International Simulation Football League
(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Printable Version

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RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Frostbite - 09-21-2021

There is only one right answer to this question. I spend the money before the league finds out. What are they gonna do, fine me? Football players never get fined! With four million extra dollars I could buy one set of dumbells in our economy, which would make me a much better passer than what I already am (which btw is MVP level; Carter Knight MVP campaign starts right now). WIth four mil I could also decide to perhaps save it for an offseason vacation for the team after we win the Ultimini. I could even buy a private jet or one of the nicest cars on the market. Or perhaps I could save it and plan for Carter Knight Jr, and buy a house and save for college. But realistically, I'm not going to do any of that stuff. Instead, I would just tell my banker that I have extra money in my bank account. As an elite player such as myself, I cannot be caught up in a tax evasion scheme, especially when I am already so rich myself. I found this prompt very interesting, as this almost literally did happen to me the other day lol. Kansas City's lovely banker accidentally paid me for equipment instead of me paying the bank, but unfortunately I had to tell the big bad boss Jay Cue that I had extra money. Sad!

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - MattBake12 - 09-21-2021

pt pass please!

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Thelastheraclid - 09-21-2021

Now I am not a thief but hear me out on this. An ISFL team is a multi million dollar business. They make unreal amounts of money off of the hard and dangerous work that we put into the game of football. Their cash flow does not just come from game day ticket sales and concessions but also merchandising and the sale of our likenesses. We are paid yes but are we paid fairly. I don't think so. Especially not us young guys or role players. Our careers only last for so long before we simply can no longer play the game we love. On top of this each team has a small army of accountants and safety measures to make sure that we do not make a cent more than we should. With all that in mind, if they make a mistake and drop an extra four million in my bank account you can catch me at my new beach side mansion courtesy of the Austin Copperheads. I consider it a bonus. I have done everything asked and frankly I have a lifestyle that I need to maintain. An unhappy wide receiver is not going to be good for anyone, ya dig? Now it is not like I am just going to dip once the money hits my account. I am still going to go to the stadium every day and put my best foot forward. Just now that foot will be wearing fancy ass shoes and pushing the pedal down in Bugatti.

(254 words)

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Sebster - 09-21-2021

SHL Affiliate Sebster

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Gragg9 - 09-21-2021

There have been a lot of point task prompts that ask me to theorize about hypothetical situations. Most of them are situations that would never happen. (which is fine, it’s fun and doesn’t have to be realistic). This prompt definitely falls into the category of ‘most likely will never happen’. Not because it’s unlikely that I’ll be given an extra 4 mil, but because I would almost certainly not notice an extra 4 mil. I know, I’m a horrible user. Between all my jobs salaries’ and then losing it all at the casino, my bank account is very…mobile. That being said I would probably instantly bet all 4 mil on some random line in that week's sportsbook. If history is any indication that 4 mil would then vanish, never to be seen again. Maybe a couple months later some ambitious banker or budget worker will notice a 4 mil discrepancy and launch a full-scale investigation. After many spreadsheets, history checking, and interviews I’ll finally get my first punishment thread for paying myself an extra 4 mil then blowing it all at the casino. Which really isn’t bad because that’s 4 mil spent to finally cross that off my bucket list and it’d be a fun punishment thread.

Word Count = 207

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - WALDO - 09-21-2021

Wow, Four Million extra dollars?? Man, as a rookie, I could really use this money right now. I could pay off some of that mortgage on the $20 million home I just bought in Kansas City. It truly is a nice place, has 7 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, a basement, a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath side building, and a nice 4 car garage. Yes, I know that is kind of a dumb purchase for a rookie, but I love Kansas City, so I'm gonna buy a nice house and stay here and live like luxury. Anyways, I could do that, I could also put the money into my investment account. I have an account that is strictly money for investments in stocks and stuff like that. It would definitely help out future generations if I invest the money correctly, which I should, but still it is a free four million dollars that can possibly turn into millions and millions more for future generations, I mean, my kids could never work again! But on the other hand, the team could suffer from not having this money. Like what if HO comes knocking and is saying "Hey where'd this $4 million go on your budget?" and they figure out I got said four million dollars and SPENT it all?? The hammer of punishment would come down faster than anyone has ever seen. So no, for the good of my team, my General Managers, and my own career and well being, I will not take the money, and I will give it back to the proper people, like a good person.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - legion of slugs - 09-21-2021

After seeing the extra 4 million in my bank account from the contract I recently signed, I would definitely report it to my GM. First of all, that money leaving the team unaccounted for could cost the team extra funds to sign other players, I don’t want to create havoc for my team’s leadership to deal with. Also, this would prevent any possible sanctions from the league office if they discovered the error. 4 millions is a crazy amount, and would be impossible to go unnoticed if it went missing. Not only that, but reporting it would be the honorable thing to do, as I have a great sense of loyalty to my team and I don’t want to mess with that at all. I know it doesn’t mean much on the field in terms of talent and what you need to do to win, but in another sense it means a ton. Chemistry and trusting one another on the defense is the only way that you can stop an offense from completely going through you and exploiting weaknesses. Do I need the money? Yes, I very much do. Is it worth more than my word? No, somebody’s word is worth more than anything, which is what it boils down to.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Vulfzilla - 09-21-2021

So I'll be completely honest. If I looked in my account and saw that I had an extra 4 million to spend, I'm pretty sure I would just bring it up to my GM.  As a constant peruser of various financial advice subreddits, I am fully aware of what happens when you spend money that isn't yours.  Eventually the piper has to be paid.  I feel pretty confident that if I spent the 4 million on stuff that eventually, someone would find out (lets face it.. these updaters don't miss much), and they would make me give it back anyways.  

The most annoying thing then would be, not the giving back of the money, but the undoing of all the update post work.  I have a hard enough time doing all the math on my updates when I'm adding TPE, but if i was having to go back and retroactively change it, I think I'd lose my damn mind!

Lastly, I just really wouldn't want to have the league think that I somehow was intentionally stealing the money and punish or ban my player.  At the end of the day 4m fake dollars isn't really worth losing a player over, so I'd probably just let my GM know something wasn't right.  If they told me to keep it, I'd probably just ask someone in the head office what to do...

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - wuma - 09-21-2021

SHL affiliate

Username - wumaduce

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Tomasnz - 09-21-2021

Shl affiliate