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(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Printable Version

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RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Opera_Phantom - 08-17-2021

With this being my second stint with a player in the ISFL, i have to say that success is now to win rings and awards. While i do like the social part of this, being a locker room presence, keeping the team hyped up despite some bad results, i guess there is nothing better than to reach the end of a certain season and win the championship.
I have had my fair share of disappointments with Cue Sr., with only a couple of playoff games while being one of the top players of the league TPE wise, so i am now ready to face some success and maybe win an ISFL playoff game, 2 years after i got here!
But, to be fair and honest, the best part of this is still sharing wins and defeats with your team. I know that eventually i will get a ring, i will probably win a couple awards with Cue Jr. also, but like they say in real life, if you do not have anyone to share your success with, what good does it make? You need to be able to celebrate game wins in discord, and my objective is to see us all on the front page banner of the forum.

(209 words)

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - CptGoosar - 08-17-2021

Well, lets start this by defining what is meant by “success.” Success can be defined as the accomplishment of your aims or goals. So, to define what success feels like in the ISFL, we need to discuss the aim / goals of the I aim for. As a new player to the ISFL, (S30 Rookie) I didn’t really have any goal or aims in mind, as I joined on the whim. Though that quickly changed as I discovered how wonderful every member of the ISFL has been. I’d also like to help new players stay in the ISFL by being a useful member of an organisation HO. So, for me personally success in the ISFL is carrying on the locker room feeling that I’ve got so far. Now for my player’s goal. In the short term the simply goal is to secure an Ultimini win the Portland Pythons, in addition to winning an award. More of an long term goal for my player is to reach 1000 TPE. Ultimately and I think I speak for most people here, a true legacy goal is to win the Ultimus as many times as possible and make the Hall of Fame. Though those are more of pipe dreams, rather than reality. Though only time will tell if those pipe dreams get realised or not.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - StadiumGambler - 08-17-2021

The meaning of success in any league is getting that ring in the end. There probably are people within the confines of a sim league who can end up in the Hall of Fame for something like helping build the league in some way, or being a classy user with a reasonably productive player, or something like that. But the ring is what defines us, the ring is what drives us, and the Ultimus is the end goal of every football player with hands and a dream.

For Saleem Spence, it would be very disappointing to end his career without a ring. Spence has always prioritized team success above individual, even while being the star of his high school and college teams. Him winning there meant more than any individual awards, and while some think Spence has long term potential to be a number 1 receiver in the league, and a presence on top of the reception leaderboard, season-by-season records are fleeting. Winning an Ultimus would justify Spence's presence amongst the all-time greats much more than any individual performances.

Of course, it helps your career be considered a success if you have a good reputation on a personal level as well, so Spence has worked hard to be the professional people know he is.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Reno - 08-17-2021

PBE PT Affiliate

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - mcgriddleluver - 08-17-2021

Success in a simulation like this changes from person to person. For some unless their career ends with multiple championships and individual awards they consider it a failure, others are perfectly fine hanging up the cleats knowing that even though they didn't win any hardware they did their best and were a role in the teams culture. As for myself with what I would consider two failed players my previous player Mac Griddle is my standard for success now. 

Griddle had a decently successful career in the DSFL being nominated for performance of the year while he was in Kansas City but wasn't able to win anything at that level. After being drafted by San Jose he found himself exposed in the expansion draft and wondered what the future held for himself. I figured with Griddle going to an expansion team that as long as I stay active with it and was a decent locker room presence that I would be satisfied with my career. I was not expecting however to constantly be in playoff and Ultimus contention nearly every season I was in New York. After a career year and finishing second in the voting for defensive breakout player of the year I thought I had hit my peak with Mac but last season I finally won my first Ultimus and I'm glad Mac was the one to do it. So now with Arnie Rufus my new player, I have a higher standard for what I can and should accomplish with him.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - BOOM™ - 08-17-2021

PBE Affiliate PT

Username : UZI

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Dallypole - 08-17-2021

Ah, sí, el significado del éxito, una pregunta profunda que veo. Personalmente, creo que el éxito puede ser una variedad de cosas. Lo primero y más importante para tener éxito en esta liga es estar contento con tu equipo. si no te gusta tu vestuario y el equipo para el que juegas, ¿qué sentido tiene? Puedes tener todas las victorias del mundo y seguir siendo infeliz si odias a tu equipo. Lo siguiente es, por supuesto, ganar. No sólo en las columnas de victorias y derrotas, sino también en una cultura ganadora. Todos los equipos han fracasado en algún momento, pero ¿cómo se puede volver de ese fracaso? Creo que esa es la verdadera forma de medir el éxito. Los trofeos son bonitos, pero un día ya no estarás en la cima, y la forma en que respondas a eso te hará ganar o perder. Para terminar, una mezcla de las tres cosas (victorias, una buena cultura y pasarlo bien) es el verdadero camino hacia el éxito. Si tu equipo falla en alguno de estos aspectos, ¿estás ganando realmente? Diablos, incluso si tienes dos de esos tres, estás teniendo algo de éxito.  Intenta siempre divertirte mientras ganas es el mensaje que dejaré. Espero que esto se traduzca bien, mi español está oxidado ya que no es mi primer idioma.

this is spanish

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Menace0528 - 08-17-2021

So, I guess there’s a couple ways to look at this. There’s personal success, which i guess is looking at the numbers. Then again, stats get so up in the air because so much of it is sim RNG. Getting into the hall of fame is absolutely a sort of success. If you wanna use a non-RNG personal success, then you could go with reaching a certain amount of TPE, maybe even just having a player that stays along enough to hit regression in the first place could be considered success! In team terms, I’d say it depends on the team you’re drafted to. If you’re a team already in playoff contention, one ultimus might not be enough. Or maybe an ultimus plus staying competitive every other year might be for you. If you get drafted to a bad team, just getting to the playoffs, or one ultimus, might be a huge highlight for you! All that being said, one of the major pieces of success is just having fun! Connecting with your team, getting to know everyone, making friends and just getting to know the guys. Having fun is really the main part of the league, and i’d say if you had fun, that’s really success.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - AW13 - 08-17-2021


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - JayWhy75 - 08-18-2021

To define success, this can always be a tricky one. Success is easily defined in a million different ways. For me personally, I think it comes down to two different factors, both of which are in my control.

The first is enjoyment, happiness. The ability to find a place that you truly belong and be able to fit in. What makes sim leagues so popular for people is the ability to find community where you can joke and rib each other, but you find a group of people who truly care about something you do too and to be able to relate to others in that way. Humans naturally congregate and this is a way that we are able to do that and find people who truly do care for one another, even when we sometimes struggle to show that.

That enjoyment drives the next part, which is to earn TPE at a good rate. I never want to be behind in TPE, it's just not a good feeling to me. For some people, it's fine. And this isn't to say that min-max earners, or just steady earners are a bad thing. That's fine for some people. However, for me, I'm just not comfortable being that person. I'm very all or nothing on these leagues, and in this situation I'm very all at this point. I have full control of that, and so by being able to enjoy my time in this league I feel more driven to earn and by earning more the better my player should do and I will continue to feel good.

Basically, as my wife has often quoted, positivity builds on positivity. The more you build that positivity, the more you get positivity back. And so for me, helping to push in that positivity and build on that constantly is the biggest success I can have in this league.