obviously that’s who I’d want to sponsor me.

Lastly, once all the cameras fade I’d like a lot of quiet, peaceful time with my family. I imagine they’d be pretty damn excited if I came home as an Ultimus champion, but that would fade away after the first day and just chilling out with the fam would be splendid. Home cooked meals, beating everyone at video games, and non stop eating with a few drinks on the side. Blessed.

(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - Acsolap - 02-06-2020

shl affiliation

(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - scorycory - 02-06-2020

A post championship tradition that has been upheld both in the DSFL and the NSFL is to travel to the cities of all of the other teams in the league and hold parades there. These parades usually consist of elaborate interpretations of what your team did to their team. For example we traveled to Chicago and dressed like butchers. We then proceeded to butcher mannequins dressed up as Chicago players. My personal favorites would be going to Yellowknife and Norfolk. Yellowknife is great because we dress like Wraiths players and then pretend that we are choking the whole time. We fake giving each other the Heimlich in a weird sort of congo line. The people there hate it, they throw rotten fruit and trash at us. This is why we invested in plexiglass walls surrounding our float so that none of us get hurt. Out of fears for our safety we are even working on making our float bulletproof. In Nofolk we dress up like two factions of robots. One is in Nofolk colors and one is in Kansas City colors. The Kansas City bots are pristine and beautiful while the Nofolk ones are beat up and rusty. A lot of the Nofolk ones are missing limbs, the ones using crutches are my personal favorite. As the parade goes on we have fights between the two groups Rock em Sock em Robots style. KCC always wins.

(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - Mooty99 - 02-06-2020

I don't have any Ultimus traditions currently largely to do with never having been to won let alone winning the bloody thing, but you never know we have a chance this year. But with this in mind it is hard to talk about any tradition I have about the Ultimus other than watching it on tv and wishing I was there. So I guess I will have to guess about what Ultimus Champions do. The first would have to be a massive water borne float parade through (or adjacent to) the winning city, this works well in most places (as most cities have rivers running through them or are on coast) this parade is followed by the whole team jumping into the water at the end (it has been speculated that this tradition is why the Yellowknife players are so keen never to win an Ultimus again, after their runningback lost 2 toes to frost bite after they last won. The other tradition that I have heard of is the traditional all team game of werewolf after the championship win. After a team has pulled together all season there is no better way to destroy this harmony than to have every call each other a liar in this seminal tradition.

WC 210

(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - Nokazoa - 02-06-2020

[Image: pt3.png]
He goes to Dollywood then Splash Country

(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - JKortesi81 - 02-06-2020


(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - terriblehippo - 02-06-2020

253 words

In a city known for its parades and celebrations, the Ultimus victory parade is easily New Orleans' most extravagant. Most championship parades last an hour, maybe two. But not the Second Line's. The Second Line championship parade in Season 11 officially lasted six hours, but there were rumors that some people continued the celebration for at least twenty-four hours (whether certain team members were a part of this group is still up for debate). This grand celebration is probably due in part to the fact that the Ultimus was played in New Orleans, so the home crowd got to watch their team win the championship live. Nevertheless, expect the next Second Line championship parade to be a party to rival Mardi Gras.

Quenton Bode has a personal tradition as well. The last championship he won was in high school; after the game, the entire team went out for a celebratory dinner at Anchorage's finest eating establishment. Bode has always appreciated a well-cooked meal, and he already has a location picked out for when his team wins the Ultimus. When they do, he plans on treating the entire team to the finest dinner in New Orleans. Of course, he'll have a more private celebration with his family and close friends the following day. But Bode cares for every one of his teammates, and he wants to make sure that after they win it all, he shows them just how much he enjoys having them in the locker room.

(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - Ry_ - 02-06-2020


(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - Boomcheck - 02-06-2020


(S20) - PT3 - Celebrations - toivo - 02-06-2020